SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Scenario Name Medication Overdose/Hypoxia Duramorph, Senior Level Measurable Objectives (minimum 2, maximum 10) 1. Demonstrate Assessment of a patient in respiratory distress. 2. Demonstrate respiratory support with increase in oxygen satuartion 3. Identifies and administers duramorph to decrease respiratory distress and increase oxygen saturation. Authors: Peter Ford Bates Technical College Carly Williams Northwest Hospital & Medical Center Date Submitted April 2013 Will There Be Any Pre-Simulation Lecture? Review prior to simulation: Clinical pharmacology of Duramorph. Expected Scenario Time 15 minutes Expected Debrief Time 30 minutes Report and Information Provided To Participants Prior To Simulation Nicole Winslow is a 47 year old female, who fell yesterday at home. She fractured her left hip and had total hip replacement, due to pathological nature of fracture. She has a history of melanoma, that was in control up to this fall. She received a Duramorph injection last night at 8pm. She has a left hip dressing dry and intact, and her neuro vascular check was good. IV LR at 125ml/hour, VS stable. She has been sleepy but arouses easily. She ate breakfast with no c/o nausea. Plan for up to the chair with Physical Therapy this am. Patient Information Patient Name: Age: Mrs. Winslow Gender: Female Weight: 150 47 Birth date:, March 11 1966 Height: 5'4" ID band MR #00001234 Acct. # 1198765432 HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 1 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Hx. Present Illness: Fell at home fx left hip Social History: No etoh or smoking, lives with son, divorced 2 children Support System: Lives with son Allergies:NKA Past medical history: Melanoma Physical description of how you want the manikin to present at start of scenario? Moulage: Dressing on left hip Assignment Of Roles (Please indicate below roles to be assigned): Primary Nurse Secondary Nurse Family Member (optional) Daughter and son-in-law Observer(s) 2 Unlicensed Assistive Personnel/CNA/MA Important Information Related To Roles: Please provide script and sequence to patient, daughter and son-in-law. HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 2 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Setting/Environment Medical-Surgical Unit Medications and Fluids: Other Narcan Props: Equipment attached to manikin: Primary IV Fluid running at 125 ml/hr PCA and or IV pump running: Morphine O2 equipment Monitor attached/ Type: Oxygen Saturation Other Patient room with chairs for team and family members Equipment available in room: Crash cart Other Reconcilled list of medications Diagnostics Available: Other: Documentation Forms: Progress note and abbreviated admission form, MAR Other Flow sheets, Brochures Order Sheet or Protocol for Narcan PCA Opiate Protocol Recommended Mode for Simulation Manikin to be used SimMan3G Scenario Progression Outline #1 Initial Amount Time in Initial Stage- 5-7 mins Baseline Vital Signs T PR 37-66-10 BP 105/66 SPO294 Cardiac Rhythm Breath Sounds Heart Sounds All normal Abdominal Sounds Hypoactive Verbalization (Pt Cues) and Actions Expected Interventions Confederate Actions/Additional Role Player Cues Responds to stimulation but is a lttle groggy Complete basic patient assessment, May delegate Secondary RN or CNA to complete vital signs, may encourage patient to breath deeply, see if they can waken them more Family Member (optional): She is sleeping. Please let her sleep. HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 3 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Stage 2 Basic Assessment has been completed. (approx. 57minutes into scenario) Baseline Vital Signs T 37 P 66 R 10-7 trending over 2 minutes BP 104/62 SPO290-84 trending over 2 minutes Cardiac Rhythm Breath Sounds Heart Sounds All normal Abdominal Sounds Hypoactive Stage 3 2 Minutes after Narcan is administered Baseline Vital Signs T 37 P 66 trends up to 78 over 2 minutes R 7 trends up to 12 over 2 minutes BP 112/68 SPO282-95 trending for 3 minutes Cardiac Rhythm Breath & Heart Sounds Normal Abdominal Sounds Hypoactive Verbalization (Pt Cues) and Actions Expected Interventions Confederate Actions/Additional Role Player Cues Patient is not responding. Snoring and/or agonal breathing Apply O2, Call for extra help (Rapid Response Team), provide Narcan Family Member (optional): Is she dying? Why won’t she wake up. RN: SBAR report Verbalization (Pt Cues) and Actions Expected Interventions Confederate Actions/Additional Role Player Cues What happened? I am having a little pain now and didn’t before. Reassess Vital Signs and explain to patient why they are having pain Family Member (optional): What was that you gave her? I think its working. But why is she in pain again? Rate pain on 0-10 pain scale. HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 4 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Instructor Check List (return to CHESC assistant at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Equipment is staged as requested. The learner has been oriented to the simulator. The learner understands the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. Participants understand their assigned roles. The time frame Expectations for simulation met: Yes No. The time frame Expectations for debrief met: Yes No. Audio/Visual Consent signed and turned into CHESC sheet. Attendance sheet completed and given to CHESC staff. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CHESC Assistant Name: Did the person provide excellent support for the scenario? Yes No Comment Instructor signature ________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 5 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Participant Check List (return to Instructor at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I have been oriented to the simulator. I understand the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. I understand the assigned role. My questions about the simulation have been answered. I have all necessary equipment for the simulation. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Participant Signature ____________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 6 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Simulation Post-Assessment Methods Checklist Tests Evaluations Turning Point Jeopardy Other Optional Literature References Debriefing Guidelines (Remember to identify important concepts or curricular threads that are specific to your program) 1. Leave the simulation room and go to a conference room, if possible. It allows for deescalation of emotions. 2. Solicit and validate emotions briefly. Validate simisms (the simulation isn’t 100% accurate due to different equipment, personnel etc) 3. What went WELL in this simulation? 4. What DID NOT go well in this simulation? 5. If you could do it again, what would you do differently? 6. Summarize: “What I hear you saying is . . .” HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 7 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Resources: Reisine T & Pasternak G: Opioid analgesics and antagonists. In: Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 9th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1995; 521-555 American Society of Anesthesiologists Association, HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 8