Toshkent shahar xalq ta’limi bosh boshqarmasi Uchtepa tumani xalq ta’limi muassasalari faoliyatini metodik ta’minlash va tashkil etish bo`limi 203-umumta’lim maktabi ingliz tili fani o`qituvchisi Fayzullayeva Dononing bir soatlik dars ishlanmasi. Toshkent-2014 Unit 7 SEASONS Grade -1a. Lesson 3. It’s warm. Objectives: Educational: -to learn how to say seasons, their colour and the kind of weather Developing: -to enable pupils to speak about colours and seasons , and the kind of weather; -To enable pupils to understand and perform commands. Didactic: - To raise awareness of the seasons and the ways of the saying a season, and a kind of weather. Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: -speak about coloures and seasons -say the kind of weather; -perform commands. Vocabulary and structure: Recycling the previously learnt vocabulary and structures. Stand up! Sit down! Required - equipment: Text book, the DVD of the book, square thick paper of 4x4; flashcard. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. The main part of the lesson: a) Greeting (2-min) - Good morning dear children. - I am glad to see you. - Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, Good morning dear teacher we are glad to see you. b) Checking up home work (3-min) To revise words from previous lessons. c) Making an English atmosphere (2-min) Activity 1 Listen and repeat. Objective: to introduce a poem as warm up. Time: 5-minutes. Materials: Colour flashcards, DVD,…… Interaction: individually, whole group. Remind the children that the New Year is approaching and we are all waiting for Santa Claus/ Father Frost, who is sure to bring us gifts. So offer the pupils to memorise a small rhyme. Also add that if they learn it well and recite it in the morning exercise or at home, Santa Claus/ Father Frost can give them extra gift. New Year/ New Year! Father Frost, Come here! Dear pupils we know, we have got lot of holydays in winter season, yes, so do you want that comes Santa Claus? Pupils: Yes! Ok. Now we call Santa Claus. At that moment pupils will sing the song Jingle Bells: Time : 3 min. Jingle Bells Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride In a one- horse open sleigh. HEEEEEEY!!! Dashing through the snow On a one-horse open sleigh, Over the fields we go, Laughing all the way; Time:15min. When pupils will finish the song, The Santa Claus will come and will greet with all. And pupils will say “Good morning, Santa Clause”… - Santa Claus:” Good morning, my dears, how are you?” - “Great”, pupils will say. - How old are you. - We are 7. - Ok. Where do you live? - We live in Tashkent. - Ok. What lesson is it now? - English. - About what lesson is it today? - Seasons. - Are you ready for the lesson? - Yes. - Ok. Dear pupils, do you know, what season is it? - Winter…… - At that time will be…………….. with pupils. And then Santa Claus will ask me that the pupils know about seasons song. And then pupils will sing the song. Spring is green, Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow, - Winter is white. - Activity 2. Look, and say. Objectives: to recycle previously learnt material; to consolidate the words ” cold, hot, warm, cool ”. Time: 7 minute Interaction: individually , whole group. Stick the pictures of the seasons on the blackboard and repeat the questions for each pictures. 1-What season is it? -It is winter/ it is spring. / it is summer./ it’s autumn. 2- What colour is winter? Winter is white. 3-Is it hot? Is it cold? Yes/ No. You must remember that it is not necessary for the children to learn the questions by heart. They need to understand each question and answer it correctly. The children should be taught not to remember the whole question, but only keywords. In the questions ” What season is it?, emphasize the “season”. As to the question “ What colour is winter?, make emphasis on the two keywords and pronounce them clearly. Activity 3. Play What Season Is It? Objective: to consolidate the previously learnt material Say that everybody will now play a game about the seasons. Take square thick paper of 4x4 for the game. Draw lines diagonally with your pencil to divide it into 4 parts. Paint each part in the coloures of the seasons: green, red, yellow, white. Make a hole in the centre and insert a pencil inside the hole. The pencil with a square is twisted on the table as a whirligig. The pupils will talk about the side( colour) which will be on top according to the following plan. What season is it? What colour is it? It is cool/cold/hot/warm. They say 3 sentences in total. First, should show how to play and work out the whole course of the game to the last detail. Then choose 2-3 volunteers for the game and go through these stages with them one more time. After that, the game can be played by volunteer pupils. Optional Activity5 Play “ Cold. Warm. Hot! “cold, warm, hot. Time: 7 min. In order to play this game need to choose a leader who will stay is out of the classroom. When he/she is out, together with pupils you will hide one of his/her things, for example, his/ her book somewhere, for example, under your table. Then let the leader come in. Explain that you have hidden his/her book, there he/she must find it. When the he begins to look for his/ her book, the pupils must keep saying “Cold”, “Warm”, or ” Hot” to prompt him/her if he/she on the right way. For example, if he/she goes to the desk which is far from your table, the pupils must say “ cold” to mean that he/ she is not in the right place. If he comes nearer to your table to find the book, the pupils must say “Warm” to mean that he/she is close to the hidden place. When he/she is not your table, the pupils must say “ hot” to mean that he/ she is in the right place. Keep in mind that if your pupils are weak, they can just say “ Cold” , “ Warm”, ”Hot”. If you think your pupils can cope with even more challenging structure, they can say “ It’s cold, “it’s warm”, it’s hot,. Optional Activity 5 Play and Say Objectives : to practise saying the new vocabulary Time: 12 minutes Materials: colour flashcards, flashcards describing seasons. Interaction: individually, whole group. Procedure; Offer the pupils to invent their own poems or sentences about seasons. For example, “I am winter, I am cold. I am white.” They show the actions as well. Marking (3 min) . Assess the pupils according to their answers; . Explain the given marks. .Homework. Explain to pupils that at home they should draw and colour the picture on the right hand page. Ask them to remember how to say a season, its colour and the kind of weather.