Hedon Primary School Long Term Planning Y6 Autumn The Maya Subject History Geography Non- European Study that provides contrast with British History – The Mayan Civilization Geography of Mesoamericans – where are these now? Spring European Study Summer The Changing Power of British Monarchs The changing power of monarchs including case studies e.g John, Anne , Victoria Study a region of Europe Understand latitude, longitude, equator, hemispheres, tropics, time zones, polar circles, biomes, vegetation belts, land use, economic activity, distribution of resources. 4-figure grid reference on OS maps Name and locate counties, cities, regions, features of UK 4-figure grid reference on OS maps Use fieldwork to record and explain areas Design and write programs, detect and correct errors, use inputs and outputs in programs. French unit 10 our sporting lives ICT E- safety Key skills Be discerning in evaluating digital content Modern Language French unit 11 Carnival of animals French unit 8-9 pocket money and tell me a story Music Playing a brass instrument Singing Musical composition Use running and play competitive games Football, Hockey Develop flexibility and control in gym Take part in outdoor and adventurous activities - Kingswood Playing a brass instrument Singing Musical composition Use running, jumping, catching and throwing and play competitive games – Netball Use running, jumping, catching and throwing and develop flexibility and control in athletics. Compare performances to achieve personal bests. Take part in outdoor and adventurous activities - orienteering Light- travelling in straight lines, how we see, shadows Electricity – symbols, how components function, power in circuit Playing a brass instrument Singing Musical composition Use running, jumping, catching and throwing and play competitive games – Rounders, Cricket Develop flexibility and control in dance Study of great artist such as Dali, Van Gogh etc 3-D work. Portraits Landscapes - Constable P.E SCIENCE ART Animals including Humans – circulatory system, heart, blood, diet + exercise, digestive system Living things and Habitats – classifying plants and animals. Making Jewellery- Clay Drawing buildings Look at work of Catherwood Evolution and Inheritance – things have changed over time, living things produce offspring of the same kind, adaptation to the environment. Charles Darwin D and T Linkages for Christmas Greetings card. Electric- Container which buzzes/ lights up when used Cam mechanism to be incorporated in toy. R.E Living a Faith Hopes and Visions Justice and Freedom