re curriculum map - Ealing Grid for Learning

Religious Education follows the Sowing the Seeds syllabus. It focus on using thinking skills and inquiry approach as well as include differentiated activities for SEN and G&T.
Children should gain a sound grasp on at least one or two concepts for each topic rather than attempt to cover a breadth of material. All units must be taught to ensure a
balanced coverage of RE within the school. Aspects of Christianity must be taught across all the key stages. The focus should not just be on religion but more spirituality.
The lessons are to include atheists and non-religious beliefs as well as we aim to be more inclusive. Refer to the Ealing Grid for learning for lesson ideas, inspiration and
clear objectives and outcomes.
*FS topics can be
throughout the
year- they are not
restricted to the
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Who Am I?
Precious Things
(celebrations and festivals, performances, discussion
of rules and routines, learning to express feelings,
learning to listen and ask questions)
(protecting our planet, different types of plants
and animals, birth of a baby, natural beauty,
special moments)
Stories from the Bible and Stories
from other traditions
(e.g The Monkey King, the Christmas Story,
the story of Rama and Sita, Noah and the Ark,
Muhammad and the crying camel, Aesop’s
Fables, look at various artefacts from different
Special Days
Our World: Caring for New Life
Special Food
(what special days are there- religious and nonreligious, why are there special days, what are
special days to them, what do we do on the special
days, how can we show we are thankful)
(reflect on natural world and how we care for
the environment, growth and development,
caring for young, religions about origins of the
world, natural disaster, charities)
(focus on special foods on special occasions
looking at special days in religions, reflect on
ways the children celebrate, sharing, ways of
celebrating in different cultures/faiths,
heroism, abstaining/fasting)
Special Places
Learning from stories
The Importance of water
(places special them and their families, special rules
when visiting places of worship, key features of a
mosque, prayer/reflection, places that make them
feel peaceful, importance of taking time out to think)
(read stories from Christianity, Judaism,
Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam and other faiths/belief
eg. Valley of the Ants- we all have things to be
thankful for, Zaccheus- befriend people who are
lonely and unhappy)
(water for life, saving water, impact of having
access to water for humans and animals,
washing with water as a spiritual symbol,
baptism and cleansing)
Festivals of Light
Special Leaders
Beliefs and Practices: Christianity
(what is a festival, look at festivals in different
religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism,
compare and contrast different festivals in different
religions and cultures)
(special leaders of religions e.g Jesus and nonreligions, what makes these people special,
expressing opinion in a courteous way,
comparing good qualities and characteristics of
(focus on vocabulary, events in Jesus’ life, how
Jesus is represented in different ways, discuss
central belief of Christianity)
Signs and Symbols
(sacred symbols, symbols of identity, symbolic acts of
remembrance, symbolic gestures, symbolic
Year 4
Initiation Practices
Beliefs and Practice: Hinduism
Spirituality through Art
(rules when starting something new, rites of passage,
birth and naming ceremonies, privileges and
responsibilities that come with age, signs of
belonging, isolation for thinking)
(different Hindu gods, symbols, Hindu symbols,
compare and contrast Hindu gods to other
religious and non-religious figures, Hindu place
of worship)
(light as an inspiration in art, creative ways for
opportunity for the children to express their
emotions and beliefs, symbols in art,
religious/non-religious art and how people
interpret and feel differently about them, how
religion and culture affect art)
Rules for Living
(how rules help us, values, consequences of not
following rules, rules of different religions, rules
important to them)
Year 5
Beliefs regarding Death
(discuss various beliefs about what happens
after life, reflect on belief of one’s family,
cause, mourning and rituals)
Beliefs and Practices: Islam
Beliefs and Practices: Sikhism
Seeds of Unity
(Allah, and Prophet Muhammad, story of origin of
the Qur’an and how it is treated, pillars of Islam,
importance of prayer for Muslims, compare and
contrast features of Islam with those of other
(who founded Sikh faith, basic Sikh beliefs,
important Sikh values, how Sikhs treat holy
book, living guru, langar, symbolism of the
( uses of seeds and importance coming from
the natural world, seeds in religion, food in
everyday life and food in rituals, balancing
human needs and needs of plants and
animals, ideal environments, preservation of
green space for plant and human life)
Journey’s: Pilgrimage
(places of significance in religion and
individuals, how they feel and why people
make pilgrimages or special journeys)
Year 6
Beliefs and Practice: Judaism
History of Belief in the UK
(who is the their God, place of worship, Jewish
values, Jewish festivals, significant figures: Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob and Moses, behaviours that are
important to the Jewish religion)
(different periods in UK: Neolith, Bronze Age,
Iron Age, Anglo Saxon Period, discuss how
events and beliefs from the past can affect
ideas of the present, class demographics,
evidence from the past)
Moral Dilemma
(how poverty affects our lives and limits choice,
how religious texts explain to people how to live
their lives, discuss: power, justice and
responsibility, feelings about suffering in the
Prayer, meditation, cultivating the
inner life
(what is meditation and prayer, why do people
meditate or pray, how rituals and beliefs
relate to them, how and when people worship,
activities that can be considered worship, how
acts of worship can deepen religious faith,
compare and contrast the way believers in
different traditions worship)
Religious Buildings
(special places to them and different religious
buildings, different features and uses of
religious buildings, artefacts found in religious
buildings, beliefs related to different places of
Trips/Visits and Whole School Enrichment
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Trips and visits
Visitor from Khalsa school or parent
Trip to local Liberal Synagogue
Visit from Humanist or Buddhist Temple
in Chiswick or Trip to the Sikh Gudwara
Trip to local church
Trip to Hindu Temple
Trip to Mosque
Trip to Orthodox Synagogue in Ealing
Broadway or Buddhist Temple in
Whole School Enrichment
A religious display of books or work in classrooms and throughout the school
Acceptance of believers and non-believers
Teaching of RE on a regular basis of 45 min per week
Creative approach to RE teaching- not just book work
Separate books for RE lessons and differentiation in lessons
RE trips/visits should represent a breadth of religions/spiritual places