بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم UNIVERSITY OF BAHRI COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES Department of History STUDY PLAN Bachelor Degree in History 2013 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم UNIVERSTY OF BAHRI COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES History: College of Arts and Humanities at Bahri University is a natural extension for the same College at the formerly University of Juba. Vision:Attaining the highest international level of excellence through accredited academic programs and qualified graduates who are able to contribute to the development of society. Mission:Achieving distinction in the fields of humanities and literature via excellent teaching, research and successful partnerships. The major task is to prepare qualified graduates who are capable of providing valuable services to the society and meeting the needs of the labor market. Goals/Objectives:The goals and objectives of the establishment of the college are as follows: 1. To Train Bachelor degree, Diploma and postgraduate students in the fields of languages and humanities to serve the public and private sectors. 2. To provide in-services training courses for serving officials. 3. To revive the awareness and importance of Arts and Humanities and their role in stimulating and promoting co-existence among different peoples and races, as well as to enrich the African and international thought. 4. To Act as a center for consultancy and research on Arts, language and Humanities. 5. To Establish and maintain contacts and links with similar national, regional and international institutions to engage in joint: studies and research activities. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 1 UNIVERSITY OF BAHRI COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES Bachelor Degree in History Study Plan Introduction: The Department of History is mainly concerned with teaching the basic theoretical framework of the past as a science. It also highlights the role of history in understanding and appreciation of the cultural heritage both of global society and local one. Vision: To be distinguished in studying the historical records of humanity through academic programs of high quality. Mission: Preparation of competent cadres through accredited academic programs to contribute to the development of society and the sustenance of its national, Arabs and Islamic identity. Goals\ Objectives: 1. To furnish a liberating knowledge in understanding the past. 2. Reconstruction of the diversified aspects of human history. 3. Tracing the mechanism of historical change during the passage of time. 4. Encouraging tolerance and dialogue with other nations. Summary of Credit Hours: Year Study First Second Third Fourth B.A. total Fifth Total Credit Hours Credit Hours 35 38 33 32 138 34 172 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 2 First Year Semester I Contact Hours Course Code Theory Practical Total Credit Hours Course Name Prerequisite Course UBAL 1101 Arabic Language Skills I 2 0 2 None UBEL 1102 English Language Skills I 2 0 2 None UBIC 1103 Islamic Culture I 2 0 2 None UBSS 1104 Sudanese Studies 2 0 2 None AHCR 1101 Introduction to Archaeology 2 0 2 None AHCR 1102 Introduction to Comparative Religions 2 0 2 None AHCR 1103 Introduction to Mass Communication 2 0 2 None AHCR 1104 Introduction to Philosophy 2 0 2 None AHCR 1105 Introduction to Russian Language 2 3 3 None 18 2 19 Total Hours Semester II Theory Practical Total Credit Hours Contact Hours Course Code Course Name Prerequisite Course UBAL 1201 Arabic Language Skills II 2 0 2 UBAL 1101 UBEL 1202 English Language Skills II 2 0 2 UBEL 1102 UBIC 1203 Islamic Culture II 2 0 2 UBIC 1103 AHCR 1201 Introduction to French Language 2 3 3 None AHCR 1202 Introduction to Geography 3 0 3 None AHCR 1203 Introduction to History 2 0 2 None AHCR 1204 Introduction to Psychology 2 0 2 None 15 2 16 Total Hours COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 3 Second Year Semester I Theory Practical Total Credit Hours Contact Hours Course Code Course Name Prerequisite Course UBAL 2101 Arabic Language Skills III 2 0 2 UBAL 1201 UBEL 2102 English Language Skills III 2 0 2 UBEL 1202 AHHS 2101 Ancient History of Sudan until Kerma Kingdom 3 0 3 AHHS 2102 Ancient near East 3 0 3 None AHHS 2103 Greco-Roman History 3 0 3 None AHHS 2104 History of the first Islamic State 3 0 3 None AHHS 2105 The ancient Egyptian Civilization 3 0 3 None 19 0 19 Total Hours None Semester II Theory Practical Total Credit Hours Contact Hours Course Code Course Name Prerequisite Course UBEL 2201 English Language Skills IV 2 0 2 UBEL 2102 AHCR 2201 Computer Skills 2 0 2 None AHHS 2201 Ancient History of Africa 3 0 3 None AHHS 2202 Andalus History 3 0 3 None AHHS 2203 History and Civilization of Medieval Europe 3 0 3 AHHS 2204 Kushite History 3 0 3 None AHHS 2205 Ummyaid Caliphate 3 0 3 None 19 0 19 Total Hours COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) None 4 Third Year Semester I Contact Hours Course Code Theory Practical Total Credit Hours 3 0 3 None 3 0 3 None 4 0 4 None 3 0 3 None 3 0 3 None 16 0 16 Course Name AHHS 3101 Abbasids Caliphate I AHHS 3102 Islamic Kingdoms in the Sudan AHHS 3103 Islamic Egypt AHHS 3104 The Crusades War AHHS 3105 Science of History and its Schools I Total Hours Prerequisite Course Semester II Contact Hours Course Code Course Name Theory AHHS 3201 AHHS 3202 The Sudan under the Turkish and the Egyptian Rule The Modern History of Europe I AHHS 3203 African Islamic Kingdoms AHHS 3204 History and its Schools II AHHS 3205 The Ottoman Empire I AHHS 3206 Abbasids Caliphate II Total Hours Practic al Total Credit Hours Prerequisite Course None 0 3 3 0 3 None 3 0 3 None 2 0 2 AHHS 3105 3 0 3 None 3 0 3 AHHS3101 17 0 17 3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 5 Fourth Year Semester I Contact Hours Course Code Practical Total Credit Hours 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 AHHS 3205 3 0 3 AHHS 3202 4 0 4 16 0 16 Course Name Theory AHHS 4101 AHHS 4102 Mahdism: The Revolution and Government History of USA AHHS 4103 The Ottoman Empire II AHHS 4104 The Modern History of Europe II AHHS 4105 Research Methods Total Hours 3 Prerequisite Course None None None Semester II Contact Hours Course Code Theory Practical Total Credit Hours 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 None 3 0 3 None 4 0 4 16 0 16 Course Name AHHS 4201 Economical History of the Sudan AHHS 4202 AHHS 4203 Condominium Rule and National Movement in Sudan The Modern History of Africa AHHS 4204 Modern History of The middle East AHHS 4205 Research Paper Total Hours 3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) Prerequisite Course None None AHHS 4105 6 Fifth Year Semester I Contact Hours Course Code AHHS 51o1 Theory Practical Total Credit Hours 3 0 3 None 3 0 3 None Course Name Prerequisite Course AHHS 51o2 Contemporary History of Sudan 19561989 Contemporary African History AHHS 5103 Contemporary European History 3 0 3 None AHHS 5104 Orientalism 3 0 3 None AHHS 5105 Historical Texts Analysis (English) 3 0 3 None AHHS 5106 Some Selected Topics in History 3 0 3 None 18 0 18 Total Hours Semester II Contact Hours Course Code Theory Practical Total Credit Hours Course Name Prerequisite Course AHHS 5201 Islamic and Western civilization 3 0 3 None AHHS 5202 Contemporary Issues 3 0 3 None AHHS 5203 Historical Document 3 0 3 None AHHS 5204 The Ethiopian History 0 3 None AHHS 5205 Research Paper 3 4 0 4 16 0 16 Total Hours COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) AHHS 4105 7 Courses Descriptions First Year Semester II Course Title :Introduction to History Course Code :AHCR 1203 Credit Hours : 2 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1- To enhance students in developing their knowledge concerning the fundamental concepts in History. 2- To familiarize students with the main trends of the present scientific schools in the domain of history. Course Outlines: The course discusses: *The concept of history and it’s relation to other disciplines (archaeology, Geography, Religions, Sociology and Political Science) *The concept of Pre-historical and historical periods, *The found of the mankind *The concept of the (Stone Age), *The Per iodization of Stone Age: *Paleolithic Period (Lower, Middle and Upper) and its cultural features, *The Cultural Features of Mesolithic Period, *and the Revelation of Neolithic Period. Basic References: 1. Berry, G. 1898. Introduction to the Study of History, New York. 2. Carr, E.H, 1964. What is History, Penguin. 3. David T. 1969. The Aims of History, New York. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 8 Second Year Semester Semester I I Course Title: Ancient History of Sudan until Kerma Kingdom Course Code: AHHS2101 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1.To highlight the historical periods of ancient Sudanese civilizations. 2.To trace the socio-economic and cultural impacts of Kerma kingdom on the Sudanese history. Course Outlines: *Old Stone Age of Sudan (Khor Abu Anja Site), * Mesolithic period (Early Khartoum Culture) * Neolithic period: Ex. (*Shehinab and Kadaro). *(A) group, (c) group culture * Kerma kingdom * Early Kerma, *Classic Kerma, Near Kerma * The End of Kerma. Basic References: 1. Arkell,A.J. 1961. A History of the Sudan, London. 2. Werdorf,F. 1968. Prehistory of Nubia, Dallas. . القاهرة، تاريخ السودان القديم،)8913( محمد إبراهيم، بكر.3 Course Title: Ancient near East Course Code: AHHS2102 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To improve the knowledge of the students about the rising, flourishing and declining of the ancient civilizations in the Near East. 2. To study the impact of ancient Near East civilizations on their counterparts of the old World. Course Outlines: *The concept of Ancient Near East *The Common Political Features of Ancient Near East, *The Common Economical Features, *The Common Social Features *The Common Cultural Features of Ancient Near East, Important Civilization of Near East: *Sumerian Civilization *Akaddian and Assyrian Civilization. Basic References: 1. Pritchard, R. 1968. Ancient near East Texts, New York. 2. W. Mc Neil and J Saddlers, 1968. The Ancient near East, Oxford. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 9 . بيروت، ارنولدتوينبي، تاريخ البشرية: ترجمة.)8918( نقوال، زيادة.3 Course Title: Greco-Roman History Course Code: AHHS2103 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course objectives: 1- To give the student the necessary Historical background about the Greco- Roman history. 2- To evaluate the contribution of the Greco-Roman period in the historical record of the European civilization. Course Outlines: *The history of Greek and Roman Empires * Classic Age * Greek Civilization *The Greek Political System *Athena Democracy *The Hellenistic Civilization. *Roma and Italy *Roman Empire and Civilization Aspects *The Deterioration of Roma. Basic References: 1. Bury, J.B. 1951. A History of Greece,London. 2. Rostovizeff, M. 1968.Greece and Roman, New York. . دمشق، 8 تاريخ اليونان ج.)8911( محمد كامل، عياد.3 . القاهرة، اإلغريق وحضاراتهم.)8991( سيد أحمد علي، الناصري.4 Course Title: History of the first Islamic State Course Code: AHHS2104 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course objectives: 1- To introduce students to the historical backgroundof the Arabian peninsula before Islam. 2- To study the historical roots of the State of Prophet Mohammed along with the Caliphate era. Course Outlines: * Introduction: The pre-history of Arabian Peninsula (* Political, *Economic and *Social situations) * The rise of Islam till the foundation of the First Islamic State: it narrates Prophet’s autobiography and difficulties of immigration (Hijra) *first Islamic State *Political, Social and Economic aspects *Emergence of Islamic State and the Caliphate *Administration of State *The Economic and Financial system *Periods of Abu-Bakr, Omer, Osman and Ali. Basic References: . القاهرة-3 ط، تحقيق محمد فهمي السرجاني، السيرة النبوية.)8919( ابن هشام-8 .2 بغداد ط، المفصل في تاريخ العرب قبل اإلسالم.)8992( جواد، علي-2 . بيروت، تحقيق مارسدن جونز، كتاب المغازي.)8911( الواقدي-3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 10 Course Title: The ancient Egyptian Civilization Course Code: AHHS2105 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To gain understanding of the main features of early Egyptian civilization. 2. To become familiar with the processes that led to the formation of the central government and emergence of the Egyptian dynasties. 3. To assess the socio-economic and political role of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Course Outlines: *The Pre-historical Period of Egypt *Nagada I, *Nagada II Cultural Features, *Egyptian Families (chronology) *Old, *Middle and *Modern Egyptian Kingdoms (*The Egyptian arts, *Religious system and *language). Basic References: 1. J.H. Breasted,1951.A History of Egypt,London. 2. H.S. Smith, 1933. Ancient Annals of Egyptians Civilization ,London. . بيروت، ايدرس بل، مصر من االسكندر األكبر حتى الفتح العربي: ترجمة.)8993( عبداللطيف، أحمد.3 Semester II Course Title: Ancient History of Africa Course Code: AHHS2201 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1- To aquatint the candidate about the ancient history of Africa (stone ages). 2- To provide a general background of the methodological differences in approaching the historical records in northern and subsaharan Africa. Course Outlines: *The Paleolithic period of Africa (*Lower, *Middle and *Upper) * The Mesolithic period of Africa (*The Concept of African Mesolithic, *North, *East,*West and *South Africa),* The Neolithic Period of Africa (*The Main Features, *Agriculture and *Ancient African art) * African religious, *African civilization. Basic Reference: 1- UNISCO, 1983. General History of Africa, vol. 1, vol, 2. طرابلس، ديفيد فليبسون، علم اآلثار األفريقي: ترجمة.)2222( أسامة عبدالرحمن، النور-2 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 11 Course Title: Andalus Course Code: AHHS 2202 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1- Describing the nature and main characteristics of Islamic state in Andalus. 2- Explaning the effects of the Islamic state upon contemporary Europe and North Africa. Course Outlines: *The Political and Social Situations in ArabianPeninsula before Arab Invasion, *Muslim in Europe: Spain and Sicily *Civil Disturbances *The Ummyaid Emirate in Spain (Abd-al-Rahman I) *The Ummyaid Caliphate of Cordova (Abd- al Rahman III) *Political and Economic, *Educational Institutions, *The Fall of Granada. Basic References: 1. Nicholson, 1963. A History of the Arabs, Cambridge. . االسكندرية، شرق األندلس في العصر اإلسالمي.)8991( محمد أحمد، أبو الفضل.2 .2 تاريخ اإلسالم السياسي والديني والثقافي واالجتماعي ج: ) حسن إبراهيم (بدون تاريخ، حسن.3 Course Title: History and Civilization of Medieval Europe Course Code: AHHS 2203 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To apply an analytical approach to the political, social and economic evolution after the fall of the Roman Empire. 2. To give a criticalanalysis of the changes in the religious institutes and role of churches among the state and the society until pre- the renaissance era. Course Outlines: *Europe since fall of Roman Empire *Social and Religious Situations *Political and Economic System, *Governments fighting. *Fringe and Saxons, *Lombard and Church. Basic references: 1. Bury, R.1957. History of the late Roman Empire, 2 Vols, London. 2. David R. 1958. A History of Medieval Europe, London. Course Title: Kushite History Course Code: AHHS 2204 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1- To define the significance and civic richness of the kushite kingdom. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 12 2- Examining and analyzing the mythological, social, political and economic features. Course Outlines: *Rise of Kush *The Importance of Mysterious Tombs of Kurru *Kings of the 25th dynasty *Capital of Kush (Nabata Meroe) *Gods and Goddesses *The Kushite Arts *The fall of Meroe 350A.D.*Sudan after Kush (x group) *The Christian Kingdoms (*Alwa, *Mugura * and Nobatia). Basic References: 1. Adams, W. Y. 1972. Nubia Corridor to Africa. 2. Budge, W. 1907. Annals of Nubian Kings, London. . الخرطوم، تاريخ مملكة كوش.)2221( سامية، بشير.3 Course Title: Ummyaid Caliphate Course Code: AHHS 2205 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1- To cast light on the emergence and flourishing period of the Ummyaid state. 2- To study the roots of the political conflicts in the Islamic state (The Feetna). 3- Tracing the significant changes in the political, ideological and cultural practices during that era. Course Outlines: *The growth of Ummyaid State and political system *the rise of Political conflicts. *The Struggle between Ali and Muawiyah. *The Zenith of Ummyaid power *Political, *Administration and *Social Situations *Translation and start of civilization *Fall of Ummyaid. Basic References: بيروت، تاريخ الشعوب اإلسالمية. )8913( كارل، بروكلمان.8 . ليدن، فتوح البلدان.)8111( البالذري.2 . المكتبة الحسينية، تاريخ األمم والملوك.)8989(الطبري Course Title: Abbasids Caliphate I Course code: AHHS: 3101 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Giving an overview to the reasons and progresses that bring up this state. 2. Studying the political، social، cultural and administrating components of this state، comparing between the 1st and the 2end era. Course outlines: The Foundation and beginning of the Abbasyid State /First Era (132 – 232H): /Abu – Jabfar Al Monsor the real founder of dynasty /The Abbasyid Society /The System of the Rule، /Administration، / Scientific and literacy Progress. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 13 Basic References: 1. Frye)1952(. The Abbasid Conspiracy، Indo. Iranica، 2. Lassner)1980.(The Shaping of Abbasid Rule، Princeton 3. 2ج،8 ج، عمان، الخالفة العباسية.)2223( فاروق عمر،فوزي Course Title: Islamic Kingdoms in Sudan Course code: AHHS: 3102 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Tracing the most important features of Islamic Kingdoms in the medieval history of Sudan. 2. Assessing the impacts of this era on the on the Sudanese identity. Course outlines: The relationship between Muslims of Egypt and Nuba /Arab entrance into Sudan /Muslims of Egypt and Beja /Rise of Funj /Funj Islamic Kingdom: /Political and Socio-economic situations /Fall of Sinnar /Fur Kingdom /Political and Socio-economic Situation. /Kingdoms of Kordovan: /Tagali Kingdom: The Political System، / Socio-economic Situations /Fall of Almusabat. Basic References: 1. Michael، Mac)1972(. A History of the Arabs in the Sudan، Cambridge. 2. Spaulding and O’Fahy)1974(. Kingdoms of the Sudan، London. الخرطوم، مقدمة من تاريخ الممالك اإلسالمية في السودان الشرقي.)8992 ( يوسف فضل، حسن.3 الخرطوم، تاريخ المسيحية في الممالك النوبية القديمة في السودان الحديث.)8991( فانتيني؛ جيني.4 Course Title: Islamic Egypt Course code: AHHS: 3103 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To shed lights on the advent of Islam in Egypt. 2. To evaluate the impacts of Islamic rule in Egypt upon the territories of African continent and the Mediterranean littoral. Course outlines: The course cover /The Incoming of Arabs into Egypt /the most powerful Islamic Kingdoms /Fatimate Rule، /Ayybid Rule /Ayybid and Crusades war /The End of Ayybid /Murnluks rule /Al –Mamlik Al. Bahria، /Almamlik Al. Baria /Qolowan era / the end of Mumluk Rule. Basic References: ليدن، كتاب فتوح مصر واالسكندرية.)م8921( الواقدي.8 . القاهرة، تحقيق جمال الشبلي وآخرين، اتعاظ الحنفاء بأخبار األئمة الخلفاء.)م8993( المقريزي.2 . لندن، تحقيق شارلز توري، فتوح مصر وأخبارها.)م8922( ابن عبد الحكم.3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 14 Course Title: The Crusades War Course code: AHHS: 3104 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Enlightening the students about the crusade wars. 2. Assessing the impacts of the crusades campaigns upon the Islamic states during the medieval period. Course outlines: /The concept of Crusades /The Reasons of crusades war. /First Crusades (1095 – 1099)/ The Fall of Bait Almagdis / Heteen /Crusades II، /Crusades III and /Crusades IV /The Fall of Qustantinia 1204 /The End of war Crusades. Basic References: 1. Ranchman،Steven )1962(. History of the Crusades، 3 vols، Cambridge. . القاهرة، العالقات اإلقليمية والحروب الصليبية.)2224( كمال، مارس.2 . عمان، الحروب الصليبية.)8991( ممدوح، حسين.3 Course Title: The Ottoman Empire 1 Course code: AHHS: 3105 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None 1. 2. 3. Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize the factors that led the emergence of the Ottoman Empire. 2. To evaluate the role played by the Ottoman in the history of the Near East and Eastern Europe. Course outlines: / Growth Factor of rise /Form rise to Sulemian /Sultan Osman /From Qustatamoia /Ba Yazeed I to Ba Yazeed IV /Relation with Europe /The Eastern issue. Basic References: E، S،Creasy )1985. (History of Ottoman Turks، London. . القاهرة، ترجمة أحمد السعيد،) تاريخ الترك في آسيا الوسطى8911(بارتولد . القاهرة، تاريخ الدولة العثمانية.)8994( علي،حسون Course Title: Sudan under the Turkish and Egyptian Rule Course code: AHHS: 3201 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To carry out in-depth study about the reasons of Mohamed- Ali to invade Sudan. 2. To realize the achievements of the Turko-Egyptian rule to Sudan. Course outlines: COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 15 Political، Economical Social Situation in Sudan before 1821 /Invasion of Sudan /Mohammed Ali’s goals /Administration System of Mohammed Ali، /The Economic Situation and Slaves Trade era، /Cultural effect. Basic References: 1. P، M،Holt)،1968(. A Modern History of the Sudan، London. 2. Richard Hill)،1959(. Egypt in the Sudan، Oxford. القاهرة، الحكم المصري في السودان.)8949 ( محمد فؤاد، شكري.3 الخرطوم، تاريخ السودان الحديث.)8992 ( محمد سعيد، القدال.4 Course Title: Modern History of Europe 1 Course code: AHHS: 3202 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Defining the vital changes after the renaissance. 2. Highlights the political and economic transformations after the French revolution and the industrial revolution. 3. Determining the effect of the above mentioned on Europe and the world geo-politics. Course outlines: Rise of Modern Europe /Renascence period /(France and Italy) /Fine Art، Culture /Literature /Philosophy / And Science، /French Revolution /The Effects of French revolution in Political System in Europe. /Industrial Revolution /the Economical effect. Basic References: 1. A،J، Grant، and Temporally)،1962(. Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries،London. . بيروت، ترجمة نجيب هاشم، تاريخ أوربا في العصر الحديث.)8991،(أ،ه، فشر.2 Course Title: African Islamic kingdoms Course code: AHHS: 3203 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Tracing the history of Islamic Kingdoms in East، Middle، and West Africa. 2. Assessing the contributions of these kingdoms in general history of Africa. Africa. Course outlines: To trace the penetration of Islamic into Africa /Establishment of the Islamic Kingdoms in East، /Middle and West Africa /Zanzibar /kalwa /Mali /Songhai /Hausa /Ghana /the powerful Islamic Kingdoms in North Africa /Mwahideen and Murabiteen. Basic References: 1. Basil ،Davidson )1970.(The Lost Cities of Africa، Boston. 2. H.A،Jotinston)،1976.(The Fulani Empire of Sokoto. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 16 Course Title: Science of History and its Schools 1 Course code: AHHS: 3204 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To develop a better understanding of the fundamental concepts of history as a science. 2. To review the main theories and philosophies interpreting historical record. Course outlines: The Concept of History/The Importance of History as a science /The Relationship between History and Philosophy /Schools of History /Saint Augustine (354 – 430) /IbnKhaldon (1324 – 1406) /Nicolas Machiavelli (1427 – 1469) / Jan Jack Rosu (1712 – 1778) /Hejel (1771-1831) Karl Marx (1884) /Arnold Tuenbi (1889 – 1974) /Fokoyama. Basic References: 1. G،Louis)،1950.(Understanding History، New York. . القاهرة، ترجمة عدلي برسوم عبدالملك. التاريخ.) ت، تشايلد( د، غوردون. .2 . بيروت، ترجمة ماهر بيار عقل. ماهو التاريخ.)8991 (ادوارد، كار.3 Course Title: The Ottoman Empire II Course code: AHHS: 3205 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: 3105 Course Objectives: 1. Evaluation of the political transformation (1856-1865) describing the eastern problem. 2. Exploration of the means and causes of the western intervention in the Ottoman Empire and eastern Arab world. Course outlines: Sultan Saleem the powerful era /The Main Feature of Ottomanic Rule /Islamic Union Project / Islamic League /Mustafa Ataturk، /Ottoman Empire and Islam in Europe / The Fall of Ottoman Empire. Basic References: 1. Creasy،E.S)،1951(. History of Ottman Turks، London. ، بيروتالشاذلي، المسألة الشرقية.)8919 (محمودثابت. .2 االسكندرية، تاريخ الدولة العثمانية وحضارتها.)2222( محمود،السيد. .3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 17 Course Title: Abbasids Caliphate II Course code: AHHS: 3206 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: AHHS: 3101 Course Objectives: 1. Giving an overview to the reasons and progresses that bring up this state. 2. Studying the political، social، cultural and administrating components of this state، comparing between the 1st and the 2end era. Course outlines: The reasons behind the chosen of 232 A.D/as ademaracting line between two periods/ Charactristics of the second Abassyid era/ The influence of Turkish traits/ influence of BeniBoyhi state/ Suzernity of al-Salajigastae/ the state that got its independence from the abassyid Caliphate/ The system of rule / end of the state and collapse of Beghdad by the tartars in the year 656 A.d. Basic References: 1. Frye)1952(. The Abbasid Conspiracy، Indo. Iranica، 2. Lassner)1980.(The Shaping of Abbasid Rule، Princeton 2ج،8 ج، عمان، الخالفة العباسية.)2223( فاروق عمر، فوزي.3 Course Title: Mahadist: The Revolution and Government Course code: AHHS: 4101 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Enlightening student by the idiom of Mahdist state. 2. Discussing the reasons of Mahdist revolution. 3. Acquiring knowledge about the establishment of the state and the reasons behind its flourishing and rapid collapse. Course outlines: Phenomenon of Mahdi /leader Mohammed Ahmed El-Mahdi and his intellectual / Economical and Political motive / The Victory of Mahdi’s wars / Al Taishi Policies / The Conflict with Al ashraff /Economic Situation، war with Ethiopia and Egypt /Fall of Mahdist State. Basic references: 1. Holt، P.M)، 1970(.Mahadist State in the Sudan، London. . الخرطوم، السودان والثورة المهدية.)8999 ( مكي، شبيكة.2 2 ط، بيروت،) منشورات المهدية (تحقيق.)8999،( محمد إبراهيم، أبوسليم. .3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 18 Course Title: History of USA Course code: AHHS: 4102 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: none Course Objectives: 1. Enlightening students about the formatting of USA as a political entity. 2. Evaluating the role of USA in first and Second World War. 3. Enhancing our knowledge about the processes that led to emergence of USA as a super power. Course outlines: USA before the British Colonization /War between British and France over USA /Independence /Historical Causes of Power /USA and World War I، /USA and World War II، /the Socio-economic Situation. Basic References: 1. Bairly،Thomas)1969(. History of the American People، New York. 2. Walter، L) 1980.(The New Empire، New York. Course Title: Science of History and its Schools II Course code: AHHS: 4103 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: 3204 Course Objectives: 1. To give an overview pertinent to the modern schools of history. 2. To highlight the new techniques، approaches، fields and the methods of studying history. Course outlines: The course studies: Selective، (/African، /European and /Arab Historians)، especially those who wrote about the Sudan، it also deals with /The Prominent Sudanese Historians. Basic References: 1. Geyle، Pieter)1955(. Use and abuse of History، Yale. 2. Rwolf،Eric )1982.(Europe and people without History، New York. القاهرة، التاريخ والمؤرخين.)8914 ( حسين، مؤنس.3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 19 Course Title: Modern History of Europe II Course code: AHHS: 4104 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: 3202 Course Objectives: 1. Enlightening student the political status in Europe for the 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. 2. Discussing the roots of the conflicts which led to the 1st war and its consequences. Course outlines: The International Crises and /The Balance of Power /The 1st world War (1914 1918) /Reasons and /Results / Peace agree /Europe between 1st World War and 2nd War /Political and /Economical situation/ The great economical crises، /The 2nd world War and its results. Basic References: 1. Grant،A.G and Temporally)1962.(Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries، London بيروت، ترجمة نجيب هاشم، تاريخ أوروبا في العصر الحديث.)8991(أ،ه، فيشر. .2 Course Title: Research Methods Course code: AHHS: 4105 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific research methodologies. 2. Develop competency in implement tools of research methods. Course outlines: The course studies /The Theoretical Framework of Making a Historical Research /Formation of the research problem /Hypotheses /Objectives of research /Methods of data collection /Methods of data analysis /Approaches of information and presentation in the form of thesis or research paper. Basic References: 1. Leff،G)،1969(. History and Social Theory، London. 2. Jordanova،Ludmilla)،2000.(History in Practice، Oxford. . القاهرة، منهج البحث التاريخي.)8943( حسن، عثمان.3 . بيروت، البحث في التاريخ.)8998 ( عاصي، الدسوقي.4 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 20 Course Title: Economic and Social History of Sudan Course code: AHHS: 4201 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1.Proviadan overview of the economic conditions in Sudan since ancient times up to the present. 2. Realizing the impacts of the economic conditions upon ways and patterns of living. Course outlines: Economic aspects of Meroe /Sennar Kingdom economy /Economic motives to conquer Sudan in 1821 /Mahdist State economy /Condominium rule and large agricultural schemes (Gezira) / Economic sectors and National movements/ population and Manpower/ Mobility of the population/ Manpower and resources and Utilization.Emplyment and unemployment. Basic References: 1. Walz، T.P)،1978(. Trade between Egypt and Bilad as- Sudan 1700-1820، Cairo. القاهرة،8118-8148 التطورات االقتصادية واالجتماعية في السودان.)8911( حمدنا هللا،مصطفى. .2 Course Title: Condominium Rule and National Movement in Sudan Course code: AHHS: 4202 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To provide a good knowledge about the condominium government and the resistance of Sudanese to the colonization. 2. To enable the student in analyzing the phenomenon of the colonization. 3. To furnish a background about the liberation in the region and worldwide. Course outlines: The general situations before the Condominium Rule /Aspects of British Administration /Education during Condominium Rule /National Movements /Graduate Congress، /Laborers، /Farmers and /Students /Self Determination and prospects of Independent Sudan /Southern Sudan Problem. Basic References: 1. Bashir،M.O)،1979.(Revolution and Nationalism in the Sudan، London. 2. Abdel Rahim،Muddathir )1980.(Imperialism and Nationalism، Khartoum. 3. Holt،P.M and Dally،M.W )1988.(A History of the Modern Sudan، London. بيروت، اإلدارة البريطانية والحركة الوطنية في السودان.)8991( جعفر محمد علي، بخيت.4 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 21 Course Title: Modern History of Africa Course code: AHHS: 4203 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Describing the modern history of Africa and its historical relation with Europe and America. 2. Discussing the slave trade and its reasons of that led to colonial countries running towards the Africa. 3. Defining the different patterns،(French، Anglo،Etalian.etc). Course outlines: The national independent movements in /North /South، /East and /West Africa till the 2nd World War، /The Establishment of the Political Parties and Independence in /North، /South،/East and /West Africa. Basic References: 1. Wolf)،1980.(Empire and commerce in Africa، New York. 2. Races،A)،1913.(A History of the colonization of Africa، Cambridge. . االسكندرية، تاريخ أفريقيا القديم والحديث.)2221 ( محمود، السيد.3 Course Title: Modern History of Middle East Course code: AHHS: 4204 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Defining the concept of Middle East. . 2. To highlight the growth of Western Imperialism and competition in Arab World. 3. To give an overview the growth of Arabic Nationalism. Course outlines: Introduction: Definition of the Middle East "terminology" /Napoleon in Egypt، Mohammed Ali and Orabi revolution /The British intervention in Egypt، Arab Gulf، Arab Peninsula and Iraq، /The French in Syria and Lebanon /The Islamic revolution and movements; "Wahabi،Sunosi، Al-Afghani and Al-Kawakbi /The growth of Arabic Nationalism /The Palestine Question /The Arab League Basic References: .العالم العربي الحديث "الفترة بين الحربين العالميتين.) جالل(بدون تاريخ، يحي.8 تاريخ الشرق العربي.) عمر(بدون تاريخ، عبد العزيز.2 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 22 Course Title: Research Paper Course code: AHHS: 4205 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: 4105 Course Objectives: 1. Giving practical training on scientific research. 2. Testing the ability of dissertation writing skills. Course outlines: An individual research work on a topic in history: To be carried by each Student. Course Title: Contemporary History of Sudan 1956- 1989 Course code: AHHS: 1515 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: This course aims to know the students about the history of the Sudan after independence (1956-1989). Course outlines: Government ruled the Sudan (democratic- Military- Interim )\First national government 1956-1958\Election and coalition governments\ First Military government 1958-1964\October Revolution 1964\The first Interim government 1964-1965\Second Democracy government 1965-1969\Second military government 1969-1985\ Uprising (Alintifada) 1985\Interim government 1985-1986\Third Democracy government 1986-1989. Basic References: . دار الجيل –بيروت, التجربة الديمقراطية وتطور نظم الحكم في السودان: ابراهيم محمد حاج موسي.8 . صفحات من تاريخ السودان: عبد العزيز محمد موسي.2 Course Title: Contemporary History of Africa Course code: AHHS: 5102 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To defining the Modern History of Africa، with some analytical studies concerning the liberating movements. 2. To study the building of the National Institutions and state in Africa. Course outlines: /Struggle against Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism /Different African approaches of Rule in post-independent Africa /European educational systems in the independent Africa /Social، /Political and /Economic Organizations /Women and Youth union، /Trade union، and /Political Parties. Basic References: الدوحة، تاريخ أفريقيا الحديث والمعاصر.)8919 ( عبدهللا، شوقي و إبراهيم، الجمل.8 القاهرة، أفريقيا في التاريخ المعاصر.)8999( رأفت، الشيخ.2 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 23 Course Title: Contemporary History of Europe Course code: AHHS: 5103 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Discussing the subsequent resultants of the2nd world war. 2. The establishment and role of the international organizations، also discussing the concept of the equilibrium of power during the cold war، and describing the concept of influential centers trough the globalization and the conflict of power. Course outlines: /World War II and /Consequences /UN charter /Cold War. /Post-cold War era،/Political،/Economical and /social change in Europe Basic References: 1. Grant، A.G and Temporally.)8912(Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries،London . القاهرة،2ج،8 ج، تاريخ أوربا الحديث والمعاصر.)8999 (عبدهللا، شوقي وعبدالرازق، عطا هللا.2 Course Title: Orientalism Course code: AHHS: 5104 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To critically analyze and evaluate the concept 0f orientalism in historical studies. 2. To cast lights on the orientalism movement and its impacts via different scientific schools. Course outlines: /Definition of Term /Historical background of the discipline as a field of study /It’s different schools (/British /American - /Russian /German - /Jewish) Basic References: بيروت، ترجمة كمال أبو ديب، االستشراق.)8914( ادوارد، سعيد.8 . بنغازي، ترجمة عمر لطفي، تاريخ حركة االستشراق.)2229( يوهان، فوك.2 الرياض،8 ج، مناهج المستشرقين. )8911( مجموعة مؤلفين.3 Course Title: Historical Text Analyses (English) Course code: AHHS: 5105 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To enlighten students about the methods of the texts analysis in historical record. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 24 2. To provide the necessary training in some selected texts (ancient، modern، political، religions and economical). Course outlines: Definition of Historical Text /the type s of Historical Texts، The Method of texts analysis، /Different texts content، /(Ancient، /Medieval، /Modern and /Contemporary History)، ex. /Kings Annals، /Treaties texts، /land document. etc. Course Title: Some Selected Topics in History Course code: AHHS: 5106 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To enable students explore some complicating and conflicting issues in history. 2. To assist students in minatory concurrency with the most resent researches in the discipline of history. Course outlines: Select topic covering different /Historical topics /Philosophy and History /Anthropology and History/Ancient، /Medieval History etc.: ex. /Concept of the End of the History. Course Title: Islamic and Western Civilization Course code: AHHS: 5201 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Defining the concept of orientalism in dealing with Islamic civilization. 2. Enabling students to view Islamic civilization from the western perspective and vice versa. Course outlines: The substantial elements of the two civilizations and the /The Islamic civilization: /The Rise /The Main features (/Islam، /language، /Science and /literature) /Translation. /The Western Civilization: /The rise /The Main features (/Religions، /Science and /Arts) /Political rights /Impact of each civilization on the other and /The Role of Mass media (and other means) on imparting this contact. Basic References: 1. Samuel Huntington)1996.(The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of World Order، New York. بيروت، ترجمة نجدة هاجر وسعد الغز، اإلسالم في الغرب.)8912( جان بول، رو.2 بيروت، ترجمة جورج كتورة، اإلسالم والغرب.)8992( برنارد، لويس.3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 25 Course Title: Contemporary Issues Course code: AHHS: 5202 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. To direct students to study and discuss the contemporary issues according to historical background. 2. To up bring students capabilities on the critique reasoning، judging، and finding results، therefore improving the historical thinking. Course outlines: /The most Political issues such as /Arab Preposition – /Palestine question /Causes and Consequences /Africa preposition: /Unrest in the /Horn Africa (Somali) causes and consequences. Course Title: Historical Document Course code: AHHS: 5203 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None Course Objectives: 1. Defining the concept of historical document، methodology of investigating and critique of the document. 2. Conducting practical training in dealing with varied historical documents. Course outlines: /The Concept of Historical document /Classifying، /Keeping and /Investigation of the historical documents /Studying a select document ex.: /Mahdist document، /Turkish Rule documents، and /Condominium Rule documents. Basic References: دمشق،2 ط، منهج تحقيق المخطوطات.)2221 (، إياد، الطباع.8 مسقط، منهج البحث وتحقيق النصوص.)8991( محمد بن صالح، ناصر.2 أصول كتابة البحث ونشر المخطوطات.)2223( يوسف، المرعشلي.3 Course Title: Ethiopian History Course code: AHHS:5204 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: None COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 26 Course Objectives: 1. To highlight the history of this country this goes back to time immoral. 2. Evaluated the various role played by Ethiopia in the history of East Africa and its peripheries. Course outlines: Introduction: The land، people and ancient history of Ethiopia /Axum and end of Meroe /the 1st and 2nd war between Ethiopia and Mahdist State،/The modern history of Ethiopia /Italian rule،/Ethiopia and 2nd World War،/Independent. Basic References: 1. Oliver، Roland)1966(.East Africa، 2vols، Oxford. 2. Basil، Davidson)1967.(East and Central Africa to the late 19th century، London. Course Title: Research Paper Course code: AHHS: 5205 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite Course: 4105 Course Objectives: 8. Improving the students’ skills of research writing. 2. Discovering their trend and abilities in research. Course Description: An individual Research work on a topic in History to be carried each student. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (AHEL) 27