Supplemental Materials Category Parameter Default Value Description dataset: reference (None) technology illumina read_length 100 read_count (Computed) coverage 1 paired Yes insert_size 500 mutation_rate 0.001 mutation_indel_frac 0.3 mutation_indel_avg_len error_rate_mult 1 1 enabled Yes ratio (Computed) region_size mappers (Computed) bwa,bowtie2,ngm parameters (None) pos_threshold 50 Absolute path to reference genome file (.FASTA file). Sequencing technology (illumina/ion_torrent/454). Exact/Mean (depends on read length. By default, computed from dataset.coverage, subsampling.ratio and dataset.reference. Target coverage for the subsampled reference, used to compute dataset.read_count if it was not set manually. Reads will be paired-end if set to Yes, otherwise single-end. Distance between the outer ends of two reads in a read pair. Overall rate of mutations introduced into the reference (0-1). Fraction (0-1) of mutations that are insertions or deletions. Other mutations are SNPS. Average length of insertions and deletions. Scaling factor for sequencing error rate. Base error rate depends on the sequencing technology. If set to No, no subsampling will be performed on the reference for simulation. Ranges from 50% (small genomes) to 1% (large genomes). Set to be 10 times of read_length Identifiers of mappers to be evaluated for the data set. Please conduct the Teaser manual for a list of predefined mappers and their identifiers. List where additional input parameters can be specified. Tolerance distance to simulated source position of a mapped read in order to be considered correct. sampling: evaluation: Table S1: Parameter list for Teaser. Organism Reference Assembly Sampled Percent (%) Subsampled Genome Size (Mb) Read Count (Million) Human GRCh37 Full genome 3200 21 Teaser Runtime (minutes) 617.5 Mus musculus GRCm38 Full genome 4800 32 1127.4 D. melanogaster BDGP6 Full genome 146 1 18.84 Human GRCh37 25 800 5.25 179.5 Mus musculus GRCm38 25 1200 8 329.65 D. melanogaster BDGP6 25 36.5 0.25 5.73 Human GRCh37 10 320 2.1 66.98 Mus musculus GRCm38 10 480 4 144.86 D. melanogaster BDGP6 10 14.6 0.1 2.35 Human GRCh37 5 160 1.05 32.55 Mus musculus GRCm38 5 240 1.6 68.38 D. melanogaster BDGP6 5 7.3 0.05 1.21 Human GRCh37 1 80 0.21 10.28 Mus musculus GRCm38 1 48 0.32 19.4 D. melanogaster BDGP6 1 1.46 0.01 0.4 Table S2: Data sets used to verify the subsampling process D2 12.88 8.40 10.16 12.91 18.30 25.10 27.58 32.99 53.57 42.26 42.68 53.57 57.17 52.52 66.79 86.27 10.67 6.02 6.75 11.23 16.79 23.13 30.26 42.27 91.65 91.22 91.50 91.51 91.25 91.52 91.52 91.26 91.53 91.52 91.56 91.61 91.60 91.58 91.62 91.61 91.59 91.62 91.61 91.60 91.64 91.63 91.62 91.65 91.63 91.62 91.65 91.63 91.65 91.45 25.64 16.18 9.70 9.16 16.49 9.80 9.27 17.57 10.25 9.41 23.71 11.41 10.12 24.91 11.83 10.41 26.11 13.23 10.66 30.17 13.16 11.52 31.46 13.96 11.69 32.70 14.38 11.76 12.22 8.10 90.63 85.97 85.67 72.82 86.05 85.71 72.83 86.06 85.73 72.83 88.36 86.35 73.36 88.43 86.39 73.37 88.44 86.41 73.38 88.76 86.66 73.59 88.82 86.70 73.60 88.82 86.70 73.61 91.56 91.66 36.06 17.50 10.47 8.79 17.87 10.59 8.85 18.59 10.95 9.45 26.19 13.59 10.34 27.04 14.16 10.84 28.42 14.85 10.97 33.98 16.86 12.58 34.98 17.73 12.77 36.26 17.77 12.77 29.09 10.22 88.86 53.05 54.86 38.20 53.11 54.89 38.20 53.13 54.90 38.20 56.61 55.46 38.61 56.66 55.49 38.62 56.68 55.50 38.62 57.15 55.74 38.78 57.20 55.77 38.78 57.21 55.78 38.78 89.31 92.34 46.47 15.51 9.13 6.12 15.54 9.14 6.05 16.34 9.71 6.18 25.88 11.86 6.99 26.48 12.01 7.34 27.43 12.49 7.52 34.53 14.72 8.58 35.44 15.12 9.29 36.78 15.50 9.46 35.21 28.21 -D 5 -R 1 -L 15 -D 5 -R 1 -L 20 -D 5 -R 1 -L 30 -D 5 -R 5 -L 15 -D 5 -R 5 -L 20 -D 5 -R 5 -L 30 -D 5 -R 20 -L 15 -D 5 -R 20 -L 20 -D 5 -R 20 -L 30 -D 15 -R 1 -L 15 -D 15 -R 1 -L 20 -D 15 -R 1 -L 30 -D 15 -R 5 -L 15 -D 15 -R 5 -L 20 -D 15 -R 5 -L 30 -D 15 -R 20 -L 15 -D 15 -R 20 -L 20 -D 15 -R 20 -L 30 -D 30 -R 1 -L 15 -D 30 -R 1 -L 20 -D 30 -R 1 -L 30 -D 30 -R 5 -L 15 -D 30 -R 5 -L 20 -D 30 -R 5 -L 30 -D 30 -R 20 -L 15 -D 30 -R 20 -L 20 -D 30 -R 20 -L 30 Table S3: Parameter optimization results for D. melanogaster. Runtime (sec) 84.65 76.14 76.66 84.65 88.43 77.38 82.47 90.18 Correctly mapped (%) 10.11 8.22 9.06 11.00 15.41 19.52 20.30 23.64 Runtime (sec) 91.62 91.40 91.52 91.62 91.67 91.47 91.53 91.61 --very-fast --fast --sensitive --very-sensitive --very-fast-local --fast-local --sensitive-local --very-sensitive- D3 Correctly mapped (%) bowtie2 bowtie2_00 bowtie2_01 bowtie2_02 bowtie2_03 bowtie2_04 bowtie2_05 bowtie2_06 bowtie2_07 local bowtie2_08 bowtie2_09 bowtie2_10 bowtie2_11 bowtie2_12 bowtie2_13 bowtie2_14 bowtie2_15 bowtie2_16 bowtie2_17 bowtie2_18 bowtie2_19 bowtie2_20 bowtie2_21 bowtie2_22 bowtie2_23 bowtie2_24 bowtie2_25 bowtie2_26 bowtie2_27 bowtie2_28 bowtie2_29 bowtie2_30 bowtie2_31 bowtie2_32 bowtie2_33 bowtie2_34 bwamem ngm Runtime (sec) D1 Correctly mapped (%) Mapper + parameter 9.90 8.54 8.80 10.51 18.67 16.40 21.80 27.49 38.92 14.58 10.12 7.90 23.38 14.17 8.18 54.01 29.93 13.90 19.38 11.71 8.67 27.83 16.17 10.77 61.65 33.75 15.74 24.75 13.50 10.22 34.35 18.70 10.63 69.17 37.60 17.84 19.52 8.09 76.48 75.86 75.87 76.48 76.64 95.90 97.24 99.64 99.88 75.98 76.55 75.75 75.99 76.63 76.55 75.99 76.63 76.56 76.62 76.55 75.75 76.63 76.63 76.55 76.62 76.63 76.56 76.64 76.55 75.75 76.63 76.64 76.55 76.63 76.64 76.56 99.88 99.82 Runtime (sec) 77.62 74.84 76.08 77.62 78.58 98.67 98.98 99.23 99.40 73.34 75.07 74.87 73.62 75.40 75.12 74.04 75.71 75.20 76.68 77.65 77.13 77.07 78.04 77.41 77.44 78.31 77.49 78.51 79.08 78.33 78.91 79.46 78.60 79.23 79.67 78.67 99.32 97.98 --very-fast --fast --sensitive --very-sensitive --very-fast-local --fast-local --sensitive-local --very-sensitive-local -D 5 -R 1 -L 15 -D 5 -R 1 -L 20 -D 5 -R 1 -L 30 -D 5 -R 5 -L 15 -D 5 -R 5 -L 20 -D 5 -R 5 -L 30 -D 5 -R 20 -L 15 -D 5 -R 20 -L 20 -D 5 -R 20 -L 30 -D 15 -R 1 -L 15 -D 15 -R 1 -L 20 -D 15 -R 1 -L 30 -D 15 -R 5 -L 15 -D 15 -R 5 -L 20 -D 15 -R 5 -L 30 -D 15 -R 20 -L 15 -D 15 -R 20 -L 20 -D 15 -R 20 -L 30 -D 30 -R 1 -L 15 -D 30 -R 1 -L 20 -D 30 -R 1 -L 30 -D 30 -R 5 -L 15 -D 30 -R 5 -L 20 -D 30 -R 5 -L 30 -D 30 -R 20 -L 15 -D 30 -R 20 -L 20 -D 30 -R 20 -L 30 Correctly mapped (%) bowtie2 bowtie2_00 bowtie2_01 bowtie2_02 bowtie2_03 bowtie2_04 bowtie2_05 bowtie2_06 bowtie2_07 bowtie2_08 bowtie2_09 bowtie2_10 bowtie2_11 bowtie2_12 bowtie2_13 bowtie2_14 bowtie2_15 bowtie2_16 bowtie2_17 bowtie2_18 bowtie2_19 bowtie2_20 bowtie2_21 bowtie2_22 bowtie2_23 bowtie2_24 bowtie2_25 bowtie2_26 bowtie2_27 bowtie2_28 bowtie2_29 bowtie2_30 bowtie2_31 bowtie2_32 bowtie2_33 bowtie2_34 bwamem ngm Simulated Runtime (sec) Real Correctly mapped (%) Mapper + parameter 4.40 4.02 4.15 4.18 8.29 10.08 10.92 12.55 14.61 8.01 5.05 4.93 10.81 7.10 5.03 16.32 8.60 5.09 11.36 6.06 5.47 14.15 7.02 5.00 20.32 9.18 5.43 15.18 4.28 5.34 17.23 7.06 4.82 24.55 9.27 6.06 5.34 3.37 Table S4: Parameter optimization results for Cottus rhenanus. Note S1: Description of Teaser Report Teaser generates an HTML based report that summarizes the results in the form of tables and interactive figures. This includes comparing the mapping results for different measurements (as described above) and different mapping quality thresholds. The main part of a report comprises seven sections: (1) Mapping statistics The performance of each mapper and parameter setting is shown in a bar chart in terms of percentages of correctly, wrongly and not mapped reads. The chart can be adjusted using a mapping quality threshold. Thus, the user can identify the most suitable mapping quality threshold for a specific data set characteristic (e.g. reference genome or read length). Figure S1 shows such a plot for data set D2. (2) Summary of mapping quality scores. This plot assists in identifying the most suitable mapping quality threshold. The X-axis displays the mapping quality. The Y-axis displays the wrongly mapped reads divided by the correctly mapped reads that would be excluded by using the corresponding mapping quality value as a threshold. Figure S2 shows such a plot for D2. (3) Precision and recall rates for each mapper and parameter setting. (4) Correctly mapped reads per second. This plot is useful when two mappers achieve near identical performances in terms of accuracy. (5) Runtime in minutes per mapper and parameter setting. (6) Peak memory consumption of the individual mapper and parameter settings. (7) Scatter plot displaying the number of reads mapped per second and the correctly mapped reads (%).This plot highlights the performance of each mapper in its setting in terms of runtime and accuracy. 1.1 Individual run report For each mapper and parameter setting mentioned above an individual report is generated. This report provides further insight in the results. This includes displaying the evaluation result for the particular setting in tabular form. Furthermore, it provides a plot summarizing the mapping quality with respect to the percentages of correctly and wrongly mapped reads. Figure S3 shows such plots for the different mappers based on data set D2. At the end of the report one can inspect the error log and the command line output of the mapper, as well as the exact command that was used for execution. Figure S1: Summarization report. (a) Evaluation of alignment statistics in terms of fractions of correctly, wrongly and not mapped reads for the data set D2. Plot (b) illustrates runtimes for this data set. Figure S2: Overall evaluation of mapping quality thresholds for all mappers for D2. Figure S3: Detailed evaluation of mapping quality thresholds Results are shown for the D2 data set for (a) Bowtie 2, (b) BWA-MEM and (c) NextGenMap. This highlights the differences of mapping quality computation for different mappers for the same data set.