Comparing Revolutions

Name______________________________ Date_______________________ Period______
Comparing American Revolution and Texas Revolution
The American Revolution
Causes: Answer the questions while
watching the BrainPOP video.
The Texas Revolution
Causes: Use your knowledge of the
Texas Revolution to answer the
following questions.
1. How could the British government
have prevented the American
1. Why did Mexico send Mier y Teran
to Texas?
2. If you were a colonist, why would
you have been upset about the
Quartering Act?
2. Why did the Law of April 6, 1830
upset Texans?
3. What is the best definition of
4. Why was the Boston Massacre
different from the battles of the
Revolutionary War?
5. How did the British respond to the
Boston Tea Party?
3. How could Mexico have prevented a
Texan rebellion? (Texans requested but
Mexico denied)
Research to answer the following
The First Battle:
1. What was the first battle of the
American Revolution?
Research to answer the following
The First Battle:
1. What was the first battle of the
Texas Revolution?
2. When did the battle take place?
2. When did the battle take place?
3. Where did the battle take place?
3. Where did the battle take place?
4. What was the main cause of this
4. What was the main cause of this
5. Who were the leaders of the
American military? Who were the
leaders of the British military?
American -
5. Who were the leaders of the Texas
volunteers? Who were the leaders of
the Mexican military?
Texas –
British -
6. What effect did this battle have on
the revolution?
6. What effect did this battle have on
the revolution?
Battle of Saratoga
1. When did the battle take place?
Battle of the Alamo
1. When did the battle take place?
2. Where did the battle take place?
2. Where did the battle take place?
3. What was the main cause of this
3. What was the main cause of this
4. Who were the leaders of the
American military? Who were the
leaders of the British military?
American -
4. Who were the leaders of the Texas
volunteers? Who were the leaders of
the Mexican military?
Texas –
British -
5. What effect did this battle have on
the revolution?
5. What effect did this battle have on
the revolution?
The Last Battle:
1. What was the last battle of the
American Revolution?
The Last Battle:
1. What was the last battle of the Texas
2. When did the battle take place?
2. When did the battle take place?
3. Where did the battle take place?
3. Where did the battle take place?
4. What was the main cause of this
4. What was the main cause of this
5. Who were the leaders of the
American military? Who were the
leaders of the British military?
American -
5. Who were the leaders of the Texas
volunteers? Who were the leaders of
the Mexican military?
Texas –
British -
6. What effect did this battle have on
the revolution?
6. What effect did this battle have on
the revolution?
Directions: Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence and write it in
everyday language. Answer the question: “What were the colonists wanting?”
Excerpt #1
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Excerpt #2
The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and
usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over
these states.
Excerpt #3
These United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States;
that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political
connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally
How do these statements compare to what the Texans were wanting during the
Texas Revolution?