Northkorea paper

Andrew Kimbrough
Kim Jung Ill was a communist leader of North Korea. He was different from other
communist leaders he was unique because he was the world’s only heredity
communist leader. North Korea does not have nuclear weapons, but there is
evidence that shows they tried to obtain them. For example, in 1995 the US agrees
to supply North Korea with nuclear reactors designed to produce less weapons
grade plutonium. This matters because if North Korea obtained nuclear weapons it
could be seen as a threat to other countries. What could North Korea do with these
weapons? The answer is actually simple use them in war. The international
community and the US have tried to stop this development. They opposed nuclear
inspections, but it didn’t pass. They wanted to be like us and obtain freedom and it
was the US who did them a favor in bombing Japan since Japan had control over
North Korea. True North Korea is rumored for having tested nuclear bombs, but
that’s it. A test can’t jump to a conclusion they plan to bomb the US.
North Korea doesn’t have nuclear weapons yet, but their working on
it. The evidence that North Korea trying to get nuclear weapons is that they have a
program called uranium enrichment program and inspectors have came and they’re
saying that they are working on weapons. It matters if North Korea wants nuclear
weapons because they can attack Japan at any moment of time and Japan is are
friend so if they get attack then when have to get involved. North Korea also have a
big army its about millions of people.