APPENDIX 1 Clinical placement assessment

Plymouth University
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Clinical Placement Assessment
Clinical Competence Goals and Evaluation Form, In Vivo Assessment of Clinical
Skills and Portfolio of Clinical Activity and Portfolio of Clinical Experience
Trainee Name:
Placement Date: .............................................................. to .......................................................
Total number of placement days completed: ......... No. of day’s annual leave: .........
No. of day’s sick leave: ..... No. of days other absence (e.g. maternity / compassionate leave): ....
Placement: (x)
Year one (part one)
Year two (part one)
Year three
Year one (part two)
Year two (part two)
Components included: (x) Clinical Competence Goals and Evaluation Form Portfolio:
1. Log of Clinical Activity
2. Cumulative
3. In Vivo (please circle: pass/CP/refer/fail)
4. CBT practice log
5. Family Therapy practice log
Supervisor Rating of Clinical Competence: Please delete as relevant; see
guidance notes for criteria; NB pass requires pass or conditional pass on In Vivo
Clinical Skills)
Lead Supervisor’s name, specialism and base: ...........................................................................
Link Supervisor’s name, specialism and base: .............................................................................
Has trainee been observed administering a performance based test (e.g. WAIS)?
Has trainee been observed administering a questionnaire test (e.g. BDI)?
The attached portfolio gives an accurate record of placement experiences:
Lead supervisor’s signature ………………………………..
Date ………………….
Trainee’s signature: ………………………………...............
Date: ………………….
General Placement Outline
Work with lead supervisor
Work with link supervisor
How will outstanding referred/conditional pass issues be addressed? (if relevant)
Competence Area 1
E.g. with clients and colleagues - shows empathy, respect, sensitivity, empowerment of others, supports equality
and values diversity - evidence must include some direct feedback from clients and be based on some direct
observation of trainee, including In Vivo Observation of Clinical Skills. Refer to guidance notes for more detail,
expectations for year of training and KSF requirements.
Learning Needs
Specific Goals
Evidence of Attainment
Supervisors’ Comments
Supervisor Rating: please highlight
Significant concerns
Insufficient evidence
Competence Area 2
Assessment and Formulation
E.g. identifies and keeps central the goals, aspirations and values of the client(s). Uses appropriate
assessment(s), taking into account biological, psychological and social processes. Formulates and reformulates
by integrating assessment information with the client perspective and with emerging evidence from ongoing
intervention. Refer to guidance notes for more detail, expectations for year of training and KSF requirements.
Learning Needs
Specific Goals
Evidence of Attainment
Supervisors’ Comments
Supervisor Rating: please highlight
Significant concerns
Insufficient evidence
Competence Area 3
Intervention and Evaluation
E.g. intervention based on formulation, appropriate to presenting problems and circumstances, planned
collaboratively with client(s) setting achievable and meaningful goals. Intervention takes account of the best
quality evidence and value based care and is adapted in the light of on-going evaluation. Refer to guidance
notes for more detail, expectations for year of training and KSF requirements.
Learning Needs
Specific Goals
Evidence of Attainment
Supervisors’ Comments
Supervisor Rating: please highlight
Significant concerns
Insufficient evidence
Competence Area 4
Communication, Training and Consultation
E.g. disseminates psychological knowledge to others at a level appropriate to need, through verbal and
written reports, and consultation.
Refer to guidance notes for more detail, expectations for year of training and KSF requirements.
Learning Needs
Specific Goals
Evidence of Attainment
Supervisors ‘comments
Supervisor Rating: please highlight
Significant concerns
Insufficient evidence
Competence Area 5
Service delivery and leadership
E.g. understands service delivery systems; adapts practice to organisational contexts; works well in multidisciplinary teams; promotes user and carer involvement, understands models of consultation and
leadership Refer to guidance notes for more detail, expectations for year of training and KSF requirements.
Learning Needs
Specific Goals
Evidence of Attainment
Supervisors’ comments
Supervisor Rating: please highlight
Significant concerns
Insufficient evidence
Competence Area 6
Personal and Professional Skills and Values
E.g. understands and applies professional and ethical codes, draws on service user values as the basis for
practice, aware of own power and values and can negotiate potential conflicts for clients’ interest, sensitive
to power imbalances and social inequalities, works at appropriate level of autonomy and accountability.
Refer to guidance notes for more detail, expectations for year of training and KSF requirements.
Learning Needs
Specific Goals
Evidence of Attainment
Supervisors’ comments
Supervisor Rating: please highlight
Significant concerns
Insufficient evidence
Competence Area 7
Supervision and Personal Development
E.g. uses supervision well, aware of own assumptions, considers impact of own history, develops strategies to
handle emotional and physical impact of practice, manages personal learning needs through participating in a
lifelong learning model.
Refer to guidance notes for more detail, expectations for year of training and KSF requirements.
Learning Needs
Specific Goals
Evidence of Attainment
Supervisors’ comments
Supervisor Rating: please highlight
Significant concerns
Insufficient evidence
Supervisor reflection on placement overall
(Should include overall impressions of the trainee, supervisor’s experience of having him or
her on placement, comments on limitations or contextual factors within the placement, and
reflections on own experiences of offering supervision).
Trainee identification of own strengths and learning needs to be carried
forward to next stage of training/ professional development
Learning Needs
Assessment and Formulation
Learning Needs
Intervention and Evaluation
Learning Needs
Communication, Training and Consultation
Learning Needs
Management and Organisation
Learning Needs
Professional Practice
Learning Needs
Supervision and Personal Development
Learning Needs
Trainee reflection on placement
(Should include reflections on own performance on placement, any factors which may have
affected performance, experience of being on placement, own use of supervision and any
other reflections.)
Portfolio of Clinical Experience
Guidance notes for completing the
Portfolio of Clinical Experience
This document provides a record of the trainee’s experience through training, and provides a
basis for monitoring and planning to ensure the trainee’s experience is well balanced across the
three years of training. The portfolio has 4 components:
Log of Clinical and Professional Activity: provides summary information of all clinical
and professional activities undertaken during each placement. This is kept as a running
record by the trainee throughout each placement; ideally updated every week.
Cumulative Record of Experience: provides a cumulative record of the levels
reached by the trainee across the three broad areas of experience domains required by
the BPS accreditation criteria: client groups; service settings; and modes and types of
work. This is updated at the end of each placement period.
In Vivo Observation of Trainee’s Clinical Skills
CBT practice log
All information in the Portfolio is entered by the trainee and signed off as an accurate record by
both supervisors and the trainee.
Using the Portfolio for placement planning
The Cumulative Record ratings should be reviewed with the trainee’s supervisor and clinical
tutor at the start of each placement period, and reviewed annually with their appraiser.
Placement plans and goals for clinical competence should be devised so as to ensure a
balanced portfolio by the end of training. The year three placement, in particular, should be
planned so as to make good any significant gaps in experience by the end of year two. This
may require discussion with the appraiser, clinical tutor and clinical director to make sure that
the year three placement can supply the necessary experiences. By the end of training, the
trainee should normally have acquired satisfactory experience (level 3C) in all experience
domains, and thorough experience (level 4) in most of them.
Log of Clinical Activity
The log is a record of all clinical and professional activity undertaken on placement. The
trainee should update the log at regular intervals, ideally weekly.
Please see Appendix 1a Log of Clinical Activity A) to E)
The information needed to complete the log can be recorded on excel
spreadsheets if that is easier.
Psychometric assessment (clinical test batteries and questionnaires)
NB Trainee must be observed by a supervisor at least once through training in
administering a questionnaire based assessment and a performance based test e.g.
Psychological therapies
Including assessment, intervention and evaluation
Service delivery and development
Including consultation, inter-professional/team work, community psychology projects,
staff support groups, teaching and training, service development, involvement in audit,
clinical governance, service user/carer involvement, small scale service related project.
Personal and professional development
Including mentoring by service users/carers, observations, meetings, visits,
conferences or training events attended (plus any other experiences not covered
Supervision received and offered to others.
A) Psychometric assessment (performance based and questionnaires)
Method of assessment
Note performance based (P) or
Questionnaire (Q)
Reason for assessment
Observed by
B) Psychological therapies summary
Guidance for completing intervention summary
Please complete the chart on the following page, as follows:
Age- give age of client, or age range of client(s)
Gender - for pieces of work with a referred client
Reason - specify the presenting problem, or give reason for the work undertaken
Special needs - state whether the client(s) had any of the following special needs: challenging
behaviour; learning disability (mild/moderate/severe); communication difficulties; physical
disability; neurological problems; other
Intervention - summarise the type of intervention as follows:
level - individual (I); couple/family (F); group (G);
main theoretical orientation - community/social inequalities (C); systemic (S); CBT;
psychodynamic (Psy); integrated (Int) ; other (O)
Role - specify your role in the work: observer; co- worker; lead worker; other
Co-workers-specify professional background of any co-workers
Time expended -give number of h worked – both direct (D) i.e. actual client contact, and
indirect (I) i.e. preparation, liaison, report writing etc
Socio-cultural factors - specify ethnicity of clients and note any relevant social inequality or
cultural issues e.g. socio-economic factors; immigration issues; rural/urban; religious affiliation.
C) Service delivery and development
e.g. consultation, inter-professional/team work, community psychology projects, staff support
groups, teaching and training, service development, involvement in audit, clinical governance,
service user/carer involvement, small scale service related project. See chart on following page
D) Personal and professional development
E.g. mentoring by service users/carers, observations, meetings, visits, conferences or training
events attended (plus any other experiences not covered elsewhere). See chart on following
E) Supervision: received by trainee (R) and supervision provided to others
by trainee (P).
See chart on following page
B. Psychological therapies summary
Reason for
Special needs
Outline of the
pieces of work
Level of
Extent of role
c) Service delivery and development
e.g. consultation, inter professional/team work, community psychology projects, staff support
groups, teaching and training, service development, involvement in audit, clinical governance,
service user/carer involvement, small scale related project.
Outline of the piece of work
Extent of role
D) Personal and Professional Development
(E.g. mentoring by service users/carers, observations, meetings, visits, conferences or training
events attended (plus any other experiences not covered elsewhere).
Outline of the piece of work
Extent of role
Time Expended
E) Supervision Received (R) (specify role of supervisor e.g.
Clin Psychologist /other Professional) or Supervision
Provided (P) (specify role of recipient of supervision)
Time Expended
Cumulative Record of Experience
Purpose of the record:
Trainee experiences are gathered cumulatively across placements. No one placement can
provide all the experiences that a trainee needs to gain through training. The record is
divided into 3 broad areas of experience: clients, service settings and modes of clinical work.
BPS accreditation criteria require that trainees develop their competencies within a balanced
range of these experiences across the three years of their training. The purpose of this
record is to help the trainee and supervisors review progress so as to:
give the supervisors a framework within which to monitor the trainee’s acquisition of
experiences, and
to enable planning of subsequent placement experiences.
It is important to recognise that a trainee should not expect to be an expert in everything, and
that different trainees will be more practiced in some areas than others. Trainees will not be
able to reach ‘level 4’ in all areas, not least because not all experiences will be available.
Training will progress through Continuing Professional Development throughout the trainee’s
career. Nevertheless, we do expect that by the end of training trainees will normally have
reached level 2 or 3 in all domains of experience and level 4 in most domains of experience.
Use of the record:
Before the first placement, to acknowledge previous experience before training (pre-), and
towards the end of each placement period (Year 1 mid; Year 1 end; Year 2 mid; Year 2 end;
Year 3 mid), the trainee should review their experience with their supervisor(s).Following
discussion, the trainee rates his or her own level of achievement in each area of experience
using the rating criteria below. One column should be filled in for each placement.
Rating Standards for Cumulative Record of Experience
A) understanding client and carer perspectives; and/or
B) relevant theory and knowledge; and/or
C) relevant practice, skills and techniques
No relevant experience or knowledge
Early experience in one or more of: (please specify all that apply)
At this level, trainees will have limited (maybe indirect) experience, based for example:
A) in own life experiences or observations made in relevant client or service settings; and/or
B) some basic reading; and/or C) observation of supervisor’s or others’ work.
Developing experience in one or more of: (please specify all that apply)
At this level, trainees will have had some experiences based, for example:
A) in conversations with, or shadowing of, clients/carers, or reading relevant first person
accounts, and/or B) participation in relevant Problem Based Learning exercise and/or
familiarity with some basic texts/references; and/or C) some direct practice or co-working
over several sessions of work; and beginning to underpin own work with theory based
formulations although will probably have had little or no experience yet of generalising
skills/knowledge across situations or settings.
Satisfactory experience in one or more of: (please specify all that apply)
At this level, trainees will have had a significant amount of direct learning and exposure to
relevant work based, for example, in:
A) having received direct client feedback on own work and/or having attended user or carer
groups; and/or B) good knowledge of relevant literature; and/or C) direct practice or coworking with others over a period of at least 5 months; and significant experience of
underpinning own work with theory based formulations; and beginning to generalise
skills/knowledge across situations or settings; and has been observed by supervisor
demonstrating relevant competence.
Thorough experience in: (at this level all three levels should apply)
At this level, trainees will be well able to integrate and generalise their understanding of
clients’ perspectives, theory and practice; capable of working independently and flexibly,
adapting interventions to individual needs and changing circumstances, and ready to be
innovative and creative in solving new problems.
Cumulative record of experience
Experience domain
Across the life cycle
Children (0-11 yrs)
Adolescents (12-18 yrs)
Adults (18-65 yrs)
Older Adults (65+ yrs)
Types of problem
Acute problems
Enduring/chronic problems
Mild-moderate problems
Severe problems
Coping with adverse
Significant biological component
Significant psychosocial component
From broad range of demographic
Special needs
Challenging behaviour
Learning disability
Communication difficulties
Cumulative record of experience (cont)
Experience domain
Service systems
Out-patient/secondary care
Primary care
Organisational/service development
Modes and types of work
Direct clinical work
Therapeutic relationships
Assessment – broad psychological
Psychometric assessment
(questionnaire based)
Psychometric assessment
(performance based)
Indirect work
Via staff/carers
Group work
Multi-disciplinary teams
User Involvement
Psychological orientations
Community/Social Inequalities
In Vivo Observation of Trainee’s Clinical Skills
The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for supervisors to directly observe
and give feedback on trainees’ clinical work in terms of their:
1) Direct clinical skills
2) Formal assessment/ psychometrics
3) Indirect clinical skills (supervision/ consultation/ teaching/ leadership) .
One component of this document should be used on each placement as a tool for
supervisors to inform their judgements about trainees’ competence as documented on the
Clinical Competence Goals and Evaluation Form.
Observations should be done on several occasions (so this does not become a “one-off”
assessment). On each occasion the trainee and the observing supervisor should decide in
advance which aspect(s) of the session will be the subject of detailed observation and
feedback. During the observation the supervisor notes examples of good practice and areas
for improvement / development. Afterwards, time is set aside for mutual discussion. The
trainee is then responsible for recording supervisor feedback and his or her own reflections.
The final document should be signed off by the trainee and supervisor at each
assessment point.
The document is divided into 3 sections:
Observation of direct clinical skills
Preparing for the session and setting the scene
Conducting the session
Ending the session
After the session
Observation of test competence (see also appended document BPS Checklist of
Competence in Psychological Testing)
Observation of indirect clinical skills
Direct observation may be live or through review of audio or video tape of the session.
Consent for the observation must be negotiated with the client(s), with the educational
purpose carefully explained.
Assessment Form
In Vivo Observation of Trainees’ Clinical Skills
Name of trainee:
Name of supervisor:
Date of final completion:
Supervisor rating (please underline): recommendation must be based on evidence
from observation of clinical practice as documented on form below
Pass: clinical skills are developing at the level expected for stage in training
Conditional Pass: clinical skills developing generally at level expected but specific areas
require attention in future
Refer: clinical skills are not developing at the level expected for stage in training (please
specify areas of concern for re-assessment)
Fail: trainee has demonstrated professional misconduct
Please give brief notes on context of the observation to set the scene
If conditional pass, please specify areas for attention in next placement period
If refer, please specify areas of concern for re-assessment
1. Observation of Direct Clinical Skills
a) Preparing for the session and setting the scene
i) Was the trainee sensitive to issues of capacity and consent?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
ii) Was the trainee sensitive to issues of culture, gender, power and diversity?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
iii) Was the trainee thoughtful about the location of the session (privacy,
convenience, safety, familiarity, suitability for the therapeutic content)?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement / development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
iv) Was the trainee thoughtful about the potential impact on the session of those
participating/observing (supervisors presence/position, advocate? Family member?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement / development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
v) Did the trainee liaise appropriately with other professionals before the session, and
share this with client(s) as necessary?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement / development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
vi) Was a time period for the session established?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement / development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
vii) Did the trainee explain the purpose of the meeting to those present?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
viii) Additional aspect(s) as negotiated by trainee and supervisor (please specify)
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
b) Conducting the session
i) Was the level of communication appropriate for the abilities of those present
(simplified language/ pictures/ symbols if needed etc.)?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
ii) Did the trainee engage with those present at the outset in order to “settle” them
(small talk, introductions)?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
iii) Were the perspectives of all those present actively sought during the meeting (or
were there legitimate reasons for not doing this)?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
iv) Did the trainee take sufficient account of the likely emotional experience of those
present (in terms of reflecting, further enquiring etc.?)
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
v) Did the trainee convey genuineness and positive regard in both verbal and nonverbal ways during the session?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
vi) Did the trainee demonstrate an understanding of the information being conveyed
via appropriate summarising/paraphrasing etc.?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
vii) Did the trainee use psychological ideas/formulation sensitively and appropriately?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
viii) Additional aspects(s) as negotiated by trainee and supervisor (please specify)
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
c) Ending the session
i) Was a “warning” prior to the end of the session given?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
ii) Overall, did the trainee manage the balance of time available in the session
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
iii) Was a closing summary of the outcome of the session provided?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
iv) Was this checked with those present for their perspectives?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
v) Were “next steps” discussed prior to finishing the meeting?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
vi) Additional aspect(s) as negotiated by trainee and supervisor (please specify)
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
d) After the session
i) Were notes appropriately written up and filed?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
ii) Was consideration given to whether and how to inform relevant parties of the
outcome of the session/ meeting (including carers as well as other professionals)?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
iii) Was any feedback/ comments from clients/ carers reflected upon for future
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
iv) Additional aspect(s) as negotiated by trainee and supervisor (please specify)
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
Overall suggestions for future development of trainee’s direct clinical skills
Supervisor comments
Trainee reflection
2) Observation of Test Competence (see attached Code of Good Practice for
Psychological Testing)
a) Questionnaire based assessment: administration of test
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
b) Questionnaire based assessment: scoring
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
c) Performance based assessment: administration of test
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
d) Performance based assessment: scoring
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
e) Additional aspect(s) of testing as negotiated by trainee and supervisor (please
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
Overall suggestions for future development of trainee’s testing skills
Supervisor comments
Trainee reflection
3) Observation of indirect clinical skills (supervision, consultation,
teaching or leadership)
a) Was the trainee aware of, and sensitive to, relevant issues of organisational
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
b) Was the trainee sensitive to skills, knowledge and expectations of participant(s)
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
c) Was the trainee sensitive to issues of power, culture, diversity, gender?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
d) Was there a good balance between being well planned and well-structured yet
flexible and creative if/as needed?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
e) Were any materials/ handouts appropriately and thoughtfully designed and
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
f) was the impact of the intervention evaluated eg through shared reflection, feedback,
outcome measures, or planned follow-up/ review meetings?
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
g) Additional aspect(s) of the process as negotiated by trainee and supervisor
(please specify)
Supervisor feedback (strengths and suggestions for improvement/ development)
Trainee reflection (strengths and intentions for improvement)
Overall suggestions for future development of trainee’s indirect clinical skills
Supervisor comments
Trainee reflection
CBT Practice Log
Year 1
How many h of CBT Assessment and Therapy have
you delivered?
How many h of CBT Supervision have you received?
(i.e. supervision on a CBT case)
Year 2
Year 3
AccStnd. min. 200 hrs
IAPT Stnd. min. 70 hrs
How many h of CBT practise were live sampled by
your supervisor? (audio, video, 1-way screen, direct
Did you and/or your supervisor use a CBT
competency checklist or measure (e.g. CTS-R)?
If so, which one(s)?
How many times on yourself?
How many times by supervisor?
IAPT Stnd. min. 6 – self
How many different clients have you completed CBT
Acc. Stnd. min. 8
How many different clients were supervised live?
AccStnd. min. 3
How many different problem types were covered?
AccStnd. min. 3
Please list all problem types for clients in question 6
How many CBT case reports were written, assessed
and passed?
AccStnd. min.4
N.B. Standards quoted are for BABCP accreditation as a CBT practitioner.
IAPT High Intensity workers meet exactly these standards, with two
additions as specified.
Systemic Family Therapy Practice Log
Year 1 Year 2
How many h of systemic oriented formulation and
therapy have you engaged in? This can include work
with organisations, teams and other groups as well
as families.
5. For many families and how much of the time were you
the lead therapist or co-therapist?
How many h of observing family therapy live or on
dvd’s have you engaged in?
7. How many h of systemic /FT supervision have you
How many different clients/couples/families have
you seen/facilitated a course of family therapy to
9. How many of the families you have worked with were
from ethnic minority backgrounds?
What major models and FT techniques did you
Indicate the range of presenting problems that you
have worked with
11. What CPD events, training workshops have you
Year 3