SEF - Canterbury Cross Primary School

Canterbury Cross Primary School
School Self-Evaluation Summary Sheet
Canterbury Cross Primary School
Summary Evaluation
School context-key features from RAISE
Attainment, progress and the quality of
learning, for individuals, different groups,
particularly SEND pupils. – including EYFS.
Key skills development across curriculum
Larger than average primary school-currently judged ‘Quality of teaching is Good and some
outstanding”. Senior Leadership and Middle Leadership are now stable and effective. Majority of
pupils Pakistani, Bangladeshi or of Indian origin; some recent changes with an increase in Eastern
European and African children at the school. Area of high social deprivation. 90%+ EAL. Increasing
mobility. School has waiting lists in all year groups & parent confidence/engagement is excellent.
Continue to improve standards, especially in oracy & writing inKS1. Increase the % of Maths and
Reading L4bs from its current attainment of 74% and 87% to 80%; for SPAG we have achieved this
target. For more able pupils in English to increase the percentage of L5s in Reading and Maths to
close to 50% and improve L6s in SPAG and Reading. To continue to increase English and Maths at KS1
L3s and improve boys attainment at KS1. To close the gap between non-fsm and fsm and the
attainment of school action SEN at KS2
Improve the quality of teaching so all lessons are consistently good with at least 40% outstanding
across school. Ensure all Support Staff support learners effectively and meet their performance
management targets, use Performance Related Pay in explicit target setting and improve attainment
against ARE in all year groups. Teaching over time in all classes to ensure that pupils make
accelerated progress throughout the school in reading, writing and maths.
Develop further the quality of leadership at all levels to ensure that all leaders are effective in
analysing data. Implementing appropriate action plans & accountable in delivering impact.
Key Issue
P.I Date
Feb 2014
To raise the quality of teaching in KS1 to
consistently good by ensuring the pitch
and challenge is personalised for all
For ALL teachers across schools to
integrate activities for more able children
in ALL mainstream lessons which are
challenging and develop independence
(KS1 focus)
Areas for development identified at the
previous Ofsted inspection
Date: Nov 2014
To ensure all new subject leaders are fully
confident to take on a range of activities
to scrutinise and feedback in their
respective subjects independently and
Develop the roles of Governors so they
independently scrutinise any information
given by visiting and finding out through
discussions with a arrange of
Progress in EYFS, Years 2,6, reflected in
KS2 ,12 and 13 and 14 data % of 2 levels
progress and % of L6s in maths,
increasing % of L5s in English. Increasing
% of Eng & Maths combined overall aps
pts, over last 3 years at KS2. Increasing
APS at KS1 Re.,W;Ma.KS1 “12 increasing
% of 2Bs “13 increasing % of 2As.% of
children achieving at the phonics
assessment(2013) in Y1. Good Level Dev
at National for last 2 years. Closing gap
with SEN attainment. Progress in all Ygps,
increasing % of pupil at ARE
Explicit planning for ALL ability groups across a
range of subjects; planning support given
 Teachers are coached and supported by
Phase/Subject Leaders and personalised CPD
 Focus on skill development and personalisation of
activities across core curriculum areas then all
curriculum areas
 Peer observations and focussed scrutinies in
relation to OFSTED targets across KS1
 Assessment and progress data for all children
 Challenging KS1 targets for L3s in KS1 and L2s in Y1
 Clear focus for more able chn in lessons (planning
delivery, data and in scrutinies)
 Learning walks by subject leaders
 Joint lesson observations and SLT scrutinies ensure
accurate judgements by subject leaders
 All subject leaders now scrutinise their subjects
including lesson observations accurately
 Internal QA procedures in place
 Developing systems of effective feedback and
further monitoring of targets set
 Re-constitution of GB based around school needs
 Governors given distinct responsibilities on
committees and across subjects to evaluate and
feedback to full GB
 Governor training in relation to specific roles
 Governors to attend school and meet with
Coordinators, teachers, TAs, children and parents
and independently feedback at full governors; this
added as an additional agenda item on all FGB
Areas for Development
 Targets against ARE in all Ygps targets; expectation
of a minimum of 85% of pupils achieve (PM targets)
 Increase the % of L3s at KS1 across all subject areas
so it is line with national in 2015
 Increasing percentage of children beyond ARE,
more able percentages through school
organisation, clearer differentiation and focussed
targeted support across all subjects
 Whole school spelling strategy to improve % of L4s
L5s in Grammar and punctuation; spellings to be
taught explicitly
 OFSTED guidance on EYFS; chn who are below
make accelerated progress ie: GLD
Value added over 100 for last 3 years
100% expected progress at KS2 and
better than expected progress above
national for all subjects and sub-levels
Pupil Premium pupils continue to make
very good progress throughout school
and at KS2 assessments
Progress of SEND chn at KS1
Teacher subject knowledge and pupil
expectations, engagement, motivation,
challenge, progress, independence,
assessment and next steps, marking,
95% of teaching is now consistently good
with at least 30% consistently better –
termly lesson observations for TAS
Enjoyment, engagement in learning
strong. Performance Management for
Teachers and TAs systems strong all
targets impact driven.
Teacher modelling and demonstrating are
used to good effect, greater challenge is
provided for more able pupils in lessons
and as additional lessons. Strong
focussed AfL with precise understanding
of pupils’ needs
Reading and literacy skills
Including behaviour in lessons & around
the school, attendance & punctuality,
attitudes towards others, how well
protected from bullying, views of
By improvements in teaching, planning and
personalised targets for SEND chn
Quality of targets on IEPs, Reviews and focussed
discussions at pupil progress meetings
Areas for Development
Increase conversion rates for all pupils, especially to
4Bs across all subjects andlevel 5s for
Reading/Maths, focus on Af2,3,4 and spellings
L6 reading/SPAG focus with explicit curriculum and
Increase the SEND SA attainment at KS2 so it is in
line with national attainment
Increase the percentage of more able children so
they achieve the higher levels in line with peers
An increasing percentage of Pupils meeting agerelated expectations in foundation subjects such as
art, music , drama and ICT ( floor targets of80%)
Continue to accelerate progress for all groups
especially in English and Maths, increase the % of
outstanding teaching, evidence through annual
Explicit teaching of spelling and grammar across
school reading
Explicit grammar teaching in Y1 and Y2
Complex sentences/connectives/writing
More able reading – quote/analysis test technique
More able writing-vocabulary for effect
P.M targets explicit in SIP priorities with PM pay
Raise the same level of expectation in all
foundation subjects; use the OFSTED subject
inspection guidance as a measure.
 Subtraction (must, could, should)
 Place value (basic skills checklist)
 Maths in Context (Problem solving)
 Investigations – Big Maths
 Continue to develop bespoke curriculum to ensure
good progression & application of core skills across
ass subjects – monitor impact and adjust as
Phonics taught very well in EYFS, Y1 Y2 and targeted chn throughout school, overall it is a strength of
the school. Daily KS2 SPAG lessons; - guided reading is consistently strong in all year groups. Next focus
explicit teaching of SPAG in Y1 and Y2 in readiness for KS1 SPAG test. Furthermore to develop a reading
culture/ different authors (All chn given a free book on World Book Day)
Behaviour Judgement
Safety Judgement
Well focused teaching of EAL, SEND and
pupil premium children result in good
progress for all pupils because of
individual pupil support and targeted
group support daily
Overall Strengths *Behaviour is good and in lessons often outstanding, chn engaged and attentive in
lessons, chn show self-discipline when un supervised, they are courteous and polite. Bullying very rare –
pupils say that they feel very safe and relationships good. Pupils feel empowered – through school
council, whole school acronym SHARE embedded, SEAL programmes support this, very low exclusions
and significant improvement in attendance. Updated policy and practice in relation to the equality act
2010 and protected characteristics; school policy and practice on life in modern Britain and the national
PVE agenda. Partnership at all levels – parental engagement, community, Handsworth Consortium,
multi-agency etc.
Areas for development staff training for new CP policies; whole school PREVENT training; FGM, Update
CP training, in class behaviour monitoring/school system updates in relation to Equality act 2010.
Further develop positive and engaging behaviours and motivation for KS1 through the curriculum.
Develop chn roles for e.g: school council, prefects and play leaders.
How well leaders- demonstrate ambition
vision, high expectations improve
teaching & learning, dev. Staff, sustains
improvement. Accuracy of SSE,
appropriate curriculum, equal opps,
Parental engagement, safeguards.
. 1/2
Senior leaders have driven, ambition &
clear vision – driving improved teaching
Dedicated leadership and subject time
with accountability systems to drive
Areas for Development
Including promotion of SMSC
Partnership at all levels – parental
engagement, community, Handsworth
Consortium, multi-agency etc.
Whole school Assesment systems which
are in line with the new curriculum
Continued rigour in the use of accurate
moderated data to drive improvement in
English & ma, Sc, PE and ICT
Develop effectiveness of middle leaders in
monitoring & holding others to account, termly
subject leader plans (See ofsted progess sec 3)
Monitor and evaluate our curriculum (New 2014
Curriculum) – with specific focus on learning to
learn skills & subject leaders supporting
Implement Music, PHSE,PE and RE for January 2015
Extended Schools and Community Links Coordinator;
role development to include pre-caf and caf lead
Establish Peer observations across SLT and Subject
Leaders; ygp and phase partners
 Introduce peer observations for support staff
 Use skills of governors to further develop
effectiveness in holding to account the schools
leadership team.
The overwhelming majority of pupils understand their moral responsibilities as citizens of the local,
national & global community – Winner of the European Language Label 2013-2014, further cultural links
developed through music; Jeff Rich (Status Quo) drumming workshop Dawood Whansby Ali form
Canada. Developed inspirational role models & how our community/society formed - , mutual respect,
2014 WW1 whole school focus in Autumn term; visits to Stratfordshire museum (Updates on school
SLT track record shows clear capacity for further improvement over time – evidence in Ofsted report
Feb 2014 “senior leaders are quick to make full use of assessment data to identify patterns in pupil
achievement, putting resources in place to make sure pupils catch up quickly if they fall behind”