Primary Care Pathway for the Management of Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA) in Bolton Reminder: CMA more prevalent if history of atopic disease in parent, sibling or patient Discuss previous management, including any medication and perceived response to any management Onset of symptoms after ingestion of Cow Milk Protein Mostly 2-72hrs Suggests ‘Acute’ onset within minutes One or more of these symptoms Severe One or more of these symptoms Gastrointestinal Skin Severe colic Pruritis,erythema Reflux-GORD Significant atopic eczema Food refusal or aversion Loose or frequent stools Respiratory Catarrhal airway symptoms Perianal redness (with other symptoms) Constipation Abdominal discomfort, Blood/mucus in stools (in an otherwise well infant) Gastrointestinal Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain/colic Respiratory Acute rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis Skin Acute pruritus, erythema, urticaria, angioedema. Acute ‘flaring’ of atopic eczema Respiratory CVS or GI symptoms Anaphylaxis Emergency Treatment and Admission Signs of faltering growth (suggests severe Non-IgE mediated CMA) No Yes Formula Fed (+mixed Formula & Breast fed) Prescribe: 4x400g tins (two weeks) of < 6 months: Nutramigen® Lipil 1 Or > 6 months: Nutramigen® Lipil 2 Patients with improvement: Prescribe: Nutramigen® 1 or 2 8x400g tins per month Breast Fed Exclusion of cow’s milk containing foods from maternal diet Prescribe: Mother Calcichew® D3 2od Infant Abidec® 0.3ml under 12 months old Infant Abidec® 0.6ml over 12 months old (Dalivit® if peanut allergy) Patients with no improvement: Prescribe: Neocate® LCP4x400g per month Referal to dietitian Formula fed (+mixed Formula & Breast fed) Prescribe: Neocate® LCP 4x400g for 2 weeks Referal to dietitian & paediatrician Improvement Prescribe: Neocate® LCP 8x400g per month Breast Fed Exclusion of cow’s milk containing foods from maternal diet Prescribe: Mother: Calcichew® D3 2od Infant Abidec® 0.3ml under 12 months old Infant Abidec® 0.6ml over 12 months old (Dalivit® if peanut allergy) Referal to dietitian & paediatrician Referal to dietitian & paediatrician Referral to a Dietitian will ensure patients/parents get appropriate support including: monitor nutritional intake (Calcium etc) advice on weaning diet challenge and aim to move onto normal diet review prescription formula at regular intervals (can be continued to 1-2 years based on assessment) Dietitian contact Tel 01204 462694 for advice and information Lactose intolerance is rare - lasting for 4-6 weeks post gastroenteritis. Do not prescribe Colief®, soya or lactose free formula formula. Parents advised to buy this over the counter. Soya is not recommended as first line treatment in CMA especially under six months.