Trauma and Reparation PROF. ANGELA COTELLI PORRINO COURSE AIMS The aim of the course is to give students: a basic competence related to the historical development of the concept of trauma and the conceptual, methodological and applicative tools for clinical recognition and management of trauma. Each topic shown in the course contents will be illustrated with clinical examples that are aimed at emphasizing and explaining the techniques of diagnosis and of effective treatment. COURSE CONTENT 1. The recognition and treatment of trauma from an historical and conceptual perspective. – The development of the diagnostic concept (examples and clinical cases). – The influence of social movements on the development of recognition of psychological trauma and of its psychopathological consequences. – From hysteria to the definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). – Psychopathology and development of the treatment technique (examples and clinical cases). 2. Classification of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). – The mechanisms and symptoms of PTSD: clinical applications. – Resilience, vulnerability and progress of post-traumatic reactions: clinical applications. – Psychobiology of trauma: “the body holds the reckoning” (in cooperation with Dr. Giovanni Tagliavini, psychiatrist). – Difference between descriptive-nosological diagnoses and explanatoryinterpretative diagnoses of post-traumatic disorders: examples of a diagnostic process and formulation of the case. 3. Trauma and dissociation (in cooperation with Dr. Giovanni Tagliavini, psychiatrist). – The use of memory and recall in a clinical case. – Traces of dissociation in a clinical case. – Reconstruction of the pre-traumatic personality in a clinical case. 4. From post-traumatic stress disorder to the complex trauma. – Examples of psychotherapeutic treatment with a “difficult patient”: transfer and countertransfer. READING LIST J. L. HERMAN, Guarire dal trauma, Edizioni Magi B. CYRULNIK, Autobiografia di uno spaventapasseri, Raffaello Cortina Editore. G. LIOTTI-B. FARINA, Sviluppi traumatici, Raffaello Cortina Editore. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.