Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club (Founded 1911) Affiliated to:- UK Athletics, England Athletics, NoeAA, ECCA, Lincolnshire AA LWAC Annual General Meeting West Hall, Yarborough 7.30pm, 15th November 2010 Present Consuela Sackfield, Ann Storr, John Burton, Dave Humberstone, Rhiannon Philps, Steve Ward, Peter Duncan, Andrew Bonnett, M. E. Phillips, Gary Warhurst, Sophie Cowper, Geoff Powley, Richard Dimbleby, Mark Thornton, Les Ball, Alison Dale, Steve Read, Richard Titchmarsh, Neil Campbell, David Skinner, Mick Ramsden, Sharon Waller, Wendy Day, Dorothy Fraser, Anne Gilroy, Ian George, Glenn Moore, Jim Aram, Andrea Allen, Malcolm Bramhall, Simon Kimpton, Pat Kimpton, Susan Mouzon, N Wasyliw, Sylvia Strangeway, Michael White, D. Hunter, J. Moore, Gary Fenwick, A. Reid, Ian Mair, Adrian Dodds, Janette Dunderdale, Terry Timmis, Denise Timmis, Darrell Helas Apologies John Maplethorpe, Denise Campbell, Marc Afford, Kathleen Warhurst, Rob Lewis, Terry Norman, Jo Gilroy. The meeting was opened by Ian George. Ian said a few words in memory of our late club president Mr. Dennis Wingad and the ‘debt of gratitude’ that LWAC owed Dennis for his years of service as an athlete, committee member and club president. Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the 2009 AGM were accepted as a true record of the meeting with the following corrections: Denise Timmis was present but was incorrectly minuted as Terry Timmis Under the heading ‘Treasurers Report’ the statement ‘The club assets have increased by £23,322.00’ should read, ‘The club assets have increased to £23,322.00’ Matters arising There were no matters raised. Treasurers Report The Treasurer, Steve Read, presented his report to the meeting. The following points were raised. The club’s balance for the year increased by £2,982.01 compared to an increase the previous year of £982.57 Cash balance remains healthy with £4,198.44 available in the current account and £10,446.59 in the national savings account The clubs assets have decreased slightly to £22,095.54 from £23,322.00 Page 1 of 5 Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club (Founded 1911) Affiliated to:- UK Athletics, England Athletics, NoeAA, ECCA, Lincolnshire AA Main income was from subscriptions (including facility charge) £17,292.00 (compared to previous year income of £16,388.00), income from the 5K series of £1,557.77 (compared to previous year of £1,101.13) (Thanks to Ann Gilroy and Simon Kimpton for their efforts). Special thanks also to Dot Fraser who has boosted fundraising income to £757.00 from £128.96 the previous year The club received a donation of £800 following the untimely death of Craig Maskell, a letter of thanks has been forwarded to Craig’s family expressing the clubs gratitude Main expenditure was for facility hire (£8,731.40 compared to previous year expenses of £7,735.40), Competition fees £3,129.39 and affiliation fees £2,200 Subscription charges will be held for another year due to the increase in income due to our continued growth in membership The chairman thanked Steve Read for his report which was accepted. Proposed: Simon Kimpton Seconded: Neil Campbell Secretary’s Report The Secretary presented his report to the meeting. This also included an update on the Priory LSST project by the Chairman. A question was raised regarding the timescales of the new track at Priory LSSTand potential usage by LWAC. The response being that the track should be available from Autumn 2011 with potential for LWAC usage from Spring 2012. A decision on basing the club from the new facility, or remaining at Yarborough, would be opened to the club membership at an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) to be called once all the details of the new facility and any potential effect on membership costs are known. A question was raised regarding potential commentary position overlooking the new track. It was confirmed that an adjacent sports centre would run alongside the track but details of the exact layout were being determined. A question was raised regarding the number of lanes on the new track. It was confirmed that an 8 lane track was being laid down. It was mentioned that a notable success was omitted from the Secretary’s report, this related to Emma Tonner finishing 3rd in the England Athletics championships 1500m and also being the No.1 U15 girl miler in the 2010 rankings. The secretary apologised for the omission and for any other individual performances which were not mentioned. The secretary was thanked for his report which was accepted. Proposed: Terry Timmis Seconded: Gary Warhurst Page 2 of 5 Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club (Founded 1911) Affiliated to:- UK Athletics, England Athletics, NoeAA, ECCA, Lincolnshire AA Election of Officers See attached sheet for the list of Officers elected. Proposals None received. Members Questions A question was raised regarding the role of the Lincolnshire Athletics Network. A response was given by the Chairman explaining that the aim of the network was to increase quality of coaching and coaches in network through education, mentoring schemes and funding for training, develop links with external partners and improve induction group activity and structures and linking with schools. Members of the network include LWAC, Sleaford Striders, Bourne Town Harriers, Boston and District AC, Grantham AC, Louth AC and Mablethorpe Running Club. London Marathon Draw The winners of the club draw for entries into the Virgin London Marathon were Steve Ward, Jane Charlesworth, Dave Smith and Mike Barnaby Close of Meeting After thanking everybody for attending, the chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm. Page 3 of 5 Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club (Founded 1911) Affiliated to:- UK Athletics, England Athletics, NoeAA, ECCA, Lincolnshire AA Election of Officers President Terry Timmis Proposed Geoff Powley Seconded Janette Dunderdale Chairperson Ian George Anne Gilroy Simon Kimpton Vice-Chairperson Secretary Denise Timmis Darrell Helas Marie Phillips Pat Kimpton Alison Dale Neil Campbell Assistant Secretary vacant Treasurer Stephen Read Simon Kimpton Pat Kimpton Committee Neil Campbell Anne Gilroy Marie Phillips Alison Dale ) ) ) ) Dave Humberstone Welfare Officer Dot Fraser Marc Afford Les Ball Michael White Sharon Waller Sophie Cowper Sylvia Strangeway Alison Dale Press Secretary Assistant Press Secretary Rob Lewis Shireen Timmis Membership Officer Kathleen Warhurst Senior Mens T&F Manager Les Ball Denise Timmis Vice Senior Men’s T&F Manager Vacant Senior Ladies T&F Manager Denise Timmis Vice Ladies T&F Manager Sharon Waller Lincs League T&F Females Denise Timmis Lincs League T&F Males Vacant NATYAL Female Team Manager Susan Mouzon NATYAL Male Team Manager Mark Baddeley County Champs T&F Manager Darrell Helas Page 4 of 5 Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club (Founded 1911) Affiliated to:- UK Athletics, England Athletics, NoeAA, ECCA, Lincolnshire AA Men’s XC Manager Vacant Vice Men’s XC Manager Vacant Ladies XC Manager Vacant Vice Ladies XC Manager Vacant Relays Secretary Anne Gilroy Officials Secretary Marie Philips Coach Development Officer Dave Humberstone Facilities Co-ordinator Ian George / Darrell Helas / Steve Read Health & Safety Officer John Maplethorpe Trustee/Auditors Adey White Records Secretary Kathleen Warhurst Trophies Secretary Geoff Powley Webmaster Simon Kimpton Fundraising Officer Dot Fraser / Jane Ramsden Kit Officer Susan Mouzon Transport Secretary Social Secretary Jane Ramsden Marie Phillips Lincs AA Club Rep. Vice Presidents Geoff Powley Joan Barnsdale Dot Fraser Doug Bramhall John Marcus Bob Charlton David Newman Norman Clarke Larry Allen Richard Dimbleby Linda Ellis George Farley Ann Gilroy Mike Barnaby Terry Norman Frank Bauckham Barbara Parkin Ken Kitchen Denise Timmis Janet King Sharon Waller Gary Warhurst Rob Lewis Life Members Kathleen Warhurst Page 5 of 5