Soybean Biotechnology Lessons

Curriculum Unit: Lesson 1
Modification of CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology Activity 4.1.1, to incorporate soybeans as
the principal plant of interest. While this lesson can be completed with any food, we will look
at the use of soy-based food products. Additionally, I will utilize an online resource, designed to
introduce students to the use of biotechnology within the Soybean industry to develop a variety
which is resistant to Sudden Death Syndrome in soybeans.
Modification of CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology Activity 4.1.2, to incorporate soybeans as
the principal plant of interest.
Activity 4.1.1
What is a GMO?
Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are a hot topic around the world. Some
people believe it is the only way mankind will be able to feed a continually expanding
world population. Others believe GMOs are mutant organisms that are dangerous
and should not be consumed or even developed. What are your thoughts? Have you
developed your beliefs pertaining to this expanding field of biotechnology?
Per student:
Computer with Internet access
Laboratory Notebook
Agriscience Notebook
Answer the following questions, in your Laboratory Notebook, pertaining to your
knowledge and perceptions of genetically modified organisms. When asked, share
your opinions of what you believe the term genetically modified means.
Part One – Setting the stage
1. Watch the introduction of Genetic Engineering: The Journey of a Gene
(, where Sudden Death Syndrome is discussed.
2. Briefly discuss why traditional plant breeding is not the only approach being
taken in finding a soybean variety that is resistant to Sudden Death Syndrome.
Part Two – Personal Perceptions
1. When you hear the term genetically modified, what do you envision?
2. What do you believe are the benefits of GM foods?
3. What do you believe are the concerns of GM foods?
4. What industries do you believe are significantly impacted by GM products?
5. At what point do products become genetically modified, when selective breeding
begins or when manipulation of genetic material using biotechnological practices
occurs? Why do you believe this is so?
6. Why do you believe there is controversy over the use of GM products as food?
7. Do you believe product development companies have an obligation to inform
consumers that their products (or product parts or ingredients) are genetically
modified? Discuss your beliefs.
Part Two – Published Perceptions
Return to Genetic Engineering: The Journey of a Gene ( to
conduct research on what others believe about GM foods. At the site, go to Risks
and Benefits. Watch the videos in A Two Sided Argument. Determine each of the
positions and describe their top discussions pertaining to biotechnology and GMOs
in your Laboratory Notebook.
Part Three – Class Discussion
Your teacher will facilitate a class discussion. Share your beliefs and findings as
appropriate. Upon the conclusion of the discussion, develop a personal definition of
genetically modified organism and record in your notebook.
Part Four – Responding to producers
In groups of four, create a response to the following two groups:
A producer has taken a heavy loss due to Sudden Death Syndrome in his field.
The farmer would like to plant a new variety of soybeans, one that is resistant to
Sudden Death Syndrome, but is wondering about the safety of GMOs and the
availability of markets accepting the soybeans at harvest time.
An anti-GMO advocate is protesting outside of grocery store, telling consumers
that GMOs are harmful and are spoiling the food supply.
1. How does your background influence your perceptions?
2. What information that you researched influenced or changed your perceptions?
3. Why might your perceptions differ from your other classmates?
Curriculum Unit: Lesson 2
Modification of CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology Activity 4.1.2, to incorporate soybeans as
the principal plant of interest.
Activity 4.1.2
Planting Seeds of GMOs
Genetically modified organisms are found in many commercial plant crops. The
genetic modifications allow producers to more efficiently raise and harvest their
crops. Previously, you have completed an ELISA plate test to determine the
presence of a specific protein. Lateral flow strips are an alternative form of ELISA
that can be used in the field or at a processing facility with ease. They test for a
specific protein found in the genetically modified version of the test subject.
Organisms that are Roundup Ready® have the ability to survive when the herbicide
Roundup® is applied. This allows producers to eliminate unwanted plants from the
fields without harming the desired crop. Can you pick out Roundup Ready®
soybeans from non-GMO soybeans?
Per team of three students:
3 disposable 1.5 ml tubes
3 QuickStix® strips
3 resealable plastic bags
Permanent marker
Microcentrifuge tube rack
Per student:
Computer with
internet access
1 soybean seed, sample A
1 soybean seed sample B
1 seed sample C
50 ml beaker
3 disposable pipettes
Access to tap water
In this activity, the class will first review a specific example within the soybean
industry where GMO seed may help solve an industry problem. Students, working in
teams, will determine if three samples of soybeans have been genetically modified
to resist Roundup®.
Part One – GMOS in industry
1. Watch the introduction (, where Sudden Death Syndrome is
2. Briefly discuss why traditional plant breeding is not the only approach being
taken in finding a soybean variety that is resistant to Sudden Death Syndrome.
Part Two – Testing for GMOs
4. Assign each team member a sample to test. Remember to record your
procedures and results in your Laboratory Notebook.
5. Using the permanent marker, label the 1.5ml tubes A, B, and C.
6. Using the 50ml beaker, get 20 ml of tap water for your group.
7. Individually, obtain a resealable plastic bag and the soybean sample you are
8. Take turns using the pliers to crush your soybean completely. Be careful not to
tear or rip the bag to avoid losing the contents or cross-contaminating samples.
9. Transfer the crushed seed into the 1.5 ml tube.
10. Using a disposable pipette, add one ml of tap water to your sample.
11. Close the cap securely. You should hear a slight snap when the cap closes.
12. Shake the tube vigorously for 20 to 30 seconds.
13. Allow the solid materials to settle to the bottom of the tube.
14. Open the top of your tube and insert the test strip into the tube.
15. Wait 5 minutes for the strip to develop before making final observations.
16. To interpret your results, observe the white area of the strip between the two red
sections. Observe the pink lines to determine the presence of Roundup Ready®
Two pink lines – positive for GMO
One pink line – negative for GMO
No pink lines – invalid test
Figure 1. Sample Results
17. Record whether each sample for your team was positive or negative in your
Laboratory Notebook.
18. Clean up as instructed by your teacher.
Part Three – Sharing Your Results
In the area designated by your teacher, record the results of your team’s tests.
Record all class results in your notebook.
19. Why might a producer or inspector need to be able to test for GMOs in
20. When would the use of these strips be practical?
21. What limitations do you foresee using these test strips?
Curriculum Unit: Lesson 3
Modification of CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology Activity 4.1.3, to incorporate soybeans as
the principal plant of interest. While this lesson can be completed with any food, we will look
at the use of soy-based food products.
Activity 4.1.3 Grocery Store GMOs
As you have learned, detecting the presence of genetic modifications using proteins
is possible, especially in whole foods. When foods are processed and combined with
other ingredients, the detection of specific proteins is more challenging. Often in the
processing and cooking of food products, the proteins are broken down or
deteriorate to an extent that detection using ELISA is no longer possible. Is there a
way to determine if processed foods contain GMOs? Yes, by using a combination of
polymerase chain reaction and electrophoresis, the DNA of food can be studied for
the presence of genetic modifications.
Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, amplifies the amount of DNA in a small sample.
It can be used for any application where a greater quantity of DNA is needed for
further studies. For instance, when you tested the dog saliva in Unit 2, you had
ample samples. If the samples had been too small for electrophoresis, you could
have amplified the samples first using PCR. PCR replicates DNA in a test tube. Use
your knowledge of DNA and biotechnology to determine the presence of GM foods.
Per class:
Thermal cycler
Mini centrifuge
Electronic balance
Bleach solution
Per student:
Laboratory Notebook
Agriscience Notebook
Per pair of students:
 Laboratory marking pen
 Laboratory tape
 Waste container
 Microcentrifuge tube rack
 2-20µl micropipet
Part One
2-20µl aerosol barrier
micropipet tips
2 weigh boats
Volumetric pipet
Pipet pump
2 1ml sterile transfer pipet
Floating tube rack
GMO free mortar and pestle
GMO approved mortar and
Distilled water
2 screwcap tubes
containing InstaGene matrix
Test soy-based food
o Soy-based infant
o Tofu
o Soymilk
o Soy Protein Powder
o Soynuts (crushed)
Certified non-GM soy flour
Part Two
 PCR tubes
 Capless tube adaptors
 Foam tube racks
 Ice container
 Plant Master Mix (PMM)
 GMO Master Mix (GMM)
 GM-positive control DNA
Part Three
 Electrophoresis chamber
 Power supply
 PCR tube rack
 Gel staining tray
 5x Orange G loading dye
 PCR molecular weight ruler
 1x TAE buffer
 1x Fast Blast stain
 3% agarose TAE gel
In this activity, you and your partner will determine if a common soy-based food item
is genetically modified. Use care to wear proper PPE at all times during this lab to
limit potential for cross-contamination. Be sure to record all laboratory procedures in
your Laboratory Notebook.
Part One – Extracting DNA
22. Collect the materials needed for Part One as listed above.
23. Label the screwcap tubes containing InstaGene matrix as follows.
 Non-GM
 Test
24. Weigh 1.0g of non-GM control food in a weigh boat and put it into the GMO free
25. Use the volumetric pipet to add 5ml of dH2O to the control food in the mortar.
26. Grind the food with the pestle for at least 2 minutes to form a slurry.
27. Add another 5ml of dH2O to the slurry. Mix or grind further until the slurry is
smooth enough to pipet.
28. Using a transfer pipet, add 50µl of ground slurry to the “non-GMO” screwcap tube
containing InstaGene matrix. See figure below to estimate 50µl in a transfer
Figure 1. 50µl in Transfer Pipet
29. Cap the tube and shake well to mix. This is the non-GM template DNA.
30. Weigh 1.0g of the test food in a weigh boat and put it into the GMO approved
31. Use the volumetric pipet to add 5ml of dH2O to the test food in the mortar.
32. Grind the food with the pestle for at least 2 minutes to form a slurry.
33. Add another 5ml of dH2O to the slurry. Mix or grind further until the slurry is
smooth enough to pipet.
34. Using a transfer pipet, add 50µl of ground slurry to the “test” screwcap tube
containing InstaGene matrix.
35. Cap the tube and shake well to mix. This is the test template DNA.
36. Incubate the non-GM and Test screwcap tubes in the waterbath at 95°C for 5
37. Place the tubes in a centrifuge in a balanced configuration and centrifuge for 10
38. Store your labeled tubes in the refrigerator until the next lesson.
Part Two – Setting up the PCR Reaction
39. Collect your screwcap tubes containing InstaGene matrix and your food samples
as well as the other materials needed in Part Two.
40. Centrifuge the tubes in a balanced configuration for 2 minutes.
41. Label six PCR tubes 1 through 6. Include your initials. Cap the tubes to prevent
contamination and place them in the capless tube adaptors. Place the adaptors
in a foam rack on ice.
Master Mix
20µl of PMM (green)
20µl of GMM (red)
20µl of PMM (green)
20µl of GMM (red)
20µl of PMM (green)
20µl of GMM (red)
Template DNA
20µl of Non-GM DNA
20µl of Non-GM DNA
20µl of Test DNA
20µl of Test DNA
20µl of GM-positive DNA
20µl of GM-positive DNA
42. Keep the tubes on ice as you complete the following steps.
43. Using a fresh tip each time, pipet 20µl of the indicated master mix to each PCR
tube. Recap the tubes immediately after adding the reagent.
 20µl of green plant master mix to 1, 3, and 5
 20µl of red GMO master mix to 2, 4, and 6
44. Using a fresh tip each time, pipet 20µl of the indicated template DNA to each
PCR tube. Use only the supernatant from the template DNA samples. Leave the
pellet undisturbed. Mix the PCR reactions by pipetting gently up and down.
Recap the tubes promptly.
 20µl of Non-GM DNA to tubes 1 and 2
 20µl of Test DNA to tubes 3 and 4
 20µl of GM-positive DNA to tubes 5 and 6
45. When instructed to, place your PCR tubes in the thermal cycler.
46. Working with your teacher and classmates, set the following program in the
thermal cycler.
Initial denaturation
PCR amplification
Final extension
2 min
1 min
1 min
2 min
10 min
47. Start the PCR reaction in the thermal cycler. The thermal cycler will hold the
samples at the proper temperature until the next class period.
48. Prepare 400ml of 1x TAE buffer and a 3% agarose TAE gel for electrophoresis.
Use your protocols from Activity 2.1.2 Agarose Gels. Note that the agarose
concentration is higher when running gels for PCR.
Part Three – Running the Gel
49. Collect your six PCR reactions from the thermal cycler and the materials needed
for Part Three.
50. Pulse spin the PCR tubes for 5-10 seconds in the mini-centrifuge with PCR tube
adaptors to pull the liquid to the bottom of the tube.
51. Using a fresh tip for each sample, pipet 10µl of Orange G loading dye into each
PCR tube. Pipet up and down to mix.
52. Place the 3% agarose TAE gel into the electrophoresis chamber.
53. Fill the electrophoresis chamber with 1x TAE buffer to cover the gel by
approximately 2mm.
54. Be sure that the wells of the gel are near the black (-) electrode and that the
bottom edge of the gel is near the red (+) electrode.
55. Using a fresh aerosol tip for each sample, load 20µl of each sample into the gel
in the following order.
Tube 1
Tube 2
Tube 3
Tube 4
Tube 5
Tube 6
PCR MW Ruler
Non-GMO control with plant primers
Non-GMO control with GMO primers
Test food with plant primers
Test food with GMO primers
GM-positive with plant primers
GM-positive with GMO primers
Leave empty
56. In Lane 7, load 20µl of the PCR molecular weight ruler.
57. Place the lid on the electrophoresis chamber. Connect the leads to the power
supply, red to red and black to black.
58. Turn the power on and run the gel at 100V for 30 minutes. Do not let the orange
dye migrate out the front of the gel, stop the electrophoresis if necessary.
59. When the electrophoresis is complete, turn off the power and remove the lid from
the chamber.
60. Carefully remove the gel tray from the electrophoresis chamber.
61. Slide the gel into a staining tray and cover with 1x Fast Blast stain.
62. Stain the gel overnight to observe the DNA bands.
63. In your Laboratory Notebook, sketch your predicted results of electrophoresis.
Note how you will tell if your test sample is GM positive.
Part Four – Results
Take a digital photo of your gel. Print the picture and paste into your notebook.
Discuss how the results aligned with your predictions. Answer the following analysis
 Was your test food positive for GM? How could you determine this based
on the gel?
 How do the results of your other five PCR reactions help support or
undermine the result of your test food?
 Where might sources of error occurred during this experiment?
64. When would PCR be more useful than ELISA for detecting GM foods?
65. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage for both ELISA and PCR.
66. When might PCR be useful in other areas of animal and plant agriculture?
Source: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (n.d.). Biotechnology explorer: GMO
investigator kit. Hercules, CA: Author.
AFNR and Core Content Standards address throughout Soybean Biotechnology
Curriculum Unit: Lessons 1 - 3
Standards and Benchmarks Addressed
AFNR Career Cluster – LifeKnowledge® and Cluster Skills Content Standards
Lesson 4.1 will address parts of the following performance elements:
CS.07. Performance Element: Safety, Health, and Environmental: Demonstrate
appropriate health and safety procedures for AFNR occupations.
CS.08. Performance Element: Technical Skills: Use tools, equipment, machinery and
technology appropriate to work within areas related to AFNR.
CS.09. Performance Element: Technical Skills: Compare and contrast issues affecting
the AFNR industry.
CS.10. Performance Element: Technical Skills: Envision emerging technology and
globalization to project its influence on widespread markets.
AFNR Career Cluster – Biotechnology Systems Career Pathway Content
Lesson 4.1 will address parts of the following performance elements:
BS.01. Performance Element: Recognize the historical, social, cultural and potential
applications of biotechnology.
BS.02. Performance Element: Demonstrate laboratory skills as applied to biotechnology.
BS.03. Performance Element: Demonstrate the application of biotechnology to
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR).
National Science Education Standards
Unifying Concepts and Processes: As a result of activities in grades K-12, all students
should develop understanding and abilities aligned with the following concepts and
 Constancy, change, and measurement
Form and function
Science and Technology – Content Standard E: As a result of their activities in grades 912, all students should develop understanding of
 Understandings about science and technology
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives – Content Standard F: As a result of their
activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop understanding of
 Personal and community health
Natural and human-induced hazards
Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges
History and Nature of Science – Content Standard G: As a result of their activities in
grades 9-12, all students should develop understanding of
 Science as a human endeavor
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading
Key Ideas and Details
Craft and Structure
Range of Reading and Level
of Text Complexity
Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical
inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the text.
Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining
technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word
choices shape meaning or tone.
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
Text Types and Purposes
Production and Distribution
of Writing
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and
information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and
analysis of content.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or
trying a new approach.
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact
and collaborate with others.
Research to Build and
Present Knowledge
Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused
questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the
credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and
Range of Writing
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision)
and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks,
purposes, and audiences.