BSNExpress COLLEGE OF NURSING VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY CONFIDENTIAL 800 Lancaster Avenue • Villanova, PA 19085-1699 Phone: (610) 519-4900 • Fax: (610) 519-7650 **COMPLETED FORMS DUE IN THE COLLEGE OF NURSING BY May 19, 2014 Failure to submit a completed Health Record will result in the inability to enter clinical experiences and to attend classes. Page one of this form may be completed online by typing onto the lines provided. Once your physician or NP has completed and signed pages 4 & 5, the form may be delivered, mailed, faxed or emailed to the College of Nursing. Incomplete records will be returned to student. CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Last First Middle Student ID: Date of Birth: College you are entering: Class of: Gender: Entrance Date: Home Address: Number and Street Home Phone: City State Zip Dorm/Local/Cell Phone: Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Please list up to three people whom we can contact in case of emergency: Name Relationship Home phone Work/cell phone ALLERGIES Do you have any allergies to the following? Foods Latex Medications Please specify: Will you be receiving allergy injections at the Student Health Center? Yes No BSNExpress Name: Student ID #: MEDICAL HISTORY Indicate below if you have ever experienced any of these problems, please circle “Yes.” If you are currently experiencing any of these problems, please circle “Currently.” EYE URINARY Corrective Lenses/Contacts Other Problems Other Remarks Yes Yes Currently Currently ENT Kidney Stones Urinary Tract Infections Other Remarks Yes Yes Currently Currently Yes Yes Currently Currently MUSCULOSKELETAL Ear Problems Other Remarks HEART DISEASE High Blood Pressure Palpitations Heart Murmur Other Remarks RESPIRATORY Shortness of Breath Asthma Bronchitis Other Remarks ABDOMINAL Irritable Bowel Syndrome Inflammatory Bowel Disease Other Remarks ENDOCRINE Diabetes Thyroid Yes Currently Back Problems Disease or Injury of Joints Other Remarks Yes Yes Yes Currently Currently Currently HEMATOLOGICAL/ ONCOLOGICAL Anemia Yes Cancer Yes Other Remarks Yes Yes Yes Currently Currently Currently Yes Yes Currently Currently Yes Yes Currently Currently NEUROLOGICAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL Seizures Yes Headaches Yes Depression Yes Anxiety Yes Eating Disorder Yes Other Remarks GYNECOLOGICAL Irregular Periods Severe Cramps Ovarian Cyst Other Remarks Yes Yes Yes Currently Currently Currently Currently Currently Currently Currently Currently Currently Currently Other Remarks FAMILY HISTORY – Circle all that apply Mother Living Deceased High Blood Pressure Diabetes Thyroid Disease Father Heart Disease Cancer Living Deceased High Blood Pressure Diabetes Thyroid Disease Other (specify): Other (specify): Occupation: Occupation: Heart Disease Cancer BSNExpress Name: Student ID #: REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS – VACCINE DATE LAST BOOSTER DPT (Diptheria, pertussus, tetanus) Last date of series Tdap required HEP B #1 HEP B #2 HEP B #3 MMR #1 Measles, Mumps and Rubella titer REQUIRED; please attach results MMR #2 or MEASLES #1 MEASLES #2 MUMPS #1 MUMPS #2 RUBELLA #1 . RUBELLA #2 POLIO VACCINE (Last date of completed primary series) MUST HAVE TWO VACCINES VARICELLA #1 Varicella Titer REQUIRED . Please attach results VARICELLA #2 or CHICKEN POX TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING – MANTOUX/PPD (within past 365 days) REACTIVE YES NO (please circle) ______________ mm If PPD+ see note on page 5 CIRCLE: MENOMUNE OR MENACTRA Clinician’s initials that information above is correct: Only necessary if recommended by clinician BSNExpress STUDENT HEALTH CENTER VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY NON-REQUIRED IMMUNIZATION RECORD Name: Student ID: VACCINE DATE BCG – see note below HEP A #1 HEP A #2 HPV #1 (GARDASIL) HPV #2 (GARDASIL) HPV #3 (GARDASIL) TYPHOID YELLOW FEVER OTHER: If PPD+ as a result of BCG vaccination or prior exposure, student needs to receive QuantiFERON-TB Gold Test (QFT-G). This is a blood test as opposed to a skin test and is not affected by previous TB skin tests or BCG vaccination. BSNExpress STUDENT HEALTH CENTER VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY CLINICIAN’S FORM CONFIDENTIAL 800 Lancaster Avenue • Villanova, PA 19085-1699 Phone: (610) 519-4070 • Fax: (610) 519-4047 Patient’s Name: Student ID. #: TO THE EXAMINING CLINICIAN Please review the patient’s history, complete the clinician’s form and comment on all positive answers. BP CBC* / Height HgB HcT Weight WBC RBC Platelets *complete CBC required Physical Exam: Eyes WNL Remarks: Ears WNL Remarks: Nose WNL Remarks: Throat WNL Remarks: Neck WNL Remarks: Lungs WNL Remarks: Heart WNL Remarks: Abdomen WNL Remarks: Lymph glands WNL Remarks: G.U. WNL Remarks: Skin WNL Remarks: Neuro WNL Remarks: Musculoskeletal WNL Remarks: Current Medications: (required) Is this patient medically qualified to participate in intercollegiate, intramural or club sport activities? Clinician’s Signature Date exam was completed Clinician’s Printed Name Clinician’s Address Clinician’s Phone # Fax # Yes No BSNExpress Villanova University Health Center AUTHORIZATION FOR THE RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION Pennsylvania state law (specifically 35 p.s. Section 10101) requires any minor who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, or has graduated from high school, or has married, or has been pregnant, may give effective consent to medical, dental and health services for himself or herself, and the consent of no other person shall be necessary. I hereby consent to and authorize the health center to release information about my medical condition to my parents/legal guardian. Purpose of the Disclosure: The information may be released in order to keep my parents/legal guardians informed about my general health and medical condition. I authorize disclosure to my parents/legal guardians of all information contained in my medical records. My authorization may be revoked at any time. Signature Printed Name Soc. Sec. # Date Form revised : 1/24/2013 CON additions: March 1, 2011