Fall 2010 - SJU Alumni Association

St. Joseph’s University
National Alumni Board-Spring 2010 Meeting
October 16, 2010
Attendance: Tom Monaghan and staff ( Megan Famular, Patty Newby, Ken Glenn,
Laura Brunette), Katie Shields, Fr. Tom Gleeson, S.J. and NAB Members, plus special
guests, as outlined.
Absent (Fr. Dan Joyce,S.J.’88, Dennis Durkin’74, Emily Lawrence-Bernahl’99, Dave
Mazeffa’93 and Dawn Tancredi, Esq.’96)
Location: McShain Hall-Haub Executive Meeting Room
Note: This is one of two meetings held each year for ALL National Alumni Board
Our meeting opened with a Blessing from Fr. Tom Gleeson, S.J.
Tom Monaghan reviewed the Agenda for the day and the structure for the
breakout sessions. He then introduced our Alumni President, Gina Mazzulla ’91.
Gina introduced and the group welcomed our two newest members ; Dr. Barry
Boran’88 and Loren Heywood’06. Gina’s Welcoming Remarks included the idea
that she wants to see more alumni involved with current students. We are on our
way in this regard by having alumni participate in Move-In Day, the Hawk-toHawk business card exchange (Haub School of Business, Sponsor) and the Hawk
Ambassador Program. We were advised that current student Paul Caruso would
join us for the afternoon session to help us look for better ways to engage our
current Hawks. Gina also advised that we have chosen the current format for
meetings moving forward; a “what’s happening on campus” presentation, how we
(NAB & Alumni) can help and, committee work sessions.
We welcomed Robert Falese, Jr.’69 Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees who is
currently chairing the Presidential Search Committee. Bob had two handouts; a
list of the members of the Presidential Search Committee and an opportunity for
NAB Input for the Presidential Search. Kathy Gaval’80, Vice President for
Planning at SJU, also offered comments during Bob’s presentation.
Campus Connections- our next speaker was Maureen Mathis, the Executive
director of Undergraduate Admissions & Marketing.
Campus Connections-The Hawk Ambassador Program-speaker Rachel Johnson,
Assistant Director of International Admissions. Rachel spoke of the many
opportunities for alumni to assist in this area, including; attending college
recruitment fairs, attend or host welcome receptions for incoming students, calling
efforts to admitted students/parents, dropping off material at local high schools
and attending on campus events representing the alumni.
Lunch included tours of Duperrault & Quinn Halls for all but the Executive
Committee and the Committee Chairs, who remained in the conference room for a
working lunch.
The afternoon session began with an Introduction, Overview and Logistics
discussion of Committee Work-the way the NAB gets things done. Gina
introduced current student, Paul Caruso’12 Marketing major from Toms River,
NJ. Paul has worked on Orientation, served as a Tour Guide, and worked on the
Collegiate Challenge with Camille Vitanzia’13 an International Business Major
from Johnson City, NY (who could not attend). Paul was peppered with questions
like: What makes a student want to come to SJU? Paul was encouraged by a
reception he attended in NJ as an accepted student and also feels that students
want advice on life experiences directly from alumni.
At this point in the day each Committee had an individual meeting to discuss their
goals and objectives. Each committee will have a 6 minute time limit to recap the
highlights of their 12-18 month initiatives at the wrap-up session.
Committee ReportsTechnology Committee- chaired by Deb Coughlin-by Spring 2011 this
committee hopes to have a new tech company servicing our portal. This group is
very sure of their mission and their need to support other committees in their
efforts. Many other committees commented on their need to interact with this
Programming Committee – chaired by Mike Lomax-focus on high school
recruiting/community colleges/maximize reunions. New focus-mentoring high
school students that are good SJU candidates-work with students & teachers,
show parents what we can do. Dinner with 12 Hawks-recruiting for possible new
Hawks, plus many other great ideas.
Alumni Networks –chaired by Joe Rafter-quick momentum/quick wins.
People/Structure/Action-cookbook for success-what does a successful chapter
look like? Affinity group work is a longer term goal.
Marketing & Communications - chaired by Bobby Gallagher-technology that
works/where do we put our energy(Facebook/LinkedIn). Podcast lectures on
campus. Reviewing other successful programs @Penn, Georgetown, Marquette &
Boston College.
Governance- chaired by Eileen Dougherty-working on sort term goals-board
member manual-physical & online. Identify candidates for NAB & Executive
Positions. Longer term goals-update SJU Alumni Constitution, Work on
candidates for SJU Awards.
Young Alumni – chaired by Blair Kindlick-start student alumni assoc-25
students-liaison with NAB-what’s ahead as an alumni member/what can you do
when you don’t have money to donate but you do have time. Research what
works elsewhere-almost all career centers @Jesuit schools are linked. Bring back
Open Discussion- Rich Brennan gave a spirited report complete with handouts
and props concerning the upcoming Dragon Boat Races in Philadelphia. All are
welcome and encouraged to attend. The NAB Members will doing a calling
campaign to support the 30th Alumni Gala on 11/5/10. Tom will send the list of
names t each member.
Our next meeting will be in April 2011, most likely on the 9th but possibly on the
Minutes submitted by Eileen Dougherty’76