OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY OIL AND GAS COMPANY RUSSNEFT CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS Moscow, 2012 Basic terms and definitions The term OJSC Oil and Gas Company RussNeft (the Company) Directors Top management Employees Executive officers Interested parties Family members Bribe (commercial bribery) Bribery Risk Confidential information Bribery practices Definition of the term Open joint-stock company Oil and Gas Company RussNeft, including all its business units. OJSC Oil and Gas Company RussNeft Board members . The President of the Company, Vice Presidents, Directors of Departments, Chief Accountant, and other individuals temporarily performing similar functions. Individuals (including employees and Directors of Departments) who are in labor relationships with the Company, or provide services/ perform work on behalf of the Company under Contract for Work, Labor and Services made between the Company and these individuals or any company providing personnel. Directors, Top management and Employees mentioned jointly. Any persons or groups of persons whose interests are affected by the business of the Company: shareholders, investors, business partners, contracting parties, off-takers, executive officers. Wedded or common-law spouses; parents, including foster parents; children, including foster children; whole blood brothers and sisters or cousins; parents-in-law; son-in-law (brother-inlaw)/ daughter-in-law (sister-in-law) of executive officers. Money, securities, goods and other material values and material services provided free of charge for the performance of knowingly illegal act. Giving or acceptance of a bribe by the members of the management body of the Company, employees of the Company and other individuals, who may act on behalf of the Company in exchange for some illegal acts or inactivity. Offer, warranty and giving of a bribe (active bribery); demand for, agreement to accept or acceptance of a bribe (passive bribery). Event or condition, which is characterized by uncertainty of the outcome of a matter and probable adverse effects of it. Information that has actual or potential commercial value because it’s undisclosed to the third parties, because of lack of lawful access to it, and because the holder of such information provides for its confidentiality. Giving or acceptance of a bribe, mediation in giving or acceptance of a bribe, abuse of official position or powers, commercial bribery, facilitation payments, illegal use by the individual of his/her official capacity to obtain benefits in the form of money, values, other property, services, any rights for Conflict of interests Gift oneself and the third parties, or unlawful provision of such benefits or rights to this individual by other individuals, including commitment of the said actions on behalf of the Company. Situation, in which financial or personal interests of the executive officers, for objective or subjective reasons, affect or may affect the proper performance of their duties because of contradictions between interests of the Company and their vested interest. Item of property or property right (requirement), transferred as a gift on a gratis basis, or release of a person from proprietary duty to oneself or to the third party. Official entertainment Various social functions, meetings, visits, panel sessions and conferences, prize-giving ceremonies, etc., held by the management body. Official entertainments are arranged at the expense of sponsor (entertainment expenses) and are generally associated with promotional gifts giving and obtaining. Person in charge for observance of antibribery policy An employee of the Company, who is assigned by the President of the Company to ensure observance of anti-bribery policy. I. Introduction Business Ethics Code of OJSC Oil and Gas Company RussNeft (hereinafter referred to as “Code”) alongside with other valid internal documents determining rights, liabilities and standards of conduct of Executive Officers, regulates standards of ethics of corporate relationship and is obligatory for the Board Members, the President, Top Management and all employees of the Company. The Code corresponds to accepted standards of business behavior and ethics. The Code is based on views and values of the Company Management. It reflects commitment of the Company and its management to high ethical standards of honest business when improving corporate culture, observing best corporate governance practices and supporting business reputation of the Company and Subsidiaries, included in the corporate structure of the Company, up-to-the-mark. Sustainable development of the Company in the longer term is impossible without confidence of the shareholders, investors, contracting parties, employees and the Company as a whole. Confidence is achieved by constantly maintaining high ethical standards of doing business and caring for others. Therefore, the Company in its business practice finds it necessary and tends to the full extent to take into account socially significant aspects of business and responsibility of the Company in respect of all interested parties. Laws of different countries differ from each other, and their enforcement is certainly necessary but not limiting. The Company has worked out additional standards of collective and personal ethics that should apply to all activities and transactions performed by the Company and its employees in any place of the world. Herewith the principle of observance of the most rigid applicable rules is applied: if applicable law imposes restrictions on behavior of Executive Officers heavier than the Code, Executive Officers must in their actions in specific situation observe the applicable law; if applicable law imposes restrictions on behavior of Executive Officers less heavy than the Code, the Executive Officers must in their actions in specific situation comply with the norms of the Code. The Company approves and follows basic ethical rules and principles of the Russian Code of Business Ethics (The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, 1998), the Corporate Charter of Business Ethics (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, 2003), the Corporate Code of Conduct (FCSM, 2002). The Company integrates into its business practice the global principles of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. The Company tends to provide high business transparency and responsibility. Adherence to ethical standards and principles helps the Company to avoid undue risks, to maintain long-term economic growth, to strengthen its positions in domestic and foreign markets, to carry out successful business activity, to increase its capitalization and profit, as well as to form positive business expectations in respect of behavior of the participants of corporate relations. *** The Code is devoted to the most significant matters of business ethics of the Company. It is a public document and the President of the Company may at any time, based on changes in the Russian and international legislation, based on interests of the shareholders of the Company or its partners, make changes and amendments to the Code, which, however, should not distort the existing standards of business ethics. The provisions of this Code are worked out with due account for the Civil Code and Labor Code of Russia, the Federal Law «Joint Stock companies» and the above-mentioned documents. When hiring for work, every Employee signs Commitment on Acceptance and Observance of Business Ethics Code of OJSC Oil and Gas Company RussNeft. II. Main ethical principles Executive Officers of the Company undertake to strictly comply with the following ethical principles in their day-to day activities: to fulfill in full the requirements of the applicable law and other legal regulation and in case of applicable law absence to judge by requirements of good faith, reasonability, fairness and provisions of this Company Code ; to be honest and fair in business relations, to refrain from any unfair business practices; to keep to the principle of rejection of bribery of any kind (“zero tolerance” principle) in business, including relationship with shareholders, investors, counteragents, representative of authorities, autonomous bodies, political parties, companies, incorporated in the Company’s structure and others; to respect the right of property, aim for mutual profit balance in business transactions; in case of downside risks rise to make it known to the Company President immediately; not to use employment status, confidential information, tangible and intangible Company assets for their personal advantage; to aim to taking collegial decisions and to afford mutual assistance in making vital conclusions and in cases of emergency; to rely on the results of scrupulous and thorough examination of the situation for making a decision, to refrain from making decisions on insufficient information basis.; to treat colleagues as well as all the customers’ representatives and the Company business partners irrespectively of employment status, gender, age, nationality or confession with politeness and respect; to display affability and amiability in business communication; not to supply to their colleagues, management, partners, counteragents’ representatives and others untrustworthy or raw information; to react promptly to questions and requests of the colleagues, management, partners, counteragents’ representatives etc.; to refrain in day-to-day life and in professional activity from any illegal actions or actions which may cause doubts of their legality or ethics; to take permanent care of upgrading their professionalism, competence and qualifications. To use their expertise for most professional and efficient performance of their duties; making decisions to take into account not only economic feasibility but also the decisions made by other persons as well as interests of other concerned parties; to refrain from non-ethical methods of competitive struggle; to refrain from action or inaction causing conflicts in business relations, to aim for settlement of conflicts on the basis of the parties’ interests. In case Executive Officers have doubts in regard of correctness of their actions or doubts in regard of any other ethical matters they shall turn for explanations to the person in charge for observation of anti-bribery policy. Directors and Top-managers shall also undertake to strictly comply n their day-today activity with the following ethical principles: to set an example of applicable law requirements, ethical norms and business activity principles observation; to provide, in accordance with the existing legislation and by-laws, timely disclosure of complete and adequate information about the Company, including its financial status, economic indicators, property and management structure about major shareholders of the Company, as well as about essential facts affecting its financial and economic activity with the purpose of giving shareholders, creditors and investors the possibility to make wellgrounded decisions; to conduct business taking into consideration social responsibility before the state and the society; to assist implementation of gratuitious financial or other charity support of social, cultural, educational and other programs; to conduct business so as not to damage the environment, to participate in ecological programs; to build up the relations between the Company and its Employees on the basis of long-term cooperation, community of ideas, respect for and consideration of mutual interests, conscientiousness and feasibility of assumed obligations and social partnership; to create for Employees labor conditions not affecting their health and dignity, to provide fair salaries, contributing to growth of their living standards; to be earnest in communications, to react attentively to the Employees’ proposals, their ideas, demands and complaints; to avoid discriminating policy and ensure the Employees equal rights and possibilities in labor payment and career growth; to avoid decisions resulting in serious and unjustified reduction of employment in the Company. III. Conflict of interests Executive Officers must prevent situations causing or potentially causing Conflict of Interests. In respect to a Conflict of Interests already developed, Executive Officers shall completely distance themselves from taking decisions, thus precluding potential claims of prejudice and partiality in future, and immediately inform the immediate superior or the person in charge for observation of anti-bribery policy about the Conflict of interests. Directors, Top- management and their Family members must not: have personal interest in the Company competitors’ business activity; invest in the companies competing with the Company; accept expensive presents, services, consideration and other personal benefits aimed at inducement of the said people to make decisions for the giver’s convenience. All the Executive Officers: must inform the Board of Directors of their intention to make a transaction coming within the scope of the definition “an interested party transaction”. The said transactions shall be made only on the approval of the Board of Directors and/or General Meeting of Shareholders; having access to confidential information may perform operations with the securities of the Company and the companies incorporated in the Company’s structure upon prior notice to the Board of Directors and/or the person in charge for observation of anti-bribery policy. Directors and Top-management: are to inform the person in charge for observation of anti-bribery policy about outside business interests drawing off a substantial part of their time or attention from performing their immediate duties; are to inform the person in charge for observation of anti-bribery policy about any offices held by them outside the Company and unknown to the Company, and, before to agree to holding of such offices are to inform the person in charge for observation of antibribery policy about their intentions; are to refrain from participation in outside business project drawing off a substantial part of their time or attention from performing their immediate duties; In case of breaking these rules Executive Officers shall immediately inform the person in charge for observation of anti-bribery policy. IV. Confidential information Executive Officers having access to Company’s confidential information undertake to use such information only in connection of discharge of their duties. Executive Officers undertake not to disclose such information (even after termination of their labor relations or employment duties) to third persons, including state authorities, other Executive Officers and their Family Members if the requests of the third persons are not legal, unless otherwise stipulated in the Company by-laws or determined by the applicable law. The procedure of information disclosure to mass media, shareholders, investors, and other Parties Involved as well as submitting of necessary reporting to state authorities shall be regulated by the Company by-laws. V. “Know your contractor” principle Executive Officers make reasonable efforts to minimize the risk of business relationships with contractors who may be involved into corrupt activities. For this purpose the Company implements measures implemented based on “know your contractor” principle according to which the Company: conducts inspection of contractors to define presence of their own anti-corruption procedures and/or policies, their willingness to adhere to ethical principles and requirements of the Company as well as to provide mutual support for ethical conduct of business and prevention of corruption; monitors transactions with contractors in compliance with ethical principles and requirements of the Company; makes reasonably possible efforts to include in the treaties signed by the Company provisions aimed at preventing bribery, corruption and legitimization of income obtained by illegal means. VI. Giving (accepting) gifts and entertainment Gifts on behalf of the Company to third parties in the form of monetary means (either cash or non-cash) irrespective of the currency and financing of charitable and sponsorship projects with the purpose of obtaining commercial preferences are not allowed. Gifts which may be given by Executive Officers and other persons who may act on behalf of the Company, or received by them, shall match the totality of criteria: to be directly connected with the legal purposes of the Company’s business activity, e.g. with protocol events, with a presentation or completion of business projects, successful fulfillment of contracts, or with national holidays including such as the New Year Day, International Women’s Day, professional holiday, etc.; to be reasonably founded, equitable and no luxury items; not to be a hidden consideration for a service, action, omission of action, connivance, protection, grant of rights, taking a certain decision about a transaction, agreement, license, permission etc. or an attempt to assert influence over the receiver with some other illegal or unethical purpose; not to create a reputation risk for the Company, members of its management bodies and the Company’s employees in case of disclosure of the information about the gifts; not to contradict to the standards of anti-bribery policy, other by-laws of the Company and applicable legislative rules. Executive Officers and other persons who may act on behalf of the Company are prohibited to give (accept) gifts if they do not match at least one of the above mentioned criteria. Executive Officers and other persons who may act on behalf of the Company in their activity shall make decisions and act, assessing the risk level and match their own capabilities to lowering this level, ensuring safety, with priority of conduct, readiness for emergencies. Risk management involves: assessment of professional situations and planned actions with due account for the risk level contained herein, probability of success and failure; decision making and performance of necessary actions only at an acceptable and negligibly small risk level; taking security measures in all cases that reduce the risk level frontier and increase success probability; strengthening the measures to reducing the risk level as approaching the insurmountable level; vigilance and alertness in all cases as the risk of emergencies always exists. In case of any doubts or questions regarding the validity and admissibility of receiving a gift arise, the Company’s Employee shall contact the Person in charge for observance of anti-bribery policy. In case a gift was sent by mail, delivered by courier and does not meet the abovementioned criteria, the Company’s Employee is obliged to return it to the donator. In case of impossibility of return of such present to the donator, the Employee of the Company is required to inform the Person in charge for observance anti-bribery policy and follow his instructions. Internal response procedures to identified risks and violations of anti-corruption norms: a) Person in charge for the observance of anti-bribery policy, in case of identifying substantial risks and/or violations, initiates an official investigation, the results of which are sent to the President of the Company in order to make a decision on the application of disciplinary measures to the violator (including termination of employment or civil law contract), continuation or termination of further cooperation with partners, representatives of the State and municipal authorities as well as the transfer of materials to the law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation. VII. Compliance with the Code All Executive Officers must comply with the present Code and undertake to inform the Person in charge for the observance of anti-bribery policy of any cases known to them of already committed or potential violations of requirements of the present Code or applicable laws, rules and regulations. The Company will not allow retaliatory actions in respect of bona fide individuals who report such violations. All reports of violations (already committed or potential ones) are subject to immediate investigation and, if necessary, correcting measures are taken. Executive Officers involved in the violation of applicable laws, rules and regulations of the present Code, depending on the circumstances of the case, are subject to appropriate disciplinary actions in accordance with the Company’s current regulations and rules of applicable law. The Person in charge for the observance of anti-bribery policy should be addressed to in case questions arise in compliance with the present Code.