
Supplementary Figure Legends
Figure S1. Pollen and Stigma Observation in Atdfo-1
(a) to (d), SEM observation of wild type and Atdfo-1 pollen grains. (a) and (c), wild type
pollen grains. The wild type pollen grains were plump. (b) and (d) Atdfo-1 pollen grains. A
small (part) portion of the mutant pollen grains were normal. Most of them were shrunken.
(But) However, the exine development of mutant pollen grains was normal. Triangles: wild
type and Atdfo-1 pollen grains. (e) to (g), the germination of the wild type and Atdfo-1 pollen
grains in 24 hours. (e), wild type pollen grains were placed onto the wild type stigma. (f)
Atdfo-1 pollen grains were placed onto the wild type stigma. The pollen tubes elongated
normally in contrast with the wild type. (g) Atdfo-1 pollen grains placed on Atdfo-1 stigmas.
The mutant pollen tubes elongated normally on their own stigma. Bars=200 µm.
Figure S2. The chromosome segregation in the wild type and Atdfo-1 mutant female
meiocytes at prophase I and anaphase I
(a) (wild-type) wild type chromosomes during prophase I. (b) wild type chromosomes from
metaphase I to anaphase I. (c), chromosomes during prophase I in the Atdfo-1 female
meiocytes. (d), chromosomes from metaphase I to anaphase I in the Atdfo-1 female meiocytes.
Figure S3. The sequence alignment of predicted AtDFO.1, AtDFO.2, Arabidopsis lyrata
DFO protein sequence
Figure S4. The cytological observation of Atdfo-2 mutant
(a) and (e), Alexander staining of the wild type and Atdfo-2 anthers. Bars=20μm . (b) and (f),
toludine blue staining of the wild type and Atdfo-2 tetrads and polyads, respectively. (c) and
(g), the anaphase I of the wild type and Atdfo-2 male meiocytes. (d) and (h), chromosomes of
the wild type and Atdfo-2 male meiocytes at the diakinesis stage. Arrow, the unequally
segregated chromosome in the Atdfo-2 male meiocytes.
Supplemental File S1. The CDS sequence of AtDFO.1, AtDFO.2 and DFO in Arabidopsis