Business Address: AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center, Regional Center for Africa.
Mali Office: Samanko Research Station, BP 320 Bamako, Mali, Tel:(+223)20709200 or
+(223)20709212(direct), Fax:(+223)20709201
Tanzania Office: PO Box 10, Duluti, Arusha, Tanzania, Tel: (+255) 27 255 3093 / 3102; Fax:
(+255) 27 255 3125
Headquarters: PO Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan 74199; Taiwan ROC; Tel: (+886) 6 583 7801;
Fax: (+886) 6 583 0009
Permanent Address: 1104 Rue 28.245 (09 BP 747) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Phone: (+ 226) 50 36 51 73
Private Email: or
Agricultural scientist with about 20 years post-doctorate experience in research and extension (with significant farmer-participation) on several crop species including sorghum, millet, maize, cassava, yam, banana and plantain.
Experience in research management, multidisciplinary research team coordination, proposal development and fund raising, and collaboration with scientists at national, regional and international institutes, and at advanced laboratories for knowledge generation and technology development and dissemination.
Experience in degree-oriented and non-degree training for individuals and small groups.
Extensive travel experience, particularly in Africa, with participation in national, regional, and international conferences and workshops.
Excellent command (reading, written and oral) of French and English, working knowledge (reading) of German and Spanish. Spoken African languages: Gulimancema, Dioula, Mooré.
Ph.D. (1993), Genetics, Texas A&M University, Department of Soil & Crop Sciences, College Station, Texas 77843-
2474, U.S.A. [Phone:+1-979-845-2151, Fax:+1-979-845-0456].
M.Sc. (1990), Plant Breeding, Texas A&M University, Department of Soil & Crop Sciences, College Station, Texas
77843-2474, U.S.A. [Phone:+1-979-845-2151, Fax:+1-979-845-0456].
Ingénieur Agronome (1985), Rural Development (Agricultural Planning & Resource Management), University of
Ouagadougou, 03 B.P. 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso. [Phone: +226-50 30 71 59, Fax:+226-50 30 72 42].
Performance Measurement for Effective Management of Non-Profit Organizations – 31 May-3 June 2011,
Harvard Business School, Boston, U.S.A.
Leadership and Management Training – 6-10 October 2008, conducted by the Indian Institute of Management.
Bangkok, Thailand
March 2008 to Present. Director, Regional Center for Africa, Asian Vegetable Research and
Development Center (AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center) and Member of Institutional Management and Research Committees
January 2006 to March 2008.
December 2002 to December 2004. Program Leader, Diversification of Agricultural Systems in Humid and Sub-
Humid Agro-ecologies, IITA
February 2000 to March 2002.
March 1997 to August 2001.
Member, Research for Development Council (RDC), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Program Coordinator, Plantain and Banana Research, IITA.
Research Team Coordinator, Plantain and Banana Research, Genetic
Improvement Group, IITA
October 1994 to June 1996. Coordinator, West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network,
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
March 2008 to present.
September 2001 to March 2008.
August 1998 to August 2001.
July 1996 to July 1998.
October 1994 to June 1996.
July 1993 to October 1994.
January 1988 - May 1993.
July 1985 - December 1987.
May 1984 - April 1985.
May - September 1983.
May - September 1982.
Director, Regional Center for Africa, AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center,
Arusha, Tanzania (with teams currently based in Cameroon, Mali, and
Tanzania, and up to mid-2011 in Madagascar and Niger).
Starchy Crops Scientist (Genetics and Breeding of Plantain and Banana,
Cassava and Yams), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Humid
Forest Ecoregional Center, Yaoundé, Cameroon and Accra, Ghana.
Scientist (Genetics and Breeding), Plantain and Banana Improvement
Project, Crop Improvement Division, International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture, Onne High Rainfall Station, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Associate Scientist (Genetics and Breeding), Plantain and Banana
Improvement Project, Crop Improvement Division, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Onne High Rainfall Station, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Coordinator, West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network,
International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT),
Bamako, Mali and Visiting Lecturer in Genetics and Plant Breeding,
Université de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Lecturer in Genetics and Plant Breeding, Université de Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso
Graduate Assistant, Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University,
Texas, U.S.A.), and Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology,
Purdue University, Indiana (U.S.A.).
Research Associate, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-
Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) West African Sorghum Improvement Program (Striga
Research), Burkina Faso.
Internship in sorghum breeding, ICRISAT, Kamboinsé, Burkina Faso.
Internship in soil fertilization research, Projet Phosphate, Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso.
Internship in agricultural extension, ex-O.R.D (Organisme Regional de
Développement). Haut-Bassins, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Tenkouano Page 2 of 19
1995 Enhancing Sorghum Production and Utilization through Collaborative Research in West and Central Africa
(1996-1998). USAID. Approved at USD 1.2 Million.
2000 Breeding and Delivering Superior Plantain and Banana to Smallholders In Sub-Saharan Africa (2001-2005).
DGIC (Belgium). Approved at Euro 4.7 Million.
Delivery and Evaluation of Disease-Resistant Plantain and Banana Hybrids and Related Technologies to
Smallholder farmers In Nigeria (Oct 2000 – Sept 2003). USAID. Approved at USD 462,342.
2001 Distribution of Vitamin-Rich Plantain Hybrids and Improved Post-Harvest Processing Options to Alleviate
Nutrient Deficiency in South-East Nigeria (July 2001-June 2003). Nigerian Agip Oil Company. Approved at NGN
1.4 Million (USD 13,000).
2002 Increasing Productivity and Market Opportunities for Banana and Plantain - A Strategy for Economic Growth for Rural Communities in Africa (2002 – 2003). Jointly developed with IPGRI. USAID. Approved at ca. USD
2003 Backstopping the Ministry of Agriculture of Cameroon for Dissemination of Plantain Germplasm and
Technologies (Nov 2003 – Oct 2006). MINAGRI (Cameroon). Approved at ca. USD 40,000.
Enhanced Nutritional Status in sub-Saharan Africa through Development and Deployment of Micronutrient-
Dense Varieties of Plantains and Bananas. Harvest Plus (Global Challenge Program on Biofortification – Phase
II crops, 2003-2007). Approved at ca USD 75,000 per annum.
2004 Delivery and Evaluation of Disease-Resistant Plantain and Banana Hybrids and Related Technologies to
Smallholder farmers In Ghana (2005-2007). Gatsby Charitable Foundation. Approved at USD 487,000.
Increasing Productivity, Food Security and Market Opportunities for Banana and Plantain in Mozambique through Rapid Delivery of Superior Varieties and Associated Technologies to Smallholder Farmers (2004-
2008). Ministry of Agriculture (DINA). Approved at USD 1.8 Million.
2005 Sustainable and Profitable Banana-based Systems for the African Great Lakes Region (Sept 2005-Aug 2008).
DGDC (Belgium). Approved at ca. Euro 2.0 Million.
2006 Backstopping the Ministry of Agriculture of Cameroon for Dissemination of Root and Tuber Germplasm and
Technologies (March 2006 – Aug 2009). MINADER (Cameroon). Approved at ca. USD120,000.
2007 Crop Management Strategies for Banana and Plantain in the Operational Zone of Green River Project (June
2007 – December 2009). Nigerian Agip Oil Company. Approved at NGN 7.5 Million (USD 58,000)
2009 Biodiversity Integration and Rural Development in Madagascar (Oct 2009 - Oct 2012). EU/University of
Torrino/DBAU (Contract N° FED/2009/217077). Approved at Euro 49,400
Scaling up farmer-led seed enterprises for sustained productivity and livelihoods in Eastern and Central Africa
(Dec 2009- Jun 2012), World Bank/ASARECA (ASR-09-P7-01-003). Approved at USD 581,000 (ASARECA-led)
2011 A better bitter gourd: Exploiting bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) to increase incomes, manage type 2 diabetes, and promote health in developing countries (March 2011 – February 2014). BMZ/GIZ. Approved at
Euro 1,200,000
Enhancing horticultural productivity, incomes and livelihoods through integrated management of aphid pests on vegetables in sub-Saharan Africa (Jan 2011 – Dec 2013). BMZ/GIZ/IITA. Approved at Euro 1,200,000 (IITA-
Improving Vegetable Production and Consumption in Mali (May 2011 – April 2014). USAID. Approved at USD
1,876,000 (USD 1,000,000 obligated for Aug 2011-July 2013)
Implementation of integrated thrips and tospovirus management strategies in small-holder vegetable cropping systems of Eastern Africa (April 2011-March 2014). BMZ. Approved at Euro 1.200,000 (Icipe-led)
2012 Training, technical support and vegetable seeds for an enhanced household food production project, Mwanza district (Aug 2012-July 2013). Helen Keller Int’l/Tz. Approved at USD110,000
A preliminary study to improve income and nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa by enhancing vegetable based farming and food systems (May 2012-Nov 2012). ACIAR. Approved at AU$123,562
Sustainable Intensification of Key Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa (May-Sep
2012). USAID/IITA. Approved at USD 240,048.
2013 Enhancing Productivity, Competitiveness and Marketing of Traditional African (Leafy) Vegetables for Improved
Income and Nutrition in West and Central Africa (July 2013-June 2016). CORAF/World Bank. Approved at
USD$ 1.250,000
Tenkouano Page 3 of 19
Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Ethiopia, The
Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Conakry, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe
Americas: Colombia, Ecuador, Guadeloupe, Honduras, Mexico, United States of America
Europe: Belgium, France, Italy, United Kingdom
Asia/Pacific: Australia, China (Taiwan), India, Malaysia, Syria, Thailand, United Arab Emirates
Theses and Dissertations
[1.] Tenkouano, A. 1993. Genetic and Ontogenic Analysis of Anthracnose Resistance in Sorghum bicolor (L.)
Moench. Ph.D. Dissertation. Texas A&M University. College Station. 107p.
[2.] Tenkouano, A. 1990. Relationships of Nonstructural Carbohydrates to Resistance to Charcoal Rot in
Sorghum. MS Thesis. Texas A&M University. College Station. 106p.
[3.] Tenkouano, A. 1985. Influence de la Saison de Culture sur la Qualité des Semences et la Distribution de la
Matière Sèche chez le Sorgho. Mémoire de fin d'études d’Ingénieur Agronome, Université de
Ouagadougou. 150p.
Journal Articles
[1.] Baiyeri, K.P., O.O. Ndukwe, and A. Tenkouano. 2013. Manure placement method influenced growth, phenology and bunch yield of three Musa genotypes in a humid zone of Southern Nigeria.
Communications in Biometry and Crop Science 8 (1): 1–9.
[2.] Dochez, C., J. Dusabe, A. Tenkouano, R. Ortiz, J. Whyte, and D. De Waele. 2013. Screening Musa germplasm for resistance to burrowing nematode populations from Uganda. Genetic Resources & Crop
Evolution 60: 367-375
[3.] Dochez, C., J. Dusabe, A. Tenkouano, R. Ortiz, J. Whyte, and D. De Waele. 2013. Variability in reproductive fitness and virulence of four Radopholus similis nematode populations associated with plantains and banana (Musa spp.) in Uganda. International Journal of Pest Management 59 (1): 20-24
[4.] Lin Shih-wen, Yu-yu Chou, Hsueh-ching Shieh, A.W. Ebert, S. Kumar, R. Mavlyanova, A. Rouamba, A.
Tenkouano, V. Afari-Sefa and P.A. Gniffke. 2013. Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Germplasm Dissemination by
AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center: an Overview and Introspection. Chronica Horticulturae 53 (30): 21-
[5.] Zandjanakou-Tachin, M., P.S. Ojiambo, I. Vroh-Bi, A. Tenkouano, Y.M. Gumedzoe and R. Bandyopadhyay.
2013. Pathogenic variation of Mycosphaerella species infecting banana and plantain in Nigeria. Plant
Pathology 62 (2): 298-308
[6.] Afari-Sefa, V., A. Tenkouano, C.O. Ojiewo, J.D.H. Keatinge, and J. d’A. Hughes.2012.Vegetable Breeding in
Africa: Constraints, Complexity and Contributions Toward Achieving Food and Nutritional Security. Food
Security 4 (1): 115-127
[7.] Afari-Sefa, V., S. Dagnoko, T. Endres, A. Tenkouano, S. Kumar and P. A. Gniffke. 2012. Tools and approaches for vegetable cultivar and technology transfer in West Africa: A case study of new hot pepper variety dissemination in Mali. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development. 4(15): 410-416,
[8.] Keatinge, J.D.H., M.L. Chadha, J. d’A. Hughes, W. J. Easdown, R. J. Holmer, A. Tenkouano, R.Y. Yang, R.
Mavlyanova, S. Neave, V. Afari-Sefa, G. Luther, M. Ravishankar, C. Ojiewo, M. Belarmino, A. Ebert, J.F.
Wang, and L.J. Lin. 2012. Vegetable gardens and their Impact on the attainment of the millennium development goals. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 28 (2): 71-85
[9.] Tenkouano, A, R. Ortiz, and D. Vuylsteke. 2012. Estimating genetic effects in maternal and paternal half- sibs from tetraploid-diploid crosses in Musa spp. Euphytica 185 (2): 295-301
[10.] Tenkouano, A, J.H. Crouch, and R. Ortiz. 2012. Additive relationships and parent–offspring regression in
Musa germplasm with intergeneration genome size polymorphism. Scientia Horticulturae 136: 69–74 .
[11.] Tenkouano, A., R. Ortiz, and S. Nokoe. 2012. Repeatability and optimum trial configuration for field testing of banana and plantain. Scientia Horticulturae 140: 39–44
[12.] Aba, S.C., K.P. Baiyeri, and A. Tenkouano. 2011. Impact of poultry manure on growth behaviour, black
Sigatoka disease response and yield attributes of two plantain (Musa spp. AAB) genotypes. Tropicultura
29: 20-27.
[13.] Honfo, F.G., A. Tenkouano and O. Coulibaly. 2011. Banana and plantain-based foods consumption by children and mothers in Cameroon and Southern Nigeria: A comparative study. African Journal of Food
Science 5: 287-291
[14.] Keatinge, J.D.H., W.J. Easdown, J.d’A. Hughes and A. Tenkouano. 2011. Small and medium-scale public- private partnerships in horticulture for development: an example from AVRDC - The World Vegetable
Center. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 921:25-33
[15.] Ndukwe, O. O., C.O. Muoneke, K.P. Baiyeri, and A. Tenkouano. 2011. Growth and yield responses of plantain genotypes as influenced by organic and inorganic fertilizers. Journal of Plant Nutrition 34 (5): 700
– 716
[16.] Vroh-Bi, I., C. Anagbogu, S. Nnadi, and A. Tenkouano. 2011. Genomic characterization of natural and somaclonal variations in bananas (Musa spp.). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 29(2): 440-448
[17.] Adeniji T.A., A.D. Hart, A. Tenkouano, I.S. Barimalaa, and L.O. Sanni. 2010. Comparative study of pasting properties of improved plantain, banana and cassava varieties with emphasis on industrial application.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 10(5) : 2601-2614
[18.] Baiyeri, K. P., S.C. Aba, and A. Tenkouano. 2010. Region of bunch pruning influences the bunch and fruit physical traits of ‘PITA 24’ plantain (Musa AAB) hybrid. Journal of Applied Biosciences 33: 2119 – 2127
[19.] Baiyeri, K. P., S.C. Aba, and A. Tenkouano. 2010. Timing of bunch pruning enhances bunch and fruit qualities of ‘PITA 24’ plantain (Musa AAB) hybrid. Journal of Applied Biosciences 33: 2110 – 2118
[20.] Ojiewo, C., A. Tenkouano, M. Oluoch, R. Yang. 2010. The role of AVRDC - The World Vegetable Centre in vegetable value chains. African Journal of Horticultural Science 3:1-23
[21.] Tenkouano, A, B. O. Faturoti and K. P. Baiyeri. 2010. On-farm evaluation of Musa hybrids in southern
Nigeria. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology. 4(special issue 2): 30 - 34.
[22.] Tenkouano, A., H.O. Oselebe, and R.Ortiz. 2010. Selection efficiency in Musa L. under different cropping systems. Australian Journal of Crop Science 4(2):74-80
[23.] Aba, S.C., K.P. Baiyeri, and A. Tenkouano. 2009. Factorial combination of manure rates and bunch pruning intensities influenced bunch physical traits of two plantain (Musa spp. AAB) genotypes. International
Agrophysics 23: 207-213
[24.] Baiyeri, K. P, A. Tenkouano, and S.C. Aba. 2009. Residual effect of plantain-targeted manure on substrate fertility and performance of follower maize (Zea mays) crop. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 3(2): 194 -
[25.] Baiyeri, K. P., A.E. Ede, G.T. Otitoju, O. Mbah, E. Agbo, A. Tenkouano, and B.O. Faturoti. 2009. Evaluation of Iron, Zinc, Potassium and Proximate Qualities of Five Musa Genotypes. Journal of Applied Biosciences
18: 1003 – 1008
[26.] Baiyeri, K. P., S.C. Aba, B.O. Faturoti, and A. Tenkouano. 2009. Effects of poultry manure and bunch pruning management on fruit size, shelf life and pulp colour of ‘PITA 24’ and ‘Mbi-Egome’ plantains (Musa sp. AAB group). Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 3(2): 215 - 226
[27.] Dochez, C. P.R. Speijer, B. De Schutter, T. Dubois, A. Tenkouano, D. De Waele and R. Ortiz. 2009. Host plant resistance and tolerance of Musa landraces and hybrids to nematode infestation. Journal of
Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics Supplement 92: 137-152
[28.] Dochez, C., A. Tenkouano, R. Ortiz, J. Whyte, and D. De Waele. 2009. Host plant resistance to Radopholus
similis in a diploid banana hybrid population. Nematology 11(3): 329-335
[29.] Igili, D. N., Baiyeri, K. P., Uguru, M. I. and A. Tenkouano. 2009. Progress in breeding diploid genetic stocks of banana with resistance to black sigatoka. AgroScience. 8(3): 180 - 189.
Tenkouano Page 2 of 19
[30.] Lorenzen, J., A. Tenkouano, R. Bandyopadhyay, and I. Vroh-Bi. 2009. The role of crop improvement in pest and disease management. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 828:305-314
[31.] Ndukwe, O. O, Muoneke, C. O., Baiyeri, K. P. and A. Tenkouano. 2009. The effects of Organic and
Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth, Yield and Black Sigatoka disease reaction of some plantain (Musa spp.
AAB) genotypes in South-eastern Nigeria. AgroScience. 8(3): 151 - 161.
[32.] Ndukwe, O. O, Baiyeri, K. P.; Muoneke, C. O. and A. Tenkouano. 2009. Impact of organic fertilizers on the postharvest fruit qualities of four Musa (AAB sub-group) genotypes in sub-humid zone of Nigeria. Global
Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 8(2): 185 - 194
[33.] Oselebe, H.O. and A. Tenkouano. 2009. Ploidy versus gender effects on inheritance of quantitative traits in Musa species. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3(6): 367-373
[34.] Selatsa, A. A, A. Tenkouano, E. Njukwe, R. N. Iroume, and P. J. Bramel. 2009. Morphological Diversity of
Plantain (Musa sp. L. AAB group) in Cameroon : Relationships to Farmer´s Cultural Practices. African
Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 3(1): 51-58
[35.] Tachin-Zandjanakou, M., I. Vroh-Bi, P.S. Ojiambo, A. Tenkouano, M. Gumedzoe, I. Ingelbrecht, and R.
Bandyopandhyay. 2009. Genetic diversity and identification of Mycosphaerella species of banana and plantain using single nucleotide polymorphisms of ribosomal DNA and microsatellite markers. Plant
Pathology 58: 536–546
[36.] Vroh-Bi, I., M. Zandjanakou-Tachin, W. M'bah, A. Tenkouano, P. Ojiambo, and R. Bandyopadhyay. 2009.
Resistance of F1 segregating populations derived from crosses between wild banana accessions Musa
acuminata spp. burmannicoides 'calcutta 4' and M. balbisiana 'Montpellier' to black leaf streak disease.
Acta Hort. (ISHS) 828:353-358
[37.] Adeniji, T.A. and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Effect of processing and storage on the colour of plantain and banana products. Agro-Science, 7(2): 88-92.
[38.] Adeniji, T.A. and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Effect of processing on the proximate, mineral, and pasting properties of whole flour made from some new plantain and banana hybrids pulp and peel mixture. Agro-
Science, 7(2): 99-105.
[39.] Adeniji, T. A., I. S. Barimalaa, A. Tenkouano, L.O. Sanni, and A.D. Hart. 2008. Antinutrients and heavy metals in new Nigerian Musa hybrids peels with emphasis on utilization in livestock production. Fruits 63
(2): 65-73
[40.] Baiyeri, K. P.and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Fruit Characteristics and Ripening Pattern of Ten Musa Genotypes in a Sub-humid Location in Nigeria. Fruits 63 (1): 3-9.
[41.] Baiyeri, K. P and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Variability in Agricultural and Biological Yields of Ten Musa
Genotypes Evaluated for Two Cropping Cycles in a Sub-Humid Environment of Nigeria. Journal of Crop
Improvement 21(1): 27-40.
[42.] Baiyeri, K.P.and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Manure Placement Effects on Root and Shoot Growth and Nutrient
Uptake of ‘PITA 14’ Plantain Hybrid. African Journal of Agricultural Research 3(10): 13-21
[43.] Baiyeri, K. P and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Variability in Agricultural and Biological Yields of Ten Musa
Genotypes Evaluated for Two Cropping Cycles in a Sub-Humid Environment of Nigeria. Journal of Crop
Improvement 21(1): 27-40.
[44.] Baiyeri, K. P., M. Pillay, and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Phenotypic relationships between growth, yield and black leaf streak disease responses of Musa genotypes. Journal of Crop Improvement. 21(1): 41-54
[45.] Blomme G, R. Swennen, A. Tenkouano, F.L. Turyagyenda, G. Soka, and R. Ortiz. 2008. Comparative study of shoot and root development in micropropagated and sucker-derived banana and plantain (Musa spp.) plants. Journal of Applied Biosciences 8(2):334-342.
[46.] Blomme G, R. Swennen, G.E. Soka, F.L. Turyagyenda, and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Relationship between root and shoot growth traits during the plant crop and first ratoon in banana and plantain (Musa spp.) and its implications for perennial cultivation on degraded Ultisols in south-eastern Nigeria. Journal of Applied
BioSciences 8(2):309-322.
Tenkouano Page 3 of 19
[47.] Faturoti, B., A. E Agwu,., E. M Igbokwe, and A. Tenkouano. 2008. International institute of tropical agriculture plantain and banana programme: an insight into the contributions of farmer-to- farmer extension paradigm. African Journal of Biotechnology 7 (13): 2137-2146
[48.] Ssebuliba, R., M. Pillay, and A. Tenkouano, A. 2008. Male fertility and occurrence of 2n gametes in East
African Highland Bananas (Musa sp.). Euphytica 164(1): 53-62
[49.] Adeniji, T.A.;Tenkouano, A. 2007. Micronutrients content of chips from plantain and banana hybrids.
Fruits 62 (6): 345-352.
[50.] Faturoti, B.O.; Madukwe, M.C.; Tenkouano, A.; Agwu, A.E. 2007.A review of policy acts and initiatives in plantain and banana innovation system in Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 6 (20): 2297-2302
[51.] Faturoti, B.O, G.N. Emah, B.I. Isife, A. Tenkouano, T.A. Adeniji, and J. Lemchi. 2007. Unlocking the profit potentials of an innovation: A case study of IITA hybrid plantains and bananas. Global Journal of
Agricultural Sciences 6(2): 177-182.
[52.] Honfo, F. G., P.A.P Kayodé, O. Coulibaly, A. Tenkouano. 2007. Relative contribution of banana and plantain products to the nutritional requirements for iron, zinc and vitamin A of infants and mothers in
Cameroon. Fruits 62:1-11
[53.] Tenkouano, A., D. Vuylsteke, R. Swennen. 2007. Sink competition and desuckering effects on field performance of triploid and tetraploid plantain genotypes. Journal of Crop Improvement 20(1/2): 31-51
[54.] Twizeyimana M., R. Bandyopadhyay, P.S. Ojiambo, A. Tenkouano, and T. Ikotun. 2007. Rapid screening of
Musa species for resistance to black leaf streak using in vitro plantlets in tubes and detached leaves. Plant
Disease 91: 308-314
[55.] Baiyeri, K.P. and A. Tenkouano. 2006. Genetic and crop cycle effects on proximate composition and antinutrient contets of flour made from eleven Musa genotypes. Global Journal of Pure and Applied
Sciences 12 (2): 177-182
[56.] Dochez, C., J. Dusabe, J. Whyte, A. Tenkouano, R. Ortiz, and D. De Waele. 2006. New sources of resistance to Radopholus similis in Musa germplasm from Asia. Australasian Plant Pathology 35: 481-485
[57.] Faturoti, B.O, G.N. Emah, B.I. Isife, A. Tenkouano, and J. Lemchi. 2006. Prospects and determinants of adoption of IITA plantain and banana based technologies in three Niger Delta States of Nigeria. African
Journal of Biotechnology 5: 1319-1323
[58.] Kenga, R., A. Tenkouano, S.C Gupta, and S.O. Alabi. 2006. Phenotypic and genetic associations between yield components in hybrid sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L. Moench) populations. Euphytica 150(3): 319-
[59.] Olaniyi, M.O., P.Speijer, D. De Waele, R. Swennen, and A. Tenkouano. 2006. Influence of crop management practices in two locations on plantain response to plant parasitic nematodes. Niger Delta
Biologia 5(1): 1-3
[60.] Oselebe, H. O., A Tenkouano, and M. Pillay. 2006. Ploidy variation of Musa hybrids from crosses. African
Journal of Biotechnology 5 (11):1048-1053
[61.] Oselebe, H.O., A. Tenkouano, M. Pillay, I.U. Obi, and M.I. Uguru. 2006. Ploidy and Genome Segregation in
Musa Breeding Populations assessed by Flow Cytometry and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA
Markers. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131(6):780–786
[62.] Pillay, M., E. Ogundiwin, A. Tenkouano, and J. Dolezel. 2006. Ploidy and genome composition of Musa germplasm at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). African journal of Biotechnology 5
[63.] Ssebuliba R, D. Talengera, D. Makumbi, A. Tenkouano, and M. Pillay. 2006. Reproductive efficiency and breeding potential of East African highland banana. Field Crops Research 95:250-255
[64.] Ssebuliba, R., M. Magambo, D. Talengera, D. Makumbi, A. Tenkouano, P. Rubaihayo, and M. Pillay. 2006.
Biological factors affecting seed production in East African highland bananas. Journal of Crop
Improvement 16: 67-79
Tenkouano Page 4 of 19
[65.] Tenkouano, A., S. Hauser, D. Coyne, and O. Coulibaly. 2006. Clean planting materials and management practices for sustained production of banana and plantain in Africa. Chronica Horticulturae 46 (2): 14-18
[66.] Ude G.N., C.O. Dimpka, P. Anegbeh, A.A. Shaibu, and M. Pillay. 2006, M. Pillay, and Z. Tchoundjeu. 2006.
Analysis of genetic diversity in accessions of Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex O’ Rorke) Baill. African
Journal of Biotechnology 5:219-223
[67.] Coyne, D.L., O. Rotimi, P. Speijer, B. De Schutter, T. Dubois, A. Auwerkerken, A. Tenkouano, and D. De
Waele. 2005. Effects of nematode infection and mulching on the yield of plantain (Musa spp., AAB-group) ratoon crops and plantation longevity in southeastern Nigeria. Nematology 7: 531-541
[68.] Baiyeri, K. P., B. N. Mbah, J.S.C. Mbagwu and A. Tenkouano. 2005. Comparative morphophysiological and yield characteristics of Musa genomes in Nigeria. Bio-Research. 3(1): 45 - 55.
[69.] De Langhe, E., M. Pillay, A. Tenkouano and R. Swennen. 2005. Integrating morphological and molecular taxonomy in Musa: the African plantains (Musa spp. AAB group). Plant systematics and evolution 255:
[70.] Dochez C., J. Whyte, A. Tenkouano, R. Ortiz, and D. De Waele. 2005. Response of East African highland bananas and hybrids to Radopholus similis.Nematology 7: 655-666
[71.] Lemchi, J.I., C.I. Ezedinma, M. Tshiunza, A. Tenkouano, and B.O. Faturoti. 2005. Agroeconomic evaluation of black Sigatoka resistant hybrid plantains under smallholder management systems. African Journal of
Biotechnology 4: 1045-1053.
[72.] Lemchi,J., M. Tshiunza, U. Onyeka and A. Tenkouano. 2005. Factors driving the adoption of cooking banana processing and utilisation methods in Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology 4: 1335-1347.
[73.] Ssebuliba, R.N., P. Rubaihayo, A. Tenkouano, D. Makumbi, D. Talengera and M. Magambo. 2005. Genetic diversity among East African highland bananas for female fertility. African Crop Science Journal 13: 13-26
[74.] Baiyeri, K.P., A. Tenkouano, B.N. Mbah, and J.S.C. Mbagwu. 2004. Phenological and yield evaluation of
Musa genotypes under alley and sole cropping systemes in southeastern Nigeria. Tropical and Subtropical
Agroecosystems 4: 137-144
[75.] Blomme, G., H. de Beule , R. L. Swennen, A. Tenkouano and D. De Waele. 2004. Effect of nematodes on root and shoot growth of in vitro-propagated and sword sucker-derived plants of six Musa spp.
Genotypes. Nematology 6:593-604
[76.] Nwauzoma, A.B., A. Tenkouano, and L.A. Daniel-Kallo. 2004. Disease incidence and symptom expression of banana streak badnavirus on plantain somaclones (Musa spp., AAB Group) in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection 21: 63-72
[77.] Tenkouano, A. and R.L. Swennen. 2004. Progress in breeding and delivering improved plantain and banana to African farmers. Chronica Horticulturae 44: 9-15
[78.] J. Lemchi, M. Tshiunza, U. Onyeka and A. Tenkouano. 2004. Dissemination and diffusion of cooking utilization methods in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Technology 12: 56 – 73
[79.] J. Lemchi, M. Tshiunza, A. Tenkouano and C. Ezedinma. 2004. Status of cooking banana in Nigeria: An analysis of the adoption level by farmers. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Technology 12: 26 – 31
[80.] Lemchi, J., M. Tshiunza, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Factors driving the intensity and rate of cooking banana adoption in Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Social Science 3: 135-166
[81.] Lemchi, J., M. Tshiunza, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Factors Influencing the diffusion of cooking banana in
Nigeria. Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria 8 :1-20
[82.] Lemchi, J., M. Tshiunza, U. Onyeka, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Adoption of cooking banana processing and utilization methods in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Technology 11: 1-17
[83.] Lemchi, J., M. Tshiunza, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Analysis of determinants of intensity and rate of cooking banana diffusion in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Technology 11: 56-73
[84.] Nwaiwu, O., H.O. Njoku, B.J.O. Efiuvwevwere, R Ortiz, A. Tenkouano, and V.I. Ibekwe. 2003. Modified atmosphere packaging and biodeterioration of plantain. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural
Development 4: 53 – 58
Tenkouano Page 5 of 19
[85.] Nwakanma, D.C., M. Pillay, B. E. Okoli, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Sectional relationships in the genus Musa inferred from PCR-RFLP of organelle DNA sequences. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107: 850-856
[86.] Nwakanma, D. C., M. Pillay, B. E. Okoli, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. PCR-RFLP of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) provides markers for the A and B genomes in Musa L. Theoretical and Applied
Genetics 108:154 –159
[87.] Ratnadass, A., P.S. Marley, M.A.Hamada, O.Ajayi, B.Cisse, F.Assamoi, I.D.K.Atokple, J.Beyo, O.Cisse,
D.Dakouo, M.Diakite, S.Dossou-Yovo, B.Le Diambo, M.B.Vopeyande, I.Sissoko, and A. Tenkouano. 2003.
Sorghum head-bugs and grain molds in West and Central Africa:I. Host plant resistance and bug –mold interactions on sorghum grains. Crop Protection 22: 837 - 851
[88.] Shaibu, A.A., A.I. Nwonuala, A.Tenkouano, and M.N. Ogburia. 2003. Agronomic performance of 4n x 2n- derived plantain (Musa sp., AAB group) hybrids in a humid agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. International
Journal of Agricultural and Rural Development 4: 1-8
[89.] Ude, G., M. Pillay, E. Ogundiwin, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Genetic diversity in an African Plantain Core
Collection using AFLP and RAPD markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107: 248 – 255
[90.] Blomme, G., H. De Beule, R. L. Swennen, A. Tenkouano, and D. De Waele. 2002. Horizontal distribution of root nematode damage in six Musa spp. genotypes. African Plant Protection 7: 73-80
[91.] Nwauzoma, A.B., A. Tenkouano, J.H. Crouch, M. Pillay, D.Vuylsteke, and L.A. Daniel-Kalio. 2002. Enhanced yield and disease resistance of plantain (Musa spp., AAB group) somaclones in Nigeria. Euphytica 123: 323-
[92.] Tenkouano, A., R. Ortiz, and K. P. Baiyeri. 2002. Phenotypic and genetic correlations in Musa populations in Nigeria. African Crop Science Journal 10: 121-132
[93.] Ude, G., M. Pillay, D. Nwakanma, and A. Tenkouano. 2002. Analysis of genetic diversity and sectional relationships in Musa using AFLP markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 104: 1239-1245
[94.] Ude, G., M. Pillay, D. Nwakanma, and A. Tenkouano. 2002. Genetic diversity in Musa acuminata Colla and
Musa balbisiana Colla and some of their natural hybrids using AFLP markers. Theoretical and Applied
Genetics 104: 1246-1252
[95.] Baiyeri, K.P., A.Tenkouano, B.N.Mbah, and J.S.C. Mbagwu. 2001. Performance evaluation trial of triploid and tetraploid Musa genotypes under alley and sole cropping systems in southeastern Nigeria.
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 1: 57-66
[96.] De Schutter B., P.R. Speijer, C. Dochez, A. Tenkouano, and De Waele D. 2001. Evaluating host plant reaction of Musa germplasm to Radopholus similis by inoculation of single primary roots. Nematropica
31(2): 295-299
[97.] Pillay, M., E. Ogundiwin, D. C. Nwakanma, G.Ude, and A. Tenkouano. 2001. Analysis of genetic diversity and relationships in East African banana germplasm. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 102: 965-970
[98.] Tshiunza, M, J.Lemchi, and A. Tenkouano. 2001. Determinants of market production of cooking banana in
Nigeria. African Crop Science Journal 9: 537-547
[99.] Tshiunza, M., J.I. Lemchi, U. Onyeka, and A.Tenkouano. 2001. Cooking banana consumption patterns in the plantain growing area of Southeastern Nigeria. Tropicultura 19: 135-140.
[100.] Baiyeri, K.P., A.Tenkouano, B.N. Mbah, and J.S.C. Mbagwu. 2000. Ploidy and genomic group effects on yield components interaction in bananas and plantains across four environments in Nigeria. Scientia
Horticulturae 85: 51-62
[101.] Baiyeri, K.P., B.N. Mbah, and A.Tenkouano. 2000. Relationships between phenological and yield traits of the plant crop and first ratoon crop of Musa genotypes as affected by ploidy level and genomic group.
Agro-Science 1 (1): 113-121
[102.] Baiyeri, K.P., B.N. Mbah, and A.Tenkouano. 2000. Yield components of triploid and tetraploid Musa genotypes in Nigeria. Hortscience 35 (7): 1338-1343
[103.] Dahal, G., R. Ortiz, A. Tenkouano, J. d'A. Hughes, G. Thottappilly, D. Vuylsteke & B. E. L. Lockhart. 2000.
Relationship between natural occurrence of banana streak badnavirus and symptom expression, relative
Tenkouano Page 6 of 19
concentration of viral antigen, and yield characteristics of some micropropagated Musa spp. Plant
Pathology 49: 68-79
[104.] Pillay, M., D. C. Nwakanma, and A. Tenkouano. 2000. Identification of RAPD markers linked to A and B genome sequences in Musa. Genome: 43 (5) 763-767
[105.] Tenkouano, A. 2000. Persistence and horticultural value of inflorescence dichotomy in plantain.
HortScience 35: 933-936
[106.] Baiyeri, K.P., A.Tenkouano, and B.N.Mbah. 1999. Comparing yield stability of Musa genotypes in Nigeria using four statistical methods. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources 15: 53-67
[107.] Baiyeri, K.P., A.Tenkouano, B.N. Mbah, and J.S.C. Mbagwu. 1999. Genetic and cropping system effects on biological value and market potential of Musa spp. L. in southeastern Nigeria. African Crop Science Journal
[108.] Crouch, J.H., H.K Crouch, A.Tenkouano, and R. Ortiz. 1999. VNTR-based diversity analysis of 2x and 4x full- sib Musa hybrids. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology: 2(3):http://ejb.ucv.cll/content/vol2 /issue3 /full/1/.
[109.] Tenkouano, A., J.H. Crouch, H.K. Crouch, D. Vuylsteke, and R. Ortiz. 1999. Comparison of DNA marker and pedigree-based methods of genetic analysis in plantain and banana (Musa spp.) Clones: I. Estimation of genetic relationships. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 98: 62-68
[110.] Tenkouano, A., J.H. Crouch, H.K. Crouch, D. Vuylsteke, and R. Ortiz. 1999. Comparison of DNA marker and pedigree-based methods of genetic analysis in plantain and banana (Musa spp.) Clones: II. Predicting hybrid performance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 98: 69-75
[111.] Wilson, V., A. Tenkouano, C. Pasberg-Gauhl, and F. Gauhl. 1999. Heterotic responses of tetraploid and triploid plantain hybrids in southeast Nigeria. African Crop Science Journal 7: 117-123
[112.] Tenkouano, A., J.H. Crouch, H.K. Crouch, and D. Vuylsteke. 1998. Ploidy determination in Musa germplasm using pollen and chloroplast characteristics. HortScience 33:889-890
[113.] Tenkouano, A., R. Ortiz, and D. Vuylsteke. 1998. Combining ability analysis of yield potential and plant phenology in plantain derived populations. Euphytica 104:151-158
[114.] Tenkouano, A., J.H. Crouch, H.K. Crouch, D. Vuylsteke, and R. Ortiz. 1998. Genetic diversity, combining ability and hybrid performance for yield in Musa germplasm. Euphytica 102: 281-288
[115.] Tenkouano, A., R.L. Nicholson, G.E. Hart, F.R. Miller and R.A. Frederiksen. 1998. Ontogenetic response and inheritance of resistance to leaf anthracnose in sorghum. African Crop Science Journal 6: 249-258
[116.] Tenkouano, A., J. Chantereau, P. Sérémé, and A.B. Touré. 1997. Comparative response of a day neutral and a photoperiod-sensitive sorghum to delayed sowing or transplanting. African Crop Science Journal 5:
[117.] Tenkouano, A. and P. Sérémé. 1996. Some implications of genotype x environment interactions on sowing seed quality of sorghum. African Crop Science Journal 4: 11-18.
[118.] Tenkouano, A., F.R. Miller, R.A. Frederiksen, and D.T. Rosenow. 1993. Genetics of nonsenescence and charcoal rot resistance in sorghum. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 85: 644-648.
[119.] Tenkouano, A., F.R. Miller, R.A. Frederiksen, G.E. Hart, and R.L. Nicholson. 1993. Phytoalexin assay in juvenile sorghum: An aid to breeding for anthracnose resistance. Crop Science 33:243-248.
Books, Book Chapters and Edited Proceedings
[1.] Ojiewo, C., A. Tenkouano, J. d’A. Hughes and J.D.H. Keatinge. 2013. Case Study 6. Diversifying Diets: Using
African Indigenous Vegetables to Improve Nutrition and Health. Pp 291-302 In J. Fanzo, D. Hunter, T.
Borelli and F. Mattei (Eds) Diversifying Food and Diets: Using Agricultural Biodiversity to Improve Nutrition and Health. Earthscan, Routledge, UK.
[2.] Ortiz, R. and A. Tenkouano. 2011. Genotype by Environment Interaction and Musa Improvement. Pp 237-
250 In M. Pillay and A. Tenkouano (eds). Banana Breeding: Progress and Challenges. CRC, Boca Raton, USA
Tenkouano Page 7 of 19
[3.] Ortiz, R., M. Pillay, and A. Tenkouano. 2011. Future Prospects. Pp 351-353 In M. Pillay and A. Tenkouano
(eds). Banana Breeding: Progress and Challenges. CRC, Boca Raton, USA
[4.] Pillay, M. and A. Tenkouano (eds). 2011. Banana Breeding: Progress and Challenges. CRC, Boca Raton,
[5.] Pillay, M. and A. Tenkouano. 2011. Genomes, Cytogenetics, and Flow Cytometry of Musa. Pp53-70 In M.
Pillay and A. Tenkouano (eds). Banana Breeding: Progress and Challenges. CRC, Boca Raton, USA
[6.] Pillay, M., A. Tenkouano, and R. Ortiz. 2011. Molecular Breeding of Other Vegetatively Propagated Crops.
Lessons for Banana. Pp 321-350 In M. Pillay and A. Tenkouano (eds). Banana Breeding: Progress and
Challenges. CRC, Boca Raton, USA
[7.] Tenkouano, A. 2011. The nutritional and economic potential of vegetables. Pp 27-38 (Notes pp 190-193)
In State of the World’s Food and Agriculture 2011. Worldwatch Institute. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,
New York, USA
[8.] Tenkouano, A., M. Pillay, and O. Coulibaly. 2011. Hybrid Distribution to Farmers Adoption and Challenges.
Pp 305-320 In M. Pillay and A. Tenkouano (eds). Banana Breeding: Progress and Challenges. CRC, Boca
Raton, USA
[9.] Tenkouano, A., M. Pillay, and R. Ortiz. 2011. Breeding Techniques. Pp 181-202 In M. Pillay and A.
Tenkouano (eds). Banana Breeding: Progress and Challenges. CRC, Boca Raton, USA
[10.] Ojiambo, P. S., M. Twizeyimana, A. Tenkouano, R. Bandyopadhyay. 2010. Rapid and mass screening of banana and plantain for resistance to black Sigatoka using detached leaf and in vitro plantlets. P91-100 in
Miranda, M. and M.M. Spencer (Eds).In: Mass Screening Techniques For Selecting Crops Resistant To
Diseases. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
[11.] Oselebe, H. O. and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Ploidy versus gender effects on inheritance of quantitative traits in Musa species. Pp 1118-1122 In: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference, Agricultural Society of
Nigeria (ASN). October 19-23, 2008 Ebonyi State Unversity, Abakaliki, Nigeria.
[12.] Tripathi, L.; Tripathi J.N.,; Tenkouano, A.; Bramel P. 2008. Banana & Plantain. Pp 77-108 (Chapter 3) In: A
Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants, Volume 5, Kole, C., Hall, T.C. (eds), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford,
[13.] Tenkouano, A; K. P. Baiyeri. 2007. Adaptation Pattern and Yield Stability of Banana and Plantain
Genotypes grown in contrasting Agro-ecologies in Nigeria. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings
8: 377-384
[14.] Baiyeri, K. P.; A. Tenkouano. 2007. Manure Placement Influenced Growth and Dry Matter Yield of a
Plantain Hybrid. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings 8: 385-390
[15.] Blomme, Guy., K. Teugels, I. Blanckaert, G. Sebuwufu, R. Swennen and A. Tenkouano. 2005.
Methodologies for root system assessment in Musa spp. Pp 43-57 In Turner, D.W. and F.E. Rosales (eds)
Banana Root System: Towards a better understanding for its productive management. IPGRI/INIBAP,
Montpellier, France.
[16.] Blomme, G.; K. Teugels; R. Swennen; A. Tenkouano. 2005. Influence of genotype and developmental stage on plant dry matter distribution and shoot-root ratio in banana and plantain (Musa spp.). African
Crop Science Society Conference Proceedings 7: 175-181.
[17.] Blomme, G.; R. Swennen; A. Tenkouano. 2005. Banana and plantain (Musa spp.) growth depends on size and physiological stage of planting material. African Crop Science Society Conference Proceedings 7: 45-
[18.] Blomme, G.; R. Swennen; A. Tenkouano. 2005. Environmental influences on shoot and root growth in banana and plantain (Musa spp). African Crop Science Society Conference Proceedings 7: 1163-1167
[19.] Mwangi, M.; R. Bandhyopadhyay; A. Tenkouano; T. Faturoti. 2005. Outbreak of basal end rot on banana and plantain in Nigeria. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings 7: 293-295
[20.] Tenkouano, A. 2005. Breeding banana and plantain: Integrating molecular techniques and conventional approaches to explore genetic polymorphisms and predict progeny performance. Pp 153-168 In D.
Thangadurai, T. Pullaiah, and L. Tripathi (eds). Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Volume 3
Tenkouano Page 8 of 19
[21.] Pillay, M., A. Tenkouano, G. Ude, and R. Ortiz. 2004. Molecular characterization of genomes in Musa and its applications. Pp 271-286 In Jain M.S. and R. Swennen (eds). Banana Improvement: Cellular, Molecular
Biology, and Induced Mutations. Science Publishers, Inc. Enfield (NH, USA), Plymouth (UK)
[22.] Pillay, M., A. Tenkouano, and J. Hartman. 2002. Bananas and Plantains: Future challenges in Musa breeding. Chapter 8. In Kang M.S. (ed.). Crop Improvement Challenges in the Twenty-First Century. The
Haworth Press, inc. New York. 390 p
[23.] Crouch, J.H., and A. Tenkouano (Eds). 1999. DNA Marker-Assisted Improvement of the Staple Crops of sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of the Workshop on DNA Markers at IITA, Crop Improvement Division,
IITA, 21-22 Agust 1996, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan. 240 p.
[24.] Crouch, J.H., A. Tenkouano, and F.M. Quin. 1999. Future strategies for the application of DNA markers at
IITA. Pp 211-219 In Crouch, J.H., and A. Tenkouano (Eds). DNA Marker-Assisted Improvement of the Staple
Crops of sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of the Workshop on DNA Markers at IITA, Crop Improvement
Division, IITA, 21-22 Agust 1996, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan.
[25.] Tenkouano, A., J.H. Crouch, and R. Ortiz. 1999. Performance evaluation and parental selection in Musa.
Pp 176-182 In Crouch, J.H., and A. Tenkouano (Eds). DNA Marker-Assisted Improvement of the Staple
Crops of sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of the Workshop on DNA Markers at IITA, Crop Improvement
Division, IITA, 21-22 Agust 1996, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan.
[26.] Tenkouano, A. and D. Vuylsteke. 1998. Comparative effects of seed germination and embryo rescue on field performance of secondary triploid Musa hybrids. Pp 33-40 In Hidalgo Arizaga L. (ed). Proceedings
XIIIth ACORBAT Meeting, 23-29 Nov 1998, Guayaquil, Ecuador. CONABAN, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
[27.] Debrah, S.K., A.Tenkouano, and A. Yapi. 1997. A Coordinated Technology Generation and Delivery System for Enhanced Sorghum Production and Utilization in West and Central Africa, pp. 171-178. In: Bezuneh, T.,
Emechebe, A.M., Sedogo, M. and Ouedraogo, M. (eds). 1997. Technology Options for Sustainable
Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. OAU/STRC – SAFGRAD, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
[28.] Menyonga, J.M, T. Bezuneh, C.C. Nwasike, P.M. Sedego and A. Tenkouano (Eds.) 1995. Processing and
Industrial Utilization of Sorghum and Related Cereals in Africa. Proceedings of a Regional Symposium, 22-
26 Nov 1993, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. OAU/STRC-SAFGRAD, Ouagadougou. 366 p.
[29.] Tenkouano, A., J.D. Zongo and P. Sereme. 1995. Considérations Génétiques pour l'Amélioration du Sorgho dans une Perspective d'Utilisation Industrielle au Burkina Faso. pp 279-291 In: J.M. Menyonga, T.
Bezuneh, C.C. Nwasike, P.M. Sedego and A. Tenkouano (Eds.) Processing and Industrial Utilization of
Sorghum and Related Cereals in Africa. Proc. Regional Symposium, 22-26 Nov 1993, Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso. OAU/STRC-SAFGRAD. Ouagadougou.
[30.] Zongo, J.D. and A. Tenkouano. 1995. Etude de la Diversité chez les Sorghos du Burkina Faso. pp 237-245
In: J.M. Menyonga, T. Bezuneh, C.C. Nwasike, P.M. Sedego and A. Tenkouano (Eds.) Processing and
Industrial Utilization of Sorghum and Related Cereals in Africa. Proc. Regional Symposium, 22-26 Nov
1993, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. OAU/STRC-SAFGRAD. Ouagadougou.
[31.] Traoré, M.D., C.C. Nwasike, A. Tenkouano, and O. Ajayi (Eds). 1990. Proceedings 3 rd regional Sorgum
Workshop, Sept 20-23, 1988, Maroua, Cameroon. OAU/STRC-SAFGRAD, Ouagadaougou, Burkina Faso.
Conference Papers
[1.] Njukwe, E., D. Amah, R. Ndango, M. Tindo, A. Dixon and A. Tenkouano. 2010. Evaluation and delivery of disease-resistant cassava varieties with comparable micronutrient density to farmers in Cameroon.
Proceedings of 10th Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops – Africa Branch, pp 331 to
336. Maputo, Mozambique.
[2.] Njukwe, E., D. Amah, R. Ndango, A. Tenkouano, and R. Asiedu. 2010. Introduction and Evaluation of improved varieties of Dioscorea rotundata and D. cayenensis with high micronutrient content in
Cameroon. Proceedings of 10th Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops – Africa
Branch, pp 337 to 341. Maputo, Mozambique.
Tenkouano Page 9 of 19
[3.] Keatinge, J.D.H., J. d’A. Hughes, A. Tenkouano, K. Hamilton, W. J. Easdown, and H.O. Mongi. 2009.
Vegetables and small private sector interests. Invited paper presented at the 2009 Crawford Fund
Parliamentary Conference on World Food Security – Can Private Sector R&D Reach the Poor? 27-28
October 2009, Canberra, Australia
[4.] Ojiewo, C., A.Tenkouano, M. Oluoch, and R.-Y. Yang. 2009. The Role of AVRDC – The World Vegetable
Center in Vegetable Value Chains. Invited paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Sustainable
Horticultural Production in the Tropics of the Horticultural Association of Kenya, 2-4 December 2009,
Arusha, Tanzania.
[5.] Tripathi, L., J.N. Tripathi, W.K. Tushemereirwe, A. Tenkouano, M. Pillay, and P. Bramel. 2005.
Biotechnology for improvement of banana production in Africa. Paper presented at the 9th ICABR
International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology, Rome, Italy
[6.] Ude G, C. Dimkpa, P. Anegbe, A. Shaibu. A. Tenkouano, and Z. Tchoundjeu. 2004. Analysis of genetic diversity in accessions of Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte Ex O'Rorke) Bail. Paper presented at the
Plant and Animal Genome XIIth International Conference, 10-14 January 2004, San Diego, USA
[7.] Blomme, G., R. Swennen, and A. Tenkouano. 2002. Root system development during two crop cycles, and relationships between the mother plant root system and lateral shoot growth, in banana and plantain
(Musa spp.). Poster presented at the XVth ACORBAT meeting, 27 Oct-2 Nov 2002, Carthagena, Colombia.
[8.] Fanwoua, J. A. Tenkouano, J. Wendt, A.G.O. Dixon, and J.L. Rueda. 2002. Participation des femmes rurales à l’évaluation des nouvelles variétés de manioc dans la zone forestière du Sud-Cameroun. Paper presented at the 3rd World Congress of Rural Women, 2-4 Oct 2002, Madrid, Spain.
[9.] Nwakanma D.C, M. Pillay, B. Okoli, and A. Tenkouano. 2002. Sectional relationships in the genus Musa inferred from PCR-RFLP of organelle DNA sequences. Poster presented at the 3 rd
International Symposium on Molecular and Cell Biology of Banana, 9-12 Sept 2002, Leuven, Belgium.
[10.] Nwakanma D.C, M. Pillay, B.E. Okoli, and A. Tenkouano. 2002. PCR-RFLP of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) provides markers for the A and B genomes in Musa L. Paper presented at the 3 rd
International Symposium on Molecular and Cell Biology of Banana, 9-12 Sept 2002, Leuven, Belgium.
[11.] Tenkouano, A. 2002. Recent advances and challenges in banana and plantain breeding. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Banana and Plantain, 28-31 Oct 2002, Bangalore, India.
[12.] Tripathi, L., J. d’A. Hughes, and A. Tenkouano. 2002. Production of transgenic Musa varieties for sub-
Saharan Africa. Paper presented at the 3 rd
International Symposium on Molecular and Cell Biology of
Banana, 9-12 Sept 2002, Leuven, Belgium.
[13.] Ude, G., M. Pillay, D. Nwakanma, and A. Tenkouano. 2002. Genetic diversity studies in Musa using AFLP markers. Paper presented at the 3 rd
International Symposium on Molecular and Cell Biology of Banana, 9-
12 Sept 2002, Leuven, Belgium.
[14.] Lemchi, J.I., A. Tenkouano, M. Tshiunza, C.I. Ezedinma and B.O. Faturoti. 2001. Agroeconomic evaluation of black Sigatoka resistant hybrid plantains under smallholder management systems. Paper presented at the Jubilee CSRS 2001 International Conference, 27 – 29 August 2001, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
[15.] Oselebe, H. O., A. Tenkouano, I. U. Obi, and M.I. Uguru. 2001. Prospects for breeding agronomically superior triploid plantain and banana hybrids using 2n gametes. Paper presented at the 5 th
African Crop
Science Society Conference, 21-26 October, 2001, Lagos, Nigeria.
[16.] Oselebe, H. O., A. Tenkouano, I. U. Obi, and M.I. Uguru. 2001. Ploidy variation among secondary hybrids in Musa populations. Paper presented at the 18th Nigerian Horticultural Society Annual Conference, 29
May - 1 June 2001, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nsukka (Enugu), Nigeria
[17.] Ssebuliba, R., W. Tushemereirwe, K. Nowakunda and A. Tenkouano. 2001. Participatory evaluation of the performance and acceptability of introduced banana genotypes in Uganda. Paper presented at the
International Symposium on Participatory Plant Breeding. May 2001. Yamoussokro, Côte d’Ivoire.
[18.] Tenkouano, A. 2001. Current issues and future directions for Musa genetic improvement research at the
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. PP 11- 23 In A.B. Molina, V.N. Roa and M.A.G. Maghuyop
(eds). Advancing banana and plantain R & D in Asia and the Pacific-Vol 10. Proceedings of the 10 th
ASPNET Regional Advisory Committee meeting held at Bangkok, Thailand, 10-11 November 2000.
Tenkouano Page 10 of 19
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain – Asia and the Pacific Network, Los
Baños, Laguna, Philippines.
[19.] Tenkouano, A., J. Hughes, and M. Pillay. 2001. Prospects for breeding agronomically superior Musa with resistance or tolerance to BSV. Paper presented at a Conference on Plant Virology in Sub-Saharan Africa,
4-8 June 2001, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
[20.] Adeniji, T.A., A. Tenkouano, and K.P. Baiyeri. 1999. Evaluation of fruit characteristics and flour yield potential of some plantain and banana genotypes. Paper presented at the 17th Horticultural Society
Annual Conference, 6-10 June 1999, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt,
[21.] Baiyeri, K.P., A. Tenkouano, and B.N. Mbah. 1999. Comparison of four statistical methods for analysis of yield stability of Musa genotypes in Nigeria. Paper presented at the 6 th meeting of the sub-Saharan
African Network of the International Biometrics Society, 23-27 August 1999, Ibadan, Nigeria.
[22.] Tshiunza, M., J.I. Lemchi, A. Tenkouano, and C.I. Ezedinma. 1999. IITA’s partnership with oil companies, church and public organizations for the delivery of cooking bananas in Nigeria. Paper presented at the
International Workshop on “Effective and Sustainable Partnerships in a Global Research System: Focus on sub-Saharan Africa”. 7-11 December 1999, Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire.
[23.] Tshiunza, M., J.I. Lemchi, C.I. Ezedinma, and A. Tenkouano. 1999. Market status of cooking banana in southeast Nigeria. Pp 487-496 In C. Picq, E. Fouré, and E.A. Frison (eds.) Bananas and Food Security. Proc.
Intl. Symposium, Douala, 10 - 14 November 1998. INIBAP, Montpellier, France.
[24.] Tshiunza, M., C.I. Ezedinma, J.I. Lemchi and A. Tenkouano. 1999. Dissemination of cooking banana in southeast Nigeria. Paper presented at the International Symposiun on Bananas and Food Security, 10 - 14
November 1998, Douala, Cameroon.
[25.] Blomme G., R. Swennen, and A. Tenkouano. 1998. Estimation of root system development in plantain and banana (Musa spp.). International Seminar on Plantain Production. Armenia, Quindio, Colombia, 4-8 May
[26.] Debrah, S.K., A. Tenkouano, and A. Yapi. 1997. A coordinated technology generation and delivery system for enhanced sorghum production and utilization in West and Central Africa, pp. 171-178. In: Bezuneh, T.,
Emechebe, A.M., Sedogo, M. and Ouedraogo, M. (eds). 1997. Technology Options for Sustainable
Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. OAU/STRC – SAFGRAD, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
[27.] Touré, A., A. Tenkouano, and S.K. Debrah. 1995. Progress in sorghum research in West Africa. Paper presented at the USAID Technology Development and Transfer Collaborators Workshop, 24-27 January
1995, Harare, Zimbabwe.
[28.] Tenkouano, A. 1994. Développement des systèmes de recherche collaborative sur le sorgho en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre. Paper presented at the International Conference on Research and Development in Northern Borgou, 12-16 December 1994, Parakou, Benin.
[29.] Tenkouano, A., F.R. Miller, R.A. Frederiksen, and D.T. Rosenow. 1994. Mise en évidence de phénomènes de linkage et non de pléïotropie génétique entre résistance à la pourriture charbonneuse et tolérance à la séchéresse d'arrière-saison chez le sorgho. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on
Integrated Pest Management in the Sahel, 1-9 April 1994, Dakar, Senegal.
[30.] Tenkouano, A., F.R. Miller, R.A. Frederiksen, G.E. Hart, and R.L. Nicholson. 1992. Developmental characteristics of phytoalexin synthesis and inheritance of anthracnose resistance in sorghum. Agronomy
Abstracts p116.
[31.] Tenkouano, A., F.R. Miller, R.A. Frederiksen, D.T. Rosenow, and J.T. Cothren. 1991. Nonsenescence and resistance to charcoal rot: genetics and relationships to nonstructural carbohydrates. p28 In Proc. 17th
Biennial Conf. Natl. Grain Sorghum Producers. Lubbock.
[32.] Tenkouano, A., F.R. Miller, R.A. Frederiksen, D.T. Rosenow, and J.T. Cothren. 1991. Sugar partitioning and resistance to charcoal rot in sorghum. p 265 In Proc. INTSORMIL CRSP Conf. July 8-12, 1991, Corpus
Tenkouano Page 11 of 19
[33.] Tenkouano, A., J. de Koning, T. Traoré, P.J. Matlon, and W.A. Stoop. 1986. Cropping systems research at
ICRISAT. Paper presented at the First National Workshop on Farming Systems, 8-10 April 1986, Nyankpala,
Registration of Gene and Plant Products
[1.] Vroh-Bi I ; C. Anagbogu; A. Tenkouano. 2007. Characterization of genomic instability during field- and in vitro-propagation of bananas and plantains (Musa spp.). Registration of 16 Genomic Regions Related to
Somaclonal Variation (ET165586 to ET165601). National Center for Biotechnology Information Bethesda,
MD 20894, USA (
[2.] Vroh-Bi,I.; M. Tachin; P. Ojiambo; A. Tenkouano; P. Bramel; R. Bandyopandhyay. 2007. Genetic diversity of Mycosphaerella populations in Nigeria. Registration of Sequences of 14 haplotypes of Mycosphaerella fijiensis (causal agent of black Sigatoka - EF666070 to EF666083) and 7 haplotypes of Mycosphaerella eumusae (causal agent of the leaf spot disease - EF670653 to EF670661). National Center for
Biotechnology Information Bethesda, MD 20894, USA (
[3.] Tenkouano, A., D. Vuylsteke, J. Okoro, D. Makumbi, R. Swennen, and R. Ortiz. 2003. Registration of
TMB2x5105-1 and TMB2x9128-3 diploid banana hybrids with good combining ability, partial resistance to black Sigatoka and resistance to nematodes. HortScience 38: 468 – 472
Abstracts, Newsletters, and Technical Manuals
[1.] Blomme, G., R. Swennen, A. Tenkouano, F.L. Turyagyenda, G. Soka and R.Ortiz. 2008. Comparative study of shoot and root development in micropropagated and sucker-derived banana and plantain (Musa spp.) plants. banana2008. Banana and Plantain in Africa: Harnessing international partnerships to increase research impact. Leisure Lodge Resort, Mombassa, Kenya, 5-9 October 2008. Program and Book of
Abstracts. p. 132.
[2.] Blomme, G., R. Swennen, G.E. Soka, F.L. Turyagyenda, and A. Tenkouano. 2008. Root and shoot growth and their relationship during the plant crop and first ratoon in banana and plantain (Musa spp.) with implications for perennial cultivation. banana2008. Banana and Plantain in Africa: Harnessing international partnerships to increase research impact. Leisure Lodge Resort, Mombassa, Kenya, 5-9 October 2008.
Program and Book of Abstracts. p. 133.
[3.] Lorenzen, J., A. Tenkouano, R. Bandyopadhyay, B. Irie Vroh, and L. Tripathi. 2007. The role of crop improvement in banana pest and disease management. p.41 (Abstr.) In Recent Advances in Banana Crop
Protection for Sustainable Production and Improved Livelihoods, Programme and abstracts. ISHS/ProMusa
Symposium, September 10-14 2007, White River, South Africa.
[4.] Mwangi, M., R. Bandyopadhyay, A. Tenkouano, and Z. Ngoko. 2007. Options for managing fungal rot pathogens of cassava in humid and subhumid agro-ecologies of West and Central Africa. P 209 (abstract) in Moulion P.A., M. Tindo, Z. Ngogo and L. Dibog (eds) Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Crops Integrated Pest Management in the CEMAC Zone, 6-9 December 2005, Dschang, Cameroon.
[5.] Njukwe, E., D. Amah, A. Awah, M. Tindo, R. Ndango, A. Dixon, and A. Tenkouano. 2007. Farmer-
Participatory Evaluation and Delivery of Disease-Resistant Cassava Varieties in Cameroon. P183 (abstract) in Moulion P.A., M. Tindo, Z. Ngogo and L. Dibog (eds) Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Crops Integrated Pest Management in the CEMAC Zone, 6-9 December 2005, Dschang, Cameroon.
[6.] Njukwe, E., D. Amah, A. Awah, R. Ndango, A. Tenkouano, and R. Asiedu. 2007. Preliminary Evaluation of
Improved Varieties of Dioscorea rotundata and D. cayenensis in Cameroon. P165 (abstract) in Moulion
P.A., M. Tindo, Z. Ngogo and L. Dibog (eds) Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Crops
Integrated Pest Management in the CEMAC Zone, 6-9 December 2005, Dschang, Cameroon.
[7.] Njukwe, E., D. Amah, A. Awah, R. Ndango, and A. Tenkouano. 2007. Evaluation and Delivery of Black
Sigatoka Resistant Banana and Plantain Hybrids in Cameroon. P182 (abstract) in Moulion P.A., M. Tindo, Z.
Ngogo and L. Dibog (eds) Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Crops Integrated Pest
Management in the CEMAC Zone, 6-9 December 2005, Dschang, Cameroon.
[8.] Vroh-Bi, I., M. Zandjanakou-Tachin, W. Mbah, A. Tenkouano, P. Ojiambo, and R. Bandyopadhyay. 2007.
Tenkouano Page 12 of 19
Resistance to black leaf streak disease and diversity of Mycosphaerella species on banana. p. 47 (Abstr.) In
Recent Advances in Banana Crop Protection for Sustainable Production and Improved Livelihoods,
Programme and abstracts, ISHS/ProMusa Symposium, September 10-14 2007, White River, South Africa.
[9.] Blomme, G., R. Swennen, and A. Tenkouano. 2006. Influence of substrate on root system growth in banana and plantain. MusAfrica 17: 5-9
[10.] Tenkouano, A. 2005. Analyse génétique des populations: aide-mémoire de DEA. Département de biologie et de physiologie végétales, Unité de formation et de recherché en sciences de la vie et de la terre,
Université de Ouagadougou
[11.] Tenkouano, A. 2005. Biotechnologie et amélioration des plantes: aide-mémoire de DEA. Département de biologie et de physiologie végétales, Unité de formation et de recherché en sciences de la vie et de la terre, Université de Ouagadougou
[12.] Blomme, G., H. Mukasa, D. Ocan, G. Sebuwufu, P. Rubaihayo, A. Tenkouano and R. Swennen. 2004.
Relationships between root traits, shoot traits and bunch weight in banana and plantain (Musa spp.): an overview of conducted research. Poster presented at the 1 st
International Congress on Banana: Harnessing
Research to Improve Livelihoods, 6-9 July 2004, Penang, Malaysia
[13.] Blomme, G., I. Blanckaert, A. Tenkouano and R. Swennen. 2004. Relationship between electrical capacitance and root traits. InfoMusa 13: 14-18
[14.] Coyne, D., R. Bandyopadhyay, A. Tenkouano, S. Hauser, and C.S. Gold. 2004. Current issues and trends in plantain research at IITA with emphasis on nematode problems. Abstract presented at the 1 st
Congress on Banana: Harnessing Research to Improve Livelihoods, 6-9 July 2004, Penang, Malaysia P.130.
[15.] Kobenan, K., G.P. Gnonhouri, E. Akyeampong, A. Tenkouano, and K. Tomekpe. 2004. Evaluation of Musa hybrids in Cote d’Ivoire. Poster presented at the 1 st
International Congress on Banana: Harnessing
Research to Improve Livelihoods, 6-9 July 2004, Penang, Malaysia
[16.] Pillay, M., A. Tenkouano, D. Makumbi, C. Lwanga and D. Talengera. 2004. Improvement of East African highland bananas. Abstract presented at the 1 st
International Congress on Banana: Harnessing Research to
Improve Livelihoods, 6-9 July 2004, Penang, Malaysia P.9.
[17.] Blomme, G. and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Shoot and root growth of attached and independent suckers in banana. MusAfrica 15: 5-7
[18.] Blomme, G., A. Tenkouano, and R. Swennen. 2003. Relationship between plant growth characteristics and bunch weight in plantain (Musa spp. AAB genome). MusAfrica 15: 3-5
[19.] Blomme, G., R. Swennen, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Assessment of genetic variation in the root architecture of Musa spp. under field conditions. InfoMusa 12: 24-29
[20.] Blomme, G., R. Swennen, and A. Tenkouano. 2003. Assessment of rooting depth in banana (Musa spp.) under two cropping systems. MusAfrica 15: 2-3
[21.] Lemchi, J., A. Tenkouano, and Faturoti, B. 2003. Farmer-participatory evaluation of disease-resistant plantain and banana hybrids and related technologies under smallholder management systems in Nigeria:
Approaches, achievements and lessons. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. Project
repor t (for IITA Monograph Series)
[22.] Lemchi, J., A.Tenkouano,and Faturoti, B. 2003. Constraints and opportunities for plantain and banana production in Nigeria: A baseline survey. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. Project
report (for IITA Monograph Series)
[23.] Blomme, G., R. Swennen, and A. Tenkouano. 2002. The effect of soil bulk density on root and overall plant development in six banana varieties. InfoMusa 11: 38-40
[24.] Faturoti, B., A. Tenkouano, J. Lemchi, and N. Nnaji. 2002. Rapid multiplication of plantain and banana.
Macropropagation techniques. A pictorial guide. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan,
Nigeria. 12p
[25.] Auwerkerken, A., I. Rotifa, D. De Waele and A. Tenkouano. 2001. New Musa hybrids with resistance to
Radopholus similis. Abstract presented at the xx th meeting of the Nematological Society. May 2001, South
Tenkouano Page 13 of 19
[26.] Pillay, M., M.T.V. Adeleke, and A. Tenkouano. 2001. New cytological methods to study old problems in
Musa L. InfoMusa 10: xv.
[27.] Blomme, G., R. Swennen, A. Tenkouano, R. Ortiz, and D. Vuylsteke. 2000. Early assessment of root system development in banana and plantain (Musa spp.). MusAfrica 14: 7-10.
[28.] Hartman, J.B., A. Tenkouano, and D. Vuylsteke. 2000. Status of testing and release of improved banana and plantain cultivars in Africa. MusAfrica 14: 5-6.
[29.] Pillay, M., D. C. Nwakanma, and A. Tenkouano. 1999. Identification of RAPD markers linked to A and B genome sequences in Musa. International symposium on the molecular and cellular biology of bananas,
22-25 March 1999, Ithaca. InfoMusa 8: VII-VIII.
[30.] Speijer, P.R., A. Tenkouano, T. Dubois, B. De Schutter, and D. De Waele. 1999. Evaluation of Musa landraces and hybrids for nematode resistance and tolerance in southeastern Nigeria. Joint meeting of the
American Society of Parasitologists and the Society of Nematologists, 6-10 July 1999, Monterey, California,
[31.] Vuylsteke, D., J. Hartman, and A. Tenkouano. 1999. Breeders’ perspective on biotechnology for Musa improvement. International symposium on the molecular and cellular biology of bananas, 22-25 March
1999, Ithaca. InfoMusa 8: VI-VII.
[32.] Ajayi, M.A., J.U. Okoro, V. Wilson, and A. Tenkouano. 1998. Comparative performance of progenies from open- and hand-pollinated diploid and tetraploid Musa hybrids. 9th Annual Conference of the Botanical
Society of Nigeria, 26-30 July 1998, Ilorin, Nigeria.
[33.] Baiyeri, K.P., A.Tenkouano, B.N. Mbah, and J.S.C. Mbagwu. 1998. Path-coefficient analysis of yield in Musa spp. MusAfrica 12: 16.
[34.] Blomme, G. and A. Tenkouano. 1998. Evaluation of the Musa root system development. MusAfrica12: 17.
[35.] Blomme, G., and A. Tenkouano. 1998. Effect of plant age and ploidy on estimated and actual leaf area of banana plants. InfoMusa 7: 6-7.
[36.] Dahal, G., J. d’A. Hughes, F. Gauhl, C. Pasberg-Gauhl, G. Thottappilly, A. Tenkouano, D. Vuylsteke, and B.E.
Lockhart. 1998. Evaluation of micropropagated plantains and bananas for banana streak badnavirus under field and screenhouse conditions in Nigeria. Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, 9-
13 August 1997, Rochester, NY, USA.
[37.] Hartman, J.B., A. Tenkouano, and D. Vuylsteke. 1998. Advances in Musa breeding from Africa. In: Bananas and Food Security. Abstracts, International Symposium, Douala, Cameroon, 10–14 November 1998, p. 33.
[38.] Nwaiwu, O., B.J.O. Efiuvwevwere, R.Ortiz, and A. Tenkouano. 1998. Effects of chemical preservatives on ripening of plantains. MusAfrica 12: 4-5.
[39.] Nwauzoma, A.B., and A. Tenkouano 1998. Somaclonal variation: a boom or doom in Musa improvement.
MusAfrica 12: 15.
[40.] Wilson, V., and A. Tenkouano 1998. Heterotic responses of first and second generation plantain (Musa spp., AAB group)-derived hybrids. MusAfrica 12: 17.
[41.] Tenkouano, A. 1995. Current trends in regional integration of sorghum research in West and Central
Africa. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 36: 41-44
[42.] Tenkouano, A. and F.R. Miller. 1993. A single locus with multiple alleles as the genetic basis of anthracnose resistance in sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 34: 45.
[43.] Tenkouano, A., F.R. Miller, R.A. Frederiksen, and D.T. Rosenow. 1992. Nonsenescence and Charcoal Rot
Resistance in Sorghum: Linkage but not Pleiotropy. Sorghum Newsletter 33: 32.
[44.] Tenkouano, A., F.R. Miller, R.A. Frederiksen, D.T. Rosenow, and J.T. Cothren. 1992. Nonstructural
Carbohydrates and Charcoal Rot Resistance in Sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 33: 33-34.
Tenkouano Page 14 of 19
Supervised Student Theses
[1.] Baiyeri, Paul (Ph.D., Univ. Nigeria at Nsukka, Nigeria, Nov 1998). Effects of genotype x environment interactions on the performance of Musa hybrids and landraces in Nigeria.
[2.] Blanckaert, Isabelle (MSc., KULeuven, Belgium, May 2000). Assessment of banana root systems using an electric capacitance meter.
[3.] Blomme, Guy (Ph.D., KULeuven, Belgium, Jan 2000). The interdependence of root and shoot development in banana (Musa spp.) under field conditions and the influence of different biophysical factors on this relationship.
[4.] Chikezie, Uche (MSc., Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria, Dec 2000). Effects of different concentrations of ascorbic acid on the reduction of browning in shoot tip cultures of Musa spp.
[5.] De Beule, Hilde (MSc., KULeuven, Belgium, May 1998). Interrelationships between root development and nematode damage in bananas and plantains.
[6.] Faturoti, Babatunde (MSc., Rivers State Univ. Science & Technol., Nigeria, Dec 2004). Adoption of plantain and banana based technologies in South Eastern Nigeria: A case study.
[7.] Kinfack, Marguerite (DEA, Univ. Yaounde I, Cameroon, June 2006). Effect of mycorrhization on water stress resistance of two cultivars of micropropagated plantain (Musa AAB).
[8.] Nanga, Justin Léopold (Ingénieur Agronome, Univ. Dschang, Cameroon, May 2006). Effet de la dose d’hormone et de la composition du substrat sur la croissance en phase d’acclimatation de quelques varietes de bananier plantain.
[9.] Nwauzoma, Bart (Ph.D., Rivers State Univ. Science & Technol., Nigeria, Dec 1999). Somaclonal variation and disease response in Musa germplasm.
[10.] Obiudo, Chioma (BSc., Imo State University, Nigeria, Dec 1999). Early screening of six Musa genotypes for resistance to nematodes.
[11.] Oguerri, Nwaiwu (MSc., Univ. Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Dec 1997). Effects of chemical preservatives and modified atmosphere on post-harvest storage of plantain fruits.
[12.] Oselebe, Happiness (Ph.D., Univ. Nigeria at Nsukka, Nigeria, June 2003). Ploidy effects on combining ability and heterosis in plantain-derived populations.
[13.] Selatsa, Awah Annah (Ingénieur Agronome, Univ. Dschang, Cameroon, June 2004). Assessing the phenotypic diversity of four major plantain accessions using agronomic and botanical descriptors.
[14.] Shaibu, Abraham (MSc., Rivers State Univ. Science & Technol., Nigeria, Dec 2004). Inheritance of pathenocarpy, seed set and agronomic traits in F1 diploid hybrids of Musa acuminata.
[15.] Ssebuliba, Ruth (Ph.D., Makerere University, Uganda, Dec 2002). Fertility in East African Highland
[16.] Toegels, Koen (MSc., KULeuven, Belgium, May 1999). Ontogenic aspects of root system development and dry matter distribution in banana.
[17.] Udu, Perpetua (MSc., Rivers State Univ. Science & Technol., Nigeria, Dec 2004). Occurrence of apomixis in diploid Musa acuminata genotypes.
[18.] Wilson, Victoria (Ph.D., Rivers State Univ. Science & Technol., Nigeria, Feb 2001). Improving pollination efficiency for the decentralization of Musa breeding.
[19.] Mbah, Winifried Chinwendu (MSc., Univ. Agric. Abeokuta, Nigeria, December 2007 – post-mortem).
Phenotypic evaluation and genetic analysis for black Sigatoka resistance in Musa sp germplasm
Other Academic Work
[1.] External examiner for PhD theses submitted to the University of Adelaide (Australia), University of
KwaZulu Natal (South Africa), University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
[2.] Visiting Lecturer at University of Ghana at Legon’s West Africa Center for Crop Improvement (Ghana) and
University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
Tenkouano Page 15 of 19
Professional Societies
American Society of Agronomy (from 1988); Crop Science Society of America (from 1988); African Crop
Science Society (from 1996); American Society of Horticultural Science (from 1997); International Society of
Horticultural Science (from 2001); African Seed Trade Association (from 2008)
Other affiliations
Advisor, International Foundation of Science, Stockholm, Sweden
Ex-Member, Steering Committee, Global Program for Improvement of Banana and plantain (ProMusa, also served as Chair, Genetic Improvement Working Group of ProMusa, INIBAP, Montpellier, France).
Ex-Member, Steering Committee, Musa Network for West and Central Africa, INIBAP, Douala, Cameroon Ex-
Member, Editorial Board, MusAfrica, IITA/CARPAP/INIBAP, Douala, Cameroon
Ex-Member, Taxonomy Advisory Group, Global Musa Conservation Scheme, Coordinated by INIBAP,
Montpellier, France
Professional Recognitions
IITA Nominee for CGIAR Outstanding Scientist of the Year 2003
IITA Nominee for CGIAR Outstanding Scientist of the Year 2004
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