Music policy 2015 - Fairway Primary School

This policy reflects the values and philosophy in relation to the teaching and learning of
Music at Fairway Primary school. It provides a framework within which all staff can work
and gives guidance on planning, teaching and assessment. The policy is intended to be read
in conjunction with the scheme of work which has been adopted at Fairway Primary school.
Music is one of the Foundation Subjects within the National Curriculum. At Fairway Primary
School our aims are:
To provide a music curriculum that is broad and balanced.
To encourage children to enjoy musical activities and provide them with the skills
and confidence to participate in musical activities with personal satisfaction.
To provide children with a means to express ideas and feelings through sound.
To provide a curriculum which progressively develops musical skills, concepts and
To promote positive attitudes towards, and enthusiasm for, music in the school.
To raise awareness of the range and variety of music.
Provide the opportunity to experience the feeling of fulfilment which derives from
each child striving for their highest artistic and technical standard.
The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:
Perform. Listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods,
genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composes and
Learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and
with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology
appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical
Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated,
including through the interrelated dimensions; pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo,
timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.
Music Policy March 2015
Written by LR and JS
(NC, 2014)
Planning and Resources:
Music Express is used throughout Key Stages 1 and 2 to teach elements of the music
curriculum however the curriculum is not restricted to this one scheme of work. At Fairway
we aim to provide an enriched and stimulating music curriculum by including music based
learning opportunities in other areas of the curriculum.
Children entering the Foundation Stage Unit at 3 or 4 years old naturally respond physically
and emotionally to musical stimuli, whether it be through singing, clapping, using
instruments, or listening to recorded music. Throughout the Foundation Stage the children
are given regular opportunities to sing, explore sounds and use instruments.
In Key Stage 1 children are taught songs and rhymes linked to a range of topics, for
example singing nursery rhymes and songs about Fire in Year 1 and singing and performing
to ‘space music’ in Year 2.
In Key Stage 2 children will be able to make music together as a class and in groups, singing
songs in several parts, maintaining an instrumental part and creating their own music.
Children will be encouraged to perform with confidence and show expressive control and
achieve an intended effect. Children will also progress throughout Key Stage 2 to be able to
listen with attention to detail, identifying instruments, patterns and compositional rhythms
and scores.
Why do we assess music?
To plan appropriate future lessons ensuring continuity and progression throughout
the school.
To provide an accurate understanding of children’s progress and attainment in
To ensure that each child reaches his/her full potential in music.
When we assess music?
Assessments take place at the end of a unit of work, topic of half term.
Ongoing assessments, observations, notes and photographs are used regularly to
record and monitor children’s progress.
Music Policy March 2015
Written by LR and JS
Individual instrument lessons.
Extra-Curricular Music:
Fairway have a choir, led by Rev. L Boyle. The choir meet every week and take part in a
number of events throughout the school, year, including a Christmas Carol Concert and
Harvest festival as well as venturing out of school to sing for member s of our local
Al children at fairway are given the option of paying for weekly instrument lessons. These
include: recorders, keyboard, guitar and ukulele.
Music Policy March 2015
Written by LR and JS