The themes of practical classes for obstetrics and gynecology forEnglish-medium students VI year medical faculty on XI-ХІІ Semestr № 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Topic Physiology of pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Perinatal protection of fetus. Pharmacotherapy in obstetrics. Ethics and deontology. Prophylaxis of AIDS among medical workers. Early gestoses, treatment, prevention. Hypertension in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia. Obstetric operations, indications, contraindications, preparation to operations. Multiple pregnancy. Noncarrying of pregnancy. Prolonged pregnancy. Placental insufficiency. Intrauterine growth retardation of fetus. Pathology of newborn period. Neonatal resuscitation. Obstetric bleeding. Hemorrhagic shock. Coagulopathy. Uterine birth activity anomalies. Maternal and fetal traumatic lesions. Prophylaxis, diagnostics and management. Pregnancy, labor and postnatal period complicated by extragenital diseases (endocrine diseases, blood diseases, diseases of gastrointestinal tract, heart diseases, infectious diseases, renal diseases and diseases of respiratory system). AIDS in obstetrics, management of pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Bony pelvis anomalis. Deflexion presentation, pelvis presentation, malposition of the fetus. Isoserologicol maternofetal blood Incompatibility. Clinical anatomy and physiology of the female genital organs. Neuroendocrine regulation. Abnormalities of menstrual function. Neuroendocrine syndromes. Urogenital diseases of the female genitalia. AIDS. Prevention, diagnostics, treatment Endometriosis. Diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis of endometriosis. Abnormalities of position and traumatic lesions of the female genitalia. Anomalies of development of female genitalia. Gynecologic diseases in childhood and adolescence. Benign tumors of female genitalia (diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis). Gynecologic aspects of breast diseases. Background and premalignant diseases of female genitalia. Trophoblastic disease. Gynecologic oncology (malignant tumors of the uterine cervix, uterus, ovaries, vagina and external genitalia). Treatment of the oncologic patients (chimiotherapy, radiation therapy). Diseases of breasts. Urgent state in gynecology. Surgical methods of treatment.Typical operations in gynecology. Indications, contraindications and conditions for gynecological operations. Endoscopic surgery in gynecology. Preoperative preparation and postoperative curation of gynecological patients. Infertility. Psychological aspects of infertility. Etiology and pathogenesis of infertility. Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment. Additional reproductive technologies.Structure and organization of family planning care. Modern aspects of contraception. Classification and efficacy of contraceptives. Credit. Total Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, професор, член-кор. НАМН України, д.мед.н. Л.Б. Маркін Schedule of lectures for obstetrics for English-medium students V year medical faculty on IX term 2015-2016 academic year Credit 2. Pathologic pregnancy, labor and puerperium Hours 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 8 90 Diseases of the female reproductive system. Family planning № 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Date Tutor Topic Demonstratio n 2.IX Shatylovyts K.L. Early gestoses. Hypertension in Tables, (Rapoporta str., 8) pregnancy. Preeclampsia and Overheads eclampsia. 16.IX Shatylovyts K.L Noncarrying of pregnancy. Tables, (Rapoporta str., 8) Overheads 30.ІX MatvienkoO.O. Obstetric bleeding in early pregnancy. Tables, (Nekrasova str., 4) Ectopic pregnancy. Obstetric bleeding Overheads in late pregnancy. Postpartum bleeding and abnormalities of the third stage of labor. Intensive care and resuscitation. 14.X Yashchenko Obstetric operation. Traumatic lesions. Tables, L.M. Overheads 28.XI Isayeva K.Y. Postpartum septic diseases. Tables, Overheads Note: the lectures take place on Wednesdey (1345) Затверджено на засіданні кафедри. Протокол № 1 від серпня 2015 року Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, професор, член-кор. НАМН України, д.мед.н. Л.Б. Маркін Schedule of practical classes for obstetrics for English-medium students V year medical faculty on IX term 2015-2016 academic year Credit 2. Pathologic pregnancy, labor and puerperium Diseases of the female reproductive system. Family planning Гр. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yashchenko L.M. 3.09 10.09 17.09. 24.09. 1.10. 8.10. 15.10. 22.10. Дата заняття Тема заняття 29.10. 5.11. Nekrasova 4 1 2.09 2 9.09. 3 16.09. 4 23.09. 5 30.09. 6 7.10. 7 14.10. 8 21.10. 9 28.10. 10 4.11. 11 11.11. 12 18.11. 1 7.09 2 14.09 3 21.09. 4 28.09. 5 5.10. 6 12.10 7 19.10. 8 26.10. 9 2.11. 10 9.11. 11 16.11. 12 23.11. 1 2.09 2 9.09. 3 16.09. 4 23.09. 5 30.09. 6 7.10. 7 14.10. 8 21.10. 9 28.10. 10 4.11. 11 11.11. 12 18.11. 1 4.09 2 11.09 3 18.09. 4 25.09. 5 2.10. 6 9.10. 7 16.10. 8 23.10. 9 30.10. 10 6.11. 11 13.11. 12 20.11. 1 3.09 2 10.09 3 17.09 4 24.09 5 1.10 6 8.10 7 15.10 8 22.10 9 29.10 10 5.11 11 12.11 12 19.11 1 1.09 2 8.09 3 15.09 4 22.09 5 29.09 6 6.10 7 13.10 8 20.10 9 27.10 10 3.11 11 10.11 12 17.11 1 1.09 2 8.09 3 15.09 4 22.09 5 29.09 6 6.10 7 13.10 8 20.10 9 27.10 10 3.11 11 10.11 12 17.11 1 7.09 2 14.09 3 21.09. 4 28.09. 5 5.10. 6 12.10 7 19.10. 8 26.10. 9 2.11. 10 9.11. 11 16.11. 12 23.11. 1 4.09 2 11.09 3 18.09. 4 25.09. 5 2.10. 6 9.10. 7 16.10. 8 23.10. 9 30.10. 10 6.11. 11 13.11. 12 20.11. 9 10 11 12 Викладач Isayeva K.Y Nekrasova 4 Medvedeva O. S. Rusovykh Medvedeva O. S. Rusovykh Isayeva K.Y Nekrasova 4 Segediy L. I. Rapaporta 8 Isayeva K.Y Nekrasova 4 Yashchenko L.M. Nekrasova 4 Segediy L. I. Rapaporta 8 Yashchenko L.M. Nekrasova 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Затверджено на засіданні кафедри. Протокол № 1 від серпня 2015 року Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, професор, член-кор. НАМН України, д.мед.н. Л.Б. Маркін 12.11. 19.11. Shedule of practical classes for obstetrics and gynecology for English-medium s VI year medical faculty on 2015-2016 academic year 27. 11 7 Date Themes 30. 1. 11 12 8 9 2. 12 10 3. 12 11 4. 12 12 7 1 1 8. 09 6 9. 09 7 10. 09 8 11. 09 9 14. 09 10 15. 09 11 16. 09 12 1 0 1 30. 10 5 2. 11 6 3. 11 7 4. 11 8 5. 11 9 6. 11 10 9. 11 11 10. 11 12 1 1 1 15. 12 5 16. 12 6 17. 12 7 18. 12 8 21. 12 9 22. 12 10 23. 12 11 24. 12 12 2 1 1 № Tutor 3 Matviyenko O.O. (Mechnikova str., 4) 19 11 1 20. 11 2 23. 11 3 24. 11 4 25. 11 5 26. 11 6 5 Shatylovych K.L. (Rapoporta str., 8) 1. 09 1 2. 09 2 3. 09 3 4. 09 4 7. 09 5 8 Shatylovych K.L. (Rapoporta str., 8) 26. 10 1 27. 10 2 28. 10 3 29. 10 4 9 Matviyenko O.O. (Mechnikova str., 4) 9.1 2 1 10. 12 2 11. 12 3 14. 12 4 Затверджено на засіданні кафедри. Протокол № 1 від Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, професор, член-кор. НАМН України, д.мед.н. серпня 2015 року Л.Б. LIST OF PRACTICAL SKILLS FOR CREDIT FOR ENGLISH MEDIUM STUDENTS IV YEAR MEDICAL FACULTY Credit 1. Physiologic pregnancy, labor and puerperium 1. External obstetric examination of the pregnant woman, Leopold's maneuvers, clinical measurment of the large pelvis, methods of determination of the conjugata vera. 2. To determine the term of pregnancy (according to the anamnesis and objective data). 3. To determine the gestational term and weight of the fetus. To determine the expected date of delivery. 4. Management of physiological labor. 5. Obstetrical assistance in labor and the puerperium. 6. Estimation of the newborn state (according to the Apgar score). Immediate care of the healthy infant. 7. Design of patient's card. Credit 2. Pathologic pregnancy, labor and puerperium 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To estimate the state of the uterine cervix in case of full-term pregnancy, prolonged pregnancy and preterm labor. To determine clinical signs of narrow pelvis. To prescribe the treatment for abnormality of uterine contractions. To estimate the data of amnioscopy, amniocentesis, cardiotocography, ultrasound. Emergency care in case of obstetric bleeding. Emergency care in case of late gestoses and eclampsia. Emergency care in case of fetal and newborn distress. Credit 3. Diseases of the female reproductive system. Family planning. 1. Gynecological examinations (speculum examination, bimanual examination, rectovaginal txamination). 2. To take the gynecological anamnesis, to estimate the laboratory data. 3. To take the material from vagina, cervical canal, urethra. 4. Interpretation of cervical smears. 5. Interpretation of the colposcopic data. 6. To estimate the test of functional diagnostics. 7. To estimate the data of the cytological, histological, bacteriological examinations. 8. To estimate the data of X-ray examination. 9. To estimate the data of US. 10. To make a plan of individual treatment of gynecological patient. Затверджено на засіданні кафедри. Протокол № від Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, професор, член-кор. НАМН України, д.мед.н. серпня 2015 року Л.Б. Маркін The themes of practical classes for obstetrics for English-medium students V year medical faculty on IX Semester Credit 2. Pathologic pregnancy, labor and puerperium.Diseases of the female reproductive system. Family planning № 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. TOPIC Early gestoses. Hypertension in pregnancy. Preeclampsia and eclampsia. Noncarrying of pregnancy. Prolonged pregnancy. Abnormalities of uterine activity. Intercurrent diseases in pregnancy. Obstetric bleeding in early pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy. Obstetric bleeding in late pregnancy. Postpartum bleeding and abnormalities of the third stage of labor. Intensive care and resuscitation. Obstetric operations. Traumatic lesions. Postpartum septic diseases. Clinical anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive organs. Methods of the examination in gynecology. Menstrual abnormalities. Neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology. Endometriosis. Gynecologic diseases in childhood and adolescence. Anomalies of the position and development of the female genital organs. Diseases of the breasts. Benign tumors of the female genital organs. Background and precancerous diseases of the female genital organs. Malignant tumors of the genital organs. Trophoblastic diseases. Female genitalia inflammation. Syndrome of the acute abdomen in gynecology. Infertile marriage. Family planning. Patients observation. Defence of the patient’s card. Credit. Всього Head of the department, professor, PhD, MD HOURS 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 60 L.B. Markin The themes of practical classes for obstetrics for English-medium students V year medical faculty on IX Semester Credit 2. Pathologic pregnancy, labor and puerperium.Diseases of the female reproductive system. Family planning № 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. TOPIC Early gestoses. Hypertension in pregnancy. Preeclampsia and eclampsia. Noncarrying of pregnancy. Prolonged pregnancy. Abnormalities of uterine activity. Intercurrent diseases in pregnancy. Obstetric bleeding in early pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy. Obstetric bleeding in late pregnancy. Postpartum bleeding and abnormalities of the third stage of labor. Intensive care and resuscitation. Obstetric operations. Traumatic lesions. Postpartum septic diseases. Clinical anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive organs. Methods of the examination in gynecology. Menstrual abnormalities. Neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology. Endometriosis. Gynecologic diseases in childhood and adolescence. Anomalies of the position and development of the female genital organs. Diseases of the breasts. Benign tumors of the female genital organs. Background and precancerous diseases of the female genital organs. Malignant tumors of the genital organs. Trophoblastic diseases. Female genitalia inflammation. Syndrome of the acute abdomen in gynecology. Infertile marriage. Family planning. Patients observation. Defence of the patient’s card. Credit. Всього Head of the department, professor, PhD, MD HOURS 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 60 L.B. Markin The themes of practical classes for obstetrics and gynecology forEnglish-medium students VI year medical faculty on XI-ХІІ Semestr № 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Topic Physiology of pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Perinatal protection of fetus. Pharmacotherapy in obstetrics. Ethics and deontology. Prophylaxis of AIDS among medical workers. Early gestoses, treatment, prevention. Hypertension in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia. Obstetric operations, indications, contraindications, preparation to operations. Multiple pregnancy. Noncarrying of pregnancy. Prolonged pregnancy. Placental insufficiency. Intrauterine growth retardation of fetus. Pathology of newborn period. Neonatal resuscitation. Obstetric bleeding. Hemorrhagic shock. Coagulopathy. Uterine birth activity anomalies. Maternal and fetal traumatic lesions. Prophylaxis, diagnostics and management. Pregnancy, labor and postnatal period complicated by extragenital diseases (endocrine diseases, blood diseases, diseases of gastrointestinal tract, heart diseases, infectious diseases, renal diseases and diseases of respiratory system). AIDS in obstetrics, management of pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Bony pelvis anomalis. Deflexion presentation, pelvis presentation, malposition of the fetus. Isoserologicol maternofetal blood Incompatibility. Clinical anatomy and physiology of the female genital organs. Neuroendocrine regulation. Abnormalities of menstrual function. Neuroendocrine syndromes. Urogenital diseases of the female genitalia. AIDS. Prevention, diagnostics, treatment Endometriosis. Diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis of endometriosis. Abnormalities of position and traumatic lesions of the female genitalia. Anomalies of development of female genitalia. Gynecologic diseases in childhood and adolescence. Benign tumors of female genitalia (diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis). Gynecologic aspects of breast diseases. Background and premalignant diseases of female genitalia. Trophoblastic disease. Gynecologic oncology (malignant tumors of the uterine cervix, uterus, ovaries, vagina and external genitalia). Treatment of the oncologic patients (chimiotherapy, radiation therapy). Diseases of breasts. Urgent state in gynecology. Surgical methods of treatment.Typical operations in gynecology. Indications, contraindications and conditions for gynecological operations. Endoscopic surgery in gynecology. Preoperative preparation and postoperative curation of gynecological patients. Infertility. Psychological aspects of infertility. Etiology and pathogenesis of infertility. Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment. Additional reproductive technologies.Structure and organization of family planning care. Modern aspects of contraception. Classification and efficacy of contraceptives. Credit. Total Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, професор, член-кор. НАМН України, д.мед.н. Л.Б. Маркін Hours 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 8 90 The themes of practical classes for obstetrics and gynecology forEnglish-medium students VI year medical faculty on XI-ХІІ Semestr № 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Topic Physiology of pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Perinatal protection of fetus. Pharmacotherapy in obstetrics. Ethics and deontology. Prophylaxis of AIDS among medical workers. Early gestoses, treatment, prevention. Hypertension in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia. Obstetric operations, indications, contraindications, preparation to operations. Multiple pregnancy. Noncarrying of pregnancy. Prolonged pregnancy. Placental insufficiency. Intrauterine growth retardation of fetus. Pathology of newborn period. Neonatal resuscitation. Obstetric bleeding. Hemorrhagic shock. Coagulopathy. Uterine birth activity anomalies. Maternal and fetal traumatic lesions. Prophylaxis, diagnostics and management. Pregnancy, labor and postnatal period complicated by extragenital diseases (endocrine diseases, blood diseases, diseases of gastrointestinal tract, heart diseases, infectious diseases, renal diseases and diseases of respiratory system). AIDS in obstetrics, management of pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Bony pelvis anomalis. Deflexion presentation, pelvis presentation, malposition of the fetus. Isoserologicol maternofetal blood Incompatibility. Clinical anatomy and physiology of the female genital organs. Neuroendocrine regulation. Abnormalities of menstrual function. Neuroendocrine syndromes. Urogenital diseases of the female genitalia. AIDS. Prevention, diagnostics, treatment Endometriosis. Diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis of endometriosis. Abnormalities of position and traumatic lesions of the female genitalia. Anomalies of development of female genitalia. Gynecologic diseases in childhood and adolescence. Benign tumors of female genitalia (diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis). Gynecologic aspects of breast diseases. Background and premalignant diseases of female genitalia. Trophoblastic disease. Gynecologic oncology (malignant tumors of the uterine cervix, uterus, ovaries, vagina and external genitalia). Treatment of the oncologic patients (chimiotherapy, radiation therapy). Diseases of breasts. Urgent state in gynecology. Surgical methods of treatment.Typical operations in gynecology. Indications, contraindications and conditions for gynecological operations. Endoscopic surgery in gynecology. Preoperative preparation and postoperative curation of gynecological patients. Infertility. Psychological aspects of infertility. Etiology and pathogenesis of infertility. Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment. Additional reproductive technologies.Structure and organization of family planning care. Modern aspects of contraception. Classification and efficacy of contraceptives. Credit. Total Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, професор, член-кор. НАМН України, д.мед.н. Л.Б. Маркін Hours 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 8 90 The themes of independent study for obstetrics and gynecology for English-medium students VI year medical faculty on XI-ХІІ term Credit : Obstetrics and gynecology № Topic Hours 1. Preparation for practical class. Study of practical classes and lectures. 2. Independent study: 1. Dystocia (cephalo-pelvic disproportion). Macrosomia in obstetrics. Fetal malposition and malpresentation. 2. Postnatal septic diseases. 3. Immunological incompatibility of mother and fetus. Fetal abnormalities. Preparation for practical class. Independent study: 1. Methods of examination in gynecology. Individual independent study. Preparation for credit. 3. 4. 5. 6. 15 3 2 2 10 4 Total 2 7 45 Види контролю: поточний контроль на практичних заняттях; підсумковий модульний контроль. Затверджено на засіданні кафедри. Протокол № 1 від Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, д. мед.н., професор, член-кор. НАМН України. серпня 2015 року Л.Б.Маркін The themes of independent study for obstetrics for English-medium students V year medical faculty on ІX Semestr Credit 2. Pathologic pregnancy, labor and puerperium № Topic 1. Preparation for practical class. 12 2. 3. Individual independent study. Preparation for credit. 3 5 25 Hours Total Credit 3. Diseases of the female reproductive system. Family planning № Topic 1. Preparation for practical class. 15 2. Individual independent study. Writing the patient’s card. Preparation for credit. Total 5 3. Види контролю: Hours 5 25 поточний контроль на практичних заняттях; підсумковий модульний контроль. Затверджено на засіданні кафедри. Протокол № 1 від Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького, д. мед. н., професор,член-кор. НАМН України. серпня 2015 року Л.Б. Маркін