GeOhio Open Data Tag Guide Tags must include the word Ohio Tags must include Agency or organization name (ODOT, ODNR, MORPC, Franklin, Columbus etc) Tags must include Organization or Agency Type ( State, County, City, MPO, Village, Department, etc.) Tags must include a data type and the data type must be one of the keywords listed here. If you are unsure which Data type your layer belongs in. Search the document and it will be listed under the corresponding group. Tags must include a data description. (LBRS, OSIP, Roads, Lakes, Rivers, Parcels, Wetland, Slope, Parks, Bridges, etc.) Tags can include other information about the layer. Such as year, projection, date, status of data complete, etc. Data Type must be one of the following keywords: To see what data falls under what keyword click the keyword to be linked to the list. Administrative Boundaries Transportation Bioscience Utilities Cadastral Climate Elevation Geodetic Control Geoscience Hazards Hydrography Land Cover and Land Use Orthoimagery Prepardness Administrative Boundaries Jurisdiction Boundaries Library districts Air quality control regions Mass transit districts Census Metropolitan service districts City limits National forests Coastal vegetation line National parks Coastal zone National monuments Community college districts National scenic areas Congressional districts Neighborhood associations Counties Open burning areas County road districts Park and recreation districts Designated scenic areas Peoples utility districts Development districts Port districts Drainage districts Regulated use zones Education service districts Road assessment districts Election districts Roadless areas Emergency communication districts Rural fire protection districts Employment regions Enterprise zone Fire management areas Fire protection districts Fish management districts Geothermal heating districts Greenways Health districts Highway lighting districts Irrigation districts Sanitary districts School districts Service districts Shellfish management areas Bioscience Reptile Alien plant Riparian areas Amphibian Sedge Anadromous fish Seed zones Anadromous fish habitat Shellfish Anadromous fish distribution Shrubs Aquatic habitat Terrestrial species Aquatic species Trees Brush Tree breeding Endangered species Tree improvement Endemic Vegetation Existing vegetation Vernal pool Fish Vertebrate Forbs Weeds Grass Wetlands Habitat Wildlife habitat Hatchery Historic vegetation Invasive species Invertebrate Lichen Mammal Marsh Migration Moss Nesting Potential vegetation Rearing habitat Cadastral Cloud cover Thunder Assessor’s maps Fog occurrence Thunderstorms Baseline and meridian Freezing rain Wind direction Bearing trees Frost occurrence Wind flow Brass cap Growing season Wind speed Cartography Gust Corner Hail Donation Land Claim Historic precipitation Geographic Coordinate Data Base Historic temperature Monument Jet stream Ownership Lightning Parcels Lightning occurrence Protracted Precipitation Public Land Survey System Precipitation average Quarter section Precipitation intensity Range Rain Right-of-way Rain shadow Section Sleet Subdivision Snow water equivalent Survey control Snowfall Tax code Snowfall average Taxlot Solar radiation Tax district Storm Tax map Temperature Township Temperature maximum Climate Temperature mean Air pressure Temperature minimum Cloud Temperature ranges Elevation Altitude Aspect Bare earth Bathymetry Break lines Contour Depression Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Elevation bands Hillshade Hypsography LiDAR Raster Relief Sea level Slope Surface Terrain Topography Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) Geodetic Control Accuracy Benchmark Control points Datum Ellipsoid Geodesy Geodetic accuracy Global Positioning System (GPS) Horizontal control Meander Monument Precision Root-mean-square errors Spheroid Survey Survey control Survey network Triangulation Vertical control Geoscience alignment array Ar40/Ar39 A horizon alkali basalt aragonite ablation alluvial fan arenite abrasion alluvium argillaceous absolute age dating alteration argillite absolute age alumina arid abyssal plain aluminum silicate arkosic acceleration aluminum artesian well accelerogram amphibole asbestiform accelerograph amphibolite facies aseismic accreted terrane amphibolite ash accretion amplification ash-flow tuff accretionary wedge amplitude ash-flow acid rain andesite asperity actinolite angle of repose asphalt active fault scarp angular unconformity asteroid active fault angularity asthenosphere active volcano animation atlas adularia annual snowline atmosphere aftershock anorthosite atmospheric process age anticlinal trap atomic structure air temperature anticline attenuation airfall deposits apatite aurora airfall aphanitic B horizon albite granite aplite banded albite appearance banding alcareous nannofossil aquiclude bank alidade aquifer bar basal slip bioclastic breccia basalt trachyandesite biologic sedimentary rock brecciated rock basalt biological activity brecciation basaltic andesite biology brick basanite biota brine base level biotite brittle-ductile boundary base black smoker building code basement blebs building material base-surge blind thrust fault building basic block burial basin margin blocks burrow basin blowout C horizon batholith rocks blue schist facies C-14 age batholith blue schist calcareous bathymetry bodies calcic plagioclase bauxite body wave calcite bay body calcium carbonate beach boiling calcium silicate bed load bostonite calcium bed botany caldera bedding plane Bouguer gravity caldera-fill bedding boulder Cambria bedrock boundary layer Cambrian Benioff zone Bowen's Reaction Series canyon benthic box corer Cape Mendocino bentonitic brachiopod carbon cycle bergschrund braided stream carbon dioxide biochemistry breakwater carbon monoxide carbon chemical composition climate carbon-14 dating chemical decomposition climatologist carbon-14 chemical precipitation clinopyroxenite carbonaceous chemical reaction clone carbonate chemical sedimentary rock closed aquifer carbonic acid chemical sedimentation clots cartography chemical weathering cloud Cascade Range chemistry coal cast chert coarse grained lithologies cataclastic chlorine coarse grained sediment catastrophic flood chlorite coarsening upward sequence cave exploration chronology coast cave feature Cima Dome coastal basin cave formation cinder cone coastal bluff cave mineral cinder coastal desert cave system cinders coastal development cave use circular orbit coastal environment cave cirque coastal plain cavities clast coastline cavity fill clastic sediment cobalt cavity lining clastic sedimentary rock cobble cement clastic cold coastal current cementation clasts cold marine current centrifugal force clay collision chalk claystone columnar basalt channel cleavage comendite chart cliff comet chemical bond climate change commerce Common Depth Point continental glacier crest Common Mid-Point continental margin crop rotation compaction continental rise crop compass continental shelf crossbedding composite volcano continental slope cross-bedding composition continental cross-cutting relationship compression continuity crossite compressional stress convection cross-section compressional wave convective cell crust concrete conventional multichannel crustal deformation concretionary conventional single channel crustal dynamics concretions convergent plate boundary crustal formation condensation convergent plate margin crystal growth conductivity convergent plate crystal size conglomerate cooling crystal structure conglomeratic copper crystal conservation tillage coral crystalline conservation cordierite crystallization consolidation core sample crystallization construction core current meter contact metamorphic correlation current contact metamorphism covalent bond cut bank contact coverage cut stone contacts crab cyanobacteria continent crater dacite continental collision craton dacite continental crust creep meter dam continental drift creep datum daughter product devitrification divergent plate margin debris flow devitrified divergent plate debris slide diabase dolerite debris diagenetic structures dolomitic decay diagenetic dome deep water diatom downslope deep-sea sediment diatomaceous downstream deep-sea trench diatomite dowser deformation diatreme drainage basin degradation dike drainage pattern delta dinoclagellate drainage dendritic pattern dinosaur draught density diorite dredge deposit dip drill core deposition dip-slip fault drilling depositional environment directed stress drumlin depression direction dune depth directivity dunite desert dust discharge duplex pendulum desert pavement disconformity duration desert playa disintegration dust storm desert varnish displacement dust desert dissolution dynamic system desertification dissolved load earth science desiccation distortion rate Earth desiduous tree distributary earthflow detachment fault diurnal variation earthquake alert levels detritus divergent plate boundary earthquake hazard earthquake myths elevation exploration earthquake precursor elliptical orbit explosive earthquake prediction encrustation external heat engine earthquake preparation end moraine extinction earthquake resistant energy extrusive igneous rock earthquake risk engineering extrusive earthquake enrichment facility Earth's formation environment of formation fan Earth's interior environment fanglomerate Earth's orbit environmental protection farming Earth's rotation environmental system fathometer Earth's surface eolian fault creep earthworm eophysical process fault gouge echo sounding epicenter fault plane ecological balance epiclastic fault scarp ecology equilibrium fault segment economic geology erosion fault slip ecosystem eruption fault structure educational resource esker fault trace effluence estuary fault zone elastic energy eukaryotic fault elastic limit eustatic change fault-plane solution elastic strain evaporation fauna electric current evaporite faunal succession electromagnetic radiation evaporitic feldspar electronic receiver exfoliation feldspathic electrons exotic terrane felsic composition lithologies element experiment felsic ferroandesite flowstone fracturing ferrobasaltic andesite fluctuating current fragments ferrolatite fluid free air gravity ferromagnesium mineral fluvial and glacial freeze fertile soil fluvial fresh water fiamme fluviatile friable field notes focal depth friction field survey focal-mechanism solution frictional drag fill focus frictional heat fine grain lithologies fold geometry fuel fine-grained sediment fold hinge fumerole fine-grained fold gabbro firn limit folding gabion firn foliated metamorphic rock galena fission track foliation gamma ray fissure foraminifera garnet flashflooding forearc gas composition flatland foreshock gas flood control channel foreshocks gem flood foreshore geocentric floodplain formation geochronologist flow pattern fossil dune geodesy flow resistance fossil fuel geodetic total station flow rocks fossil group geodetic flow velocity fossil geodimeter flow fossiliferous geographic feature flowbanding fracture fill geologic activity flow-rate fracture Fr geologic age geologic change glacial environment granite geologic hazard glacial flow granitic dome geologic history glacial ice volume granitic rock geologic map glacial ice granitic geologic province glacial melt granodiorite geologic resource glacial polish granulite geologic structure glacial retreat graphite geologic term glacial valley graphitic geologic time scale glacial grassland geologic time glaciation gravel pit geologic unit glacier gravel geological structure glaciologist gravimeter geologist glass gravity correction geology global climate change gravity geomorphic province gneiss grazing geomorphology gneissic greenschist geophone gold rush greenstone geophysical research gold grit geophysicist gorge ground deformation geophysics graben ground failure geopoetry graded ground motion geoprobe gradient ground shaking geotechnical grading ground sloth geothermal gradiometer ground-penetrating radar geothite grain composition groundwater monitoring well geyser grain shape groundwater withdrawal glacial advance grain size groundwater glacial cycle grains growth ring grus hot spring igneous guyot humans imbrication gypsum humid immature habitat humus impact crater half-life hydraulic action impact creep halite hydrocarbon impermeability harbor hydrochloric acid impermeable hardness hydroclastic impurities harmonic tremor hydrogen sulfide incised meander hazard hydrogeologist incised headland hydrogeology incision headwall hydrologic cycle inclusion heat hydrologist inclusions heliocentric hydropower index fossil hematite hydrostatic pressure induration Hertz hydrothermal ore deposit industrial mineral high elevation hydrothermal solution infiltration hinge plane hydrothermal system infrared radiation horizon hydrothermal vent initial ground motion horizontal drilling hypocenter injection barrier horizontality Ice Age inlet hornblende andesite ice core inner core hornblende diorite ice sheet intensity hornblende ice wedging interbanding hornblendite ice interbedding hornfels igneous intrusion intercalation horst igneous petrologist interfingering hot spot igneous rock interlayering intermediate composition lithologies isoseismal line land bridge isostasy land tie isothermal land isotope landfill isotope, unspecified landform isotopic ratio landmass joint fill landscape evolution jointing landscape K/Ar landslide risk kaolinization landslide keratophyre lapilli keratophyre lateral flow kinematic lateral moraine knobs lateral spread komatiite latite laboratory analysis latitude laccolith laumontite lacustrine and fluvial lava flow lacustrine lava lake lag lava tube invertebrate lagoon lava ion lahar lave cave iron ore laharic layered crystal structure iron oxide lake level layering iron lake water layering irrigation lake leachate lakebed leaching lamprophyre lead-207 intermediate intermixing interplate coupling interplate interruption intersecting pattern interstratification intraplate introduction intrusion intrusive igneous rock intrusive rock intrusive rocks intrusive intrusive/metamorphic rocks intrusive/plutonic rocks intrusive/sedimentary/volcanic rocks intrusive/volcanic rocks island arc island left-lateral longshore drift mantle plume leg low frequency electromagnetic wave mantle leucocratic levee life history lifelines limestone cave limestone limonite limonite limy linear structure lineation liquefaction litharenite lithic lithification lithology lithophysae fill lithophysae lithophysal livestock loadstone loamy topsoil locked fault loess log forms longitude lower elevation lowland luster lutite mafic composition lithologies mafic magma chamber magma magmatism magnesium magnetic field magnetic north pole magnetic polarity reversal magnetic polarity magnetic pole magnetic reversal magnetic south pole magnetic magnetics magnetism magnitude mainshock mammal manganese oxide manganese mantling marble marbleized margin marine and volcanic marine limestone marine organism marine sancturary marine marine, abyssal marine, deep water marine, nearshore marine, shoreline masonry mass spectrometer mass wasting mass mastodon matrix mature meadow meander mechanical weathering mechanism medial moraine medium bedded sandstone megmatite metamorphic/volcanic rocks miarditic fill melagabbro metamorphism mica schist melange rocks metamorphosed intrusive rocks mica melange metamorphosed intrusive/plutonic rocks micaceous melting meta-andesite meta-andesite meta-basalt meta-basalt meta-chert meta-diabase meta-diorite meta-gabbro meta-igneous metal meta-limestone metallic mineral metamorphic facies metamorphic facies metamorphic grade metamorphic petrologist metamorphic rock metamorphic rocks metamorphic metamorphic/plutonic rocks metamorphic/plutonic/sedimenta ry rocks metamorphic/sedimentary/volcan ic rocks metamorphosed plutonic rocks micrite microbe metamorphosed plutonic/sedimentary/volcanic rocks microdiorite metamorphosed plutonic/volcanic rocks microgabbro metamorphosed sedimentary rocks metamorphosed sedimentary/volcanic rocks metamorphosed volcanic rocks meta-norite meta-plutonic rocks meta-quartzite meta-sedimentary rocks meta-serpentinite meta-tonalite meta-troctolite meta-trondjemite meta-tuff meta-volcanic rocks meta-volcaniclastic rocks meteorite meteorologist methane microfossil microorganism microplate microrganism microscopic crystal microtonalite microzonation migmatite migrating fluid migration mineral color mineral composition mineral deposit mineral identification mineral resource mineral mineralization (metal) mineralogy mining tailings mining mixed alluvial fan multi-cellular organism norite mixed catastrophic flood multi-ringed model normal fault mixed deltaic muscovite normal polarity mixed fluvial mutation normal stress mixed glacial mylonite oblique-slip fault mixed lacustrine mylonitization obsidian mixed lithologies nappe ocean basin mixed playa natural frequency ocean current mixing natural gas ocean trench moisture natural levee ocean wave mold natural period ocean mollusk natural resource oceanic crust moment magnitude nature oceanic hot spot monzodiorite navigation line oceanic spreading ridge monzonite navigation oceanic moraine navigational lock oceanographer mosaic nebula oceanography moss nest oil migration mottled net oil well mountain nickel oil movement nitrogen oxide olivine mud crack nitrogen olivinite mud nodular opal muddy sediment nodule open aquifer mudflow breccia nodules open space fill mudflow nonconformity open-pit mine mudstone non-foliated metamorphic rock operation multibeam nonrenewable resource ophiolite orbit palagonite peperite ore deposit paleoclimate percolation ore paleogeography perennial stream organic material paleogeomorphology peridotite organic-rich paleomagnetism periglacial organism paleontologist period orientation paleontology perlite origin paleoseismicity perlitic original horizontality paleosol permanent magnetic field orogeny Paleozoic rocks permeability orthoclase parent rock Permian rocks orthopyroxenite particles petrologist outcrop partings phaneritic outcrop patches phenocryst outer core Pb/U phenocrysts outwash peak acceleration phosphate over-bank discharge peat phosphorous overlapping moraine pebble photosynthesis over-steepening pebbly sand phyllite oxidation pediment phyllitic oxygen pedogenic phylogenetics oyster pegmatite physical material ozone pelagic physical property Pacific Ocean pelican physicist Pacific Plate pelitic rocks physics packing pelitic physiographic feature pahoehoe pelmicrite pillow lava palagonite tuff peneplain pillow pillowing pond progradation plagioclase poor sorting projection plagiogranite pore space prokaryotic plain porosity protocontinent plane of slip porphyroblasts protolith plane port planetary motion potassium proton precession magnetometer plankton potential energy plastic deformation power plate boundary prairie plate margin precious metal plate motion precipitation plate tectonic precision plate tectonics predation plate prediction plateau preservation platform pressure release playa pressure plug primary wave pluton Principle of Cross-cutting Relationships plutonic rocks plutonic point bar Poisson distribution polarity pollen pollution polymictic proto-ocean crust pumice pumiceous punctuated equilibrium purity P-wave shadow zone P-wave pyrite pyritic pyroclastic eruption pyroclastic rocks pyroclastic pyroxene andesite pyroxene diorite Principle of Faunal Succession pyroxene Principle of Original Horizontality pyroxenite Principle of Superposition quartz diorite Principle of Uniformity quartz keratophyre Principles of Relative Age Dating quartz latite process quartz monzonite production quartz porphyry Remnant magnetic polarity reversed quartz Rb/Sr quartzite reaction series quartzofeldspathic recharge area Remnant magnetic polarity transitional quartzose recrystallization remote sensing radioactive decay recrystallization renewable resource radioactive element recurrence interval replenishment radioactivity reef reptile radiocarbon dating reflection seismogram reserve radiocarbon reflection seismology reservoir radioisotope reflection residual radiolaria refraction resistivity radiolarian chert regional metamorphic resource extraction radiolarian regional metamorphism resource radiolarite regression analysis return period radiometric age dating regression reverse fault radiometric age rejuvenation reverse polarity radiometric dating relative age dating reworking radiometric time scale relative gravity rhyodacite radiometric relative time scale rhyolite glassy rain erosion relief organization rain shadow Remnant magnetic polarity equivocal rain rainfall rainstorm rapid current rare mineral rate of sedimentation ravine Remnant magnetic polarity normal and reversed Remnant magnetic polarity normal and transitional Remnant magnetic polarity normal Remnant magnetic polarity reversed and transitional rhyolite lithophysal rhyolite ribbon Richter Scale ridge rift zone rift right lateral rip up fragment ripple mark rounding schlieren ripple rubidium isotope decay scoria river bed rudite scour and fill river channel rupture front scouring river delta rupture velocity sea cave river rust sea cliff riverbank ry land sea floor spreading riverside sagebrush sea floor road saline residue sea level change rock age salinity sea level rise rock avalanche salt water intrusion sea level rock color salt sea stack rock composition saltation sea water rock coring sand bar sea rock cycle sand boil seabed rock formation sand dune sea-floor spreading rock forming mineral sand wave seafloor rock layer sand seam fill rock origin sand-spit seamount rock planet sandstone season rock slab sandstone seawall rock type sandstone secondary wave rock sandy soil secular rockfall saprolite sediment rockslide saprolite sedimentary bed rocky debris saturated zone sedimentary petrologist root schist sedimentary rock rought schistosity sedimentary rocks sedimentary structure seismology silicon sedimentary seismometer sill sedimentary/volcanic rocks semi-arid sillimanite sedimentation sericitic silt sedimentologist serpentine siltite segmentation serpentine siltstone seiche serpentinite silty seismic engineering shadow zone silver seismic gap shale sinkhole seismic hazard shallow water sinter seismic moment shards skarn seismic monitoring shear stress skarn seismic profile shear wave slab seismic reflection line shear slate seismic reflection shearing slickensides seismic refraction line sheeted slide seismic refraction shell slip face seismic sea wave shield volcano slip model seismic sounding shield slip rate seismic wave shore slip seismic zone shoreline slipping seismic shot slope seismicity sidescan slump seismogenic silica snout seismogram silicate snow crystal seismograph siliceous snow line seismological research silicic andesite snow seismologists silicified snowball garnet snowfall spilite stream course sodium sponge stream delta soft bond spore stream terrace soft sedimentary structures spreading center stream soil conservation spreading rate strength soil development spring stress drop soil erosion stability stress soil management stable oxygen isotope striation soil moisture stacking strike soil profile stalactite strike-slip fault soil survey stalagmite stringer fill soil star stromatolite solar flare steam strong motion solar power steatite structural geologist solar radiation steel structural geology solar wind stick-slip structure solid stochastic subarkosic sorting stock subduction zone sound wave stone subduction source rock storm sublimation source strain rate submarine canyon spatter strain submersible spectral acceleration strata subsidence spectral band stratification subsurface structure spectrum stratigrapher subsurface speleology stratovolcano subvolcanic speleothem streak sulfur dioxide spherulites stream capture sulfur sulfuric acid tectonic activity three-dimensional bonding summit vent tectonic history thrust fault Sun tectonic plates thrust superposition tectonic stress tidal flat surf tectonic tide surface faulting tectonically active till surface tension tectonics tilling surface water tectonite tilted bed surface wave magnitude telescope tonalite surface wave teleseismic topography surfaces temperature topsoil surficial sediments tension trace element suspect terrane tensional stress trachyandesite suspended load tephra trachybasalt suspension terminal moraine trachybasaltic andesite swamp terrane track swash zone terrestrial food chain traction load swath terrestrial life transform fault S-wave shadow zone terrestrial transform plate boundary S-wave texture transparent syenite thalweg transportation syncline thaw trap talc theory travel-time talc-carbonate thickening travertine talc-chlorite thin bed tree talus thin bedded sandstone trellis pattern tar thin section trench technology thorium tributary trilobite upwelling volcanic ash trondjemite uranium volcanic chain trough uranium-235 volcanic cone tsunami magnitude u-shaped valley volcanic dome tsunami valley glacier volcanic eruption tsunamigenic valley profile volcanic eruption tube worm valley volcanic gas tuff vegetation pattern volcanic remnant tuff, lithic vegetation volcanic rock tuff, welded veins volcanic rocks tuffaceous sedimentary rocks velocity structure volcanic vent tuffaceous velocity volcanic turbidites vent and pyroclastic rocks volcaniclastic rocks turbulence vent deposits volcaniclastic ultamafic/volcanic rocks vent volcaniclastic ultramafic composition lithologies vertebrate volcanism ultramafic rocks very high-resolution single channel volcano ultramafic ultramylonite ultraviolet radiation unconformity unconsolidated rocks uncorrected gravity Uniformitarianism uniformity unsaturated zone uplift upper mantle vesicle fill vesicles vessel vibration viscosity visible light vitric vitrophyre volcanic and fluvial volcanic arc volcanoclastic volcanology v-shaped valley vugs wacke Wadati-Benioff zone wasteland wastewater water current water cycle water depth water flow welding water management well water pressure wide angle reflection refraction water table wilderness water vapor wind erosion water velocity wind power water volume wind water windbreak water-laid windstorm water-laid wollastonite wave base woodland wave erosion xenolith wave front xenoliths wave height X-ray wave period zenolith wave tank zeolite facies wave velocity zeolite wave zeolitic wavelength zinc weather zone of accumulation weathering rate zones weathering websterite weed wehrlite weight welded tuff welded Hazards Torrent Avalanche Tsunami inundation zone Avalanche zone Vector Coastal erosion Virus Colluvium Volcano hazard Debris flow Windstorm hazard Debris flow hazard zone Winter storm hazard Debris torrents Disease Drought Dust storm occurrence Earthquake hazard Earthquake occurence Flood Flood zones Floodplains Hazard trees Inundation areas Landslides Mass wasting Mass movement Mudslides Natural disasters Landslide hazard zones Radiation Rock falls Soil creep Solifluction Hydrography Industrial water impoundment Snowfield Alkali flat Inundation Spillway Aqueduct Jetty Spring Bay Island Stream Bergschrund Lake Streams Braided Lakes Surface water Canal Low tide Tailings pond Canal lock Marsh Tail race Channel in water Oxbow Tarn Cranberry bog Peninsula Tide Crevasse Penstock Vernal pool Dam Pier Wash/ephemeral Ditch Pipelines/water conveyance Water bodies Estuaries Pond Water points Exposed rock Rapids Watercourses Falls Reef Watershed boundaries Fish farm Reservoir Wet area Fish hatchery River Wetland Fish ladder Sand/gravel in open water Weir Flats Seep Land cover/land use Glacier Sewage pond/filtration bed Agriculture Gradient Shoal Archaeological sites Gravel pit/quarry with water Shore Cemeteries High tide Shorelines Commercial Hydrography Side channel Desert Hydrologic units Slough Estuary Impounded wet area Siphon Fallow Impoundment Sluice Forestland Glacial Row crop Infrared Grass Sand dunes Infrared wavelengths Gravel Savannah Landsat Grazing School MODIS Hardwood Scrub Mosaic Historic sites Stockyard NDVI Industrial Strand Ortho correction Juniper woodlands Swamp Orthoimagery Land cover Tidal Raster Land use Urban Satellite imagery Leaf Area Index Vineyard Smoke Littoral Wildland urban interface Sensor Manufacturing Zoning Thematic mapper Marsh Orthoimagery Thermal sensor Military Aerial photography Ultraviolet radiation Mixed conifer Airplane Mixed uses Camera Montane Cloud cover Nurseries Digital imagery Oak woodland Digital ortho quad Open water Dust or ash Orchard Dust cloud Parks Flyover Playa Global Positioning System (GPS) Public land management Haze Recreation sites Hyperspectral Residential Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Rock Imagery Preparedness Commercial key assets Correctional facilities Dam facilities Earthquake faults Emergency facilities Emergency service zones Evacuation routes Flood zones Incident base Incident command post Incident command system Hazardous materials National incident management system Military facilities Monuments Port facilities Public buildings Public safety response areas Public safety stations Rail facilities Schools Stadiums Tsunami inundation zone Heliports Roadway Transportation Helispots Route Address Highway Runways Airports Interchange Signs Avenue Intersection Signed route Bike route Interstate Spur Beacon Lighthouses Street Boulevard Linear Referencing System (LRS) Taxiway Bridges Measure Transportation Business route Mile point Trails Buoy Milepost (MP) Travel way Bus route Military training area US route Bypass Military training route VOR Byway Navigation aids Zip code Cable cars and chairlifts Navigation hazards Centerlines Off ramp Channel On ramp Circle OR route Connection Parking Control tower Parkway Court Ports Culverts Railroad Drive Rail siding Expressway Rail spur Freeway Road Frontage Road authority Frontage road Road name Gate Road number Utilities Pole Utility service areas Alternating current (AC) Propane Vault Bioremediation Pumping station Wastewater Cable Pylon Water Cell towers Radio repeaters Water treatment Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Radio stations Well Coal Radio towers Wind farm Circuit Recycling Windmills Communication sites Satellite receiving sites WiFi Direct current (DC) Septic systems Distribution Sewage treatment facilities Electricity Sewer Energy Solid waste facilities Fiber optic Steam Gas Storm sewer facilities Geothermal Substation High voltage Switching Insulator Tank Landfill Telecommunication Microwave Telephone Municipal watersheds Telephone exchange areas Natural gas Television Nuclear Tower Oil Transformer Oil shale Transmission Petroleum Transmitter Phases Underground storage Pipeline Utility easements