the honors program - College of Medicine

The Faculty of the College of Medicine has created an Honors Program for medical students who
desire to do original research in an area of the health sciences. The Honors Program consists of a
research project requiring the equivalent of six months’ research, preparation of a manuscript
describing the results in a style acceptable for submission to a peer reviewed journal, and a
poster presentation of the results at Student Research Day. The time required may be spent
discontinuously and may include time expended in the analysis of data and in manuscript
preparation. Students who satisfactorily complete the requirements will be designated as earning
“Honors in Research” on their College of Medicine transcripts, and their diplomas will include
the phrase “With Honors in Research”. Entrance into the program is open to students except
seniors. Students in the freshman year who have already participated in research in the College
of Medicine during the summer prior to matriculation, and who otherwise have satisfied the
academic requirements for entry may request credit for their prior research work. Qualified
students who have identified an area of special interest are encouraged to seek a faculty sponsor
to assist them in defining an area of study and completing a proposal. Acceptance of the
proposal by the Research Council admits the student to the Honors Program.
Support consists of a $3,000 stipend payable in two installments during the first summer of
participation in the Honors Research Program. No additional stipend is provided after the first
summer. A student cannot receive an Honors stipend and additional funding from a second
source for the same project.
The faculty sponsor will supply research space and supplies for the student’s research project.
Summary of Requirements for Completion:
The research project must be presented at Student Research Day, generally no later than
the spring semester of the junior year. The Research Council must approve the
completed work as fulfilling the requirements of the program;
The student must prepare a manuscript describing the results in a style acceptable for
submission to a peer reviewed journal and must submit the manuscript to the Research
Council by the end of the first semester of his/her senior year.
The Project
There are no restrictions on the type of project that may be undertaken. The only
requirement is that each project be original research. In those cases where a student
participates in an ongoing research project, he/she must assume responsibility for
carrying out the portion to which he/she is assigned. The project can be pursued during
the summer months and 12 weeks of senior elective time (first semester only), as well as
during any time released by prior exemption of the student from formal course work.
Work during the first summer will be supported by a stipend.
The Proposal
A proposal describing the project to be conducted must be written by the student with the
aid of his/her faculty sponsor and submitted to the Research Council. The proposal
should present a clearly defined topic for study that can be completed in six month’s
time. Approval is based primarily on the scientific merit of the proposal.
Activities of the Honors Program
Public presentation of the results at Student Research Day is required. Writing of the
manuscript must be completed by the end of the first semester of the senior year. This is
necessary because of the time needed to prepare the appropriate diploma after
certification to the Dean that the student has completed the requirements for graduation
with honors.
Outline of the Honors Program Project
The following guidelines should be followed in submitting a proposal. The face sheet
(see below) accompanies the proposal. The maximum length indicated for the proposal
must not be exceeded.
The proposal must be typewritten on a single page and include the advisor’s name and
signature. The proposal should be submitted to the Office of the Executive Associate
Dean for Research, Biomedical Research Center II, Room 159-2, 686-5347. Freshman
will be notified of the application deadline in January, whereas Sophomores must submit
their proposal by May 1 in their M2 year.
The following items are required in all applications
Application Form - The Application Form must be fully completed by student and
Proposal with title, brief summary of the project, specific aims and methods (one
page limit).
Before the research can begin, the student must obtain the required approvals. Approval
letters must be submitted to the Office of the Executive Associate Dean for
Research. These approvals may include:
Institutional Review Board
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Biosafety Committee
Radiation Safety Committee
Identifying a Faculty Advisor
Prior to submission of the application, students must have a faculty advisor. For students who
wish to participate in the program and are unable to identify a faculty advisor, assistance is
provided through the Office of the Executive Associate Dean for Research (telephone: 6865347)