1 1 Tracking Potential Sources of Peak Ozone Concentrations in the Upper Troposphere over 2 the Arabian Gulf Region 3 Teresa K. Spohn1,2,+ and Bernhard Rappenglück1,2, 4 5 6 1) Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Rd, 7 Houston, TX, USA, 77204-5007 8 2) Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, P.O. Box 5825, Doha, Qatar 9 10 11 Abstract – In August 2013, the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), was 12 the first to launch temporally highly resolved ozonesondes in the Middle East region. The data 13 from 20 launches consistently show changes in meteorological parameters at about 5.5 km above 14 the surface, which are more pronounced following a change in synoptic conditions on 15 August 15 2013, including temperature inversions, corresponding change in potential temperatures, relative 16 humidity, and significant wind shear. These changes are typically associated with a large scale 17 subtropical subsidence layer in accordance with previous aircraft studies in this region. Below the 18 inversion layer, the ozone follows typical patterns for lower tropospheric measurements, starting 19 in the surface layer up to 0.5 km above the ground level around noon at about 66±15 ppbv. 20 However, above the subsidence inversion, ozone mixing ratios begin to increase to 79±13 ppbv +) now with the National University of Ireland, Galway. Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 713 893 1298; Fax: +1 713 748 7906; E-mail address: brappenglueck@uh.edu 2 21 between 6-12 km with maximum values ~ 100 ppbv around 8 km, then decreasing again before 22 reaching the stratosphere. 23 Three-day HYSPLIT back trajectories indicate that ozone levels are typically about 17% lower in 24 the 6-12 km range under wind flow conditions from the East than in cases when trajectories came 25 from the Mediterranean. High pressure may lead to subsidence of ozone from the upper 26 troposphere/lower stratosphere and eventually cause an increase of ozone mixing ratios by ~18% 27 above average between 6-7 km, i.e. slightly above subtropical subsidence layer. Under the impact 28 of regional convective activity and associated lightning, ozone mixing ratios can increase by 29 more than 35% averaged over the 9-12 km altitude range. In both cases maximum ozone in the 30 mid to upper troposphere reached more than 100 ppbv. 31 32 Keywords: Ozone, Middle East, Qatar, Tropospheric Transport, Lightning 33 34 1. INTRODUCTION 35 Ozone (O3) in the troposphere is of interest because of its negative effects on human health and 36 global warming (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). Tropospheric ozone is primarily 37 formed photo-chemically through the break-down of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by sunlight in the 38 presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (e.g. Lelieveld, et al. 2009). Contrary to the 39 tropospheric ozone, ozone in the stratosphere is formed through photolysis of oxygen and forms a 40 barrier protecting the Earth from the sun’s ultra-violet radiation; however, it is sometimes mixed 41 into the troposphere through Stratospheric-Tropospheric Exchange (STE) (e.g. Lelieveld, et al. 42 2009). 3 43 There are very few studies of ozone in the Arabian Gulf region (Li et al., 2001; Lelieveld et al., 44 2009; Zanis et al., 2014). While they all concur that there is unusually high ozone in the mid to 45 upper troposphere in the Middle East region, they do not agree on the reasons for it. 46 Li et al. (2001) focus on a study in July 1997. They conducted sensitivity simulations to 47 determine contributions to ozone at various levels within the troposphere, as well as distinguish 48 between the influence of anthropogenic and lightning sources. Li et al. claim that there are 49 unusually high summertime levels of ozone, over 80 ppbv in the mid to upper troposphere in the 50 Middle East region. The reason for this is the anti-cyclonic circulation over the Arabian Peninsula 51 and the Indian sub-continent “funneling” in pollution from Europe and nitrogen oxides (NO x) 52 generated by lightning outflow from the Indian Monsoon. Pollution from eastern Asia transported 53 in the Easterly Tropical Jet Stream is said to contribute as well. Results indicate that the largest 54 source of ozone (35-50%) is due to production in the upper troposphere and large-scale 55 subsidence in the region. Losses in these areas due to mid-level outflow are only little according 56 to the Li et al. study. They estimate that 20-30% of the tropospheric ozone column has been 57 caused by anthropogenic sources and 10-15% is from lightning. According to the paper, 58 stratospheric ozone is not thought to be a major contributor, although it seems to have a greater 59 impact than in other regions of the world. 60 Li et al.’s study used the GEOS-CHEM (Goddard Earth Observing System) global 3-D model of 61 atmospheric chemistry in conjunction with vertical ozone profiles collected by the MOZAIC 62 (Measurement 63 http://www.iagos.fr/web/rubrique2.html) program over the regions of Tel-Aviv, Dubai, and 64 Tehran. Data from the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Data 65 Assimilation Office for the years 1993-1997 were used as input for the model along with an 66 anthropogenic base emissions inventory from 1985, adjusted for the study period, which included of Ozone and Water Vapour on Airbus in-service Aircraft; 4 67 NOx, Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC), and Carbon Monoxide (CO). Lightning-NO 68 production associated with deep convection was parameterized following Price and Rind (1992). 69 Lelieveld et al. (2009) postulate that the Middle East is an ozone “hotspot” due to long-range 70 transport of pollutants as indicated by the tracer CO, unusually strong STE, substantial natural 71 upwind sources of NOx such as lightning, the lack of precipitation, and contribution from local 72 emissions such as those from oil and gas refineries combining to create ideal conditions for ozone 73 production and entrainment. They find that there is a distinct ozone maximum between the 74 surface and 750 hPa, which is even more pronounced in the summertime when conditions favor 75 photochemistry. The average ozone mixing ratio in the mid to upper troposphere in the summer is 76 around 80 ppbv. A comparison with other subtropical areas showed that the diel variation of mid- 77 tropospheric ozone in Bahrain was related more to the long-range transport of pollutants than to 78 local production, and that after removing anthropogenic sources from the model, the region still 79 had higher ozone than the other areas. Unlike Li et al. (2001), this study suggests that 80 stratospheric ozone does have a major impact on the regional tropospheric ozone column, making 81 up about two thirds of it in winter and one quarter in the summer. 82 The Lelieveld study uses the EMAC (European Center-Hamburg 5th generation model MESSy 83 [Modular Earth Submodel System] Applied to Atmospheric Chemistry) model in conjunction 84 with satellite-retrieved ozone imagery from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES; 85 http://tes.jpl.nasa.gov/) and Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric 86 Chartography (SCIAMACHY; http://www.sciamachy.org/) to identify where the highest ozone 87 concentrations are. The model is nudged toward the meteorological conditions in 2006 based on 88 re-analysis data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and 89 uses EDGAR 3.2 (Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research 2000) for inputs of 90 anthropogenic emissions. The model includes a stratospheric ozone tracer as well and follows its 5 91 transport and destruction in the troposphere. However, it does not include recycling processes of 92 that stratospheric ozone tracer in the troposphere. 93 The most recent study by Zanis et al. (2014) indicates that the enhanced tropospheric summer 94 ozone levels in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East are the result of stratospheric ozone 95 being transported to the troposphere through subsidence induced by high pressure systems in the 96 region. While local photochemical formation is still the dominant contributor to ozone 97 concentration, stratosphere to troposphere transport (STT), a type of STE, plays a critical role in 98 places with favorable conditions. 99 The Zanis et al. (2014) research was conducted in a similar way to the previous Lelieveld et al. 100 (2009) study, using the EMAC model with ECMWF inputs and a stratospheric ozone tracer, and 101 comparing the results to TES satellite data, but this time for a 12 year climatological study from 102 1998-2009. Both the model and satellite show pools of higher ozone concentration in the upper 103 and middle troposphere over the Eastern Mediterranean, with the stratospheric ozone tracer 104 indicating a 40-45% contribution from the stratosphere to the middle troposphere. This is 105 attributed to the large-scale subsidence and limited outflow resulting from the anti-cyclonic 106 motion of the high pressure systems prevalent in the area during the summer months. 107 Reid et al. (2008) report about dust profiles obtained through aircraft measurements, mostly over 108 the area of the United Arab Emirates and vicinity, and also give a detailed overview of 109 meteorological patterns in the region, including the mention of a subtropical subsidence 110 inversion. While the focus of the paper was on aerosols and dust in the region, their flights 111 encountered polluted air masses from Europe, India, and possibly Africa as well. 112 All of these publications agree that the Middle East area is of specific interest due to some unique 113 meteorological conditions and presumably elevated ozone levels which may have a large-scale 6 114 impact and contribute to global warming as the ozone is exported from the region. Due to the 115 scarcity of data sets in that area, they all call for more in situ measurements. 116 In this paper we present data analysis from ozonesondes launched from Doha, Qatar, in August 117 2013 and explore potential source areas for ozone in the upper troposphere. 118 119 4. METHODS 120 4.1 Data Collection 121 Electro Chemical Concentration (ECC) ozonesondes (Droplet Measurement Technologies, 2013) 122 in conjunction with iMet-1 radiosondes (InterMet Systems, 2008) attached to a 1.2 kg Kaymont 123 brand weather balloon were used. Sondes were equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System). 124 The iMet-1 radiosonde system (InterMet Systems, 2013) provides data for pressure (accuracy: 0.5 125 hPa), temperature (accuracy: 0.2°C), relative humidity RH (accuracy: 5% RH), wind speed 126 (accuracy: 0.1 m s-1), wind direction (accuracy: ≤ 5 degrees for wind speeds < 14 m/s, and ≤ 2 127 degrees for wind speeds > 14 m/s), altitude (accuracy: 15 m), and position (accuracy: 5 m). The 128 principle of ECC sondes are described thoroughly in Russell III et al. (1998). ECC sondes were 129 used because they routinely outperform other types of ozonesondes such as the Brewer-Mast and 130 KC96 Carbon Iodine Cell, as demonstrated in the 1996-2000 Jülich Ozone Sonde 131 Intercomparison Experiment (JOSIE) (Smit and Kley, 1996; Smit et al., 2007) and are currently 132 the most commonly used world-wide (Global Atmospheric Watch, 2013). Depending on the 133 launch conditions and amount of helium, the balloon rose at a rate of 2-5 m s-1 and reached 134 around 30 km above sea level (asl) before burst. For the altitude ranges considered in this study 135 the accuracy of the ECC sondes varies from ±5% (1000 hPa) to ±12% (200 hPa) and the 136 precision from ±4% (1000 hPa) to ±12% (200 hPa) (Droplet Measurement Technologies, 2013). 137 Smit et al. (2007) report even slightly lower values. Comparison studies with routine lidar 7 138 measurements made at the Observatoire de Haute Provence during 1990-1995 show that for 139 fifteen simultaneous ECC versus lidar profiles, the mean of the differences observed between 4 140 and 7 km was 2.5 ± 1.8 ppb (4 ± 3%) (Ancellet and Beekmann, 1997). 141 In the period from 4 to 21 August 2013, 20 ozonesondes were launched from the College of the 142 North Atlantic-Qatar campus in Doha (25.36ºN, 51.48ºE) at various times of day, including early 143 morning (7:00 LT (local time)), mid-day (between 12:00-13:00 LT), and night (23:00-24:00 LT). 144 Local time is UTC (Universal Time Code) + 2 hours. Data validation and verification were done 145 in accordance with standardized methods listed in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 146 Manual EPA-QA/G-8. (US Environmental Protection Agency, n.d.) 147 148 5. OBSERVATIONS 149 The radiosonde data consistently show a marked change in temperature, relative humidity, wind 150 direction, and potential temperature at an altitude of about 5.5 km asl - factors indicative of a 151 strong inversion. Previous observational and modeling studies (Li et al., 2001; Reid et al., 2008; 152 Lelieveld et al., 2009) have shown that this phenomenon at about 5 km is in fact a subtropical 153 subsidence inversion, which seems to occur persistently during the summer months. This is also 154 seen in regular radiosonde launches from other locations in the Middle East area, e.g. Al- 155 Qaisumah and Riyadh (Saudi-Arabia), Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) and Kuwait City 156 (Kuwait) (not shown, but retrieved from the University of Wyoming global radiosonde 157 depository at http://www.weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/mideast.html). Figure 1 displays the average 158 ozone profile, including the 25% and 75% percentiles, for all 20 Doha ozonesondes launched 159 from 4 to 21 August 2013, segregated into 100 m altitude bins. This figure shows that above the 160 subsidence inversion, ozone begins to increase significantly within the free middle troposphere, 161 peaking around 8 km altitude range and then decreasing again before entering the stratosphere 8 162 between 14 -16 km (see Table 1 for more information). This is fairly in agreement with modeled 163 height of tropopause crossings for the Middle East region by Tyrlis et al. (2014). 164 Ozone in the troposphere is mainly formed locally near the surface in complex reactions 165 involving NOx and VOC precursors, however it has been found that pollution in the surface layer 166 can reach upper tropospheric levels, due to strong convective processes (Baehr et al., 2003; 167 Borbon et al., 2012). The persistent subsidence inversion over the Middle East area during the 168 summer acts largely to suppress convective processes and the upper troposphere is therefore 169 decoupled from the lower troposphere (Li et al., 2001; Reid et al., 2008; Lelieveld et al., 2009). 170 As in-situ formation of ozone is limited in the upper troposphere, ozone aloft is likely due to 171 transport processes. Apart from horizontal transport, vertical transport (e.g. lifting or subsidence) 172 can play an important role. Through STE processes, stratospheric ozone can also contribute. 173 Previous research has postulated that ozone in the mid to upper troposphere is being transported 174 from Europe and the Mediterranean (Li et al., 2001). 175 Henceforth we focus the discussions on the ozone distribution in the upper troposphere to trace 176 the potential source areas of the elevated ozone found in the mid to upper troposphere between 6 177 and 12 km over the Arabian Gulf area. For this purpose we consider mid-day launches only and 178 do not include early morning launches done in addition after 15 August. This way there is 179 consistency of only one launch per day at approximately the same time. From the remaining 14 180 mid-day launches we needed to remove one launch (09 August) due to problems in the GPS data 181 acquisition which led to unreliable wind data. In the following data analysis we therefore focus 182 on an overall dataset of 13 mid-day launches. 183 For data analysis we applied a series of 72 hour HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian 184 Integrated Trajectory Model) (Draxler and Rolph, 2013) back trajectories at altitudes of 6, 9, and 185 12 km, based on the GPS coordinates of each ozonesonde when it was at these altitudes. In order 9 186 to identify meteorological patterns for the month of August, the World Wide Lightning Location 187 Network (WWLLN) lightning data (WWLLN Management Team, 2013), as well as National 188 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) surface, 200 and 500 hPa weather analysis 189 charts of the region (NOAA National Climatic Data Center, 2013) were used to determine what 190 factors might have influenced the long-range transport of ozone. 191 192 5.1 HYSPLIT Back Trajectories 193 Figure 2 shows the results of the HYSPLIT back trajectory analyses. Of the 13 launches used in 194 this study, 6 days between 5 and 13 August showed trajectories coming from the East, from 195 northern India and the Himalayas. On two days, 14 and 15 August, the trajectories curled around 196 locally, indicating a shift in large-scale wind flows. After 15 August, the remaining 5 set of 197 trajectories came from the northwest, the Mediterranean and North Africa. Uncertainties of the 198 HYSPLIT trajectories are assumed to be in the range of 15-30% of the travel distance (Draxler 199 and Rolph, 2013). Although, there might be some limitations associated with the accuracy of 200 backward trajectories, they at least may provide information about major regimes. The HYSPLIT 201 back trajectories showed generally that each air packet ended up within approx. 20-25% of its 202 initial altitude. 203 204 5.2 Weather Charts 205 Figure 3 displays 500 hPa and 200 hPa weather charts for the Middle East area. The surface level 206 analysis and lifted index charts are characterized by a constant “heat low” in the region due to 207 high surface temperatures. This is capped by high pressure, indicated by elevated geopotential 208 heights on the 500 hPa chart, preventing convective lifting, and resulting in thin altostratus clouds 209 at about 6 km altitude most days. On 12 and 13 August, a stronger ridge moved in over Qatar, 10 210 indicated by the yellow arrow on the 500 hPa chart. This ridge began to move out of the Qatar 211 region on 14 August and had receded completely by 15 August. At the 200 hPa level, there is a 212 persistent powerful jet streak north of Qatar between 40 and 45ºN from the beginning of August 213 until 15 August, when it suddenly disappears, after which an upper level trough forms, pulling in 214 air from the Mediterranean. 215 216 5.3 Lightning Data 217 Lightning data for the northern hemisphere for the month of August was obtained from the World 218 Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN; http://wwlln.net/new/network/) and plotted in 219 Google Earth. These data are gathered by a global network of sensing stations using VLF (Very 220 Low Frequency between 3-30 KHz) to detect “sferics”—electromagnetic discharges caused by 221 lightning. With a current network of 40 stations, the WWLLN is capable of detecting only about 222 30% of all lightning strikes. This may be considered as an upper limit; it may be likely less in the 223 in the area of this study. Due to this limitation, any lightning activity which is detected can be 224 considered a lower limit and the actual lightning activity may be largely underestimated, and 225 therefore the potential lightning-influenced ozone production in these areas as well. 226 The Indian Summer Monsoon took place during August, and there was in fact heavy lightning 227 activity over India, often along the HYSPLIT trajectories. There was however also considerable 228 lightning in the Middle East, even in Qatar itself on some days. In particular, on 6 August the 229 country experienced some thunderstorms (Figure 4). 230 231 5.4 Balloon Data 232 As illustrated in Table 1, the average measured ozone for all 13 launches between 6 and 12 km 233 was 80±13 ppbv, with a median of ~79 ppbv. This is higher than the average total tropospheric 11 234 ozone between the surface and 14 km of 72±14 ppbv. The average ozone below 500 m was 235 ~64±15 ppbv. Note that for consistency, and to ensure none of the data were above the boundary 236 layer,500 m was used as a representation of surface ozone, rather than the entire planetary 237 boundary layer which varies between 1-2 km. 238 All launches were characterized by pronounced changes in relative humidity above 5.5 km as 239 shown exemplary in Figure 5. Unlike the launches before 15 August which showed only weak 240 temperature inversions, the launches after 15 August all showed a marked temperature inversion 241 of 2-3ºC over a distance of less than 0.5 km at around 5.5 km altitude. 242 On 7 of the 13 days, the ozonesondes measured maximum ozone over 100 ppbv between 6 and 243 12 km. Three of these launches took place before 15 August, at which point the large scale 244 synoptic condition changed and thus did the wind direction throughout most of the troposphere. 245 On 6 August a peak ozone mixing ratio over 100 ppbv occurred at an altitude above 12 km. On 246 12 August the peak ozone mixing ratio was 105 ppbv between 8 and 10 km, and on 13 August a 247 nearly identical “plume” between 6 and 8 km (Figure 6) can be visually discerned. 248 249 6. DISCUSSION 250 In this section we will focus on three examples to explain the causes of high ozone concentrations 251 in the Arabian Gulf region. Each case has specific characteristics which can indicate the likely 252 source of the ozone peaks. 253 254 6.1 Case 1: Ozonesonde launch on 6 August and the effect of lightning 255 In this study we do not verify a distinct impact on ozone due to lightning related to the Indian 256 Monsoon as this would require a comparison with transport processes from the Indian 257 subcontinent under non-Monsoon conditions. However, this study shows that lightning from the 12 258 Indian Monsoon is not associated with as high of ozone values at upper-tropospheric levels in the 259 Arabian Gulf region as are observed when back trajectories point to the Eastern Mediterranean 260 region. Air masses originating from the Eastern Mediterranean region contain about 30-40 ppb 261 higher ozone values than air masses impacted by the Indian Monsoon and associated lightning 262 activities as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 also demonstrates that these different ozone regimes are 263 clearly accompanied by different relative humidity regimes. While high relative humidity values 264 can be expected for air masses impacted by the Indian Monsoon, it is remarkable that air masses 265 originating from the Eastern Mediterranean contain extremely low relative humidity for the entire 266 preceding 72 hours. This distinct feature is visible in all the other profiles of the corresponding 267 specific synoptic conditions. As mentioned before, the days 14 and 15 August were transitional 268 days between these large-scale flows, which also showed transition of the relative humidity 269 profiles. The Eastern Mediterranean is a well-known hot-spot for enhanced tropospheric ozone 270 levels (e.g. Kouvarakis et al., 2002; Kourtidis et al., 2002; Lelieveld et al., 2002; Lelieveld et al., 271 2009). This is largely due to large-scale subsidence in the summer (Zanis et al., 2014; Tyrlis et 272 al., 2014), low tropopause height, and enhanced tropopause folding activity over the Levantine 273 region during the summertime, in connection with the Asian monsoon (Tyrlis et al., 2014). The 274 numerical simulations by Zanis et al. (2014) indicate that there is a large contribution of 275 stratospheric ozone to the pool of high ozone values over the Eastern Mediterranean/Middle East 276 in the middle and lower free troposphere and Sprenger et al. (2007) showed that stratospheric air 277 mixed into the upper troposphere can remain there up to a few days. The extremely low relative 278 humidity values in air masses coming from the Eastern Mediterranean area are in support of these 279 previous modeling studies. 280 Apart from these ozone transports in the upper troposphere, however, also local thunderstorm 281 activity in the Arabian Gulf could be contributing to higher ozone. On 6 August there was 13 282 considerable lightning activity in the entire region, about 50% more than on other days before 15 283 August, and the HYSPLIT back trajectory for the ozonesonde, which was launched that day, 284 either passed directly through (trajectory at 9 km altitude in Figure 9) or close to a nearby 285 thunderstorm in the Arabian Gulf with correspondingly increased ozone at 12 km (Figure 9). It 286 should be noted that the location, altitude, spatial extension of the lightning activity as well as the 287 number of strikes is indicative for the overall lightning activity. As mentioned above the 288 WWLLN data may only detect about 30% of all lightning strikes. In addition, uncertainties 289 associated with the back trajectories are in the range of 15-30% of the travel distance (Draxler 290 and Rolph, 2013). Thus it is likely that both trajectories, at 9 km and at 12 km altitude, might 291 have been impacted by lightning. The peak ozone mixing ratio that day was 105 ppbv at 12 km, 292 with a smaller 101 ppbv peak at 10 km (Figure 9). This is significantly higher than on the 293 preceding day when under the same flow conditions about 50-60 ppbv ozone were observed from 294 top of the boundary layer height around 2 km altitude up to 10-14 km altitude. Lightning is an 295 important source of NOx in the upper troposphere worldwide (Schumann and Huntrieser, 2007; 296 Huntrieser et al., 2012), including the Middle East area (Li et al. 2001) and the balloon’s actual 297 trajectory took it directly downwind from this source. Huntrieser et al. (2007) report up to 60-70 298 nmol mol-1 enhancement of ozone in the anvil outflow over a horizontal scale of about 400 km. 299 This also due to the fact that the atmospheric lifetime of NOx in the upper troposphere is 300 significantly longer than in the boundary layer and that photochemical processes are largely NOx 301 limited (Huntrieser et al., 2007 and references therein). The amount of NOx produced also 302 depends on the lightning stroke length, peak current, release height, and vertical wind shear 303 (Huntrieser et al., 2008). Figure 9 shows that ozone exceeds 60 ppbv, the preceding day's average 304 tropospheric value observed under similar Easterly flow conditions, around 7 km altitude and 305 then continuously increases and reaches maximum values. This coincides with strongest vertical 14 306 wind shears between 9-12 km, which encompasses the top of the cloud deck, as reflected in the 307 relative humidity data (not shown). Ozone mixing ratios averaged over 9-12 km altitude were 308 66.8±2.2 ppbv on 5 August versus 91.2±2.4 ppbv on 6 August, which corresponds to an increase 309 of about 36.5% over this altitude range. These values rank among higher values found in other 310 studies on lightning impact on ozone in the upper troposphere (Cooper et al., 2007; Morris et al., 311 2010 and references therein). In conclusion, this suggests that ozone produced as a result of this 312 lightning activity may have contributed appreciably to the concentrations measured by the 313 ozonesonde over Qatar. 314 315 6.2 Case 2: Ozonesondes launched on 12 and 13 August 316 The 12 and 13 of August were the only two days of the month during which a strong ridge was 317 centered over the Arabian Peninsula, as shown on the 500 hPa chart in Figure 3. Zanis et al. 318 (2014) discuss how the anti-cyclonic activity associated with high pressure systems causes ozone- 319 rich air to be pulled downward isentropically out of the stratosphere into the upper troposphere 320 through subsidence in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region. Their study used a 321 stratospheric ozone tracer in the model which showed the air mass descending over time. 322 The observations on 12 and 13 August show an example for subsidence, as the ozone plume is 323 between 8 and 10 km on 12 August, and has fallen to between 6 and 8 km only 24 hours later, yet 324 maintains its distinct shape (see section highlighted by the rectangle in Figure 6). In Figure 6 we 325 included the nighttime ozonesonde launch on 12 August so that this figure displays a sequence of 326 ozonesondes almost every 12 hours apart. Note that the ozone values between 6 and 12 km 327 altitude are significantly higher than the average ozone profiles at these altitude ranges (see 328 Figure 1). Both days show subsidence inversions (not shown) at similar altitudes (5.5 km on 12 329 August and 6 km on 13 August, i.e. close to the 500 hPa level). These inversions are associated 15 330 with wind shear, mostly northerly below, whereas aloft winds come from the east throughout the 331 upper troposphere coincident with the large scale synoptic situation as shown in Figure 3. Both 332 inversions are also associated with generally decreasing relative humidity aloft, typical for 333 subsidences. Also, starting with these inversions ozone mixing ratios increase with increasing 334 altitude reaching maximum values between 8-11 km altitude on 12 August and between 6 and 335 slightly above 8 km altitude on 13 August. The levels with enriched ozone are confined by 336 another thermal inversion at about 12 km altitude on 12 August and slightly above 8 km altitude 337 on 13 August. On 12 August the layer of maximum ozone is accompanied by low relative 338 humidity around 10-15%, similar to the relative humidity values observed in the lower 339 stratosphere on that day. Due to these overall low relative humidity values the thermal inversion 340 about 12 km altitude does not show a pronounced change in relative humidity. This is in contrast 341 to 13 August, when the lower thermal inversion can be clearly identified as a subsidence 342 inversion with decreasing relative humidity values aloft. This is also reflected in the HYSPLIT 343 analysis for that day (Figure 7), which shows that air masses arriving at the ozone sonde location 344 at about 9 km altitude have originated above 11.5 km altitude and experienced a drastic decrease 345 in relative humidity along the trajectory. While on 13 August the relative humidity profile shows 346 some variation within the layer between 6 km and slightly above 8 km altitude ozone mixing 347 ratios are largely anticorrelated with relative humidity in that layer indicative for sustaining 348 similar atmospheric properties from the previous day. The anticorrelation of ozone with relative 349 humidity can be best seen in the nighttime ozone profile on 12 August between ~8 km to ~9 km 350 altitude. The main difference between the vertical meteorological profiles of those two days is the 351 change in the upper tropospheric subsidence inversions from around 12 km (12 August) to 352 slightly above 8 km altitude (13 August) within 24 hours, which would translate into an 353 entrainment of enriched ozone layers from upper tropospheric areas on the order of 4-5 cm/s 16 354 estimated as an upper boundary. Based on the HYSPLIT analysis an entrainment velocity on the 355 order of 1 cm/s can be estimated. 356 While on 12 August ozone mixing ratios were about 93.0±11.8 ppbv averaged over the altitude 357 range of 8 - 11 km, they decreased to 74.3±9.4 ppbv on the subsequent day for the same altitude 358 range, which is a decrease by ~20%. On the other hand, ozone mixing ratios averaged over 6 - 7 359 km were 66.1±4.2 ppbv on 12 August and increased to 77.9±12.5 ppbv on 13 August (increase by 360 ~18%). The altitude range 7 - 8 km represents a transitional region with limited change as the 361 plume of enriched ozone passes this region during subsidence. This subsidence process will be 362 accompanied by horizontal dispersion, which is reflected by the fact that the ozone mixing ratios 363 in the ozone lamina slightly decrease and are confined to a shrinking altitude range. 364 365 6.3 Case 3: Ozonesonde launched on 19 August 366 The majority of cases of high ozone concentrations in the region during the measurement period 367 occur when the HYSPLIT back trajectories come from the Mediterranean, as exemplified by the 368 profile of the ozonesonde launched on 19 August (Figure 8), and corroborated by all launches on 369 and after 15 August. Here the ozone begins to increase at a lower altitude, around 7 km, and 370 remains high up to 12 km. In these instances the ozone peak is about 100 ppbv, and most likely 371 the result of long-range transport of pollutants (Li et al., 2001) in the 6-12 km range (72 hour 372 back trajectories in this altitude range point towards the Eastern Mediterranean). The strong 373 temperature inversion at 6 km acts as a boundary layer, preventing mixing from below or transfer 374 from aloft. Between 11.5 - 12 km altitude wind direction changes by about 180° (not shown) 375 which coincides with a sharp drop in ozone mixing ratios and which caps the high ozone levels 376 observed beneath, i.e. in the 6-12 km range. 17 377 Table 2 shows general results of the two large-scale flow regimes observed during the 378 measurement period as evident in Figures 2 and 8. The flow regime denoted as "East" refers to 379 the time period impacted by Monsoon activity over India, whereas the flow regime denotes as 380 "West" refers to the source region over the Eastern Mediterranean. From Table 2 it is evident that 381 Westerly flow regimes are associated with higher ozone mixing ratios than Easterly flow regimes 382 during the measurement period of August 2013. Compared to Easterly flow conditions, ozone 383 values in Westerly flow conditions are enhanced by about 17% through the entire troposphere 384 and in particular in the 6-12 km altitude range, which is double the enhancement in the surface 385 layer. It is noteworthy to keep in mind that ozone values under Easterly flow conditions are 386 impacted by thunderstorm activities related to the Monsoon season. As a consequence an even 387 higher ozone enhancement in Westerly versus Easterly flow regimes in the 6-12 km altitude 388 range may have been masked by Monsoon lightning activities. The observed ozone enhancement 389 associated with back trajectories point towards source regions over the Eastern Mediterranean 390 and support recent model results (Lelieveld et al., 2009; Zanis et al., 2014). 391 392 7. CONCLUSIONS 393 During August 2013, 20 ozone sondes were launched from Doha, Qatar. A subset of 13 mid-day 394 launches were further analysed. Although limited to one month in one summer season some 395 interesting observations were obtained. Upper tropospheric ozone in the Arabian Gulf region in 396 August 2013 was on average 80±13 ppbv, as predicted by models used in previous studies (Li et 397 al., 2001; Lelieveld et al 2009); however the source of high ozone is more in agreement with 398 Lelieveld et al. (2009) and Zanis et al. (2014) than postulated by Li et al. (2001). The extremely 399 low relative humidity of a few percent observed in air masses originating from the Eastern 400 Mediterranean in our study is in support of the modeling studies by Lelieveld et al. (2009) and 18 401 Zanis et al. (2014) who suggested high ozone levels in the middle and upper troposphere as a 402 result of stratosphere-troposphere transport over the Eastern Mediterranean and subsequent 403 transport from this area to the Arabian Gulf under continued subsidence processes. Elevated 404 ozone levels in the upper troposphere occur because of the meteorological conditions allowing 405 precursors to be transported into the area, and as a result of subsidence. 406 When the wind flow in the upper troposphere is from the East, the ozone levels are about 17% 407 lower in the 6-12 km range than when the wind is from the Mediterranean. High pressure may 408 lead to subsidence of ozone from the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere and eventually cause 409 an increase of ozone mixing ratios by ~18% between 6-7 km, i.e. slightly above the subtropical 410 subsidence layer. Under the impact of regional convective activity and associated lightning, 411 ozone mixing ratios can increase by more than 35% averaged over the 9-12 km altitude range. In 412 either case maximum ozone in the mid to upper troposphere reached more than 100 ppbv. 413 This study was limited to 13 launches in the month of August. There are no seasonal 414 comparisons. More work needs to be done in order to learn more about the temporal variability in 415 regional ozone patterns and long-term trends. 416 417 Acknowledgements – We are grateful for the support provided by Qatar Foundation and the 418 Qatar Civil Aviation Authority. Logistical and technical support provided by Messrs. M.A. 419 Ayoub, L. Ackermann, and Mrs. M. Shalaev from QEERI is greatly appreciated. The research 420 results have not been subject to QEERI scientific and policy review and therefore do not 421 necessarily reflect the views of QEERI and no official endorsement should be inferred. Many 422 thanks also to Dr. B. Holzworth for providing the WWLLN data for the time period of the study. 423 424 425 19 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 REFERENCES Ancellet, G., and M. 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Profiles of ozone, relative humidity, air temperature, potential temperature, wind speed, and wind direction as obtained from the ozonesonde on 19 August 2013 at 10:10 UTC (12:10 LT). Figure 6 Above: Comparison of vertical ozone profiles on 12 and 13 August 2013. Note the plume height at 9-10 km on 12 August and 8 km on 13 August. Below: Vertical profiles of ozone and relative humidity in the altitude range 6- 12 km. Figure 7 Above: Altitude plot of the 72-hour backward trajectory ending at the location of the ozone sonde at about 9 km altitude. Below: relative humidity along this trajectory. Figure 8. Comparison of high lightning and low ozone (5 August 2013, 10:07 UTC (12:07 LT); upper left plot and blue line in graph) with low lightning and high ozone days (19 August 2013, 10:10 UTC (12:10 LT); upper right plot and red line in graph). Lightning data for 5 Aug (blue), 4 Aug (pink), 3 Aug (green), and 2 Aug (yellow); Lightning data for 19 Aug (blue), 18 Aug (pink), 17 Aug (green), and 16 Aug (yellow). Upper RH trajectory is for 5 August, lower RH trajectory for 19 August. In addition, vertical profiles of relative humidity on the corresponding days as well as along 72-hour backward trajectories ending at the ozonesonde location at about 9 km altitude are shown. Figure 9. Above: lightning and HYSPLIT back trajectory on 6 August 2013, 10:00 UTC (12:00 LT), highlighting the 9 km trajectory passing through the lightning storm. Below: vertical ozone profile on 6 August 2013. 23 576 577 578 TABLE 1. Median, mean, standard deviation, and range of measured ozone for all 13 launches at various altitudes. Launch times close to local noon. 579 Ozone [ppbv] Layer 580 Median Mean Standard deviation Maximum Minimum Number#) Upper troposphere (6 ≤ → 12 km) 79.4 80.0 12.8 109 46 2878±183 Entire troposphere (0 ≤ → 14 km) 72.4 71.6 14.4 109 27 5767±355 Surface layer (0 ≤ → 0.5 km) 66.4 64.3 14.8 95 29 165±25 #) Number of data points per launch 581 582 583 584 585 586 TABLE 2. Mean and standard deviation of measured ozone at various altitudes separated into different source regions according to the 72 hour back trajectories as shown in Figures 2 and 7. The transition days August 14-15 (see Figure 2) are not included. Launch times close to local noon. Ozone in ppbv. 587 LaunchesAugust 5-13#) ("East") Layer 588 589 590 591 592 Mean Standard deviation Launches August 16-21##) ("West") Mean Standard deviation Upper troposphere (6 ≤ → 12 km) 74.0 6.9 86.2 8.9 Entire troposphere (0 ≤ → 14 km) 66.1 5.0 77.6 3.0 Surface layer (0 ≤ → 0.5 km) 61.3 2.1 66.7 4.5 #) based on 6 ozonesondes based on 4 ozonesondes ##) 24 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 Figure 1. Average ozonesonde profiles in the time period 4 - 21 August 2013. Data are all 20 ozonesonde launches segregated into 100 m altitude bins. 25 602 603 604 605 Figure 2. HYSPLIT back trajectories in Google Earth (Google Inc., 2013). Altitude color coding: red 6 km, blue 9 km, green 12 km altitude of the ozonesonde upon arrival time of the air parcel. 26 606 607 608 609 610 Figure 3. NOAA 12:00UTC weather chart sequence for 11-14 August depicting a ridge over the Arabian Peninsula on 12 and 13 August 2013 on the 500 hPa charts as indicated by the yellow arrow (left panel, top to bottom) and jet streak movement at 40-45ºN latitude around 15 August 2013 on the 200 hPa charts from 13-16 August (right panel, top to bottom). 27 611 612 613 614 615 Figure 4. Lightning on 6 August 2013 (WWLLN Management Team, 2013). 28 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 Figure 5. Profiles of ozone, relative humidity, air temperature, potential temperature, wind speed, and wind direction as obtained from the ozonesonde on 19 August 2013 at 10:10 UTC (12:10 LT). 29 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 Figure 6 Above: Comparison of vertical ozone profiles on 12 and 13 August 2013. Note the plume height at 9-10 km on 12 August and 8 km on 13 August. Below: Vertical profiles of ozone and relative humidity in the altitude range 6- 12 km. 30 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 Figure 7 Above: Altitude plot of the 72-hour backward trajectory ending at the location of the ozone sonde at about 9 km altitude. Below: relative humidity along this trajectory. 31 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 Figure 8. Comparison of high lightning and low ozone (5 August 2013, 10:07 UTC (12:07 LT); upper left plot and blue line in graph) with low lightning and high ozone days (19 August 2013, 10:10 UTC (12:10 LT); upper right plot and red line in graph). Lightning data for 5 Aug (blue), 4 Aug (pink), 3 Aug (green), and 2 Aug (yellow); Lightning data for 19 Aug (blue), 18 Aug (pink), 17 Aug (green), and 16 Aug (yellow). Altitude color coding for back trajectories: red 6 km, blue 9 km, green 12 km altitude. In addition, vertical profiles of relative humidity on the corresponding days as well as along 72hour backward trajectories ending at the ozonesonde location at about 9 km altitude are shown. 32 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 Figure 9. Above: lightning and HYSPLIT back trajectory on 6 August 2013, 10:00 UTC (12:00 LT), highlighting the 9 km trajectory passing through the lightning storm. Below: vertical ozone profile on 6 August 2013. The start point of the back trajectory indicates the position of the ozonesonde at that given time. Altitude color coding for back trajectories: red 6 km, blue 9 km, green 12 km altitude.