1st Negative Evidence
Significance – You are going to argue that no matter how significant the
problem of plastic waste is, air quality is a much bigger concern. Therefore,
plastic waste is not a significant problem
Pick one or two of these quotes to read:
Utah’s air quality is an emergency
The Deseret News
In January, Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment called on Herbert to declare a
public health emergency, reduce speed limits to 55 mph, shut down refineries and
make mass transit free because of a persistent inversion that sent air pollutants
skyrocketing above the federal threshold.
Air quality is a major concern
Utah Foundation Research Analyst Laura Summers:
Air quality is a major environmental concern for Utah. Poor air quality, exacerbated
by winter and summer inversions, not only limits visibility but can be hazardous to
One of the Nation’s most vexing pollution problems
The New York Times
But lately, the Wasatch Front, the corridor of cities and towns where most Utahans live,
has acquired a reputation for a less enviable attribute: bad air.
For the last few years, the area has been grappling with one of the nation’s most vexing
pollution problems, where atmospheric inversions during the winter months lead to a
thick fog of dirty air cloaking the region.
By DAN FROSCH Published: February 23, 2013
Air Pollution can cause the same effects as smoking
The New York Times
“If the 40,000 women in Utah who are pregnant suddenly started smoking, that
would constitute a genuine health emergency,” said Dr. Brian Moench, an
anesthesiologist who leads Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment, a group that
has urged Gov. Gary R. Herbert, a Republican, to declare a public health emergency.
“But our levels of air pollution are causing the exact same consequences as if all
these women were smoking.”
By DAN FROSCH Published: February 23, 2013
Air Pollution is harmful to everyone
The New York Times
Air pollution is harmful to everyone, even if they do not show symptoms, Dr.
Moench said, and the effects of the inversions can raise blood pressure and shorten
life expectancy.
By DAN FROSCH Published: February 23, 2013
People die from air pollution
Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment
Current estimates are that along the Wasatch front, 1000 to 2,000 people die each year
from the direct effects of air pollution.
Here you are going to argue that Utah has no need for a plastic waste program. Pick
one or two of these to read.
Utah has a recycling program
The Recycling Coalition of Utah explains:
RCU is a coalition of municipalities, businesses, institutions and individuals committed
to improving recycling in Utah. As the State of Utah's official resource on recycling,
RCU will provide value to existing and new members committed to increasing and
improving recycling, conservation and solid waste reduction in Utah.
https://utahrecycles.org – Accessed on 10/23/13
Recycling plastics has never been easier
The American Chemistry Council
Recycling plastics has never been easier. Today, 80 percent of Americans have easy
access to plastics recycling opportunities, whether you participate in a municipal curbside
program or live near a drop-off site. Recycling plastics helps valuable materials go on to
live a second life as new products. Many people reuse plastics—things like storage bins,
sealable food containers and refillable sports bottles.
http://plastics.americanchemistry.com/Sustainability-Recycling - Accessed on 10/23/13
The plastics industry supports recycling
The American Chemistry Council
The plastics industry supports recycling that is sustainable, economical and
environmentally responsible. Since 1990, the plastics industry, as individual companies
and through organizations such as ACC’s Plastics Division, has invested more than $2
billion to support increased recycling and educate communities in the United States.
http://plastics.americanchemistry.com/Sustainability-Recycling- Accessed on 10/23/13
Litter has declined
Sustainable Brands:
According to Keep America Beautiful, the actual count of overall litter has decreased 61
percent since 1969.
by Lee Ann Head June 17th, 2013
American is getting cleaner
McClatchy Newspapers:
America is getting cleaner, litter experts say.
They estimate that deliberate trash-tossing has fallen about 2 percent a year since the
mid-'70s in communities where it's been measured.
… Remarkably, the improvements come despite an increase of 90 million in the U.S.
population since widespread trash surveying began in 1974.
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2008/01/24/25267/fewer-people-trashing-usroads.html#storylink=cpy
Here you need to argue that the affirmative’s plan won’t work. This evidence works
only if their case is banning plastic bags. If they have another plan, you can use your
own logic to explain why their plan won’t work.
Banning bags doesn’t work
Plastic Bag Facts.org:
Banning recyclable plastic bags will not solve the litter problem or reduce the
amount of waste in our sewers and landfills. Litter must be addressed directly by
targeting behavior and increasing access to recycling bins and waste receptacles.
© 2010 – 2012 American Chemistry Council, Inc. All rights reserved
Bans shift from one form of litter to another
Plastic Bag Facts.org:
Product bans often result in shifting one form of litter to another, and such
measures only create new problems. After all, there is no such thing as
environmentally preferable litter.
© 2010 – 2012 American Chemistry Council, Inc. All rights reserved
Bag bans cause consumers to shift to paper bags
Plastic Bag Facts.org:
San Francisco's ban on plastic grocery bags caused shoppers to switch to paper bags,
which require 70 percent more energy to manufacture, produce 50 percent more
greenhouse gas emissions and create five times more waste than plastic bags.
© 2010 – 2012 American Chemistry Council, Inc. All rights reserved
Bans do not decrease litter
Plastic Bag Facts.org:
Before-and-after litter audits in the City of San Francisco found that litter had not
decreased, which was one of the stated purposes of the city's ban.
© 2010 – 2012 American Chemistry Council, Inc. All rights reserved