Optimum Fitness Presents: “Central Texas Showdown” Ultimate Sport Nutrition Presents: “North Texas Fit Expo” SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION Total Sponsorship Fee $300 or $500.00 for both shows _________________________ Application and Sponsor Agreements Additional Details and Rules and Regulations Amount $ _________________ Check # _________________ *Make checks payable to: Robert or Lauranne Johnson 209 Ferndale Dr Highland Village, TX 75077 Promoters: Bob and Lauranne Johnson Sponsorship Agreement Between: First Name: Robert or Lauranne Last Name: Johnson Title: Owners and Operators Events: Central Texas Showdown and Expo Address: 100 100 Washington Ave City: Waco State: Texas Zip: 76701 North Texas Fit Expo Address: 1200 Ballpark Way City: Arlington State: Texas Zip: 75057 E-Mail: bob6683521@yahoo.com Phone: 214-668-3521 - 214-507-4187 First Name: Last Name: Title: Company: Address City: State: Zip: E-Mail: Phone: PAYMENT INFORMATION Amount Selection for Package $________________ by signing below, I acknowledge that I am authorized to sign on behalf of my company and understand that I am making a financial commitment to participate in this sponsorship opportunity. I have also read the details and rules and regulations as outlined in this agreement. Company signature: _________________________________________________ Printed Name: ________________________________Date: ________________ Bob and Laura Johnson Firms and organizations must agree to abide by these regulations when making a commitment to participate in any sponsorship opportunity offered by North Texas Fit Expo AND/OR Central Texas Showdown and Expo. Sponsor recognizes and agrees that Robert or Lauranne Johnson retains full power and authority to interpret and enforce Rules and Regulations for the slotted show sanctioned by the NPC for Aug 30, 2014 Central Texas Showdown and Expo or December 6, 2014 North Texas Fit Expo. All decisions in relation to these events will be entirely up to Robert and Lauranne Johnson operators and owners of the Central Texas Showdown and the North Texas Fit Expo 2014. The events will be held at the following location: Central Texas Showdown Expo – Waco Convention Center 100 Washington Ave Waco TX 76701 North Texas Fit Expo - Arlington Convention Center 1200 Ballpark Way Arlington TX 75057. Load in is Friday Aug 29th and/or December 5, 2014. Participants can pick up their badges at this time or at the window on Saturday morning. Any questions please feel free to contact Bob or Laura Johnson: 214-668-3521- 214-507-4187 www.BandLEvents.com www.CentralTexasShowdown.com bob6683521@yahoo.com ctshowdown@yahoo.com *****All booth prices are $300.00 ... This includes an 8 foot table, (Individuals working the booth are limited to 4). Logo or name to appear on website and selected promotional advertising. If interested in purchasing a booth at both events: Central Texas Showdown and North Texas Fit Expo, a special price of $500.00 is being offered. _____ Interested in both events at the price of $500.00 Any questions please feel free to contact Bob or Laura Johnson: 214-507-4187 or email us at Bob6683521@yahoo.com ctshowdown@yahoo.com www.bandlevents.com www.CentralTexasShowdown.com