Michael’s Profile from a GPS-IEP Example Key terms are bolded to emphasize topics presented in his Profile to develop the BIG picture of him. This paragraph discusses his grade; what he enjoys; his parent’s desires for school; his previous special education services; his learning style, and his learning style. Michael is a fourth grade student who enjoys mysteries and adventure stories. He also enjoys drawing, playing Wii sports, and using the computer to play games. His parents want him to be successful in school and are very active in his education. Michael began participating in special education through a preschool program at the age of three. He continued services once he entered the school-age program - speech and language therapy, occupational therapy (fine motor skills), behavior modification, instruction in computer skills and specially designed instruction in the area of language arts. He learns best through visual presentation and will participate in class discussions. Michael has been successful with grade-level materials when presented orally, when working in small group settings that are quiet and private, and when he has preferential seating near the teacher. Michael’s reading skills; what has been successful; what he does not enjoy academically; his math skills; Ohio Achievement Test results with information on some subscales reported. Michael's reading fluency skills are slightly below his peers at the fourth grade level. He has increased his word recognition and fluency through direct instruction. Michael does not enjoy writing assignments and tries to avoid anything that requires this skill. When permitted, he uses word processing to complete assignments. Michael enjoys math. He has excellent rote math skills and is at grade level in math except for word problems. He also has well developed long term memory skills and can multiple two-digit numbers in his head. Michael's third grade performance on the Ohio Achievement Test in reading was Basic. He was near proficient in the areas of Vocabulary and Reading Process. He was below proficient in Literary Text and Informational Text. In Mathematics his designation was Proficient. He was below proficient in Data Analysis and Probability and performed near proficient in the areas of Number, Number Sense and Operations; Measurement; Geometry and Spatial Sense; and Patterns, Function and Algebra. Information on his classroom behavior; what behavior plan efforts work; what stimuli cause him difficulty; and how his disability affects his participation in the regular education classroom are reported here. Michael's classroom behavior has greatly improved during the last two years due to an intensive behavioral modification program. Michael no longer resists new activities and follows class routines. He will remain seated in his chair for a period of 15 minutes if he is engaged in an activity that he is interested in the subject. He will work until he is finished on any activities that involve math. When given writing assignments, he demonstrates a short attention span by getting out of his seat and wandering, but will return to his chair if given verbal cues. Once he returns to his seat, Michael will resume working on his written assignment when redirected. When hearing certain loud noises (e.g. garbage trucks, lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners, etc), Michael will leave his desk to get away from the noise, but will return when given verbal cues. Michael's distractibility and short attention span prevent him from completing tasks in a timely manner.