Extracting Useful-Meaningful Information

Extracting Useful-Meaningful Information - Bethany Getz
1. Resource: Web 2.0 Tools in the Reading Classroom: Teachers Exploring Literacy in
the 21st Century by Savilla Banister, Bowling Green State University
 Topic sentences
“…for reading specialists, dedicated to student growth and achievement in reading and
writing effectively across the subject areas, this newest evolution of the World Wide Web
provides opportunities for students to challenge their literacy skills.” (Bannister, 2008)
“In evaluating the benefits of blogs in the reading classroom, these BRS noted that
fluency, creativity, and ownership in the reading/writing process were primary
possibilities.” (Banister, 2008)
“Web 2.0 tools (specifically blogs and podcasts) were demonstrated to be innovative and
effective resources in supporting reading achievement for K-12 students.” (Bannister,
 Thesis statement
“As the World Wide Web has begun to evolve into a more cooperative and easily
publishable environment, educators are exploring how this phenomenon can be harnessed
to impact student learning and achievement.” (Bannister, 2008)
 Pivotal concepts or statements
“…we will continue to see an explosive growth of Web 2.0 exchanges of ideas, media,
and work. So what does this mean for K-12 education?” (Bannister, 2008)
2. Resource: Literactive
 Topic sentences
“Literactive’s phonics reading program – The Road to Reading – is now available online.
The program takes the early learner on an interactive journey of exploration and learning.
Starting with initial nursery rhymes, it moves through pre-reading activities, alphabet
awareness, letter sounds, short vowels, CVC word blending, initial blends, long vowels
and all the phonic activities critical for developing early reading skills.”
“Over one hundred learning activities for individual or whole class use are available for
download. Each activity focuses on a particular reading skill and develops the early
learner's ability to decode text into its constituent parts.”
 Thesis statements
“Literactive was devised and developed by a professional team of educators and technical
developers. The program is designed to help early learners develop their reading and
comprehension skills through a carefully balanced and progressive reading program.”
3. Resource: Illuminations
 Topic sentences
“Curriculum Focal Points are the most important mathematical topics for each grade
level. They comprise related ideas, concepts, skills, and procedures that form the
foundation for understanding and using mathematics and lasting learning. Illuminations
provide materials that illuminate the vision for school mathematics set forth in
Curriculum Focal Points.”
 Thesis statement
“Illuminations is designed to provide standards-based resources that improve the teaching
and learning of mathematics for all students.”
 Pivotal concepts or statements
“The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is a public voice of
mathematics education, providing vision, leadership, and professional development to
support teachers in ensuring mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students.
With 100,000 members and 250 affiliates, NCTM is the world’s largest organization
dedicated to improving math education in preK-12.”
Banister, S. (2008). Web 2.0 tools in the reading classroom: Teachers exploring literacy
in the 21st century. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 4(2),
Entertainment and Information Industry, Ltd (2009). Literactive. Retrieved from
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2013). Illuminations. Retrieved from
Extracted Key Words and Phrases:
Web 2.0 standards-based resources
Web 2.0 standards-based curriculum
Web 2.0 elementary curriculum
Web 2.0 elementary resources
Web 2.0 reading program
Effective Web 2.0 resources
Google Scholar Results
URL: http://reed.cs.depaul.edu/peterh/class/hci450/Papers/MindsonFire.pdf
Description: Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 by John
Seely Brown and Richard P. Adler. This article discusses and compares the Cartesian
and social views of learning. The author describes the benefits of technology-enhanced
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 standards based resources
URL: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s18/res/d9554ba6-c906-44d4-95b74a39f81d3c86/Attwell.nd.Web2AndChangingWaysOfUsingComputersForLearning.Impl
Description: Web 2.0 and the changing ways we are using computers for learning:
what are the implications for pedagogy and curriculum? By Graham Attwell. The
author presents hypotheses about the development of education and curriculum and
explores how it may progress in the future.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 elementary curriculum
URL: http://www.jasonmorrison.net/iakm/cited/Bolan_teen_services_2.0.pdf
Description: Web, Library, and Teen Services 2.0 by Kimberly Bolan, Meg Canada, and
Rob Cullin. This article lists and describes examples of Web 2.0 in a library setting.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 reading program
URL: http://21stcenturywalton.pbworks.com/f/What+is+Web+2.0.pdf
Description: What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education by
Paul Anderson. In this article, the author outlines and defines Web 2.0 services and
applications that are useful in the classroom. In addition, Anderson describes the big idea
and the future of Web 2.0.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 elementary curriculum
URL: http://edr.sagepub.com/content/38/4/246.short
Description: Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship in a Digital Age; Web 2.0 and
Classroom Research: What Path Should We Take Now? by Christine Greenhow, Beth
Robelia, and Joan E. Hughes. This article describes the differences Web 2.0 and the
websites of the past. The authors discuss how Web 2.0 influences teaching and learning.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 elementary resources
Description: Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools by Gwen Solomon and Lynne Schrum.
This book describes how to integrate Web 2.0 tools into lessons and curriculum. The
authors also give examples of the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 elementary resources
URL: http://www.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/Journals/LA/0881sep2010/LA0881Profiles.pdf
Description: Web 2.0 in the Elementary Classroom: Portraits of Possibilities by William
Kist, Kelly Doyle, Jody Hayes, Jeff Horwitz, and J. T. Kuzior. This article is a journal of
the authors’ day using Web 2.0 technologies.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 elementary resources
Description: Web 2.0 How-To for Educators by Gwen Solomon and Lynne Schrum.
The authors outline each Web 2.0 resource, describing what it is, when it can be used,
and why it should be incorporated into lessons. The authors also give examples of
projects and assignments for students to complete.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 elementary resources
URL: http://elearnmag.acm.org/featured.cfm?aid=1104968
Description: E-learning 2.0 by Stephen Downes. In this article, the author recounts the
past technologies and reviews the current Web 2.0 technologies. Downes describes “elearning” and ways that students and teachers have benefited from it.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 standards based curriculum
Description: Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Learning
Activity Types: Curriculum-based Technology Integration Reframed by Judith Harris,
Punya Mishra, and Matthew Koehler. This paper analyzes technology integration into
curriculum. The authors recommend using technology, pedagogy, and content
knowledge (TPACK) as a way to effective integrate technology.
Search Terms/Keywords: web 2.0 standards based curriculum
We searched Google Scholar and found many useful articles pertaining to Web 2.0 in the
elementary classroom. The keywords and phrases that generated the most beneficial
results for our final report included “elementary” and “standards-based”.
However, there were a few keywords and phrases that did not generate useful results for
our final report. When searching for “Web 2.0 reading program,” there were more
articles regarding secondary education than elementary. When searching for “effective
web 2.0 resources,” Google Scholar found many articles about using technology in the
business world.