Unit 2 Performance Task – Ancient Law Codes Mock Trial

Unit 2 Performance Task
Mock Trial
Unit 2 Performance Task – Ancient Law Codes Mock Trial
Surfing the internet one day after school for a social studies
assignment about Islamic civilization, you are shocked to discover a
picture of a person whose hand was severed as punishment for
committing a robbery. You return to school the next day and ask your
social studies teacher about what you saw. Your teacher explains that
what you saw was a punishment from an ancient law code called Sharia
that still exists in some countries today. You listen carefully, but are still
confused about how a punishment so shocking could be allowed by any
law. Your teacher explains that in ancient times, laws and punishments
seemed much less fair and much more severe than they are today. They
point out that even the Byzantine Empire’s Justinian’s Code, which was
more like our legal system today than Sharia, was still very unfair to
minority groups and didn’t give people the right to a fair trial. You nod,
but your teacher can tell you aren’t satisfied with that answer. They
decide that to better understand the way ancient law codes worked, you
and your classmates will assume the roles of judges, lawyers, and
defendants to put on a mock trial in which evaluate a scenario using the
rules of Justinian’s Code or Sharia law.
To perform your mock trial, you must complete the following tasks:
Task 1 – Research Justinian’s Code and Sharia law. In a google doc, find and cite 5
reliable sources for each law code.
Task 2 – Create a poster in which you contrast the ancient law codes of the Byzantine
and Islamic civilizations (Justinian’s Code and Sharia law).
Task 3 – Having distinguished between them in task 2, choose either Justinian’s code or
Sharia law and research in more detail. Write a 5-paragraph essay in which you
explain the cultural basis for each law code.
Task 4 – Working in groups with others who chose the same law code as you for task 3,
you will choose a scenario in which a citizen gets into trouble with the law and
perform a mock trial in which you and your group will act-out the likely outcome.
Unit 2 Performance Task
Mock Trial
Task 1 – Law Code Research
Research Justinian’s Code and Sharia law. In your google doc,
find and cite 5 reliable sources for each law code. Remember
sources that pass value judgments about each law code are likely to
be less reliable. Create a bibliographic citation for each source.
Advanced (4) – Research meets all criteria for proficient; Research
includes a primary source for each law code
Proficient (3) – Research includes at least 10 total reliable sources;
Research includes at least 5 total reliable sources for each law code;
Research includes a proper bibliographic citation for each source
Progressing (2) – Research meets only 1-2 of the criteria for
Beginning (1) – Research meets fewer than 1 of the Proficient
criteria; task to be repeated after re-teaching
Name: ___________________________ Score: ____________
Unit 2 Performance Task
Mock Trial
Task 2 – Law Code Poster
Create a poster in which you contrast the ancient law codes of
the Byzantine and Islamic civilizations (Justinian’s Code and Sharia
law). Using your research, identify 4 topics to contrast between the
law codes. Focus on points you would need to know if you needed to
resolve an issue under each law code. On your poster, create a tchart in which you differentiate Justinian’s Code and Sharia based on
the 4 topics of contrast you have selected.
Advanced (4) – Poster meets all criteria for proficient; Posters are
presented and insightfully explained in class
Proficient (3) – Poster includes 4 topics of contrast; Topics of contrast
are relevant for resolving legal issues; Topics of contrast accurately
differentiate between Justinian’s Code and Sharia
Progressing (2) – Poster meets only 1-2 of the criteria for proficient
Beginning (1) – Poster meets fewer than 1 of the Proficient criteria;
task to be repeated after re-teaching
Unit 2 Performance Task
Mock Trial
Task 3 – Law Code Research Paper
Having distinguished between them in task 2, choose either
Justinian’s code or Sharia law and research in more detail. Write a 5paragraph essay in which you explain the cultural basis for each law
code. Use the graphic organizer you completed at the end of task 2
to analyze the following components of each law code in your essay:
 What is the source and the basis of your law code?
 Whose authority is final in your law code?
 How does religion influence your law code?
Complete the 5-paragraph essay in your google doc. Include an
introduction in which you identify and explain your law code. Use the
three guiding questions as the body paragraphs of your essay. In
your conclusion, you should explain how your law code might be
applied in our society today and what the consequences may be.
Scoring Guide:
Advanced (4) – Essay meets all criteria for proficient; Conclusion
explains how law code might be applied in our society today
Proficient (3) – Essay is 5 paragraphs in length; Topic is clearly
explained in introduction; Essay appropriately responds to 3 guiding
questions for your topic; All sources are correctly cited in bibliography
Progressing (2) – Essay meets only 2-3 of the criteria for proficient
Beginning (1) – Essay meets fewer than 2 of the Proficient criteria;
Chapter 14 and 15 tests will be administered in place of mock trial
Unit 2 Performance Task
Mock Trial
Task 4 – Mock Trial
Working in groups with others who chose the same law code as
you for task 3, you will choose a scenario in which a citizen of the
Byzantine or Ancient Islamic empires gets into trouble with the law.
Based on your research, you and your group will determine what the
likely outcome would be if a citizen was put on trial for the chosen
offense. Then, you will create a script for the trial abiding by the laws
of either Justinian’s Code or Sharia. A script would be required for
the following roles depending on the law code you select:
-Judge (including judge’s decision)
-Defense Attorney
Your characters should be specific to the culture you are
representing. In addition, you script should include creative dialogue
between your characters that reflects cultural values of your chosen
culture. Perform the trial using the script you created.
Scoring Guide:
Advanced (4) – Trial meets all criteria for proficient; Trial is performed
Proficient (3) – Trial scripts clearly identify the crime committed and
the law being violated; Trial scripts and outcome abide by chosen law
code; Trial scripts are creative; Trial scripts provide speaking roles for
all group members
Progressing (2) – Trial meets only 2-3 of the criteria for proficient
Beginning (1) – Trial meets fewer than 2 of the Proficient criteria;
Chapter 14 and 15 tests will be administered in place of mock trial