Learning Garden Healthy Eating Activity
Title: Plantain Activities
Writer / Reviewer: http://www.prairelandherbs.com/plantain.htm
; edited by Heather Hanson
Grade: K-5
Georgia Performance Standard in Health:
HEK.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
HE1.7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
HE2.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
HE3.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
HE4.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
HE5.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Time Required
Plantain coloring page: 20 minutes
Plantain crossword puzzle: 20 minutes
Plantain Poultice: 15 minutes
Total: 1 hour
Supplies Needed
Plantain coloring activity a.
Coloring page b.
Crayons or colored pencils
Plantain crossword puzzle a.
Crossword puzzle handout
Plantain Poultice a.
Plantain leaves
Plantain Oil a.
Glass jar with a lid b.
Bruised or crushed plantain leaves c.
Olive oil or any other kind of oil d.
Tea strainer (needed at a later date)
Lesson Synopsis
Students will complete a coloring page and crossword puzzle as well as creating plantain poultice and oil that can be used for abrasions, rashes, wounds or bug bites.
Environmental Context
Lesson takes place in a school garden o List any specific plants needed: __plantain leaves______________________________________
Lesson incorporates use of Garden Kitchen Cart o Is electricity required? _________
Other: _classroom______________________________________________________________________
Other Resources
Lesson includes Recipe for _______________________________________________________________
Lesson includes Instructable for how to ____________________________________________________
Lesson includes Video of ________________________________________________________________
Engagement (Description of ‘Hook’ Activity or Demonstration, designed to spark interest and curiosity)
Exploration (Procedures for Hands-On Activity or Investigation)
Plantain coloring page a.
Distribute coloring pages to students along with crayons or colored pencils and allow students adequate time to complete the coloring activity
Plantain crossword puzzle a.
Distribute the crossword puzzle handout to students and allow adequate time for the students to complete the activity b.
Go over the answers with the students, encouraging students to share their answers and explain their thought process behind choosing specific words
Plantain Poultice a.
Crush a few plantain leaves by smashing them in your hands or chewing them briefly b.
Apply the green poultice to an affected areas of your body (abrasions, rashes, stings or insect bites)
Plantain oil a.
Fill the glass jar with fresh plantain leaves that have been bruised or crushed b.
Cover the leaves with olive oil (or any other oil) and screw the lid on your jar c.
Let the plantain oil sit in the sun for a couple of weeks, the oil will turn dark green d.
Strain out the leaves with a tea strainer, and use the herbal oil to treat any skin abrasion, rash, wound, or bug bite.
Ingredients and Quantities
Explanation (Opportunity for Students to Articulate what They Learned)
After the lesson is complete, have students write down or think about 3 things they learned from the lesson. Then ask the students to share their thoughts with the class. Write down some of the common themes to reiterate to the students what they have learned.
Evaluation (Use Captain Planet Scoring Rubric)