Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study Research Project River Watch has engaged in this monitoring and research project to help gain knowledge on the factors that contribute to flooding in the Red River Basin and to contribute to the predictably of floods. The main factors in flooding as determined by the National Weather Service for the Red River Basin are: ( 1. the freeze/melt cycle 2. early spring rains which increase melting of the snow pack or late spring snow storms adding to the existing snow pack 3. the actual snow pack depth and water equivalency 4. frost depth 5. soil moisture content 6. river ice conditions This project will primarily investigate the factors of snow pack depth and water equivalency, frost depth, early spring storms, and soil moisture content. By investigating how these factors act and interact, knowledge will be gained which can then be used by the National Weather Service and others to better understand and more accurately predict flooding. Specific measurements that River Watch participants will contribute to this project are summarized below, more detailed standard operating procedures follow. Snow Pack Depth and Water Equivalency: The amount of water that is contained in the snowpack waiting to be melted is critical to understanding and predicting floods in the basin. Measuring just snowpack depth is not sufficient since water content can vary with the same depth. Measuring depth plus water equivalency—inches of water in the snowpack - is essential for determining the amount of water on the landscape that can potentially contribute to floods. Also critical is the spatial arrangement of the levels of snowpack and water equivalency. River Watch network measurements of these critical factors will provide increased coverage in the basin and establish how snowpack varies within the basin and major watersheds. Because snow in this area is subject to wind movement, the selection of where to collect snowpack measurements is critical. Areas which do not have additions or subtractions of snow are ideal. Sites like parks with trees without dense canopies or small open areas surrounded by trees have snowpack that is minimally affected by wind movement or interception by trees. Snowpack depth is measured by inserting a ruler into the snowpack to the ground and reading the snow depth. To get water equivalency a tube of known volume is pushed into the snowpack and the snow trapped inside is melted and then poured into a rain gauge to determine inches of water in the snowpack. Frost Depth: Knowledge of frost depth is needed to accurately predict flooding during spring melt because frozen soils will not allow water to infiltrate. Without any infiltration into the soil, all water on the landscape at melt will contribute to flooding. When soils are not frozen, a certain amount of melt water will infiltrate into the soil and this water does not contribute to flooding. Therefore, knowledge of frost depth is important in predicting the amount of available water that may contribute to flooding. Frost depth can vary over the basin due to weather and snow cover. Early season snow cover insulates the soil preventing development of soil frost. The River Watch network will measure frost depth in a variety of watersheds within the basin to determine the spatial variation of frost depth right before and during melt. Knowing this variability will lead to better predictability of flooding. Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 1 of 12 At each River Watch site there will be two measurements of frost depth; one where snow cover is likely, and one where the snow is blown free. These measurements will compare and contrast the variability of frost depth due to insulating snow cover between proximate sites. The measurement of frost depth will utilize frost tubes. A Frost tube is a clear tube that is placed four feet into the ground. The tube is filled with a colored dye solution that turns clear when frozen. The tube is periodically pulled from the ground and the depth of frost is determined by observing the level of frozen (clear) water in the tube. Soil Moisture Content: Even if the soil is not frozen, the amount of soil moisture will control the amount of melt water that infiltrates into the soil. Soils that are dry and not frozen will allow for infiltration at the rate that the soil particles will allow. Soils with a high moisture level will impede the further infiltration of melt water. As soil frost is reduced through the melt process, water infiltration is determined by soil moisture levels which vary depending on the amount of melt water and precipitation patterns. Soil moisture levels (and therefore infiltration) will vary within the basin as does precipitation patterns. Having the River Watch network track soil moisture levels through infiltration measurements will help determine how infiltration varies in the basin and its influence on flooding. Infiltration is measured through the use of infiltration rings. A ring 6 to 12 inches in diameter is pounded 1.5 to 2 inches into the ground. With the ring in good contact with the soil, water to a certain depth is poured into the ring. The water in the ring is then periodically measured to determine how far the water drops over time. By measuring infiltration several times at - and during melt - information will be gained on how infiltration is affected by soil moisture and frost depth. The infiltration rates at different times and at varying locations in the basin will be used to better understand flooding and increase the predictability of floods. Utilizing the River Watch network to measure; 1) snowpack and water equivalency, 2) frost depth, and 3) infiltration, will allow for better understanding and increased predictability of spring floods within the basin. Individually knowing these factors will help in understanding and predictability, but by combining the results together and interpreting how these factors interact a better overall understanding of flooding will be gained. Knowing that a snowpack has a significant amount of water in comparison to snowpacks from other floods is critical to prediction, but also knowing that this water will or will not infiltrate into the soil is vital to help understand the potential flood magnitude. Additional Monitoring and Research Opportunities In order to better understand factors that influence flooding and contribute to the predictability of floods, the critical period of monitoring is just prior to and during spring melt. However, monitoring of snow and frost throughout the winter provides further opportunity to understand the interplay of conditions that lead up to and can produce significant variability in the factors that influence flooding. The additional measurements that River Watch teams are encouraged to take throughout the winter relate to standard snow measurements that are part of the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS),, specifically: 1. 2. 3. 4. The accumulation (depth) of new snow (new snowfall) Liquid water equivalent of new snow The total depth of new snow and old snow and ice at observation time Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) of total snow on the ground Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 2 of 12 These additional measurements will depend on access to the monitoring site, time constraints, and availability of volunteers. Following is a minimal and optimal schedule for measurements to be taken. It is recognized that since the monitoring sites for this project will often be near the participating school, regular readings over weekends and holidays may not be possible. Participants are encouraged to make their best efforts and enjoy the activity. After a period of time, participants will get a better idea of what is involved and the interesting results that can be obtained from regular monitoring. The minimal measurement guidelines noted below relate to the primary objectives of this project and the readings most desired by the National Weather Service for flood forecasting at the critical time of spring snowmelt and runoff. Additional measurements throughout the winter will aid the NWS in preparing preliminary flood forecasts and will begin building a research data base for long term analysis and understanding of these flood forecasting factors. Measurement Optimal frequency Minimal/alternate frequency New Snowfalldepth Total snow and ice depth New Snowfallsnow water equivalency Total Snow Water Equivalency Frost Tube – open wind blown area Frost Tube – normal snow area Infiltration Ring Daily—after each new snowfall. Also daily reporting of no snowfall is useful information. Daily (but not necessary) Can do multi-day accumulation report or measure/report weekly Weekly or after new snowfalls or during significant melt periods After each new snowfall both from 1.) snow that falls in outer rain gauge and from 2.) snowboard core Weekly as time and schedule allows—Monday morning before 9 a.m. preferred. Multi-day accumulation or weekly Daily to weekly readings - begin as soon as frost starts forming. Continue through spring melt as frost comes out of ground. As directed by NWS at time of spring snowmelt— otherwise avoid compacting snow at this site which would compromise insulating effect of snow At time of spring snowmelt as directed by NWS Monthly and at spring snowmelt when called for by NWS and Flood Forecasting Center At time of spring snowmelt when infiltration ring measurement is taken or directed by NWS Following initial reading, can take as often as desired till frost leaves ground After initial reading, can move ring to do additional trials Acknowledgement This snow study research is part of a larger project made possible due to a special two year grant provided by the Minnesota Clean Water Fund (from the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment). Funding was provided to expand and enhance the Red River Basin River Watch Program, expanding on opportunities to advance watershed science through youth leadership, curriculum integration, and applied research. The Clean Water Fund: Protecting and restoring Minnesota’s waters for generations to come Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 3 of 12 SNOW DEPTH AND WATER EQUIVALENCY STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Note: Monitoring methods used by the National Weather Service will be used for snow depth and SWE. An excellent training slide show, “In Depth Snow Measuring” should be watched by all monitoring participants ( The slide show can also be downloaded as a PDF for reference. The following is a summary of these methods. New Snowfall Measurements: Depth: Measured with a ruler which is pushed down through the new snowfall to the base of the snowboard. Readings are recorded in inches to the nearest tenth of an inch. Snow Water Equivalency: two methods are to be used: 1.) Rain gage deposition: snow that falls into the 4” outer tube of a rain gage that is placed near the snow board. Transfer this new snowfall to a plastic bag, container, or bring entire tube inside to melt the snow. Pour melted water into the inner rain gage tube to measure as normally done with precipitation and report as inches of precipitation to the nearest hundredth of an inch. 2.) Snow Board Core: take a snow core from the snow board by pushing the 4” outer tube of the rain gage down into the snow on the snow board and slip spatula or similar rigid material under the rain gage to hold snow in the tube while inverting (or lift board and slide trapped snow into a bag or container). Melt and measure snow as above. Total Snow and Ice Measurements: Depth: Measured with a yard/meter stick which is pushed down through all new and old snow and ice to the ground. Take depth readings in several spots (6-10 spot readings are recommended to provide a good average) in a large area that represents “normal” snowfall (not open, blown area). Average your depth readings and record in inches to the nearest half of an inch. It is preferable to take multiple measurements over a larger area to account for natural variability. Snowpack Snow Water Equivalency: From sites that are representative of your average depth, take two (2) snow cores [ideally, up to four (4) snow cores can be collected and melted to provide a more accurate SWE value] by pushing the 4” outer tube of the rain gage into the snowpack to the ground surface. Transfer this snow core to a plastic bag. Collect the remaining core(s) in same manner. Bring all samples inside to melt individually. Pour melt water into the inner rain gage tube to measure as normally done with precipitation and record as inches to the nearest hundredth of an inch. Repeat with the other individual core sample(s) and average your results for your final Total SWE value. Points to consider when coring snow: 1. When coring, it may help to use a spatula like device or piece of sheet metal that is slid under the tube to trap the snow in the tube. Light fluffy snow can easily be lost from the tube when lifted from the ground surface. Use of the spatula like device helps avoid snow loss and undermeasurement of SWE. 2. For deep snow, the outer tube may not be long enough to take just one core. When encountering deep snow successive cores will be needed or use a longer tube with a four inch inside diameter. This much snow when melted may be more than can be measured in the inner tube at one time. Successive measurements of the water from one sampling site might be needed. 3. Melting snow can take a long time. So plan to let the snow stand overnight in the bag. Make sure the bag does not leak. Putting the bag of snow in a warm water bath will speed the melting process. Use of a microwave should be avoided. Microwaves on high power can burn snow before melting. Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 4 of 12 Below are a series of pictures demonstrating the coring of snow from the National Weather Service. See “In Depth Snow Measuring” at When measuring snow depth read it at eye level Trapping snow with spatula like tool Coring the snowpack Snow core ready to be melted Reading amount of water in snow core – snow water equivalency Pouring melted snow core into inner tube Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 5 of 12 In summary, the final slide in the “In Depth Snow Measurement” slide show is shown below with yellow areas highlighting the more fundamental measurements requested (and easiest to take) with the turquoise cells showing “optional” snow water equivalency measurements for new snowfall and total snow on ground. Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 6 of 12 FROST TUBE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES NOTE: For most participating schools two frost tubes will be installed; one where average snow cover is present—likely in the vicinity of your snow measurement area, and one where snow is likely to blow free. Regular measurements can be taken at the frost tube in the blown/open area. For maximum usefulness in providing representative frost depth readings from the tube in the snow covered area for spring flood forecasting, it is recommended that NO readings be taken of this tube until needed at the time of spring snow melt. The National Weather Service will provide guidance on the optimal timing for this reading. If at all possible, foot traffic that could cause compaction and loss of insulating properties of the snow cover should be avoided in the vicinity of the frost tube in the snow covered area. OPERATING PROCDURE To read the depth of frost, remove the insulated cover and pull out the inner tube. Where the lime green dye starts is the depth of the frost. The dye turns clear when it is frozen. Find the frost depth in tenths of an inch by measuring down with a ruler or tape measure from the ground surface mark to the color change in the dye. If there are no clear spots on the tube the soil would be deemed to be frost free. Ground Level Frozen Solution =Frozen Ground (dye turns clear) Frost Depth (dye colored -not frozen) The number of readings of the snow site frost tube is dictated by how often the NWS wants readings and/or the availability and interest from study participants in data collection and research beyond the minimum forecasting needs. At minimum the tubes will be read at spring runoff. Frost tubes in the blown/open areas where compaction is not an issue can be read regularly to gauge the depth of frost through the winter. At this time, frost tube readings will be placed in the “Observations” section of the online CoCoRaHS data entry form as there is not a specific entry line for frost tube readings. Participants will be notified if an alternative data entry process is developed for entering data directly to the River Watch data website. An Excel data entry template is available for those interested in tracking their data in this manner as well— NOTE: During spring melt the center of the tube may remain frozen (clear) as frost recedes from both top and bottom due to surface and geothermal warming respectively. There could also be a secondary frost from the top if a cold spell settles in after initial thawing. CAUTION: After reading frost depth of inner tube, place it gently back into outer tube in ground as the frozen top is susceptible to breaking if dropped back into outer tube. Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 7 of 12 INFILTRATION RING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Infiltration rate: The infiltration ring is designed to measure infiltration rates of water into the soil. Prior to and during melt is when the ring will be operational. The process for taking measurements is: 1.) If your infiltration ring still has snow in it, gently scoop it out—a little snow in the bottom will not hurt since the water poured into the ring will melt that snow turning it to water. You do not need to clear all leaves or grass to bare dirt—minimal debris such as this will not impede water infiltration. 2.) Stick a ruler into the ring to ground level and leave there while taking your infiltration measurements. You may want to use a clamp or vice-grip to attach your ruler to the inside of your infiltration ring so it stays at the same level throughout the recording period or note a reference height on the ruler at the top of the ring when it is at ground level inside the ring. 3.) Fill the ring with COLD water so that there is approximately 4 inches of water standing in the ring. Pour the water into the ring to avoid disturbing the soil or making a gap at the edge of the ring. Often a piece of plastic is laid in the ring and water is poured onto the plastic to reduce soil disturbance. Remove the plastic after pouring. 4.) Right after pouring water into the ring the height of water is read on the ruler and the timing begins. After this first water height reading the height of the water will then be read at the recommended schedule of: 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, and 2 hours later (and 4 hours later, optional). Record and report these results. The rate at which the water recedes is the infiltration rate in inches per unit of time. Because infiltration rate is nonlinear the rate is generally faster right after the water is added and slows with longer times. Normally infiltration rates slow significantly with time and stop after several hours, so the four hour reading may be nearly the same as the two hour; that is why it is optional. Several conditions should be avoided when operating the infiltration ring: 1. Avoid cold days where the water in the ring will freeze. Try and operate the infiltration ring when temperatures are above freezing. 2. Do not use hot water—or even inside room temp water. Water should be cold to match current conditions. Hot water will cause the soil to thaw leading to erroneous readings. 3. Make sure the frost and freeze action has not caused the ring to shift making gaps between the bottom of the ring and the soil where water can bypass the soil and flow under the ring. With soils that are deeply frozen there may only be a small amount of infiltration. In soils that are not completely frozen or where frost is not deep there may be higher rates of infiltration. As the melt continues the frost in the soil will erode from the top and bottom resulting in more infiltration potential. This potential infiltration can be reduced if the soils have high levels of moisture. If the infiltration rate is high enough such as found in sandy soil the water in the ring may drop to the soil surface level in less than an hour. This is fine and there is no need to put in more water. Repeated use of the infiltration ring in the same location should be avoided because the water from the previous operation affects the subsequent operation of the ring. Once the frost has disappeared from the upper couple inches of the soil the ring can be moved to another location close by, avoiding the effects of the prior operation. The number of times to operate the infiltration ring will be a yearly decision dependent on the changing conditions and needs. The ring can be removed after the last measurement in the spring and then reinstalled next fall. Fall measurements can also be taken to assess soil moisture content at the start of the winter. Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 8 of 12 Following is a table you can use for recording your infiltration rates (also available on infiltration rate worksheet in Excel snow study data entry template noted above. Date: ___________________ Site (CoCoRaHS ID) Time (hrs:min) 0:00 Start time: ______________ Water height on ruler (to nearest tenth of an inch) Notes (observations, photos…) Water height after initial pour 0:01 0:02 0:05 0:10 0:15 0:30 1:00 2:00 4:00 (optional) Decimal conversions 1/16" =.1 1/8" =.1 3/16" =.2 1/4" =.3 5/16" =.3 3/8" =.4 7/16" =.4 1/2" =.5 9/16" =.6 5/8" =.6 11/16"=.7 3/4" =.8 13/16"=.8 7/8" =.9 15/16" =.9 Snow depth in immediate vicinity of your infiltration ring (nearest half inch): __________ General observations: (e.g. frost depth from nearest frost tube, vegetative cover, any disturbances or compaction of snow near the ring, air temperature, etc.) Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 9 of 12 Data Management Participants in this study will use the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow (CoCoRaHS) network for data entry. Users will be notified if any changes are made such that data would be entered directly to the existing River Watch data site (and automatically linked/entered into CoCoRaHS). Each participating school needs to initially individually register as a CoCoRaHS Observer. Go to “Join CoCoRaHS” at There is no cost to sign up as an observer. At this online registration, for your “Station Information” enter information related to the “snow” site location where you will be collecting snow depths and snow water equivalency data from. If you don’t have lat/long coordinates for your site go to Google maps and zoom in on your site and copy the coordinates that would put you close to your site—enter this on the CoCoRaHS registration form. In the rain gauge section, mark that you already have this type of gauge (one will be provided if you don’t have one already). As for time of day gauge will be emptied, I would suggest 8 a.m. rather than the 7 a.m. they recommend—or whatever you feel will work best for you. You can always change this later after you become more familiar with what works best for you, etc. As for training preference at the bottom, I believe “on-line” will likely be our only option, though we will have several technical resource experts at our disposal to assist in any needed training. Once you submit your registration you’ll receive confirmation and an email welcoming you to CoCoRaHS in Minnesota with an attached PDF that provides more background information about the program and instructions for logging into the CoCoRaHS website. Your Station Name and number will be explained along with how to report data to the system including multi-day accumulation reporting if daily readings are not possible. Reviewing your data in various formats is explained. To enter your data you’ll need to log in and fill out the precipitation reporting form shown on the following page. It will automatically assign your station number and name based on your login. Additional information on most fields is available by selecting a “?” icon next to the field. From the Printable Forms web link,, you can access a data reporting form in PDF format or in Excel. The Excel format has a worksheet for each month with some automatic graphing functions built in. An alternative Excel template which includes frost tube entry cells is available at The above procedures will undoubtedly be modified based on lessons learned and suggestions from project participants. Ideas are welcome/encouraged as we strive to better understand flooding issues in the Red River Basin. For your reference, the following contacts are included as resources for you to call upon if you have questions, observations, or ideas about the current project or further study. Thank you for your participation! Have Fun-Stay Warm! Contacts: Wayne Goeken-International Water Institute: 218-574-2622 Jack Norland-NDSU-Prof Range Science-Project Advisor: 701-231-9428 Mark Ewens-NWS-Grand Forks: 701-772-0720x327 Michael Lukes-NWS-Grand Forks: 701-772-0720x493 Andrea Holz-NOAA-Chanhassen: 952-368-2535 David DeMuth-VCSU STEM Ed Center: 701-845-7437 Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 10 of 12 Following is the CoCoRaHS basic data entry form for daily precipitation. It is quite straightforward. It also allows you to go back to previous days if you recorded data on hard copy field data sheets but just haven’t had an opportunity to enter it electronically yet. Your frost tube depths would go into the “Observation Notes” section. Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 11 of 12 The following field sheet can be used prior to transferring data to Excel files or to the online reporting format. Red River Basin Snow Study Field Sheet Station # Date Time Sampler (eg.)MN-PK-2 Open site-Frost Tube snow cover Open Site-Frost Tube Depth Open site-Frost free top of tube New Snow Depth (snow board) New Snowfall SWE-snobd core New Snowfall SWE—from gage Total Snow Depth 1 Total Snow Depth 2 Total Snow Depth 3 Total Snow Depth 4 Total Snow Depth 5 Total Snow Depth 6 Sum of Total Snow Depths Average Total Snow Depth Total Snow Depth SWE Snow Site Frost Tube data below taken in spring when directed (likely same time as infiltration ring measures) Snow site-Frost Tube snow cover Snow Site-Frost Tube Depth Snow site-Frost free top of tube NOTES: (separate page) air temp, wind, other observations Red River Basin River Watch Snow Study International Water Institute November 27, 2012 Page 12 of 12