Guidance for Welsh Translation Under the Welsh Language Act 1993, all public bodies in Wales must produce a Welsh Language Scheme that sets out what it will do to provide more if its services to its ‘customers’ (in our case students) through the medium of Welsh or bilingually. The College’s revised Welsh Language Scheme 2011 – 2014 was approved by the Welsh Language Board in September 2011. In line with Colegau Cymru’s Bilingual Strategy for FE, new Welsh Language Schemes reflect 3 strands: 1. Development of a Welsh Ethos 2. Development of Bilingual Communication Skills 3. Development of Welsh medium or Bilingual Provision for post-14 learners To support the development of the 3 Strands it is necessary for Welsh translations to be undertaken, but this should be done appropriately and when necessary. The Scheme sets out that the College must use recognised translation services. Therefore the following procedure must be used. Translation procedure 1. For Short translations up to 30 words The Welsh Language Board will cease its free translation of up to 30 words on 31 March 2012. After that date the College has negotiated the same service from the Board’s current translation service (Menter Mon) from Monday 2 April. It will be free to College users (the cost will be borne by the College). From that date you can access the service by sending an e-mail to: Menter Mon will only translate via e-mail, which must come from the College system – Mentor Mon will only accept translation work from messages including the address i.e. personal e-mail accounts will not be accepted. 2. For translations over 30 words For translations of over 30 words the following procedure is already in place. The College has a budget for translation over 30 words. Whilst Marketing holds the budget for translation it is the responsibility of the documents’ author to get material translated. Line Manager to approve material translation request Contact Kim Spurr in Marketing for approval to get the document translated Kim will request Business Systems to add the authors’ budget holder to be added as a Requisitioner for the translation budget on E-Requisition Portal. Contact one of the College’s approved translators who will provide a price and estimated return date. All material for translation must be sent electronically; photocopied materials will not be translated: Prysg: / 02920 668081 Menter Mon: / 01248 725730 Budget holder to raise order through E-Requisition Portal: Budget code: Available from Kim Spurr Description: Include what the translation is for e.g. translation of policy for website, translation of confirmation of application letter. Rob Gilvear Director (Marketing, Communications & Planning) / Cyfarwyddwr (Marchnata, Cyfathrebion, a Chynllunio) 29 March 2012