SDC FHIR Profile IG SWG_2014_03_28

3/28/2014 4:00- 5:00PM ET
SDC FHIR Resources Discussion
Denise Warzel, Clem McDonald, Kelly Zeng, Ken Pool, Richard Moldwin, Lloyd McKenzie, Mark Roche,
Elvino Saldanha, Evelyn Gallego, Vijay Shah, Atanu Sen, Hector Cintron, Shreya Soni
Action Items
Create a unified collaborative SDC and FHIR model for versioning
 Shreya to add this to FHIR Profile timeline
Not Started
1. Review of Preliminary Mapping
2. Presentation by Lloyd on CDEs
 Denise presenting Questionnaire resource to community
 Denise presenting identifier in SDC Form and in FHIR
 No text nodes in FHIR. Mixed nodes could be a problem
o Document designed to carry data in it.
o Design and data are set using the same structures
 Data in SDC form that is carried is metadata—instance of form. Style difference.
 Why can’t tag names be the same?
o Optionally: use the same style.
 Significant change to style of the XML—would that affect us? Do we need to change it?
 If rich text content is inserted, may be inside attribute quotes, it could get hairy
 Create a unified collaborative SDC and FHIR model.
o Do versioning the same way
o Otherwise impossible to map DEs
o Want same versioning, if SDC changes, then FHIR changes. Use cases around versioning
 FHIR only has a single ‘name’. SDC currently supports multiple (SDC has 1 to Many for
 How data gets transferred/stored behind the scenes (XML, or broken up..).
 If form design allows for 5 different designs when you register, will have to respond with 5
different languages when you retrieve
o If the only use case SDC has for multiple names is conveying in English, Chinese... there
are a set of restrictions in FHIR for those.
 There are names for other purposes in FHIR..physician’s perspective, patient’s perspective
o Both are in SDC—will have to figure out which of the name is the primary—FHIR has one
Can have multiple languages, multiple contexts, each context has a preferred
o Those are business rules around how you have named it
o One preferred name across all languages, contexts, namespaces
o If you have a form owned by particular name space, can only have one preferred name
in SDC
o If have form with multiple namespaces, which maps the title
o If you add an extra space into a description or remove one...semantic changes don’t
matter. Another version. Static version indicates content is identical—needs to be
documented somewhere
If you want to be REST compliant, then you have to have a new version
o Don’t have an option in FHIR
Attributes—do have a way to allow something to have multiple names and multiple language
o Designation will map to two things. Title. And Extension Additional Title.
o Sign will map to Value
Extension for context and acceptability
Special extension for language (HL7 defined)
o Can have multiple titles with same context/namespace but different language.
o Will be nested inside title as translations
o Different context or namespace—additional titles
o Mapping between their name and your name
MFI has mapping between forms
Definition will get into more discussion (nested with name—instead of separate) will add fun
o In FHIR will have description as separate element. And Extension to allow you to repeat/
have additional description. Link title.
o Say this name with this description, by ID
o FHIR—one designation, but more than one name
Have starting point with SDC schema—now would be the time to suggest changes to SDC
For definition of form, if I am a user, would like to have a definition, confusing that they could
drift…Discussion to be continued on next SWG call: Monday, 3/31