Medical Surgical Nursing: Neurology Handout I. Anatomy of the Nervous system a. Consists of i. _________________________ ii. ______________________ cord iii. ______________________ nerves b. Divided into … _____________________ Nervous System _________________________ Nervous System ______________________ _________________________ ______________________ cord (Peripheral & _______________________) c. Function i. _____________________ and ______________________ all parts of the body 1. By transmission of _________________________________________ ii. ________________________________ iii. ________________________________ of movement d. Purpose i. ________________________ homeostasis along with the _________________ e. Basic functional unit: ____________________________ i. Connect to each other _____________ to __________________ 1. __________________________ junction / _______________________ f. Central Nervous System i. _______________________ center for the entire system ii. Protections 1. Brain: ______________within the ___________________________ 2. Spinal Cord: Encased in the ________________________________ iii. Meninges Document1 1 1. Function: a. ______________________ b. ______________________ c. ______________________ 2. _____________ mater 3. Arachnoid a. CSF________________________________________ 4. _______________ mater II. Brain a. 3 Main areas i. __________________________: coordination of ________________ ii. __________________________: Control ________________________ 1. “_______________________ brain” iii. __________________________: 1. ________________ reflexes 2. Relay for ______________________ & ___________________ 3. _______________________________ tracts iv. III. Spinal Cord a. Continuous with brain _____________________ b. Extends to ________________ c. Lumbar punctures _____________________ IV. Peripheral Nervous System a. Contains ___________________ & ___________________ nerves b. Location: ______________________________________________ c. Function: i. Sensory impulses from _____________ __________________ ii. Motor responses from _____________ __________________ d. Key Word: _________________________________________ e. PNS is divided into ______________ systems i. ______________________ nervous system 1. ______________________________ movement Document1 2 ii. ______________________ nervous system 1. Connects _____________ to _____________________ organs 2. __________________________ activities 3. Divided a. ______________________________ nervous system i. __________________ or __________________ b. ______________________________ nervous system i. __________________ & ___________________ V. Subjective a. History i. ______________________ member present ii. Vaccination iii. Major _________________________ iv. _______________________ illnesses v. __________________ vi. _______________________ illness b. Complaint of… i. Pain (The 5th _______________ sign) 1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________ 4. _____________________ 5. Precipitating ____________________ 6. _____________________ symptoms 7. Exacerbation / diminishes 8. ______________________ ii. _________________________________ 1. Multiple ________________________ 2. _________________ a good indicator of neuro trouble iii. ____________________________: Sensation of __________________________ in space or objects _______________________________ them. iv. Paresthesia: _________________________ sensation Document1 3 1. E.G. a. __________________________________ b. __________________________________ c. __________________________________ 2. Farther Assessment a. ____________________________ b. _________________________ or constant v. ________________________ dysfunction 1. _________________________: __________________________ vision 2. _________________________ 3. Nystagmus: _______________________________________________ vi. Disturbance in… 1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________ vii. N&V: ____________________________________ VI. Assessment i. Areas of assessment: ____________________ status ___________________ function, thought content, emotional status, perception, __________________ ability _____________________ability b. LOC i. _______________________: Opens eyes ______________________________ ii. _______________________: opens eyes to ____________________________ 1. _____________ to respond but _______________________________ iii. _______________________: Responds to _____________________________ 1. With _______________________ & ___________________ iv. Semi- __________________: Responds to _____________________________ v. _______________________: Unresponsive except to ____________________ 1. Absent ________________________________ reflexes c. Types of stimuli response i. __________________________ ii. __________________________ Document1 4 iii. __________________________ iv. Voice + ____________________________ v. Noxious / __________________________ stimuli d. Natures of response i. __________________ opens ii. Remove _________________________ iii. Abnormal ________________________ iv. ________________________ response e. Glasgow Coma Scale _____________ opening Best _____________ response __________________ response Spontaneous To speech To pain Nil Obeys Localized Withdraws Abnormal flexion response Abnormal extension response Nil Oriented Confused conversation Inappropriate words Incomprehensible sounds Nil i. Strong predictor of outcome 1. >__________: ___________________ brain injury 2. ___________: ___________________ brain injury 3. <__________: ___________________ brain injury f. Orientation X 3 i. ________________________________________________________________ g. General Appearance: How do they look? i. __________________________, dress, ______________, eye deviation, skin h. Vital Signs: i. Temperature: __________ with head trauma ii. Pulse: ________________ with increased intracranial pressure (ICP) iii. Respirations: Document1 5 1. Ataxic: Damage to _______________________ oblongata 2. Cheyne-stokes: Lesion deep in _________ cerebral cortex 3. Hyperventilation: ________________________ problems iv. Blood Pressure 1. Orthostatic __________________ > ________mmHg = Cerebral ______ 2. Pulse Pressure: ____________________ - ____________________ a. Normal: _____________________________ b. Widening Pulse pressure= ______________________________ i. Neuro Checks: i. _____________________ ii. Pupils 1. ___________________________ 2. Anisocoria: Inequality in the _____________________ of the pupils 3. Nystagmus: _____________________________________________ 4. Progressive dilation: ______________________________________ 5. Fixed and dilated: ___________________ prognosis VII. Diagnostic Testing a. Computer __________________________ Scan (CT) i. __________________ ii. Distinguishes tissue ____________________________: ________________ iii. Nursing Considerations: 1. Explain procedure: a. Duration: ___________________________________ b. ___________________________________________ 2. If contrast medium is used: a. Check for __________________________________ allergies b. ________________________ c. ________________________ after procedure d. Watch for S&S of _______________________ b. _________________________ Resonance Imaging: MRI i. Magnetic field + _____________________ waves ii. Used to Identify: _________________________________________________ Document1 6 iii. Nursing Considerations 1. Remove all ______________________ 2. ________________________ techniques / _____________________ 3. Duration: _______________________ 4. Lay flat and _________________________ c. Electroencephalography (_________) i. Measures ____________________ impulses of the brain: _________________ ii. Electrodes applied to ________________________ iii. Used to diagnose: __________________________________________________ iv. Procedure: 1. Baseline: ___________________________________________ 2. Stimulation: ________________________________________ v. Nursing Considerations: 1. Durations: ____________________________ 2. ____ seizures a. ___________________________________ 3. Hold Meds: a. Anti _________________________ b. Tranquilizers c. ______________________ or ___________________________ 4. No ________________________________ 5. _______________ eat d. ___________________ puncture i. Into ______________________________ space ii. @L __________________ iii. Used to 1. Extract ________________________ 2. Test spinal fluid _____________________________ 3. Introduce a. _________________________ b. _________________________ c. _________________________ Document1 7 iv. Nursing Considerations 1. Pre-procedure a. __________ lying with ____________ pulled close to chin b. Do Not ______________________ c. Painful: _______________________ i. Shooting pain down __________________ d. Duration: _____________________ 2. Post procedure a. Bed _______________________ b. ________ fluids c. Observe for ________________ VIII. Increased Intracranial Pressure a. -ICP cycle i. ________ pressure ________ cerebral perfusion __________________ _________ edema ____________________ b. Early S&S i. #1: __________________: ______________________ or _________________ ii. __________________ iii. __________________ changes iv. __________________ on one side c. Late S&S i. __________________ ____________________ ii. Pulse _____________ iii. Respirations ______________ & ___________________ iv. BP: ____________________ v. Temp __________________ vi. _______________________ vomiting vii. Abnormal _______________________________ viii. Loss of protective _________________ d. Goal: __________ the pressure ________________ e. Medical Management: i. Osmotic _____________________________ Document1 8 ii. Corticosteroids: __________________________________ iii. Fluids_________________ iv. HOB___________________ IX. Seizures a. Abnormal motor, sensory autonomic or psychic activity resulting from sudden excessive ___________________________ from cerebral neurons b. Partial i. Seizure that begins in ___________________ of the brain ii. Simple 1. Awareness, _______________________ consciousness iii. Complex 1. _________ of awareness, memory or consciousness c. Generalized i. Seizure that involves electrical discharges in the _________________ brain ii. Absence Seizure: Period of _________________________ iii. Tonic-Clonic Seizure 1. Tonic = ___________________________ 2. Clonic = ___________________________ d. Post-seizure / ________________________: _______________ period / deep ________ e. Medical Management i. ____________-convulsants f. Nursing management: Anti-convulsants i. Do not _______________ meds abruptly ________________ ii. Monitor_____________________ iii. Take _______________________ iv. ___________________________ only in moderation g. Seizure precaution: At risk for injury: Before the seizure i. ______________________ side rails ii. ______________________ machine in room h. At risk for injury: During a seizure i. _______________ to the floor – protect the _____________________ ii. _______________ to the side – Loosen _________________________ Document1 9 iii. Bed: Remove __________________ - Side/rails up iv. DONOT 1. Insert anything in their ____________________ 2. ______________________ v. Support client: _______________________ i. Observe & Document: i. First: ____________________________ ii. Movement: ___________________________ iii. Duration: _____________________________ iv. Unconsciousness? _____________________ v. ______________ seizure behavior:______________________ j. After seizure: At risk for aspiration i. _____________________ ii. V/S iii. Check ________________________ iv. ____________________ client v. Allow to ________________________________________ 1. Position: _________________________________ 2. ___________________________ side rails 3. _____________ stimulation X. Cerebrovascular Accident: AKA ______________, _______________, Brain ______________ a. Pathophysiology i. Disruption of ______________ flow to part of the brain _______________ Infarction _____ ICP b. Common Causes: i. Ischemic: _________________________ or Emboli ii. Hemorrhage: ________________ of the cerebral blood vessel 1. D/T ___________________________ c. Risk Factors Changeable Document1 Non-changable 10 d. S&S i. Depends on: ______________________ & size ii. Alt ___________________ iii. ______________________ iv. Aphasia: __________________________________ v. ______________________ vi. ______________________ disturbance vii. Labile _____________________________ viii. Hemiparesis ____________________/ Hemiplegia_______________________ e. Hemorrhagic Stroke i. Usually _____________severe with a _____________recovery period than ischemic stroke ii. Common Cause: __________________ f. Diagnostic Exams: ____________________________________ g. Medical Management i. #1 cause: _____________________: 1. Medications: Anti-_______________________ a. _____________ blockers b. Block ________________________ response 2. Diet a. Sodium ___________________ b. Fat _____________________ Document1 11 c. Potassium ________________ d. Stimulants _______________ e. Fluids ____________________ ii. Prevent slots 1. Medications: Anti______________________________ 2. Non-Rx a. ______________ hose b. __________________ c. __________________ exercises iii. Break down clots 1. Medications: ___________________________ agents a. S/E _________________________________ iv. Prevent Seizures 1. Medications: Anti-_____________________________ a. Seizure _______________________________ b. ________ stimuli v. Increase ICP protocol 1. __________ oxygen 2. Position: _______________________________ 3. Activity: _______________________________ 4. Medications: ___________________________ & __________________ 5. Monitor: _____________ vi. Nutrition: ________________ vii. Monitor for complications 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. Labs: a. ____________ & _______________ b. _____________________________ c. PT/PTT: ___________________________ 4. _____________________ oximetry viii. Prevent Complications Document1 12 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ exercises 3. _________________________ control h. Nursing Dx: Risk for Injury i. _______________________ side rails ii. _____________ light within reach iii. Assist with ________________ iv. _________________________ v. Items within _______________ vi. Clear _____________________ vii. ______________ temp viii. _______________ & reposition i. Nursing Dx: Altered nutrition i. ___________ Speech therapist ii. Swallow ____________________ iii. HOB _______________________ iv. Straws:_____________________ v. ________________ liquids vi. Swallow ___________________ vii. Check for pocketed ______________ viii. Talking and eating: ________________ ix. Plase food on ____________________ side of tongue x. Check for _______________ xi. __________________ meals xii. _______________ textured food j. Nursing Dx: Altered mobility i. Rehab begins ________________________________ ii. Turn __________________ iii. ______________________ iv. Splints v. ________ boards vi. Built-up _____________________ Document1 13 vii. Raised ______________________ viii. ____________________________ k. Nursing Dx: Impaired Communication i. ____________________ ii. Give the client __________________ iii. Anticipate ________________ iv. Call _____________ within reach v. Slow & clear vi. _____________ patient vii. ____________contact viii. Yes/No _______________________ ix. ___________ methods x. Gestures / Visual aids l. Nursing Dx: Self – Care Deficit i. Eating 1. Non-skid mats, stabilizer____________ , plate guards, wide grip utensils ii. Bathing & Grooming 1. _____________handle sponge, grab _____________ Non-skid mats, Hand held showers, Electric razor, Shower seat iii. Toileting 1. _________________ seat & Grab bars iv. Dressing 1. _____________________ , Elastic shoelaces, Long-handle shoehorn v. Mobility 1. _____________, walkers, wheelchairs, transfers devices m. Nursing Dx: Unilateral neglect i. ____________________ side: Personal items, Approach, Door face XI. TIA: _______________________________ ischemic Attack a. Short __________________________ischemic event b. Duration c. ____________________permanent neuro deficit = _____________________! Document1 14