May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015 Buffalo Mountain Co-op Board Minutes
Attendance: Steve Gorelick, Bruce Kaufman, Michael Lew Smith, Chris Duff, Marina
Carleton, David Parvey, Nancy Kellog
Collective Guests: Em Delaney, Kate Arnold (as Liaison)
Start: 7:00pm
Agenda Item
Staff Check In
Board Monitoring
Visioning Survey
Adjourn: 9:00pm
Summary Discussion / Action
Em Delaney explained her role as head of Grocery. Focusing on bringing in
new organic products. Shared that Ellen took over Dairy Department.
Focusing on data management and getting prices and margins correct. Issues
identified were need for more space / feeling cramped. Created Grocery
Advisory Group, which includes several board members. Started Active
Inventory – will be more accurate after June inventory. Shared progress on
GMO project – phasing out products containing GMO.
Monitored B-Policies (which were tabled in April). Kate Arnold shared reports
with board. For B1: Financial Conditions and Activities, Kate pointed out that
net income was up in the first quarter, sales declined in the first quarter by
1.3%, the cost of goods is down, and total expenses were down. A discussion
ensued about Payroll expenses being up in the first quarter. Steve, Chris, and
Kate spoke about how the Unemployment Tax has increased due to a claim.
Kate and Deb H shared that while one claim has been made and accepted, a
different unemployment claim was successfully appealed and denied. There
was a question about how long a claim will cause an increase in
Unemployment tax – no body knew the answer to this. Another key point
made by Kate was the Equity payments are now being deposited in a separate
account as of May 22, 2015. For B2: Business Planning and Financial
Budgeting, Kate shared the report and that the collective is in compliance with
the B2 Policy. There was a discussion on how long it would take to open a line
of credit. Kate will communicate to Barry that he should look into opening a
line of credit. Nancy suggested shopping different banks for the best line of
credit with the lowest fees. For B3: Asset Protection, Kate shared that the
Collective is in compliance with the B3 Policy. A discussion ensued about the
next planned Board Monitoring – in June the board will look at policies and
make sure the wording is correct. The board will be reviewing C2, D4, and B6,
which are all administrative. Several board members asked the question of
why we review the same policies repeatedly instead of cycling through all of
them in order. Chris stated he is less interested in the administrative piece
and more interested in hearing the report out, from either the collective liaison
or the board. Michael said he will look at the administrative piece, and Chris
agreed he would too, and they will come up with ideas as to how the board
could change the board monitoring schedule.
Kate shared that the visioning survey has been integrated into the regular
annual survey that is sent out through email, and that the previous visioning
surveys were minimal but have been collected. Kate stated that at a glance, the
surveys didn’t show much support for the “get bigger” vision. The survey will
continue to go out electronically and be posted on Facebook. Chris suggested
that if we do not get a significant response we could employ some working
members to make some phone calls to membership.
Collective Structure
Conflict Resolution
Budgeting by
Package Template
Budget for
Anniversary Party
David updated the board on the status of the committee. The committee split
into three groups to explore the three structure options that resulted from the
Board Staff retreat. Each team will explore the pros and cons of their specific
structure. The three teams are:
General Manager Structure – Em Delaney and David
Team Management Structure – Bruce, Deb
Collective Plus Structure – Jon Pepe, Rachel
David shared that the plan is for each team to come up with an argument for
their position and present to the collective and board. Michael asked when the
committee will be presenting to the board, and David responded that there has
only been one meeting and they will not be ready for the June board meeting.
The next committee meeting was planned for the following week.
Michael shared the back story on this and that there was a bit of craziness
surrounding it. The board has a policy on how to handle member –staff
conflicts, and in the collective’s personnel policy there is already language on
how collective members handle conflict between collective members. Michael
stated that we need to make that language jive with the board document.
Michael shared that within the last few months, Deb H came to Michael for
assistance with a conflict between a member and a staff person, which he
responded to using the board policy on conflict resolution. Another conflict
came up soon after, between two collective members, and Michael attempted
to use the same policy for this conflict but soon realized his mistake. Michael
reiterated that the board should not be involved in resolving conflict between
two staff members, as stated in the personnel policy. Someone asked for a
copy of updated personnel policy for all board members. Kate stated she
would put it online. Chris suggested that it is best if the collective can settle
something in-house but it is okay to come the board if it can’t be settled.
Michael chimed in that he doesn’t personally want to act as mediator and
worries it could blur the lines between collective and board. Michael pointed
out we have members who serve in the role of mediator. Kate read from the
personnel policy the conflict resolution policy. Deb Hartt weighed in with her
experience and stated that the conflict resolution policy was not followed. All
board members seemed to agree on their role surrounding conflict resolution
within collective: defer to personnel policy.
A board member (Bruce?) stated that that budgeting is a work in progress and
currently tracking is encouraged in all departments. Another check-in is slated
for the June Board Meeting.
Some discussion about the template and differentiation made between the
subject of compensation package versus compensation package template. The
template, which will give consistency to compensation in the future, will be
reviewed and made final, after necessary changes, at the June meeting.
Chris reported that the committee for the party met last week. Projected date
is August 29th. The committee is looking at local vendors and music, and
intends it to be free for the attendees. The desired location is Atkins Field in
Hardwick. The plan is for the coop to provide food. Chris spoke with the town
zoning administrator and it will take about 3 months to obtain a conditional
use permit. The committee is asking the board to approve a budget of $5,000 –
6,000. Chris asked the board for their response to this request and said the
board’s response will inform how the party planning committee moves
forward. A discussion ensued about whether or not to ask for donations.
Bruce mentioned that the plan was to not ask for donations and instead fully
provide a party to the community. Someone (not sure who) mentioned the
funds would come out of General Funds. David suggested a plan a, b, and c
with different tiers of cost. Steve from the Financial Committee weighed in –
saying that there is a constant flux of funds and the coop absorbs hits
Milk With Dignity
Article for
regularly. The questions is: is this party integral enough that the coop can
absorb the hit? Steve sees it as a cost of doing business. In conclusion, Chris
asked for a $3,000 approval and by the next board meeting the party
committee will produce a details budget. The board approved this request.
Steve brought a request for the coop to endorse the Milk With Dignity pledge
from Migrant Justice. It is about migrant workers’ rights on the farms that they
work on. The question was raised about what the impact would be on the
consumer? And on the coop? Some discussion ensued and it was realized that
the ask for endorsement is not implicating how the coop does business, but is a
political pledge of solidarity. The board approved the endorsement.
Michael will do it.
Submitted by Marina Carleton