Managing Climate Risk for Urban Poor in Asia Source: World Bank 2011 Protecting the poor and the prospects for growth in Asian cities against weather-related impacts and extreme events Business Case June 2013 1 Table of Contents 1 2 Intervention Summary ......................................................................................... 4 Strategic Case..................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Context and need for ICF intervention .......................................................... 7 2.2 What are the best approaches to tackling these factors and protecting the urban poor from climate change impacts? ............................................................ 13 2.2.1 Harnessing the role of the private sector and markets for urban climate change responses ............................................................................................. 15 2.2.2 Impact and outcome that we expect to achieve .................................... 18 3 Appraisal Case .................................................................................................. 20 3.1 What are the feasible options that address the need set out in the Strategic case? .................................................................................................................... 20 3.1.1 Option 0: Do Nothing and the counterfactual ........................................ 20 3.1.2 Option 1: Direct management and procurement by DFID ..................... 21 3.1.3 Option 2: Partnership model with Asian Development Bank, Rockefeller Foundation ........................................................................................................ 22 3.1.4 Option 3 – Scale up city climate change and disaster risk planning ..... 23 3.2 Social appraisal ........................................................................................... 29 3.2.1 How could social development and gender issues be addressed within the programme to benefit women and girls? ..................................................... 31 3.3 Climate and Environment Assessment ..................................................... 322 3.4 Institutional and political appraisal............................................................... 33 3.5 What are the costs and benefits of each feasible option? ......................... 333 3.5.1 Approach and assumptions guiding options appraisal .......................... 35 3.5.2 Counterfactual and Options appraisal .................................................. 40 3.5.3 The Cost Benefit Analysis results ......................................................... 42 3.5.4 Recommended option........................................................................... 43 3.5.5 Theory of Change for proposed programme......................................... 44 3.6 Rationale underpinning theory of change .................................................. 455 3.6.1 How will the partnership lead to the desired impacts? .......................... 45 3.6.2 Country and city selection..................................................................... 46 3.7 What does the proposed programme look like? .......................................... 47 3.7.1 What will the programme do? ............................................................... 47 3.7.2 How is ADB organising itself to improve poor people’s lives .............. 522 3.7.3 How will the investment component be deployed? ............................... 52 3.7.4 Why should DFID fund this intervention?............................................ 555 3.7.5 Links to HMG/DFID and ICF Strategic Priorities ................................. 566 3.8 What measures can be used to assess Value for Money for the intervention? .................................................................................................................... 56 3.8.1 Summary Value for Money statement for the preferred option ............. 57 4 Commercial Case.............................................................................................. 60 4.1 Indirect procurement ................................................................................... 60 5 Financial Case .................................................................................................. 62 6 Management Case ............................................................................................ 67 6.1.1 Overall governance structure for the programme – The Partnership Council 67 6.1.2 Our approach to managing the programme within DFID ...................... 71 6.1.3 Special reports and Deep dives ............................................................ 71 Endnotes .................................................................................................................. 76 2 Acronyms ACCCRN ADB BCR CDEL CDIA CoP CP3 CRF CSO DMC DMF DRR FTE GCF GHG HFA HMG ICF IDC KAS KPI LICs LCD MDB M&E MEF MICs MoU NPV NGO OCO PIDG RCT RDEL RF RSDD SIDA TA TF UCCR UEIF UFPF UN UNFCCC Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network Asian Development Bank Benefit Cost Ratios Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit Cities Development Initiative for Asia Community of practice Climate Public Private Partnership Corporate Results Framework Civil Society Organisation Developing Member Countries Design and Monitoring Framework Disaster Risk and Reduction Full Time Equivalent Green Climate Fund Greenhouse Gases Hyogo Framework for Action UK Government International Climate Fund Indefinite Delivery Contract Knowledge Awareness Surveys Key Performance Indicator Low income countries Low Carbon Development Multilateral Development Bank Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Middle Income Countries Memorandum of Understanding Net Present Value Non-Governmental Organisation Office of Co-financing Operations Private Infrastructure Development Group Randomised Control Trials Resource Departmental Expenditure Limit Rockefeller Foundation Regional Sustainable Development Department Swedish International Development Agency Technical Assistance Trust Fund Urban Climate Change Resilience Urban Environment Infrastructure Facility Urban Financing Partnership Facility United Nations UN Framework Convention for Climate Change 3 1 Intervention Summary What is the programme aiming to achieve? This programme will help cities plan for, and invest in, reducing the impacts of weather-related changes and extreme events, and natural resource scarcity, on the urban poor in 25 medium-sized cities in 6 Asian countries (Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines). The programme will provide technical expertise to city planners, to help them identify priorities for action in consultation with communities, develop practical projects for public, private or public/private funding, and help the best projects attract funding. These investments will deliver: Improvements to the quality of plans and measures underpinning city development in climate vulnerable areas. 20% (£760k per city) will be provided as technical help to city planners to determine how their cities are affected by weather-related impacts and extreme events, and consequent impacts on water, energy, health and food. These funds will also be used to identify the right policies, regulations and response measures. Two investments per city will then be made, for instance, to develop early warning systems, or flood mapping, or to make changes to regulations that guide infrastructure design. These grant investments will serve to demonstrate to others what can be done. Additional public and private finance for new investment opportunities that will protect the poor from climate impacts. 70% of support (£2.2m per city) will go towards technical support for project preparation for larger-scale investments in, for instance, water, drainage, wastewater, housing and flood protection systems. Effort will be channelled into ensuring projects are financially viable, have good potential for replication and scalability, and are of benefit to those affected by climate and related impacts. Promotion of effective schemes, demonstration and lesson learning between cities and wider audiences on what works: 10% of support will be used to support learning between cities, to build evidence from rigorous monitoring and evaluation systems to capture and share best practice from the pilots and plans. The Rockefeller Foundation has been successfully applying such integrated planning techniques in several cities such as Surat and Gorakpur in India through their Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network programme. For example, in Surat, after several devastating floods in the 80s, 90s and 2000s, with support from Rockefeller, the city has: Developed an early warning system to give people more warning of floods; 4 Developed flood defences; Provided alternative accommodation for poor people living along the riverbank (who were being flooded each year); Started to develop a local weather model to increase early warning to four days or more, which would allow controlled release of water from a dam upstream to drastically reduce flood risk for the city. Whilst the mix of responses will be tailored to the circumstances and needs of each city, the Surat example is illustrative of the mix of early warning systems and simple infrastructure that is likely to be appropriate in many vulnerable cities. This new initiative will build on these tried and tested planning and project experiences further and, by bringing in more funding, we will increase understanding and confidence in what works. This understanding can in turn be used to influence the way city developers and financiers invest in future. How will this programme deliver? DFID will establish this programme in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation and other potential donors (such as USAID) through a Trust Fund housed with the Asian Development Bank’s Urban Financing Partnership Facility. Each of the three partners brings unique strengths to the partnership. Combining our efforts in this way will bring together highly complementary skills, well suited to the objectives of this programme. AsDB’s strength lies in urban infrastructure development and their ability to bring in new finance, The Rockefeller Foundation brings urban planning skills gained through their 10-city Asian Climate Change Resilience Network. DFID can provide the necessary technical assistance resources to support the planning process, build capacity, and influence and develop viable projects for financing by others. The programme will be governed through both a partnership council and a technical advisory board. Special annual reports on key risks will feed into annual reviews. Independent evaluations of the programme will be held to support the Mid Term Review and end-points of the programme. DFID will also fund a programme post based in Manila to be part of the core team. DFID will provide £85m over 5 years to the partnership. DFID’s funding will be provided by the International Climate Fund as 70% CDEL and 30% RDEL. Rockefeller Foundation’s contribution is £3.2m. The programme is fully consistent with DFID’s Asia Regional Operational Plan, DFID’s “Future Fit” agenda and DFID’s response to the Humanitarian and Emergency Response Review. What are the programme’s expected results? 5 The direct results of this programme by 2018 will include: Directly protecting 1 million poor people (half of them women) and 1 million other vulnerable people in the 25 cities across 6 countries, whilst indirectly protecting several million others, from extreme weather and helping them adapt to the impacts of climate change through city-wide and targeted investments (with obvious indirect effects on more people). Developing 25 “future fit” city plans, building the capacity of 5000 city planners and stakeholders, and setting up “future fit” coordination bodies in all 25 cities. Setting up 10 schemes in 11 cities, such as multi-hazard and health early warning systems, improving water demand and conservation, and facilitating 30 community led solutions in targeted vulnerable areas. Investing in 25 infrastructure projects such as drainage, wastewater and housing systems or flood protection, which offer both city-wide and targeted benefits against climate change. Attracting $1.1bn of public, private and municipal financing by delivering 25 resilient infrastructure projects. Influencing the Asian Development Bank to integrate climate change and disaster risk reduction into all of its urban investments in the vulnerable sectors in the six countries. Why is this programmed needed? Rapid urbanisation coupled with the rise in unpredictable changes in the weather and extreme events means that there are an increasing number of poor people living in vulnerable urban areas in Asia. These impacts hit poor people the hardest, especially women and children – meaning losses to their earnings, savings, health and possessions. These are made worse if they are already living in unsafe housing, without access to basic services, or living in flood-prone areas. These factors will threaten economic growth, poverty reduction, infrastructure, social cohesion, and increase dependency on humanitarian assistance. Asian populations and slum populations are projected to double by 2030, with nearly 60% of that growth in medium-sized and small cities. Half of the cities most vulnerable to storm surges and sea-level rise will be in South and East Asia. Natural disasters can erase between 1% and 5% of GDP each year especially in countries with frequent events like Bangladesh.1 In these densely-populated cities with rising populations, without proactive plans and investments, poor and vulnerable people will struggle to cope with even heavy rainfall, let alone extreme weather events. Further, as most of the infrastructure in the developing world is yet to be built, there is an opportunity to enable cities to grow in ways which use resources more efficiently, and protect the poorest residents. 6 2 Strategic Case 2.1 Context and need for ICF intervention The world is more urban: urban growth will mainly be in developing countries 1. Nearly half the world’s population live in cities, a third of these in slums. By 2050 this will rise to 75%, and half the world will be living in slums2. So as the world’s population grows from the current 6.8 billion people to 8 billion by 2030, and perhaps to at least 9 billion by 20503, cities will most likely become the home for the additional 2 to 3 billion people of the future world population. 2. The World Bank estimates that over 90% of urban growth will be in the developing world, adding an estimated 70 million new residents in urban areas each year 4. Over the next 20 years, the urban population of South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa which includes some of the poorest people in the world is expected to double and increase in density. However, the bulk of this expansion will be in medium and smaller sized cities not the existing sprawling megacities like Calcutta, Dhaka, Karachi, and Manila5. It has been projected that by 2015 nearly 60% of the total urban population will be living in cities of less than a million people. Figure 1 shows the growth in cities being primarily between 1-5 million and under 500,000 populations. In Asia, half of the population live in cities of less than 500,0006. Cities are drivers of economic growth and of environmental risks 3. Cities are drivers of economic activity, innovation, and wealth. They attract migrants in search of better jobs, services and prospects for improved living conditions. They are anchors of regional economies and are often key drivers of national growth. However, while cities are often engines of growth and prosperity in the short term, in the longer term, they are also drivers of environmental risks consuming 75% of all natural resources and responsible for 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions. As centres of energy demand and industrial production, urban areas are also responsible for 71% of world’s energy related CO2. Figure 1: Total world population by city size class (millions) Source: World Urbanisation prospects, Revised 2011 7 4. This not only has consequences for the environment, but also creates negative impacts on sustainable economic growth (Stern 2006). In the short term, poor resource efficiency 7 can increase economic and social costs substantially while pollution and reduced biodiversity can potentially create negative effects. These costs are likely to increase substantially over the coming years as resource constraints including energy, water, raw materials, and food commodities continue to deepen. As the World Bank has recently found the failure to account for the true costs of resource depletion is ‘now threatening the long term sustainability of growth and progress made on social welfare’.8 As a consequence, cities are at heart of solutions which promote economic growth and sustainable development. Frequency of disasters is rising in cities in Asia 5. In Asia, natural disasters routinely erase between 1% and 5% of GDP each year particularly in countries like Bangladesh and many Pacific Island countries.9 The fact that 77% of all disasters in Asia during 1975-2007 were weather-related suggests that the onset of climate change will make the development of comprehensive disaster management even more difficult.10 From 2005-2010, the Asia and Pacific region continued to dominate disaster impact categories across regions of the world, with 34% recorded disaster events (884 separate events11), 32% of deaths, 90% of people affected, and 33% of economic losses due to natural hazard impact. The region bears a disproportionately large share of total reported losses, relative to its wealth (i.e. accounting for 29% of GDP in 2009). Asian and Pacific growth is 7.4% per year in real terms, whilst reported losses from disasters if smoothed over the same period rises more rapidly than regional GDP12. 6. In the period 2007-2009 Asia suffered 95% of all natural catastrophe fatalities, but only 8.4% of total insured losses,13 revealing the extent of under-insurance in Asia. Where it exists, it has been concentrated. So, for example, flooding in Thailand resulted in the highest insured losses ever for a single flood event, at USD 12 billion14. Flood exposure and sea level rise in Asian cities is increasing 7. An index published by the OECD ranks 136 port cities of over 1 mn population with high exposure to one-in-100 year, surge-induced flood events based on their exposure of population and assets, in 2005 and those predicted in 207015. Population growth and investment in urban infrastructure are the most important drivers for increase in exposure to surge-induced floods. Overall, without any increase in water levels, exposure of assets could still grow eight-fold. 8. The OECD index overwhelmingly shows that large coastal cities in Asia have the highest exposure to surge-induced flooding now and in the future. Of the 20 cities with the highest population exposure in 2005, half are in low-and middle-income nations in Asia. In real numbers, out of the total 38.5 million people currently exposed, 65 per cent of them live in Asian cities. In the future, the index predicts that 17 out of the 20 cities with the highest population exposure will be in present-day low- and middleincome countries, 14 of them in Asia. Asia’s increasing dominance in terms of population and asset exposure is a result of increased urbanisation and economic growth during the period , compared with other regions. 9. The Centre for Global Development’s 2009 report on Twenty cities most vulnerable to storm surges and sea level rise16 also cites that of the 20 most vulnerable cities just under half will be in Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Myanmar. Risks are especially high in low- and middle-income countries where a 8 third to one-half of the population in cities lives in slums. Coastal cities will be doubly at risk as sea-level rise increases hazards from coastal flooding and erosion. The concentration of flood, and future sea level rise exposure in Asian cities only underscores the need to integrate climate change and disaster risks management into city development strategies. One city every 5 years will be affected by a high impact, extreme event 10. The OECD study of 136 port cities also revealed that there is a 74% chance of having one or more of the 136 cities affected by a 100-year flood event every year, and almost 100% chance of having at least one city being affected by such an event over a 5-year period. As a consequence, even assuming that protection levels will be high in the future, the large exposure in terms of population and assets is likely to translate into regular city-scale disasters at global scale. This makes it essential to consider both adaptation as well as what happens when adaptation and especially defences fail. There is a need to consider warnings and disaster response, adaptation responses, as well as recovery and reconstruction strategies including aid. 11. Further these scenarios analyses also indicate, for examples in Bangkok and Manila, a projected 1 in 30 year flood where current flood infrastructure plans are implemented, these cities will see a 30-42% rise in flood prone areas over time17. This means that not only is there an increase in populations exposed to flooding, flood prone areas within cities are also rising. Helping cities plan and protect against these risks protects long term economic growth 12. For cities, the most obvious increased risk to economic growth, asset losses and poor peoples’ lives comes from the increase in the number and intensity of extreme weather events such as heavy rainstorms, storm surges, sea level rises, droughts and floods. Negative economic impacts from disasters can have rebound effects in the job market and reduce tax revenue. Indirect impacts such as lost productivity, reduced food availability, interruptions to transport, commercial and industrial activity can also affect economic activity in cities. These stresses on the local economy may limit investment opportunities and deplete funds for infrastructure innovations. In addition, higher risk and uncertainty stemming from global climate change imposes additional costs on the insurance, financing and infrastructure industries. In Surat, India, the chamber of commerce is involved with the municipality in resilient planning and in investing for frequent flood events to ensure business continuity. Delaying action has direct costs in terms of loss of life and economic costs 13. While climate change actions require significant investment, delaying action can increase future costs and limit future options for adapting to climate change impacts related to natural disasters or sea level rises. The Asian Development Bank review of the Economics of Climate Change in South East Asia modelled the impacts of climate change and confirmed that SE Asia is more vulnerable to climate change than the world as a whole.18 The World Bank Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change studies estimated that both the impacts and costs of adaptation are likely to be the highest in the Asia region. Whilst not specifically about urban areas, the highest costs were estimated for infrastructure and coastal zones. The study also highlighted that 80% of the costs of adaptation will need to be borne by urban areas.19 Therefore, the earlier the cities take action the better. A strategy based on growing first, tackling 9 environmental risks later is unlikely to be available to cities in the developing world given the risks to growth from depletion of natural resources, climate change, and global population pressures. Much of the infrastructure in the developing world is yet to be built 14. Much of the urban infrastructure in the developing world is yet to be built (In the case of India, 80% of 2030 infrastructure is yet to be built)20. This provides an opportunity for cities to grow in ways which minimise the future economic impact associated with different environmental risks. Helping cities protect their infrastructure, their people and their core systems against the impacts of climate change will therefore boost long term economic growth. 15. Flooding is particularly problematic in cities where basic infrastructure such as, sewage and solid waste disposal systems are poor because flood waters quickly become fouled by rubbish and waste, and access to clean water is diminished. The scale of the risk from these extreme weather events is also much influenced by the quality of housing and infrastructure in that city and the level of preparedness among the city’s population and key emergency services. Urban poor are on the front line – they are most vulnerable to loss of life, reduced productivity, loss of homes 16. Some one billion people live in slums (half of whom live in Asia), and this is projected to double by 2030.21 In most cities and towns in low - and middle-income nations, risks fall disproportionately on the populations living on particular high-risk sites and with the least adequate provision for protective infrastructure and services 22. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change23 (IPCC) vulnerability to climate change is a function of exposure to climate variability and change, sensitivity to climate shocks and stresses, and adaptive capacity of individuals and systems to the negative impacts. Given exposure will be high in Asian medium-sized cities, the poorest, and most excluded will be the most vulnerable to these impacts. Further, land tenure, employment, financial security and availability of social networks affect the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of the urban poor to climate change and disaster risk24. 17. People in low-income neighbourhoods are made even more vulnerable by overcrowded living conditions, the lack of adequate infrastructure and services, unsafe housing, inadequate nutrition and poor health. These conditions can easily turn a natural hazard into a disaster through the loss of basic services, damage or destruction of homes, reduction or loss of livelihoods, the rapid spread of water- and vector-borne diseases, disability, and loss of life25. High dependence on food produced outside of cities make urban residents even more vulnerable to droughts, flooding, and other extreme weather events. Food and Agriculture Organisation studies in urban areas show that a 10% rise in the price of a staple can hurt the bottom 20% of the income distribution the most. 26 Women and children are affected more 18. The difference in fatalities of women and men can be substantial whether for climatologic or other natural disasters. During the cyclone in Bangladesh in 1991, death rates were 71/1000 for women and 15/1000 for men. In 2004, the Asian Tsunami in Amapara, Sri Lanka fatalities among women was 3972 and 2124 for men.27 Analyses of natural disasters on the life expectancy of men and women provides evidence that in countries where women have low social status and access to resources, the differences 10 were larger. Adaptation to climate change in cities needs to recognise the informal settlements 19. Adaptation to climate change requires local knowledge, local competence and local capacity within local governments. It needs households and community organisations with the knowledge and capacity to act. It also requires a willingness among local governments to work with lower-income groups. Adaptation to the likely risks from climate change for the next few decades centres around adapting buildings and infrastructure to these increased risks; working with population groups and settlements most at risk to find solutions that serve them; and good disaster preparedness. Some initiatives are developing which build relationships between low-income communities and local government, and mainstream climate change and disaster risks into development policies and urban planning. For the poorest, even low intensity events can affect access to basic services 20. For the poor, it is often the more frequently occurring low or moderate intensity events such as localised flooding and fires that have the most significant impact. In Kathmandu, Nepal rapidly growing squatter settlements are located along the banks of the city’s three rivers on steep slopes. Because there is no solid waste collection services, waste is regularly thrown in the rivers. The existing stormwater and sewage networks operate at only 40% of their capacity because they are blocked by sludge and debris. During monsoon season, approximately 25% of households regularly flood due to inadequate drainage28. Vulnerability and urban risks 21. Vulnerability for individuals and households is recognised to have three elements: exposure to risk, susceptibility to harm when exposed and limitations in the capacity to cope. This as we know from literature is influenced by household income, gender, health, age, and class with women, young and low income groups cited as the most vulnerable. Although data is weak on where cities have coped with disasters, and where urban expansion has avoided dangerous sites, what is recognised is the reinforcing factors of vulnerability – inadequate and poor quality housing in informal settlements, lack of infrastructure and services for them, and inadequacies of local governance. 22. Risk and vulnerabilities in cities manifest at different scales and intensities. It is often the smaller events that have significant impacts on the poor. Action is unlikely to take place unless disaster reporting for cities moves down to include smaller disasters and a broader set of impacts (mortality and economic losses to include damage or destruction of housing, schools and health centres (i.e. critical infrastructure). Vulnerable people are not always the poorest 23. Friend and Moench state that it is important to note that those who are vulnerable to future climate change impacts are not merely those who are currently poor or close to being poor. Rather, vulnerability includes people who are vulnerable in different ways to different degrees29. The growth of the ‘vulnerability gap’ in urban areas increases disaster risks in urban areas. This vulnerability gap is produced by two factors: the lack of knowledge and financial capacity (and sometimes willingness) of urban authorities to reduce risks and vulnerabilities and a high proportion of urban households with limited capacity to reduce their own risks. 30 11 Urbanisation of poverty 24. The 2012 IPCC Special report31 on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation states that there is very robust evidence that rapid urbanisation has led to the emergence of highly vulnerable urban communities, particularly through informal settlements and inadequate land management. Poverty has begun to urbanise in Asian countries given rise to the term urbanisation of poverty – indeed some research by Mckinsey Global Institute32 think that poverty is now mainly an urban problem. The term can be defined as rising share of the poor living in urban areas. Ravallion et al33 argue that urbanisation helped reduced absolute poverty (national headcount indices fall) but has done little for urban poverty reduction (poverty rates in urban areas). This means a renewed focus is needed on reducing urban poverty rates along-side efforts on climate change. Cities can serve as policy laboratories for action on climate change 25. Cities can be natural units for driving innovation, derived from a concentration of people and economic activity that generate a fertile environment for ideas, technologies and processes required to respond to the enormity of the challenge. Many cities also have a high degree of self-governance which allows city policymakers to deliver integrated policy responses that have a direct, systemic impact in addressing economic, social, and environmental challenges. Many cities and metro city regions are taking action on climate change even in the absence of national policies and commitments. Institutional and government failures also need to be addressed 26. There are institutional and government failures that need to be addressed within a coherent response on urban climate change and disaster risk reduction. These include lack of political will, resource constraints, minimal public and private financing and weak institutions. Of the public investment needed for these cities to cope with frequent disasters, the majority will come from national taxation. But rapidly growing smaller cities tend to receive a smaller share of resources and have weaker administrative capacity than large metros. Without donor support, this public governance capacity will be built later, after rapid unplanned growth often resulting in badly planned, inefficient and ineffective infrastructure leaving poor people vulnerable to disasters and climate change. Perverse incentives exist against investing in protection: People originally settled in river deltas because regular flooding made the land fertile, now people live in low lying land because it is cheaper and city governments routinely rebuild in areas that have been devastated. This can be because people like living near water and people have a tendency to not price rare, unpredictable events into their decisions. Governments, therefore, need to intervene and spend more on preventing disasters so as to cut their own future costs. According to the World Bank report on disaster, urban poor and climate change in 2010, 20% of humanitarian aid is now spent responding to disasters while a paltry 0.7% is spent on preventing measures. Further, new studies on the economics of resilience reveal that every pound spent on disaster planning, disaster preparedness, and other investments which help people adapt to climate change, returned £3 in development benefits and avoided losses34. Domestic, international and private sector finance will be needed to fill adaptation financing gaps 27. International climate finance since Copenhagen has steadily been rising. Fast start 12 commitments have been met and apparently $33bn of adaptation financing is reaching developing countries35. Tracking of this is poor, and country level and city level mechanisms in place to absorb this finance are still nascient. Further, much of the global needs for adaptation will need to be met in urban areas, and mobilised through the private sector. However, of the $55 billion in private sector flows of climate finance in 201036,the majority has been for mitigation purposes. This underscores the importance of structuring adaptation programs to attract private sector investment in climate change investments37. 28. Donor funding to cities by way of climate finance or development finance is still limited. A relatively small proportion of donor funding for climate change adaptation is focused on cities. An even smaller ratio of government and donor funding is being targeted towards medium-sized cities. Further, the Green Climate Fund framework established in Cancun is primarily channelled through bilateral or multilateral institutions to national governments. This national level focus makes it hard to accommodate both the differing risks and vulnerabilities at the city level and works against the local ownership that is required for effectiveness and long-term sustainability. 29. UK is investing heavily in international climate change responses across our priority countries through investments in the International Climate Fund (ICF). There is momentum through the Future Fit strategy to allocate more funding for city level resilience work. The ICF objective of reducing the vulnerability of poor people to the impacts of climate change cannot be achieved without a coherent response focused on the urban poor and vulnerable. It has to be a critical intervention in the ICF adaptation portfolio. 2.2 What are the best approaches to tackling these factors and protecting the urban poor from climate change impacts? Integrated thinking is needed to tackle inter-connected risks 30. The 2012 Future proofing cities report argues that interconnected risks require integrated thinking about potential solutions. The environmental risks relevant to cities cannot be looked at in isolation: they are multiple, interlinked, and they are growing. Cities are in the centre of the storm between driving forces of growth, urbanisation, increasing urban slums, rising disasters, resource scarcity and damage to vital ecosystems38. City dwellers deplete natural ecosystems to provide for their consumption needs of their inhabitants. And cities are particularly at risk from changes in the price of and disruptions to supply of energy, water, and food. Cities therefore need to think in an integrated way by identifying policy solutions which can respond to multiple, inter-related, and uncertain, risks.39 Many of these policies are an extension of sound integrated urban planning and policy implementation. Protecting cities from climate change impacts needs a mix of policy and financing instruments 31. The World Bank report on cities, disaster and urban poor40 underscores several recommended actions based on experience to help cities learn how to protect and respond to climate change impacts especially for those at greatest risk. These are highlighted below: strong institutions for more inclusive urban planning, better local financing decisions, and participatory local governance. Need for participatory planning and local governance to ensure political will 32. City governments have the potential to build inclusive and participatory planning 13 processes for good decentralised decision-making. The characteristics of effective governance – decentralisation and autonomy; transparency and accountability; responsiveness and flexibility – are all vital in boosting the climate change and disaster risk responses of cities to disasters and climate change impacts41. Municipal governments can also improve access to justice for poorer groups including women’s groups, ensure that marginalised and disadvantaged groups are able to access and influence local political and bureaucratic systems, and embrace a more systematic consideration of whose voices should be heard, and how different opinions should be included in the process of governance42. Incentives for this type of empowerment are needed to ensure that the political will and leadership for good governance continues. This political will and leadership amongst mayors will help drive adaptation actions across medium-sized cities. 33. According to Satterthwaite and Mitlin (2013), low-income urban dwellers want, to influence local and national government agencies which are tasked to support them, and can design and implement and scale up their own locally led initiatives. They want to be involved in planning processes43. Local and city government financing is a key driving force for municipal governance 34. Revenue raising power of local governments is an important component of the selfgovernance of cities. Local governments play a vital role in financing and managing basic infrastructure and service delivery for all urban residents. Basic services are the first line of defence against the impacts of climate change and natural hazards. Budget pressures are mounting in cities. Climate change action will impose increased costs. It is very important that urban development finance takes account of the coherence between climate change, urban development and urban planning frameworks. Women and children are more vulnerable to impacts of climate change and disasters 35. Peoples’ vulnerability to climate change depends on their capacity to avoid these effects or cope with them. This capacity depends on income, assets, education, and knowledge and where there is a gender bias. The work burden of women after disasters and extreme events increases when the provision of food, fuel, water is more difficult and ill family members need to be taken care of. Many approaches impact men and women differently and have to be carefully designed to reach women. For example, it has been reported that early warning systems in Bangladesh have not reached women because they were homebound.44 In order to effectively build capacity to withstand the impacts from climate change, women and men need to be meaningfully involved in planning, decision making in various sectors such as energy, transport, water management, and disaster risk reduction and their access to resources, services and infrastructure. Learning from innovation in medium-sized cities 36. Cities such as Bangalore are starting to show how to unlock opportunities by combining measures which incorporate rainwater harvesting and grey water reuse, recycling, pollution control, and solar power systems to generate strong social, economic and environmental benefits. These examples can be instructive for other cities facing similar risks. Other policy solutions in the built environment such as the implementation of solar orientated neighbourhoods and designing slum upgrade programmes to minimise resource use are less widespread. Cities in emerging economies such as Curitiba, Bogotá and Ahmedabad provide good examples of the power of integrated approaches to planning urban development to tackle issues such as congestion issues and using 14 transport systems to unlock opportunities for more sustainable patterns of urban growth. What works in terms of resilient investments 37. Evidence from lessons from Rockefeller Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network programmes highlights ten investments that emerged through multiple urban resilience planning processes for achieving urban climate change resilience. These are highlighted below in Box 1. Figure 2: Ten critical actions for urban resilience In addition, the UNISDR ten point checklist45 for making cities resilient highlights the need for: (a) institutional coordination mechanisms to understand and reduce disaster risk based on participation of citizen groups and civil society, (b) budgeting mechanisms (e) developing data/ vulnerability and risk assessments (f) investing in and maintaining critical infrastructure that reduces risk, such as flood drainage, upgrading of schools and hospitals (g) installing early warning systems (h) enforcing realistic risk compliant building regulations (i) and land use planning (including provisions for safe land for low income dwellers). Building resilience principles into infrastructure investments 38. UNISDR’s resilient cities scoping study46 highlights the principles of resilience of building redundancy and diversity of sources for urban systems, building flexibility so that there are multiple pathways for action, safe failure to avoid catastrophic failure, multi-level, networked, responsive, and feedback loops for learning capacity. That study also highlights seven priority areas including disaster responses, urban planning/land use planning, food security (land use planning for production within cities), waste management, energy supply, transport and water management. There are significant overlaps in priorities identified under these different processes. 2.2.1 Harnessing the role of the private sector and markets for urban climate change responses 39. The key barriers for getting more private sector investments in adaptation and disaster risk and reduction investments are related to the (a) enabling investment framework and planning systems and to the (b) financing of investments on the other (See Annex 1). With respect to the enabling framework and planning systems, there are shortfalls in: Lack of capacity to conceive, design and structure projects in a way that beings in private investment Knowledge of best practice in integrated planning frameworks which provide options for private sector involvement and investment (e.g. through Public Private 15 Partnership (PPP) structures); Knowledge of technological options conditions under which the private sector is the optimal choice; Capacity and resources for designing/ implementing such frameworks, planning systems and project development; Knowledge of, and capacity for, budgeting frameworks for adaptation and infrastructure47 - including those supplied by the private sector; and Capital market enabling frameworks and instruments which restrict the provision of long term private sector funding to local government infrastructure. 40. The barriers to achieving potential private sector investment and the most appropriate use of the limited resources are: Lack of provision of targeted incentives to the public sector to support the incremental costs, and demonstrate the viability of, private sector financing of adaptation and DRR investments (e.g. Public Private Participation investment in infrastructure). Lack of provision of targeted incentives, such as guarantees, to the private sector to deliver appropriate support at the community level (eg insurance). Lack of knowledge and capacity development in private sector and community involvement in capacity building for understanding climate change impacts. Lack of expertise for private sector provision of urban systems and investment in the planning and project development. Need for partners who have experience of guarantees, municipal finance instruments, and insurance providers such as Infra Co, Swiss Re, Private Infrastructure Development Group, (PIDG) and European Investment Bank. 41. Private sector has great possibilities with market potential in micro insurance, waste management, affordable housing, off grid energy, microfinance, new technologies, and water management. There are enablers within government, on the supply side, demand-side and financial that could bring about constructive action. These include: on the demand side, helping build demand generation, for financial products, to enhance capacity to pay for home upgrading, weather proofing (eg storm surge housing credit schemes) financial enablers such as provision of patient capital funding by way of guarantee funds, concessional debt, viability gap funding and technical assistance supply side enablers such as market makers (demonstration projects), forging new partnerships for insurance products. 42. Working on each of these enablers but in particular on the supply side and financial enablers and government enablers must be a key part of any intervention. In particular, the evidence from reports48 on financing has recognised that there is a major funding gap between annual adaptation needs and government, donor and private funding. Enterprise capacity building and business model development requires grant funding for integrated climate change and disaster risk initiatives. 16 FUTURE FIT CITIES IN ACTION Integrating Climate Change Into City Planning - Micro resilience planning in Gorakhpur, City planners integrate climate change into city planning addressing multiple issues on solid water and drainage management and housing and health had a direct impact on 12000 households, strengthened capacity of municipality and reduced flooding during the next monsoon. Model is now adopted by State. - Jakarta resilience planning – Following billions lost in 1 in 5 year events. Set up early warning systems and coordination hubs to ensure an extra 6 hours of warning time to 40% of residents most exposed to flooding. Resilient Housing - Revolving loan fund for storm resistant housing: 1000 poor and near poor people supported access to construction finance and expertise. Through a revolving loan fund providing credit for storm resistant housing through the Women’s Union of Da Nang City in 7 disaster prone wards. - By raising plinths in homes, providing income generating assets, and latrines, a DFID livelihood and climate change programme in Bangladesh will help 225,000 households. Supporting Urban Poor Groups Initiatives: - Owner driven reconstruction (community fund) after Tsunami in Sri Lanka has led to 100,000 more homes at less cost being reconstructed. Land use planning: - Land use preserved for peri-urban agriculture in Delhi has resulted in diversity and increased proximity of food systems serving all populations. - Tree planting scheme (3000 trees per year) in Makati City, Philippines, intended to improve open green spaces and sequester carbon, and reduce urban heat. Protecting against storm surges, cyclones, flood protecting infrastructure - In Caribbean, protected hospital buildings up to a category 5 hurricane and set it up to be dual purpose as a shelter for 1000 people. Cost of increase to infrastructure retrofit was 5%. Sustainable Transport - In Kuala Lumpur, Asian Development Bank provided a 3 level tunnel using the lower tunnel as a floodwater storage reservoir. In the 3 years since development, tunnel was used 114 times, averting losses from 7 flash floods. Multi-hazard Early warning systems - In Kathmandu, Nepal, DFID is providing a package of disaster risk management support- training 600 Government workers, community-based earthquake and disaster preparedness in 200 village development committees, rebuilding 162 schools in earthquake-affected areas, retrofit plans for 10 hospitals and improved preparedness for emergency response training 4,000 volunteers. Flood and drainage management - 45,000 households supported by providing a maintenance fund for community groups les maintenance of roads and drainage systems through community groups in Indonesia. - Relocating businesses out of flood prone areas – a renewable company in UK, DRAX power, relocated its plant, looked at climate change impacts including scenario of a 75 year project life, achieved a positive benefit cost ratio even with 50% increased costs to constructing of its plant 43. An ‘urban systems’49 approach where integrated climate change and development projects were identified is laid out in Annex 1.50 This approach also highlights how resilient investments are prioritised based on a process that involves poor people as decision-makers, and where resilience principles are built into investments design within critical sectors. There is a need to learn from climate risk assessments, urban systems development; emerging technology solutions (e.g. Geographic Information Systems and 17 satellite based programs); Investment finance; incentive finance; and financial risk management / mitigation products (e.g. specialised re-insurance products and derivatives addressing weather, agriculture risks being promoted by companies such as Munich RE and Swiss RE). 2.2.2 Impact and outcome that we expect to achieve 44. Impact: The intended impact of the program is that urban populations, especially the urban poor, are less vulnerable to the direct and indirect impacts of climate change in medium-sized cities in Asia and the global response to building urban climate change and DRR responses are scaled up. 45. Outcome: The partnership and projects funded under the programme deliver Urban Climate Change Resilience (UCCR) benefits; demonstrates potential for replication and scaling up, attracts and mobilises complementary action and other public and private financing. 46. The programme is expected to deliver the following 6 outputs: Strengthened capacity of urban planning authorities to incorporate UCCR considerations into city-wide and sectoral planning and regulation. Strengthened multi-stakeholder mechanisms inclusive of poor and vulnerable people in UCCR planning and investment design. UCCR focused projects which target vulnerable, and build resilience are identified developed and financed by both public and private and domestic financing sources emerging from UCCR planning processes. capture development and mitigation co-benefits City level actors in partner cities generate, access, understand, and utilise knowledge products in urban projects. Partnership demonstrates increased harmonisation, alignment and collaboration around UCCR in priority cities. 47. The full logframe for the programme is attached in Annex 3. Indicator 1 feeds into the Departmental Results Framework (DRF) indicator for DFID. Six indicators will feed into ICF KPI (Key Performance) indicators on leveraging in of public and private sector financing (Ind 10,11), knowledge uptake (Ind 14,15), and extent to which integrated planning is occuring (Ind 6,9). These are also indicators that will support impact evaluations eg on numbers made more resilient (Ind 2), or avoided damages (Ind 3). Methdologies for these will be tested within the programme. 48. The remaining 6-7 indicators will be testing the assumptions within the theory of change (See Annex 4). This programme will also deliver wider development results. Monitoring all the co-benefits of this programme will be difficult as this is not the primary objective of the partnership. These secondary benefits to the programme have also been captured in the economic appraisal. M&E of the programme will endeavour to capture the transformational impact of the programme. 49. The programme therefore will seek to: Protecting 1 million poor people (half of them women) and 1 million other vulnerable people in 25 cities across 6 countries from extreme weather and 18 helping them adapt to the impacts of climate change through city wide and targeted investments. Developing 25 city plans, building the capacity of 5000 city planners and stakeholders, and setting up coordination bodies in all 25 cities. Setting up 10 multi-hazard and health early warning systems, improving water demand and conservation in 11 cities, and facilitating 30 community led solutions in targeted vulnerable areas. Investing in 25 infrastructure projects which build resilient water, drainage, housing and flood protection, and wastewater systems and offer both city-wide and targeted benefits. Leveraging $1.1 bn of public, private and municipal financing by bringing to financial closure 25 resilient infrastructure projects. Influencing the Asian Development Bank to integrate climate change and disaster risk reduction risks into all of its urban investments in the vulnerable sectors in the six countries. 19 3 Appraisal Case 3.1 What are the feasible options that address the need set out in the Strategic case? 50. Four options were proposed in the concept note approved by Ministers: Option 0: Do nothing and counterfactual: Address climate change through mainstreaming within current and planned bilateral projects on urban development within DFID work in Asia. Option 1: Develop a new partnership to be managed directly by DFID under bilateral procurement procedures. Option 2: Develop and support an Asia partnership addressing urban climate change adaptation and disaster risk responses through the Asian Development Bank (ADB), involving other donors, parallel financiers, knowledge partners and private sector partners. Option 3: Support one aspect of a possible partnership – i.e. planning and knowledge activities (technical assistance only), potentially in a larger number of cities, excluding support for leveraging in of public and private investments. 51. A wide range of potential delivery options was considered at the time of the stakeholder and validation exercise, where best models and partners for Urban Climate Change Resilience (UCCR) delivery were explored. Options for scaling up Rockefeller Foundation’s own Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Programme (but new partners for investment implementation would be needed), scaling up of World Bank’s planning models (mostly pilots with few tested experiences) and finally a ‘do nothing’ option which was about scaling up existing urban initiatives in India (these were at full absorption capacity without explicity consideration of climate change). 3.1.1 Option 0: Do Nothing and the counterfactual 52. This option would address adaptation and disaster risk reduction activities through scaling up of current and planned bilateral work in Asia. A range of other initiatives and institutions will continue to provide support to cities for climate resilient urban planning and investment including Research Division’s programme on urban, the IIED accountable grant, ADB urban development programme, and Rockefeller Foundation’s ACCCRN programme. A number of technical service providers are working with individual cities with support from donors and cities themselves, many of them doing innovative work and developing knowledge about good practice. Activity in mediumsized cities will be limited however. A number of networks are working to promote learning between cities. Donors are increasing funding for climate change, with both USAID and AUSAID for example looking to expand their climate change engagement in Asia. DFID could support such activities itself through current and planned bilateral urban development, growth and governance programmes; increasing funding for such bilateral activities would complement the programme and should not be seen as an alternative. KfW, AFD, World Bank and ADB itself are looking for opportunities to invest in new projects in sustainable urban development with a climate change dimension, but are constrained by a lack of sufficient resources for project development which comes from scarce grant resources. Another donor might take a partnership approach but in slower 20 time. 53. This option assumes a slower pathway in terms of DFID engagement on urban adaptation and disaster risk as this business case is the most advanced of the Future Fit initiatives. DFID funding of research programmes through the IIED accountable grant, and through Research and Evidence Division will begin to fill the evidence gaps. Research investments are unlikely however, to fill the gaps on what works in urban settings. Urbanisation, writ large, is rising in importance so we should see increased programming happening – albeit with a two year lag. There are no good partners currently linking planning, investments and knowledge as in the design of this partnership. The Rockefeller Foundation will continue its work on ACCCRN building integrated planning models with investments limited to softer interventions. ADB will continue to focus on urban development and Public Private Partnerships, through their Green Cities Initiatives but perhaps with a stronger low carbon focus. 54. Advantages – It is a lower risk strategy not to engage in a broad partnership where learning and risk-taking is at the forefront. This is an ambitious programme and potentially risky in terms of complexity of the programme. There are concerns about the capacity of ADB to carry this programme alongside a fair number of other new initiatives including Climate Public Private Partnerships (CP3) but these will be managed through a stronger ADB shareholding relationship. This is an ambitious programme, with few tested examples (ACCRN being one) so lower risks alternatives could be developed. 55. Disadvantages - Future Fit Cities is getting underway and there will be delays in implementation. Urban climate change work will remain a very new landscape. Medium and smaller sized cities would be relatively neglected. Other UCCR efforts would be largely isolated with no systematic arrangements for joining the dots between them to maximise learning and coordination and minimise duplication. Although there is evidence of service providers working together there is also a sense of competition over cities and models being used. Perhaps most important, an integrated approach linking planning, investment and knowledge would be lacking, reducing the overall impact of the various initiatives through the absence of the feedback loops highlighted in the theory of change below. 3.1.2 Option 1: Direct management and procurement by DFID 56. Option 1 would be a bilateral initiative delivered through a management consortium directly procured by DFID. Strategic management and oversight would be provided directly by DFID, which would play a more hands-on role. DFID staff in country offices would play a stronger role in linking up with national and city-level partners, and ensuring coordination with existing DFID programmes. This option would mirror Option 2 in its design, response to the theory of change set out above, and activities, differing only in terms of management and implementation arrangements. Under this option it would be possible for support to be provided to cities outside Asia. 57. Advantages: Under this option, DFID and Rockefeller Foundation would have a stronger control over the programme, the logframes results and in particular the extent to which integrated planning is leading to national government actions. DFID and Rockefeller Foundation’ strengths on knowledge management and integrating monitoring and evaluation into programmes would allow for these components to be emphasised. We 21 would have a stronger control over the extent to which stakeholder participation includes the poorest and vulnerable and the consideration of the informal sectors. Choice of cities, partners and countries could be more global in scope. 58. Disadvantages: Although Option 2 could in theory be opened up to participation from other donors, in practice it would be less likely to become a platform for donor harmonisation and cooperation compared with a multi-donor fund established under ADB. DFID lack the credibility in the area of urban development, and infrastructure financing to be a pull factor for investment donors. We also cannot piggy back on the ADB’s umbrella Urban Financing Partnership Facility, the Swedish guarantee facility, the Infrastructure Facility (UEIF) and the project preparation body (CDIA) of the ADB. We would not have the relationships with many of the middle income countries where threats from disasters are rising thereby reducing the country footprint to low income countries. This would reduce the impact to poor people. The potential for private sector involvement beyond planning stages is likely to be very pilot project based and it would be difficult to achieve any scale. It would also not offer the same opportunity as Option 2 to mobilise ADB loans behind urban adaptation investments including its expertise in private sector lending operations, or ADB’s relationships with a wide range of Asian governments. This option would be far more transactions-heavy, both in terms of administration and in terms of lack of entry points at the city level in many of our countries. Sub national engagement remains a challenge for DFID unless we have a strong presence in the country. The likely management costs of a consortium arrangement, and costs of additional DFID staff time would need to be compared with the service fees which would be charged by ADB for administration of the programme. The potential to leverage other infrastructure providers to think about resilient infrastructure and inclusive planning to help prioritise investments will be limited. 3.1.3 Option 2: Partnership model with Asian Development Bank, Rockefeller Foundation 59. Option 2 would establish a multi-partner mechanism of some kind to bring the core elements of the theory of change. The aim would be to build a partnership of donors, parallel financiers, alignment partners, implementing and collaborating partners to help a number of medium-sized cities in Asia to integrate climate change and disaster risk planning into city plans, regulations and investments. One option would be to be establish a Trust Fund in a key International Financing Institution with long standing experience in urban development to house this partnership within the umbrella of the ADB’s existing Urban Financing Partnership Facility (UFPF). The UK could provide £85 million to this trust fund over five years from 2013 from the International Climate Fund to deliver all 6 outputs of the 3 components described in the theory of change above: planning, projects and knowledge. The initial donors to the trust fund would be DFID and the Rockefeller Foundation, although other donors have expressed interest in a partnership model. The World Bank and KFW have expressed formal interest as alignment partners and others have expressed interest as implementing partners on knowledge and planning (CDIA, Atkins, Swiss Re, ICLEI). 60. Advantages: The validation report commissioned to look at the theory of change and delivery channels identified this kind of partnership as a pioneering approach in scaling up climate change into infrastructure delivery in ADB and coordinating urban climate change work in cities. This has the potential for transformational impacts on making 22 cities fit for future climate and disaster impacts in the countries at greatest risk with high numbers of exposed populations. If the inclusive planning processes are as successful as they have been in some of the Rockefeller ACCCRN programme, then vulnerable people’s needs will be prioritised and built into design of initiatives. The setup of an stakeholder coordination mechanism too offers possibility for local accountability to be strengthened. The returns on investments from private and public leveraging of finance would be strongest through ADB as the administrating partner. The potential for exploring different private sector models working across middle income countries and low income countries working through ADB countries would be most efficient. This aligns well in terms of timing of ADB’s new urban development strategy, their new focus on knowledge, and a new public private partnerships strategy. ADB already has an umbrella Urban Financing Partnership Facility and facility which helps build project preparation which this trust fund will be a part of and which we can further influence. So this partnership could piggyback on ADB strategic priorities in this regard. Working through the ADB would mean the arrangement is more cost effective – in terms of transactions costs and management costs. Senior management within the ADB are supportive of this concept. The Rockefeller Foundation remain a strong technical partner who could create a strong balancing effort with ADB. 61. Disadvantages: The ADB is an administratively light organisation which means their business model is based on low levels of staff for every loan they issue. They work on the principle of driving down the transactions cost of developing investment loans. They work heavily through consultants and through partners, which means that it may be harder to incentivise ADB country advisers to take on resilient type business in difficult geographies even if the grant capital is being provided. They have traditionally not engaged in planning processes as a means of identifying investments, so this will be a significant cultural shift. Whilst addressing the informal sectors and the urban poor is part of all of their investments, infrastructure development by its nature favours the formal sector. The donor partners will have less direct control over the day to day decisions. The strength of the governance of the partnership rests partly on the ADB team and risks of staff changes could affect the good governance of programme. ADB will need to resource the team well to to carry such a complex programme. 3.1.4 Option 3 – Scale up city climate change and disaster risk planning 62. Option 3 assumes that only the planning component is scaled up – working with identified cities to develop capacity to integrate climate change and disaster risks. Other assumptions about the timing and delivery of the planning component are similar to those of Option 1. This option would focus on scaling up of integrated climate change planning at the city level working through a consortium of partners linked up with a smaller network on knowledge and peer to peer learning across cities. The ACCCRN network of the RF springs to mind as a model of delivery. This would be a partnership light facility in connection with RF, and other knowledge partners focused on climate change adaptation and DRR planning and knowledge. It would not have the investments and private sector financing components within the remit of the programme. This would be administered through a bilateral procurement process along the lines of Option 2. 63. Advantages – Lower transactions costs as the programme would need to be focused on technical capacity alone and not be concerned with any form of subnational lending. It fits closer with DFID’s core ways of working. There are a range of partners delivering 23 urban planning approaches whom we could work with. Rockefeller and ICLEI have now partnered together to reduce the cost and time taken to do integrated city resilience planning. The procurement of this partnership would be simpler but probably would not have the same impact on the urban climate change landscape. 64. Disadvantages – The theory of change assumes that the planning processes needs to lead onto soft and hard investments. Without the carrot of investment funding, ADB’s experience shows that uptake and interest for transactions heavy, integrated planning processes may not exist. World Bank and ICLEI and other partners already looking to scale up their planning efforts. The learning just from planning would be more limited. The scope for securing financing for urban climate change adaptation and disaster risk investments is largely reduced as evidence of planning processes de linked from lending organisations shows that all the transactions of preparation of projects falls on country governments. Securing the results from the Theory of Change would be difficult. B. Assessing the strength of the evidence base for each feasible option 65. Option 1,2,3 - Evidence of integrated planning: The evidence on planning and mainstreaming climate change has become the mainstay of adaptation research in recent years starting with the 2009 OECD Planning guide on integrating climate change51. Learning from recent experiences from national level adaptation planning and Local Adaptation planning processes in Nepal identify some common learning points around the processes of planning which focus on the need for strong leadership, broad stakeholder engagement, working in an integrated manner across sectors, flexible planning which can accommodate new knowledge, and strong supporting institutions52. Future Proofing Cities Report (Godfrey N., Savage R. 2012) also highlights the need for integrated approaches to tackle inter connected environmental risks occurring in medium-sized cities. The report also points to key urban enablers for future proofing of cities including strong institutions, municipal governance and robust financing processes. Satterthwaithe et al53 highlight two basic conclusions that can be drawn on what works in best practice – explicit provision of voice for low incomes groups, and secondly to change relationships between urban poor groups and local government – with a strong focus on local initiatives around land tenure, basic services, housing). 66. Option for 1,2,3: Inclusive planning processes The learning paper of the ACCCRN 10 city Asian cities climate change resilience network of the Rockefeller Foundation54 shows that building system resistance to climate and disaster impacts and increasing access by marginalised populations to system services will reduce vulnerability. Reducing poverty can contribute to vulnerability reduction because it enables better access to the services and systems. This approach has significant implications for how assessments of vulnerability and poverty are conducted. Traditionally the main focus of investigation for poverty assessment has been at individual-household-community scales. It is perhaps this scale – and the complex interaction of systems, agents and institutions – that urban climate change brings to the fore. At the same time, however, the focus cannot only be at the individual-household-community scale. Because many of the systems, institutions and social networks that individuals depend on cut across scales from the local to the global, both the impacts of climate change and the opportunities and constraints in responding to them are heavily influenced by large-scale systemic factors. Developing appropriate methodological approaches that can balance these different scales, complex 24 relations, and interactions, will be a major challenge. 67. Option 1, 2: Evidence of what Urban Climate Change Responses (UCCR) looks like? : A report55 commissioned to validate the partnership proposal in which a review of evidence and programming for UCCR (over 50 reports and documents) was conducted. It revealed that support for urban climate change resilience work is still in the innovation phase. The validation commission also highlighted that UCCR is not yet grounded in urban practice. Clear conceptual models akin to the 5-capitals or triple-bottom line for sustainability in businesses do not yet exist. The closest focus so far is the UNISDR campaign for making cities resilient, ACCCRN lessons, and a useful UN Habitat handbook on urban planning for climate change and disaster risks. A lot more work is needed in order to build the evidence base with which to demonstrate to city governments why planning for future climate change and extreme events is important. 68. Option 1,2,3: City level demand for UCCR support: Early city level engagement on ACCCRN revealed a significant lack of awareness, let alone understanding, of climate change risk at the local level. ACCCRN's contribution to getting UCCR on the agenda is an achievement in itself, but is only the first step. The situation is changing however and there are increasing numbers of networks and actors whose experience can inform development. CityNET (The Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements)56 for example has brought together cities across the region on another agenda but increasingly with a climate change and disasters risk perspective. Others (e.g. UNISDR57) similarly provide evidence of interest and a growing demand for UCCR support that complements the supply side approach of efforts to date. The validation report conducted a country level stakeholder mapping that interviewed a significant number of stakeholders in priority countries, including mayors, on the concept of UCCR, climate change and undertaking climate change initiatives, and found: Awareness about climate change at the city level: Understanding of UCCR was particularly strong in Indonesia, where there is a broad range of UCCR activities and in Bangladesh, where there are a significant number of differing CC and urban initiatives. Understanding in Pakistan was good despite limited climate change interventions, though Pakistan saw CC adaptation in terms of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) which is receiving significant attention following recent flooding and earthquakes. Actors at City Level, Government, Private Sector and Civil Society – An effective city administration together with a locally elected city champion are key to the effective implementation of initiatives at the city level (e.g. Mayors in Bangladesh and the Philippines). Without such political will, posting of officials (e.g. Indonesia) or weak city administration (e.g. Bangladesh, Pakistan) can impact on delivery at city level. Such a champion has the potential to draw in other stakeholders, including the private sector, civil society and the community, including those from poor and vulnerable communities. Evidence linking climate vulnerability to poverty. Undertaking Urban Climate Change Initiatives – Cities where success is likely to be achieved should be targeted under the programme - those with a proactive mayor or strong administration – together with cities predicted to be most vulnerable to CC impacts. Where cities impact on one another (e.g. Vietnam), these linked cities should be selected for shared planning and resources and, if necessary, a regional approach should be taken (e.g. Mekong Delta). Consideration may be given to State level 25 Capitals (e.g. India) to engender buy-in at State level, and roll out in cities across the state. Cities should be scanned for overlapping initiatives and chosen only if there are synergies between initiatives (e.g. Can Tho, Da Nang, Vietnam)58. 69. Option 1,2,3: Evidence from evaluations of urban development and infrastructure programmes to date - The 6 programme urban study within DFID India evaluating programmes from the 1980s has revealed some key lessons including the move to smaller, that programmes have moved further upstream looking at wider city/state level reforms rather than focusing just on slum improvements programmes. Lessons in implementation include: Aligning with existing policies and programmes of the national and State governments and supporting more effective, efficient and inclusive planning and implementation leads to a greater buy-in and ownership by the State agencies. Improving structures, institutions and processes (participatory and inclusive) across Urban local bodies for better performance is needed. Need for institutionalisation of community processes Need for political economy analysis to support urban work Focus on municipal bodies as well as State Governments Consideration of climate change Focus on urban livelihoods and especially gender Focus on legal status and entitlements. 70. IDS systematic review of Public Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) on Development Financing Institutions and the impact of infrastructure investments on poverty reduction and growth revealed that hard evidence is scarce for a causal relationship but this is mainly due to lack of measurement of impacts. The review also highlighted that there was financial additionality,of leveraging particularly in low-income countries (LICs) and in less commercially attractive sectors but less so in middle income countries. This study, however, did not look at development additionality of resilient investments or at subnational levels. 71. Options – all. Evidence of disaster preparedness at city level. The evidence on urban dwellers in informal settlements is unreliable and undercounts the numbers. The most widely used data source EM-DATA CRED is known to understate the number of disasters and lacks detail on spatial characteristics. The way disasters have been viewed in the past has changed greatly from studying direct impacts of hazards, to assessing vulnerability, to assessing responses, to building resilience. The UN have suggested the need to consider both intensive disaster risks (underpins large disasters) and extensive disaster risks that takes account of events where numbers of people killed falls below the criteria usually set for disasters. Different models of risks assessments are emerging at the city level through the WWF, UNISDR, ACCCRN, ICLEI, ARUP but what is important is that local level assessments are necessary to underpin planning, and interventions. In Asia, countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Philippines and India are the few countries that have active national urban DRR programmes.59 72. Option 1.2,3: Evidence of climate change adaptation and natural disasters: The impacts of natural disasters have been increasing over recent decades. The costs of humanitarian crises are equally growing (20% of aid is humanitarian, whilst less than 1% is for DRR activities). Growing consensus that greater investments need to be made on 26 preparedness to reduce the impacts of crises and an even greater imperative for further work to build the capacity of communities to be able to cope with these events themselves. Evidence is weak but growing in this area. Recent study using household economy analyses in Kenya and Ethiopia showed that early response is far more effective than later humanitarian response (decreases the cost of humanitarian response and losses by 48% in Kenya), that building disaster risk responses costs significantly less than humanitarian responses and that there are many climate change and DRR building measures that are good value for money.60 An evaluation of Community based adaptation (CBA) activities revealed that it was good value for money to invest in community based adaptation where household assets are protected61. Table 1: Strengths, weaknesses and evidence base for options. Option 0. Do Nothing Strengths Weaknesses Evidence Base - No cost - Limited capacity and investment flows to Medium-sized cities Limited Limited evidence that current portfolio of activities within Urban will fill evidence gaps, and address urban poverty and climate change adaptation and DRR. Limited evidence of good systems planning in cities. Current ad hoc level of activities on planning, and investments at city level have not yielded results. Economic costs of inaction are high. Good programmes under development in India, Bangladesh, South Africa evidence of helping slum dwellers exists. Newer programmes are just developing business cases. Evidence of climate change activities is limited. Current lack of evidence on best ways to improve climate adaptation makes it difficult to argue for additional funding. Similarly, limited DFID experience on urban may also be difficult in arguing for DFID to lead in this area. - Research investments may help with gaps. - Lack of regional network development and learning - DFID will do little to address urban adaptation - Costs of inaction high - Slower pace understanding of what works. Option 1. DFID Manageme nt of the programme - Closer oversight and involvement of DFID offices - Potential for greater mainstreaming within DFID urban/climate programmes - Potential for expansion outside of Asia - Potentially higher set up and management costs - Programme implementation time lag - Lack of DFID country office coverage in Asia - Lower capacity to leverage in other MDB and Development Financing Institutions’ investment Limited: Evidence for integrated planning is strong. (Arup, Atkins, ISET, ICLEI studies) Evidence of dealing with urban disasters is poor, evidence of targetting cities is poor. Future Proofing Cities report first of its kind. Others have limted country coverage. Examples of good adaptation infrastructure investments just emerging. DFID procurement shows to be more expensive than through 3rd party. Also admin constraints make it difficult to deliver this option at scale. Without city level engagement, networks or the experience, DFID would gain little by solely procuring these services. Option 2. ADB Managed of the programme - Influencing ongoing ADB infrastructure investment - Capacity to attract private sector funds - Strong network of existing city level relationships - Rapid scale up of - Limited to Asia Limited: Evidence of UCCR planning is growing City level demand is growing ADB and Rockefeller market leaders with published evidence of their experience. ADB’s own PPP experience remains limited but growing esp in climate change. Evidence from Resilient Infrastructure 27 engagement and delivery Option 3. Planning Only Lower cost Focus on capacity issues Improve ability to raise domestic (public and private finance) Improvement in quality of project design and investments is also limited. MAR results for ADB strong. RF reputation in this field equally strong. Other partners in UFPF proven to be long standing urban partners. - Limited direct leverage of investments - Limited learning and network building Medium Strong evidence that integrated planning is key to building adaptive capacity. Strong evidence of participatory stakeholder planning processes being key to building political will, and voice and accountability. Planning experiences within DFID are strong. Evidence of whether planning can deliver investments at scale is pretty limited. Knowledge gaps filled through a planning function would also be limited. 28 3.2 Social appraisal 73. The main impacts of climate change on urban areas in the next few decades are likely to be increased levels of risk from existing hazards. For poorer groups, these will present a variety of impacts: direct impacts such more frequent and more hazardous floods; less direct impacts such as reduced availability of freshwater supplies for many cities that may reduce supplies available to poorer groups; and indirect impacts such as climate change related weather events that increase food prices or damage poorer households’ asset bases 62. Within any urban centre, it is common for poorer groups to be disproportionately at risk from climate-related hazards for a variety of reasons, including63: Greater exposure to disasters (e.g. through living in makeshift housing, on flood plains, or unstable slopes). Lack of risk-reducing housing and infrastructure (e.g. poor quality housing, lack of drainage systems, few roads to allow emergency vehicle access). Less adaptive capacity (e.g. lacking the income or assets that allow a move to better quality housing or less dangerous sites). Less state provision for assistance in the event of a disaster (e.g. needed emergency responses and support for rebuilding or repairing homes and livelihoods. Indeed, state action may increase exposure to hazards by limiting access to safe sites for housing). Less legal and financial protection (e.g. a lack of legal tenure for housing sites, lack of insurance and disaster-proof assets). Friend & Moench expand the definitions of vulnerability to explain that inclusive access to gateway systems such as energy, transport and communication are also key64. The role of local government in reducing low-income groups’ vulnerability to climate change impacts. 74. There are likely to be strong synergies between pro-poor development and adaptation over the next few decades. However, in order to capitalise on these synergies, competent, accountable local government is required which is ready to work with poor and vulnerable groups. The scale of what households and community-based organisations can achieve in developing protective infrastructure is more effective where they can work in partnership with government agencies.65 Therefore, a large part of adaptive capacity of individuals and cities relate to the ability of local communities to identify needs, make demands, find solutions, and, for local governments where possible, to work with them. 75. Addressing these challenges will vary across the options in the following ways: 76. In Option 0 as the counterfactual: DFID’s urban programmes for the most part deal with the the urban poor and slum settlements. Bangladesh’s large Urban poverty reduction programme is a good example but climate change and DRR are not the specific focus. And therefore the social issues associated with climate change and DRR will not be sufficiently addressed either. 29 77. In Option 1 - There are also challenges associated with the partnership being directly managed by DFID. A DFID procurement programme would more likely address the urban poor but perhaps not at the scale relevant to addressing real social concerns. The benefits would largely come from involving urban poor, and women in planning processes in this case and would not feed through to investments. 78. In Option 2 - This partnership model will need to include partners who are strong in ensuring that poor and vulnerable are involved in planning, and investment designs. These partners will be drawn from across the following groups: advisory council partners (e.g. Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, Slum Dwellers International), implementing partners (e.g. CityNet) and collaborating partners (e.g. PIDG, Swiss Re). The logframe put in place ensures that the urban poor, marginalised groups and women are consulted, targeted, represented and able to participate in the programme initiative, but this will need to be monitored. Criteria for investments and city selection included in the Implementation Guidelines prioritise investments based on targeted vulnerable and demonstrated resilience within investment proposals. 79. Option 3 – This option could really test the extent to which stakeholders are truly part of the integrated planning processes in cities. This option would leverage in the successes to date under previous urban development programmes, learn from ACCCRN programmes. However, there The experience of Asian Cities Climate Change Resilient would be less potential for scale Network dealing with marginalised groups up of large numbers of people to be made less vulnerable. The The concepts of climate change which underpin the knowledge gained will primarily Rockefeller Foundation initiative Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) focus on the marginalisation of be limited to planning and agents and their capacity, rather than a more narrowly possibly budgeting processes. conceptualised vision of poverty measured by material or financial assets. The Rockefeller Foundation and Arup International Development team developed a set of intervention selection criteria. Gateway criteria that must be met include contribution to urban climate change resilience (UCCR), impact on the lives of poor and vulnerable populations and ability to achieve scale. Additional criteria that are assessed relate to credibility, viability, sustainability, local ownership, integration with other measures in the city, opportunity to mobilise further resources, potential for replication and expansion, innovation, ability to contribute to new UCCR knowledge and contribution to a diverse portfolio of ACCCRN city interventions across the 10 cities. 80. The ADB, who will manage the Trust Fund, is also guided by its own organisational Safeguard Policy (June 2009). Safeguard policies within ADB are understood to be operational policies that seek to avoid, minimise, or mitigate adverse environmental and social impacts, including protecting the rights of those likely to be These projects build on a series of climate change and DRR affected or marginalised by the planning requirements. The ACCCRN experience suggests development process. All that reaching vulnerable groups and engaging them in the shared learning process requires a multi-layered safeguard policies involve a approach, in which shared learning dialogues (SLD), structured process of impact vulnerability assessments, participatory planning processes assessment, planning, and and pilot projects each play a role. mitigation to address the adverse effects of projects throughout the project cycle. These policies are unlikely to provide for targeted interventions focused on climate change impacts on the poor. 81. It should also be noted that gender issues already receive specific and focused attention 30 in ADB operations through the implementation of ADB’s Policy on Gender and Development, whilst broader social protection issues are included in ADB’s Social Protection Strategy. Whilst these are new developments, this represents a strong steer on ADB’s new priorities. 3.2.1 How could social development and gender issues be addressed within the programme to benefit women and girls? 82. Overall, although DFID procured programmes are more likely to ensure that significant priority is given to the needs of women and marginalised groups, early discussions with advisors across DFID have identified enhanced opportunities throughout the design of the programme to incentivise this so that they are central to the design: 83. Planning: Efforts will be made to ensure that urban poor groups and women specifically, marginalised communities, and self-help organisations participate in multi-stakeholder climate change and DRR planning. Efforts will be made to ensure that analytical work at city-level leads to climate adaptation strategy and project development. This may include gender-sensitive urban planning or sex disaggregated vulnerability analyses. 84. Projects: Implementation Guidelines for projects identification will draw from the inclusive planning processes, with emphasis on building the climate change and DRR of poor communities. Projects would need to have an element of targeting of the urban poor, but also households headed by women. MOUs with partners such as the ones ADB has with the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights who have a track record in multi stakeholder dialogues and who can help promote access for the informal sector would be needed. 85. Tools: There are already examples of how both hard and soft interventions can be implemented in a pro-poor fashion. The Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) – who are expected to be a key implementing partner - has developed a toolkit to guide municipalities in pro-poor urban infrastructure development66, whilst the Rockefeller Foundation’s Asian Cities Climate Change Network (ACCCRN) has sought to ensure that all phases of the initiative have included the participation of poor communities67. 86. Sustained emphasis: However, this is not to say that it is easy to achieve the desired level of participation/ representation, and it will certainly require dedicated effort and a commitment to feed learning in this area into the partnership. For example, ACCCRN mid-term evaluation68 stated that whilst “ACCCRN’s ultimate impact entails improving the lives of poor and vulnerable men and women...citizens are not at present strongly visible in the initiative” and made recommendations for a tracer survey. 87. Knowledge: The knowledge component will ensure that representatives of those groups that work with the urban poor, the vulnerable and marginalised are involved in key activities such as developing appropriate knowledge frameworks, project monitoring in some of the cities. 88. Indicators: A number of indicators in the logframe have been developed to prioritise this including one on stakeholder participation and the need for 50% women, as well as numbers of people supported. Other outcome indicators on adaptation will also be tracking disaggregated gender data. Each of the investments will be monitored for increased inclusive access to resilient infrastructure. 31 3.3 Climate and Environment Assessment 89. All options above fundamentally address climate and environment risks and opportunities as clearly outlined in the Strategic Case and above. Risk ratings for all options are outlined in the options below, however these are indicative based on actual programme activities and nature of the types of project investments. The overall risk rating of the preferred option is D and although this is not a core contribution to ADB, the trust fund will be working alongside ADB country teams and urban development teams to deliver against this programme. This means that ADB’s environment and climate change safeguards would be applied throughout the programme. However, the section below outlines the climate and environment opportunities that the programme might want to monitor. 90. ADB has comprehensive and wellestablished Environmental Assessment guidelines including strategic tools such as Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) and Strategic Environment C B Assessment (SEA) processes for all its B A investments. Its’ Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) — earlier known as the D D with high opportunity Safeguard Policy — requires a set of C B obligations on the CEA/SEA process to be followed and adhered to by the borrowing countries. The CEA/SEA process particularly focuses on how programmes and investments are likely to have an impact on the environment; however, it still lacks adequate incorporation of assessments of climate risks or addressing climate vulnerability within programmes and investments69. This trend is changing in recent years and this programme should catalyse change in ADB ensuring that lessons from the programme feed into and strengthen ADB’s corporate processes in mainstreaming climate considerations. This has been discussed with the ADB shareholding team and fed back into replenishment and climate change discussions with the ADB. Option 1 2 3 4 Climate change and environment risks and impacts, Category (A, B, C, D) Climate change and environment opportunities, Category (A, B, C, D) 91. Evidence shows that the most successful urban planning projects build on strong preexisting partnerships with buy-in from local and municipal government, promote longevity in physical and social infrastructure through dual use investments that have an everyday as well as a disaster risk reduction purpose, and integrate local participation70. The CEA recommends and the implementation guidelines for this trust fund will enhance investment selection criteria so that it includes minimum climate and environment safeguards. 92. The programme should also establish and/or strengthen formal/regulatory linkages between urban planning on all levels to environmental planning and climate change aspects as part of an overall national Adaptation Planning Framework. ADB is not traditionally known for its policy influencing and dialogue but more for its investments transactions. The recommendation for the partnership to ensure that adequate space is created to allow for lessons from medium-sized cities to feed into national policy processes is included in the knowledge component. This is vital from both a sustainability perspective as well as in terms of fully embedding political support for the programmes and building institutional capacity in national and local government 32 structures. 93. This programme will make a significant contribution to the evidence base of what works for climate proofing urban centres and building the capacity of urban residents (particularly slum dwellers), systems and institutions to cope with climate impacts. The CEA recommends and the partnership will be tracking the extent to which the knowledge generated will actually feed into wider, global efforts to build urban climate change and DRR work in different contexts.. 3.4 Institutional and political appraisal 94. Many of the risks of a systems approach to urban climate change are to do with political and institutional barriers. The political economy of cities is complex. Cities are both the drivers of environmental risks, and have the enablers for delivering UCCR. The key issues as outlined in previous sections are the need for strong municipal governance, the lack of strong institutions that can help combine climate change and development policies, the need for political leadership alongside responsiveness to the country/city context, and need for strong coordination mechanisms. Option 2 responds best to the main institutional issues because the ADB and their partners have on-going engagement with city level governments, whilst the Rockefeller Foundation has been engaged in urban climate change and DRR planning in Asia through ACCCRN. They have the mechanisms to work at sub national levels and carry this work to scale. 95. Options 2,3 and 4 could address institutional challenges in 4 ways: a) by driving forward a multi-stakeholder planning and investments design process. This should be complemented by the logframe indicators which measure the extent and levels of participation in planning and design into. b) integrated planning models themselves have shared dialogue processes which involve feedback loops throughout the planning processes c) City selection will rest heavily on, amongst other factors, on strong municipal governance and evidence of self-governance Although much of the city selection will be demand led, every effort should be made to ensure that the city selection goes beyond an individual mayor with a personal drive, other enabling factors must be present for this to be sustainable d) finally, building linkages between national level, state level and city level actors will be key to pursuing any regulatory reforms, building new budget instruments or indeed influencing national level policies. Throughout this procedure, an evidence driven process that can act as a benchmark and reference point for many cities will be key to sharing lessons across the 25 cities on how to address these issues. 96. Building strong institutions is how this programme will gain sustainability and much of this capacity building will need to be done through the planning processes. Any programme will need to push partners to embed coordination bodies within all the city planning processes, so that resilience planning and action is coordinated and concentrated. 3.5 What are the costs and benefits of each feasible option? 97. This section sets out the approach taken towards valuation of costs and benefits. Secondly, it describes the counterfactual and options. Thirdly, it appraises the options for the programme. Finally, it sets out sensitivities. The full appraisal is set out in Annex 5 and is summarised below: 33 98. A summary of the Economic Appraisal process is outlined below: Three options are set out – 1) DFID managed urban climate change adaptation and DRR responses programme, 2) ADB managed urban climate change programme and 3) DFID managed planning only programme. A counterfactual business as usual scenario is also developed in the absence of the programme; For each option, the costs of DFID funded post and independent management and evaluation of the programmes is deducted. The total remaining donor fund allocation (DFID plus third party) is allocated to 3 project components – project investment, planning and knowledge. These funds are allocated across a 5 year period based on budget allocation forecasts. The 5% charge for Technical Assistance is deducted when the TA has been commissioned, equally the charges relating to investment finance will also be deducted once identified; These programmatic donor funds are assumed to pull in investment funds, particularly those targeted at projects and planning activities. The additional leverage of these funds is calculated based on ADB assessment of public and private investment direct leverage at a project investment and planning level. Direct Investment leverage ratios are estimated to be in the region of 12:1, consisting of public sector, private sector and municipal investments. No investment mobilisation is assumed for knowledge or planning activities; A review of the global literature on city-level climate impacts is undertaken to identify the scale of likely costs associated with flood and drought events. Limited studies have been undertaken, but case studies for Bangkok (flood) and Barcelona (drought) are identified as potentially useful. Estimates for annualised impact costs are identified for these 2 cities based on the likelihood and scale of event. Recognising the differences between Bangkok, Barcelona and the medium-sized cities targeted under the programme in 6 Asian countries, these annualised damage costs are adjusted to reflect differences in population size, economic development (GDP per capita) and vulnerability (using the GAIN country level vulnerability index). The appraisal assumes 75% of damages are expected to be flood-related and 25% drought-related, reflecting the prevalence of low lying coastal cities in the region. These impact damage costs are modelled over a 50 year period to 2012-2062, increasing annually in line with OECD estimates of increases in asset exposure to climatic events (climate change + urban growth) in the given countries, assuming no action. To create a lower estimate of the potential socio-economic benefits, an estimate is made of the potential of programme to help avoid the damages of these climatic events, based on the expected scale of investment programme finance directly leveraged. This draws upon estimates of residual damages after adaptation investments are made in the World Bank Bangkok study, with adjustments to the scale of investment under the programme in relation to the potential damages. In Bangkok, it is estimated that investment of £860m (representing 28% of total damage costs of £3.1bn) would help avoid 52% of total damages of a 1 in 30 year event in the city. For the purposes of the appraisal, we calculate the programme avoided damages on the same basis (ratio of investment to overall projected damages). Our estimate is that the programme leveraged investment of $1.1bn 34 under Option 2 (ADB Scenario) will be the equivalent of 7% of the total damage costs expected in the 25 cities. Using the derived ratios, we estimate that this investment will result in avoided damage costs of 14% of total damages expected under a business as usual scenario. Under Option 1 (DFID Scenario), the avoided damage costs fall to 7% reflecting the lower level of expected leveraged investment (£590m) To create an upper estimate of the potential socio-economic benefits, an estimate is made of the likely benefit cost ratios for individual city level climate change adaptation and DRR activities (not solely avoided damages), based on the literature. A ratio of 2.5:1 is assumed for investment activities, with additional benefits accruing from an assumed 10% of activities delivering GHG mitigation cobenefits. Planning activities themselves are assumed to provide 1:1 returns, with no returns from knowledge activities. Investment derived benefits are also assumed to experience an additional assumed 10% uplift in the quality of outcomes arising from improved planning, coordination and knowledge activities. For both the lower and upper boundaries, a counterfactual assumption is made about prevailing investment rates and the level of additionality that might be attributed to the programme. The level of additionality is presumed to be high (80%), due to the fact that most climate change adaptation programmes and investments are focussed upon metro cities in more developed Asian countries, with limited climate change adaptation and DRR planning flowing into medium-sized cities in the countries concerned. The city level impacts and benefits are scaled up to assume a portfolio of 25 cities across the 6 countries. The distribution of programme activities is assumed to be split evenly between countries. Based on the above – a classical cost –benefit analysis is undertaken, providing a range of likely BCRs and NPV for the programme. Costs and benefits are discounted at 10% pa with the exception of CO2 benefits which are discounted at 3.5% declining as per DFID guidance. Additional sensitivity analysis is undertaken for optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. Parameters included in the sensitivity are recurrence interval and scale of natural disasters, direct leverage ratios, additionality of finance, % of avoided costs, likely benefit cost ratios, and planning benefits. 3.5.1 Approach and assumptions guiding options appraisal 99. Costs: Costs in all three options are represented by programme costs at outset set over five years of investments. The costs include DFID’s contribution of £85m, and other donor funds (Rockefeller and USAID) of £3.33m. They also include the likely effects of investment co-financing from ADB and other public and private investors. 100. Overheads are assumed at 7% for DFID (Option 1), 5% for Option 2 ADB (5% for TA and 5% for Investment grants below $5m or minimum $250k, 2% above $5m), and 7% for option 3 (higher share of overheads for a much smaller programme). Costs of a programme funded post and independent evaluation and management of the programme will be deducted up front. After programme management overheads, costs are attributed to one of three activities: project investment, planning capacity development 35 and knowledge sharing. A split of public funds is set out below: Table 2: Assumed split of investment Option 2: ADB (£000) Option 2: ADB managed FFC programme Planning and soft investments Investments (Public/private/domestic) Knowledge Programme M&E Total (including overhead) Charges Total with charges (including RF contrib) Year 1 2,599 1,891 395 181 4,885 244 5,129 Year 2 6,250 12,286 1,638 641 20,174 1,009 21,183 Year 3 5,724 20,789 2,543 1,382 29,056 1,453 30,509 Year 4 2,039 15,362 1,503 592 18,905 945 19,850 Year 5 395 7,237 1,602 822 9,234 462 9,695 Total 17,007 57,566 7,862 3,618 82,434 4,122 86,556 101. For option 3 (Planning), it is assumed that only the planning component (as represented under DFID option 1) is financed to a total of £17m. 102. Leverage assumptions are based on work undertaken by the ADB design team. They have prepared a paper1 (Annex 1) setting out some of the public and private sector direct leverage assumptions. The existing UFPF facility provided by Sweden has a direct leverage ratio of over 1:40 for public sector leveraging with $15 million dollars of Swedish grant being used to shape the development of approximately $700 million dollars of ADB sovereign lending. Based on the ADB analysis, their estimate is that $91m of grant funding would directly leverage in public and private sector financing of $1.1bn (discounted) including mobilised private and local finance. Derived from their analysis, we estimate the project component to leverage investment and project finance at a rate of 19:1, which is consistent with other similar investment enabling programmes run by ADB.2 The planning component is estimated to mobilise investment at a rate of 10:1. For the preferred ADB option (Option 2), in terms of public vs. private leverage, the appraisal assumes that 78% of leveraged funds (£800m) are from the public sector and 27% from the private sector (£300m). This reflects the central role of public capital in creating capacity and demonstration effect, before private sector investors become more comfortable with financing city level adaptation activities. Project spend on the knowledge component is not expected to provide any direct leverage effects. The ability of a DFID managed programme (Option 1) to attract similar levels of public and private capital is considered to be more limited. For the purposes of the appraisal, we assume that a DFID managed programme would leverage approximately 50% of those funds leveraged by an ADB managed programme. This reflects the fact that DFID neither has access to its own investment programme, nor credibility as a fundraiser among public and private partners engaged in urban infrastructure renewal. 103. Benefits: The benefit appraisal assumptions were drawn from studies that included a number of benefits of climate change adaptation projects (including avoided physical losses, returns on projects, health and welfare benefits). Given the level of uncertainty in modelling the costs of climate change at a city level and the potential benefits of climate change adaptation approaches, two approaches are taken to provide a range of potential outcomes. 1 Private Sector Engagement (2012) Other combined research and investment enabling programmes have reported higher leverage ratios. For example, the CTF reporting indicates a leverage ratio of 242:1, and the Sustainable Asia Technology Programme (ASTAE) a leverage ratio of 160:1 2 36 104. Two approaches are taken to assess the benefits. The first is a top down approach, measuring the potential for a DFID investment to result in avoided costs. Annualised climate damages (defined as physical damage and lost earnings) are estimated at a city level using ADB and other assessments. The approach then assumes a reduction of damages, based on the level of investment in relation to the level of envisaged damages. Two types of city are appraised: flood and drought affected. The central scenario assumes a 1 in 20 year event. Benefits are calculated at a city level and then scaled up to represent 25 cities in 6 countries. The second is a bottom up approach, assuming a socio-economic return on individual projects. DFID investment in urban climate change responses (investment and planning only) is assumed to result in a range of socio-economic benefits (health, infrastructure, economic) as identified in the literature as set out in the full economic appraisal. Based on existing assessments of typical benefit-cost ratios for these investments, a value can be calculated for the expected project returns. 105. The approach does not include: Appraising of indirect benefits, such as employment and welfare creation through investing in hard projects was not included in the appraisal, due to lack of data. This would have appraised the amount of additional jobs created in the cities, depending on the amounts of unemployment in the different cities. Some of these aspects are captured in the estimates from Dedeurwaerdene and others, but are not appraised separately from avoided losses. Other externalities such as the health benefits are not analysed in a disaggregated manner beyond their inclusion in the overall benefits Total deaths caused by climate change are not assessed due to varying evidence around the impacts of floods and droughts on numbers who die. Knowledge benefits are not included in the model due to lack of evidence and lack of information around how they will diffuse and spread to other cities in the six countries and the region. Top Down Avoided damages 106. The first is a top down approach, measuring the potential for investment directly leveraged by the intervention options to result in reduced damage costs incurred under extreme climate events. Annualised climate damages (defined as physical damage and lost earnings) are estimated at a city level drawing upon existing (limited) data. 107. Firstly, for flood and sea damage, data is taken from a joint World Bank, ADB, JICA report, which studies 3 cities in the Asian coastal region71. For the purposes of this appraisal, the data for Bangkok is used as a proxy. City level damage data is provided for 1 in 10 to 1 in 100 year events. The annualised cost of for Bangkok of a 1 in 20 year event by 2050 assuming a high emissions scenario is estimated to be 6,165m Baht (USD $128m pa). The study also provides some data on the potential for avoided costs based on levels of investment and likely residual damages. It is estimated that approximately 52% of these damages could be avoided by investing in infrastructure to protect against 37 an event of this frequency and magnitude. 108. Secondly for drought, data is taken from impacts on Barcelona set out in 2 studies by Markandya72. These estimated annual damages at approximately 1.6bn Euros for a 1 in 100 drought event for a city region. The ratio of impacts based on return period is assumed the same as for the flood impact data in the absence of better data. Table 3: Annualised cost impacts of climate events at a city level assumed for appraisal Low 30 yr Central (20 year) High (10 year) 100 year (reference) Disaster cost 1: Flood Disaster cost 2 Drought 30 £103,062,500 £28,074,918 20 £128,437,500 £34,987,239 10 £189,895,833 £51,728,902 100 £50,812,500 £13,841,667 However, Bangkok and Barcelona are not representative of medium-sized cities in the 6 Asian countries where the preferred programme will operate. Both are likely to have larger populations, higher asset value levels at risk, and higher levels of climate change and DRR from an economic and planning perspective. The appraisal therefore rebases the above damage costs using 3 parameters: Firstly, the damages are reweighted on the basis of population for average mediumsized cities in the countries involved. We define medium-sized cities as those with population between 1-5m. Secondly, the damages are reweighted on the basis of per capita GDP PPP (reflecting the lower value of losses based on valuation of assets and livelihoods). Thirdly, the damages are reweighted based on the vulnerability of the respective countries. Vulnerability is a construct of exposure to climate change and the social and economic capacity to adapt or protect. These damages are then projected over a 50 year period to 2062, adjusted for increasing exposure due to population growth, greater asset exposure and more severe climate events73 (OECD projections). The exposure growth rates are derived from a basket of 17 cities in the 6 countries examined in an OECD analysis and are set out below 109. Baseline damage estimates are provided for a central scenario of 1 in 20 year event. Sensitivity analysis is provided for 1 in 30 year (more severe event, but with lower annualised costs due to reduced frequency), and 1 in 10 year (less severe event, but with higher annualised costs due to higher frequency). 110. Avoided costs are calculated on the basis of a percentage of projected damage costs being avoided by programme investments. The Bangkok study indicates that 52% of total damage costs might be avoided by climate change adaptation and DRR investments equivalent to 28% of damage costs on the basis of 1 in 30 year insurance investments. However, the ratio of leveraged finance under this project to the potential damage costs is much lower. A central scenario for the preferred option assumes therefore that 14% of damage costs might be avoided on the basis of envisaged project leverage and planning mobilisation. Option 1 (DFID) avoided costs are lower (7%), in proportion to the smaller amount of mobilised finance. Option 3 avoided costs are 38 limited, due to the small amount of mobilisation associated with planning activities. The diagram below highlights the difference between baseline damage costs and avoided damages through the various options over time. Figure 3: Annual climate change damage costs and avoided impacts from options Annual climate change damage costs (25 cities) and avoided impacts resulting from UCCRP options Central Scenario - $bn USD discounted 111. While the programme is climate change adaptation and DRR focussed, there is a reasonable expectation that there may be some cobenefits in terms of climate change mitigation (primarily from improved building insulation and urban planning). The approach therefore also assumes that 10% of leveraged investment also results in CO2 abatement co-benefits. Benefits are calculated at a city level and then scaled up to represent 25 cities in 6 countries. 0.60 0.50 $Bn USD Discounted 0.40 Baseline Damage Costs: 25 cities Option 1 - DFID: Avoided damages 0.30 Option 2 - ADB: Avoided damages 0.20 0.10 0.00 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 Year Bottom up: Typical climate change adaptation projects 112. The second is a bottom up approach, assuming a socio-economic return on individual projects. DFID investment which leverages other finance into urban climate change adaptation and DRR (investment and planning only) is assumed to result in a range of socio-economic benefits beyond the ability to reduce damages from extreme events. The benefit appraisal assumptions were drawn from studies that have undertaken economic appraisal on climate change adaptation type projects (including avoided physical losses, returns on projects, health, employment, and welfare and investment return benefits). These are set out in Annex 5-Economic Appraisal. The disaggregation of these benefits is not possible due to lack of available data. The review of the literature offers a range of returns ranging from 3:1 to 40:1. The analysis assumes a conservative 2.5:1 for returns on project investment activities. The returns include avoided losses in terms of death and loss of earnings but also returns in indirect forms from returns on the investments. Planning returns are only assumed at 1:1 (i.e. costs are equal to benefits), and no returns are assumed from knowledge activities. 113. The outputs of these two approaches create a range (avoided damages only and full socio- economic benefits). This range reflects the uncertainty involved in measuring adaptation benefits at a city level. All benefits are pro-rated to DFID’s share of contribution to overall costs (including any direct leveraged finance) for the purposes of calculating an overall benefit cost ratio. 114. The following additional assumptions are made: 39 Discount Rate: A 10% developing country discount rate is assumed, with the exception of mitigation (CO2 abatement) benefits, where a declining 3.5% rate is used as per DFID and DECC guidance Timing of benefits: It is assumed that the benefit returns from investments and planning activities begin to occur 2 years after the investment is made. Additionality: On the basis of the above leverage assumptions, it is assumed that a small proportion of the funds mobilised through the programme displace or represent funds that may have been spent elsewhere on climate resilient type activities. We estimate that the investments made under the programme will be highly additional (80%), given the programme focus on Medium-sized cities unlikely to have access to programmes or investments of this type. Effectiveness of Management arrangements: DFID is currently only active in 4 of the 6 countries envisaged in the study and would struggle to replicate the same level of oversight and quality control as the ADB in programme design and implementation. For this reason, the benefits arising from a DFID managed programme are estimated to be 70% of those from an ADB managed programme. Planning and Knowledge Benefits: Investments in planning and knowledge are expected to result in a qualitative improvement in city level planning, which in turn will lead to more effective impacts and outcomes. This benefit is estimated at 10%, based on work undertaken by the Global Water Partnership on the benefits of improved governance structures in the water sector in developing countries. These benefits are applied both to investments in the baseline, as well as those enabled by the programme. 3.5.2 Counterfactual and Options appraisal 115. As set out above, the counterfactual sets out the impacts of climate change and spend in the absence of an intervention. This includes the natural rate of climate change over time and the natural rate of investment in this area. The counterfactual is based on: 116. The likelihood of climatological event occurring (flood and drought). The damage caused by a climatological event. The prevailing level of investment in resilient type activities. The actual number of people exposed 117. This is derived on the basis annual damage costs for two cities (Barcelona for drought and Bangkok for Flood). As previously described, these impacts are then adjusted to typical cities in the 6 countries involved weighted by population size for a typical city, the relative national GDP/capita (PPP) and the GAIN vulnerability index (reflecting climate exposure and climate change and DRR). These impacts are then projected forward to 2062, increasing annually to reflect the increase over time of asset exposure to climate change for cities in the 6 countries concerned (see OECD 2008)74. 118. The counterfactual estimates that under a central scenario, up to £10 bn (discounted) of climate damages might be incurred in the period to 2062 from flood and drought events in the 25 cities targeted by the programme. 119. It also assumes a prevailing level of investment into projects and infrastructure with 40 climate change and DRR benefits in the absence of the programme, and the fact that the programme might displace funds that would have been used for similar purposes elsewhere. However, given the innovative nature of the programme, and its focus on medium-sized cities, a high degree of additionality might be assumed. The central scenario therefore assumes that 80% of funds directly leveraged may be considered additional. Option 1: DFID managed programme: Programme management costs are assumed to be 7% reflecting lower success rates and higher investment project preparation costs. Option 2: ADB managed partnership (Preferred Option): Programme management costs are assumed to be 4.5% (reflecting a mix of use of monies for 5% for TA, 5% for investment grant below $5m, and 2% for investment grants over $5m with a minimum of 250k, whichever is greater). Option 3: Planning only: Programme management costs are assumed to be 7% reflecting a higher share of costs in relation to a smaller programme with the same geographic coverage and stakeholder engagement. Scenarios and Sensitivities 120. The appraisal includes the following 3 scenarios: The central scenario sets out the design teams best estimate of assumptions, and forms the basis of the expected socio-economic returns The low scenario contains a set of pessimistic assumptions and aims to test the programme’s ability to deliver positive economic returns The high scenario represents a set of optimistic assumptions about the programme, including higher direct leverage, better project returns and higher avoided damages. Parameters such as recurrence of disaster, project and planning leverage ratios, additionality of leveraged financed, annual city damage costs and percentage of avoided costs at city level due to programmes were selected on the basis of their ability to influence the overall results. The recurrence intervals of natural disasters impacts significantly on the results. The Benefit Cost Ratios of project type interventions are useful for benchmarking adaptation interventions but are flawed because the data on cost benefit appraisals for most adaptation interventions remains weak. Uncertainty 121. The economic appraisal is subject to a number of elements of uncertainty as reflected in the sensitivity analysis. The following elements will only be defined during project implementation The allocation of budget between cities and countries The type of project and planning activities that will be undertaken – although probable activities are emerging around early warning systems, integrated water, sanitation and waste, drainage systems, institutional and coordination mechanisms, 41 community led and designed initiatives around land use, water and housing, land use planning and regulatory reforms, and water conservation initiatives. The sectors that will be supported include resilient housing, water, sanitation, waste, drainage, and transport sectors. The implementation guidelines refer to these in greater detail. 122. More generally, there are significant methodological issues in valuing climate impacts and returns. Existing studies use a range of quantitative approaches (e.g. the choice of market and non-market impacts included). The evidence base used for appraisal focuses upon the avoidance of physical impacts, and other benefits such as health and project returns. There may however be a broader range of indirect benefits (e.g. welfare, productivity, economic development, eco-system benefits) that might be included with better information. 123. There is also limited evidence base with which to construct valuation models (see a review in Hunt and Watkiss, 2011). Despite the proliferation of city level research on impacts, little of it quantifies. Most damage costs relate to global or regional models for policy development purposes. Potential costs and benefits of climate change are dependent upon a number of assumptions about the future, including economic development, population growth, GHG mitigation pathways and the likelihood of extreme events. 3.5.3 The Cost Benefit Analysis results Low scenario Option 1: DFID Managed Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits -£172,277,158 -£154,736,902 0.43 0.49 £303,850,501 Option 2: ADB Managed Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits -£245,425,514 -£196,815,643 0.56 0.64 £552,359,437 Option 3: Planning Only Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits -£8,361,308 -£4,943,205 0.38 0.63 £6,873,259 42 Central Scenario Option 1: DFID Managed Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits -£73,668,855 -£20,565,290 0.80 0.94 £363,070,580 Option 2: ADB Managed Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits £50,728,410 £217,642,167 1.08 1.32 £673,346,695 Option 3: Planning Only Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits -£4,395,301 -£3,393,481 0.67 0.75 £6,873,259 High Scenario Option 1: DFID Managed Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits £50,938,204 £378,375,261 1.12 1.90 £422,290,659 Option 2: ADB Managed Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits £426,709,380 £1,419,795,132 1.54 2.79 £794,333,954 Option 3: Planning Only Scenario NPV BCR Leverage Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits -£925,045 -£2,231,189 0.93 0.83 £6,873,259 3.5.4 Recommended option 124. Option 2 (Programme Partnership managed by ADB) delivers the greatest socioeconomic benefits, recognising ADB’s established infrastructure in the region across all 6 target countries, its strong track record in infrastructure investment and its ability to bring additional funds (including from private sector). At the lower bound, only an ADB managed programme under the central scenario breaks even on avoided losses (BCR 1.08:1). Taking into account all potential economic benefits from adaptation interventions the programme should deliver socio-economic return in excess of 1.3:1. Under more optimistic scenarios, returns may be upto 2.8:1. The diagram below represents this in an alternative way across each of the scenarios. Sensitivity analysis of the preferred option indicates that under the most pessimistic assumptions relating to leverage, and potential project benefits, the option does not break even with a BCR. 43 Figure 4 – Benefit Cost ratios for Options Benefit Cost Ratios - Options Avoided damages vs. Socio-economic benefits 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Avoided Losses Only Total Socio-Economic Benefits Low Central High Option 1: DFID Managed Low Central High Option 2: ADB Managed 3.5.5 Theory of Change for proposed programme 125. The theory of change or conceptual framework for the preferred programme is attached in Annex 4 has been developed over several months in discussions between DFID, the Rockefeller Foundation and other partners, and validated through an external consultancy which drew on an extensive literature review, semi-structured interviews with 65 country-level stakeholders across the Asia region, with relevant donors and technical assistance providers, including a mapping of urban, and climate change adaptation projects across the region. Consultations also suggested that such a program will be pioneering and well-timed. It should be designed as an innovative and experimental intervention that responds to demand. 126. This process has confirmed that there is strong demand and an opportunity to break new ground in developing and deepening the understanding of and knowledge about “urban climate change resilience (UCCR)”. Responding to this opportunity will require a systems-centered approach, that moves away from investments that are opportunistic to ones which have been identified through a process which looks at climate change and disaster risks in city planning processes, prioritises soft and hard investments and how they can be modified to target the vulnerable and make the investment more resilient. Doing all this together, allows the impacts to be maximised and raises the potential of reducing people’s vulnerability. 127. The systems-centred theory of change rests on three mutually reinforcing components: Planning – Projects – Knowledge. Some of the critical assumptions underpinning the theory of change are: The ADB can manage the 3 components in a way which is mutually reinforcing. That target cities have sufficient capacity and prospects for development over the project timeframe – in other words, that the preferred programme can pick some winners to invest in. That the preferred programme is able to align with systems and capabilities in target cities and 44 That knowledge function can be embedded into the planning, investments and capacity building processes in the 25 cities. That financing for urban climate change adaptation needs to come from multiple sources. Returns to investment are sufficient initial incentives to attract investment. 3.6 Rationale underpinning theory of change 128. In developing the above options, the following were key design considerations: The core strategy is to build capacity to deliver ‘UCCR’ urban planning and regulation. The preferred partnership will provide funding and support to strengthen city-level planning systems and processes and to strengthened multi-stakeholder engagement in city-level planning – including engagement of the urban poor. To build political will and interest in cities to engage with the vision The designed programme will provide direct investment funding and technical support for the development and implementation of UCCR-plans and investments. The programme will seek to mobilise this investment and technical support by encouraging other UCCR actors (development banks, existing programmes and partnerships, the private sector) to mobilise funding and technical support and by scaling up and scaling out to other cities. Critically, sponsored projects will also provide a body of evidence that demonstrates the benefits of UCCR and the multi-stakeholder model(s) by which the benefits to vulnerable people and urban systems will be delivered. The models and lessons that emerge as well as the lessons from capacity development and projects will be captured and packaged and then disseminated through a knowledge and learning platform to be coordinated by the programme. Through these three components, the preferred option will contribute to the establishment of partnership around UCCR where knowledge, monitoring and evaluation play a key part. 3.6.1 How will the partnership lead to the desired impacts? The programme is designed in a way to addresses these critical assumptions through the following activities: Using the Implementation Guidelines to incentivising ADB internally to invest in resilient investments based on more robust stakeholder planning processes. Technical support to build the capacity of medium-sized cities and relevant national government agencies to integrate climate change and disaster risk and climate change and DRR into city development planning; Technical support to help city governments and urban communities to design and implement climate resilient and low carbon softer measures; Targeting poor and vulnerable urban groups both in planning, in design of investments and in community led initiatives on water, housing, and land use planning. Directly leveraging additional public and private investment into climate45 resilient urban infrastructure from MDBs, national governments, and the private sector. This will be done through funding project preparation, brokering financing partnerships, and investment grants; Contributing to global and local knowledge about urban climate change resilience through the partnership where targeted learning around planning, prioritisation & decision-making and public/private (PPP) models are tested. Active expansion of membership of partners across the 5 partner types (see Point 185) working through partner relationships in cities where longer standing engagements with local authorities exist. 3.6.2 Country and city selection 129. Six Asian countries have been selected for initial focus under the programme. These are75: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam. The selected countries have particularly large and growing urban populations whose increasing vulnerability to climate change and disasters poses a serious threat to sustained growth and poverty reduction 130. A number of cities have already been part of inclusive urban planning processes through Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN), ADB Green Cities or DFID’s own urban work including in Da Nang (Vietnam), Chittagong (Bangladesh), Samarang (Indonesia), Can Tho (Vietnam), and Naga (Philippines). Cities will need to go through gateway criteria for selection which demonstrate high levels of vulnerable poor populations and systems, climate change and disaster impacts for a 1 in 20 year event, enabling environment for decentralised planning, strong municipal governance, national government policy and support and synergies with other initiatives for networking, replication and shared learning. Self-selection processes should be encouraged on this basis. This criteria is highlighted within the implementation guidelines. Cities may also be de-selected after a period of little commitment or action and no further assistance will be provided. City exit decisions should be part of the review of annual planning processes. 131. Non-priority DFID countries have also been included in this programme. Grant funding is required to introduce innovative integrated planning and incentivise public private models of investment in ways that cannot be supported through existing multilateral development bank financing and project development systems. The financing thus mobilised for investment in the middle income countries will be on non-concessional terms, since most of the countries do not have access to concessional ADB resources. 132. Therefore, based on demographic and risk projections and an assessment of where gaps in coverage of current initiatives are greatest, the programme will prioritise approximately 25 medium-sized cities for direct support. Besides the focus on mediumsized cities and the requirement that there must be clear demand in the form of a formal request for engagement from city authorities, a robust set of city-selection criteria have been developed focusing on vulnuerability analysis, likely climate change and disaster impacts, municipal governance and financing characteristics, and synergies with partner planning processes. In the meantime, the programme will begin working in medium cities where Rockefeller and ADB have been building integrated planning capacity and where DFID regional/bilateral climate change programmes in country have synergies. A communication strategy including the different partners of the programme will be developed to provide information to potential cities. The wide range of partners that will 46 join the partnership will help generate city interest. 3.7 What does the proposed programme look like? 3.7.1 What will the programme do? 133. The partnership will have three components: integrated planning, investments and knowledge management. A Planning and soft interventions (policy, regulatory, and institutional) 134. At the heart of the theory of change, is an urban systems approach which relies on an integrated planning process (See Box 2). This component will spend £17 m on: supporting integrated planning processes across the 25 cities to incorporate climate change and disaster risk and resillience thinking into their planning processes. A key feature of this component will be to test different planning models across cities (ACCCRN, ICLEI, ADB, Atkins, Arup etc). These processes will be supported by vulnerability and risk analysis of vulnerable groups, and how cities are affected by different types of disasters. building coordination bodies in each city which includes urban poor groups (especially women), civil society, local Box 2 Urban systems approach is about private sector, academia and local getting climate change and disaster risk incorporated in to city plans, investments and government; Through studies and workshops, the project will help identify budgets, looking at services together rather than by sector, using spatial planning tools to and define challenges posed by the understand where the most vulnerable are and interplay among climate change how services can reach them. It also means impacts, disasters, urbanisation, and involving the poor (esp women) and private sector in deciding what matters most to them vulnerable people and systems. It will also identify appropriate interventions to strengthen the capacity of the city and its inhabitants to withstand impacts of climate change. Implementing priority soft investments which will contribute to tackling risk factors amongst poor people’s housing, and access to basic services and within urban systems. These soft investments have been narrowed down from experiences through ACCRN and other urban resilience emerging experiences. Probable activities that programme will fund include: i. early warning systems including multi-hazard warning systems which explore health and other hazard risks. ii. building codes and other regulatory reforms (energy efficiency regulation), iii. land-use planning to ensuring that food systems, green spaces are considered within overall planning. iv. water conservation and demand models which might propose diversity of options such as rainwater harvesting, storage facilities etc. v. Spatial mapping – flood, vulnerability other spatial mapping tools vi. Community driven initiatives around housing, water and land use planning. 135. The evidence for complementing hard and soft investments has been strong and particularly where adaptation has been concerned. The soft investments proposed above 47 will help target investments to vulnerable groups and to vulnerable areas. So for example, the fund for community driven initiatives could support community initiatives such as: a) awareness raising, education, and community preparedness projects b) community based solid waste removal projects c) microfinance / revolving loan fund for housing upgrades d) community based disaster risk management projects such as upgrading latrines before rainy season to prevent outbreak of diseases during periods of flooding. e) citizen monitoring of climate related impacts (eg ground water salinity monitoring, beach erosion monitoring) 136. The programme will bring existing partners within the UFPF and new partners with experience in implementing urban resilience as implementing partners. The Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) and the Rockefeller Foundation’s Asian Cities Climate Change and Resilience Network (ACCCRN) both support demand-driven planning processes which help with investment identification and development within medium-sized cities, in order to bridge the urban planning and programming gap. Projects developed by these and other such processes will supply the initial programme’s pipeline of soft investments. The programme’s capacity building efforts will also aim to support cities to absorb the predicted increased funding flows for climate change and to access other domestic funding opportunities, such as the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) in India. B. Investment 137. This component will allocate its £57m grant capital for technical assistance for project preparation, incentive financing and viability gap funding to at least 25 climate resilient integrated infrastructure projects across the 20 of the 25 cities with a view to making them commercially viable and for attracting public, private and domestic financing. These projects will be identified through the programme planning processes and through other processes such as CDIA (project preparation Principles of resilience include: facility linked with the ADB), and ACCCRN pipeline. Projects will be prioritised which offer: Robustness: infrastructure clear benefits in terms of targeting the urban resistance to extreme events and poor (especially women), have benefited from other impacts; multi stakeholder decision making, Redundancy: urban systems that demonstrate how the investment has built in allow for alternative options in one principles of resilience, and good potential for element is impaired. replication and scalability. The programme Resourcefulness: capacity to will ensure that funding provided complements mobilize needed resources to domestic financing and implementing restore infrastructure functioning arrangements. See Section 2.2.1 on private Rapidity: speed with which sector role in which clear institutional, regulatory disruption can be overcome and and market failures to private sector investments infrastructure services restored. are discussed. Retrofitting-capacity: easiness 138. The Fund is also keen to attract new forms of and cost of retrofitting complementary action and financing such as infrastructure when long-term those from the private sector through publicconditions change significantly. 48 private partnerships. German KfW, European Investment Bank, Japanese JICA and the World Bank have expressed interest in potentially providing parallel financing such as loans in alignment with the city-level adaptation plan and investments. Through ADB’s Urban Operational Plan and their PPP operational plans, the incentives for driving forward private sector leveraging and engagement have increased. The programme will seek to test output based aid and guarantees and other forms of public private models across a range of cities. 139. Prioritised investments will be based on demonstrating how they are targeting vulnerable people, and how the investment has changed to demonstrate principles of resilience or changed location, targeting, flexibility due to the climate change scenario planning, or vulnerability analysis or spatial mapping. The sectors for eligibility highlighted in the implementation guidelines include: Climate-resilient Urban Water Management Projects (demand management and supply measures based on specific climate change assessments) i. Climate-proofing water supply, storage and wastewater infrastructure investments; ii. Measures to build redundancy and increase availability of water supply at household / community levels; iii. Improved demand-side management and rainwater harvesting at residential, commercial and industrial levels; iv. Water quality and water source protection (e.g. protection against salinization, contamination from flooding events, leaching) including investments in groundwater protection and recharge; v. Improved water resources monitoring, coordination, and management systems, including meters/information communication technology (ICT). Retrofitted infrastructure i. Retrofitting of critical infrastructure like schooling, hospitals etc ii. New transportation infrastructure that is appropriately integrated into landuse and flood plans; Urban Climate Change Resilient Housing and Transportation System Projects i. Development, sensitization, and implementation of urban climate resilient building codes and standards; ii. Refurbishment, and improved maintenance of transport infrastructure support systems, including power supplies, signal/information communication technology (ICT) systems, fuel storage and distribution systems to enhance resilience capability for sustainable service delivery, especially during emergency situations. Flood protection/Storm projection infrastructure Projects i. Storm and flood resilient housing; Energy/waste management projects with strong low carbon co-benefits i. Converting solid waste management to energy projects; ii. Investments in low carbon and climate resilient public transport transportation; iii. Upgrading to Energy efficient and climate resilient buildings; 49 iv. Investments in resilient heating/cooling production and distribution networks; v. Investments in decentralised, renewable energy production that increases redundancy and resilience of energy provisioning systems. C. Knowledge 140. In spite of growing attention to urban climate change and DRR, the field remains young with a limited base of practice, case studies, and guidance. With the gap in mind, the programme with the remaining £8m aims to include a strong focus on knowledge driven by a knowledge management plan from the onset to capture, and analyse targeted learning areas for this partnership such as on planning frameworks, decision making tools, resilient development measures Example of the Programme in action and private sector engagement models. Take Chittagong – 4 million, 2nd largest city in Under this line of funding, monitoring and Bangladesh. Experiences storm surges every 5 years. A high population density (15000 per sq evaluation of the programme would be km), 35% of population live in slums. undertaken (up to 5%, including £850m for Bangladesh population will increase by 50 million independent monitoring by DFID) has been by 2030, 40% of which will be urban areas, set aside for the purposes of baseline mainly in Dhaka and Chittagong. Half of studies, results monitoring tools, different municipal finances came from municipal taxes in 2006, the remaining from development financing tracer studies etc) and deliberate and relief aid. investments to collate and harness emerging knowledge into tools, guidelines The partnership could help Chittagong citizens: and production of analytical case studies 1. Develop could integrate climate change and on UCCR would be supported, all of which disaster risk reduction into urban planning process. As part of the planning process set are essential for accelerating harmonised up: and effective approaches in this emerging a spatial plan of vulnerability hot spots field. across multiple dimensions 141. This component will support essentially three types of activities: Activities which support knowledge generation from 25 cities experiences: Activities which collate, harness, and disseminate emerging knowledge into tools, guidelines and analytical case studies on urban climate change resilience. A knowledge plan will underpin the work including lessons from integrating climate change and DRR into city planning processes, stakeholder/coordination mechanisms, costs and decision making tools around climate resilient infrastructure, decision making and prioritisation tools, and the mix of investments yielding highest returns on resilience. Capacity and training activities: The programme Trust Fund thus aims to support capacity development at local a multi stakeholder institutional mechanism 2. The plan could then prioritise soft investments such as: Supporting regulatory and/or building standards reforms on resilient buildings along lines of India’s new body. Could develop end to end early warning systems (considering health, flood warnings straight to the user). Plan to increase trees in cities to reduce urban heat. 3. The programme would support prefeasibility and feasibility of a number of hard investments such as Design and close financing on local infrastructure solutions which combine waste water, sanitation, drainage and water systems, with more assured access for the poorest during disasters. Development of an insurance mechanism working with other private sector insurance providers learning from the Philippines experience. 4. Ensures learning is captured through M&E and city planners peer to peer learning networks 50 levels to national levels for city leaders, urban professionals and national decision makers to support improved and accelerated ability to define, develop, and implement resilience building measures. Peer to peer learning: The programme will promote networking and knowledge exchanges between a wide range of actors (city planners, mayors, urban poor) in particular setting up peer to peer learning networks. Links with existing knowledge networks such as the Climate & Development Knowledge Network, the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network and the Asia-Pacific Adaptation Network will also be made to negate duplication and to maximise the global reach of its learnings. Programme monitoring and evaluation: Evidence has shown that linking monitoring & evaluation with knowledge activities is key to embedding evaluations into design. For this reason, the monitoring and evaluation work will be funded out of the knowledge component. The detail of the monitoring and evaluation framework is considered in the final section on monitoring. But impact evaluations on building resilience of poor people will be set up, alongside one on impact on ADB investments. Knowledge tracer studies, baseline studies for the logframe, and city level deep dives are planned. The special reports to support donors’ annual reviews will also help build the full story, examining decisions on resilient infrastructure investments, use of TA and investments grants, and finally transformational impact within the ADB. City studies (1 in each city) to explore how all the components of the programme are fitting together. Specific activities in this component which have been costed include: Knowledge generation of sector papers, guides / tools, case studies, 5 signature papers (including the theoretical framework) are produced. Annual learning forums Peer to peer/knowledge learning hub established linking up to all cities. Cross city learning site visits. Representation at international panels Setup of a knowledge fund for each city to draw down on for local studies. Curriculum development and training courses on UCCR developed for senior government service, academic institutions. High level convening workshops in each country to convince national and local planners of importance. Knowledge officers locally hired in each country coordinating with country/city coordinators. Training of city planners/capacity building workshops for urban poor groups. D. Promoting a partnership 142. Underlying the core functions and the theory of change are a set of partnership principles around harmonisation, coordination and alignment i.e. city level resilience to climate change impacts can be maximised if donor, and city level resilience planning is concentrated and coordinated. These principles can best be achieved recognising the different types of partners. These are funding donors who provide strategic support and financing support, to alignment donors who provide co-financing of projects, to advisory partners who support the knowledge function and provide strategic advice, to 51 implementing partners who will benefit from the procurement of the core functions, and to collaborating partners like private sector actors and groups whom we wish to influence. 3.7.2 How is ADB organising itself to improve poor people’s lives 143. ADB will ensure that poor and vulnerable people are targeted throughout the programme implementation in the following ways: Ensure that the implementation guidelines be explicit that city selection needs to be based on vulnerability analysis and other criteria alongside any city application. This allows for cities to be selected on the basis of exposure, sensitivity and capacity. Eligibility criteria for investments will also be based on demonstration of targeting of vulnerable populations, and on how resilience will be built into infrastructure investments. Logframe includes several indicators which incentivise ADB to prioritise poor people. The indicator on stakeholder participation, the indicators on numbers of poor, the impact indicator on resilience of poor, and finally, an indicator on inclusive access to basic infrastructure. These will need to be direct beneficiaries who are targeted, and monitorable. Within the probable set of soft investments, a fund for community led initiatives and solutions will be set up for each city – strong evidence exists that these types of infrastructure solutions promote innovation and community level action in building resilience. 30 such investments will be targeted through this fund. Numerous training and capacity building support is expected to support urban poor groups in targeted vulnerable areas feeding into city level coordination bodies. ADB will also partner with organisations with networks within the informal sector like the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights. 3.7.3 How will the investment component be deployed? 144. The following describes the kinds of activities deployed under this component in order to achieve the total leveraging/mobilisation (in case of planning) targets summarised above. The programme will deploy a few ways to increase the scope for private provision of goods and services of potential viable climate change and DRR activity such as new forms of property development, designs of infrastructure, and investments in climate change and DRR by business and households (particularly poor households). 145. Increasing the scope for the provision of private sector finance and risk mitigation products directly involved through: Extending appropriate project preparation activities and incentive finance/ risk reduction measures, for example; through CDIA structuring projects for private finance and if required, including incentive payments such as Output Based Aid; Piloting insurance products appropriate to the poor, for example extending the concept of the CLIMBS in the Philippines76 project and the Community insurance in the Philippines; 146. Increasing the provision of private sector finance indirectly by: 52 Conducting roundtable discussions with the private sector and the insurance/reinsurance market to understand how risk premiums would reduce for assets in certain cities and urban areas prone to severe climate risks (floods, typhoons, etc.); Better understanding of risk/ reward trade off in climate change and DRR investments through knowledge partnerships (e.g. with Chambers of Commerce) enabling investment in new markets or financing private climate change and DRR investments, for example, in micro insurance and companies putting in better drainage; and Demonstration of the potential of the private sector to national and local governments, stimulating them to provide appropriate incentive finance for such investments. Total additional investments leveraging from the programme 147. The lack of viability gap funding is identified as a key barrier to leveraging additional private sector financing as is project preparation and project identification and structuring. For this reason, the investments component of the programme is structured to provide grant financing to help with project feasibility, project preparation as well as direct public sector, and private sector investment leverage. The table below summarises the potential for public and private sector leveraging under the programme – the total $91 m equivalent for the investment component will leverage/influence $1.1 billion of public, private, parallel and local government financing at an overall leverage of 1 to 12 which is comparable with other infrastructure facilities being developed. A proportion of this will come from other parallel financiers. 148. Project feasibility studies will be Table 4: Summary Table of Direct Leverage and conducted for 40 projects across the Influence ($m) spectrum of public, public/private and municipally funded projects. ¼ of these 25/40 projects bankable will be for developing projects which 1. Total attract private sector financing. A further 1. Public ¼ will be to ensure that municipalities 250 (16/20 will finance project preparation and bankable) Public 2. Local potentially viability gap financing where government municipal financing is being allocated. It 50 initiatives (5/10 is envisaged that 2/3 of pre-feasibility projects) Municipal 3. Public/Private projects will reach financial closure and or private be implemented. The existing UFPF 800 financed (6/10 facility provided by Sweden has a projects) Private sources $ 1100m public sector leverage ratio of 1:40 Total with $15 million dollars of Swedish grant Source: ADB Private sector paper for the programme, 2012 being used to shape the development of approximately $700 million dollars of ADB sovereign lending. However, this leverage ratio underplays project preparation costs that ADB incurs in bringing these projects to closure. Investments intended to support adaptation and disaster risk reduction activities identified through an integrated planning process, will be much more resource, time and financing intensive, a 1 to 12 leverage ratio was proposed amounting to $91m grant finance leveraging $1.1 billion. On direct investments which leverage public sector loan funding ADB/other sources, taking a 1 to 19 ratio after project feasibility, project preparation and 53 investment finance, $800m could be leveraged. On direct investments which leverage in private sector funding, the ADB’s own experience on infrastructure projects is typically averages about 8 times with a longer elapsed time (slum upgrading to toll highways). We would envisage a 1 to 6 ratio for resilient investments which would mean a total of $250m leveraging. As a reference Green Africa Power is project to attract renewable investments from the private sector with a 1 to 2 leverage ratio but this is for projects in Africa. Project preparation for municipally funded projects where local government resources are mobilised could result in a further round of investments influenced through programme activities. Support on project preparation could leverage $50m domestic financing with a 1 to 3 leveraging ratio. (See Annex 1 Private sector paper). 149. The ADB has a number of established mechanisms through which it can deliver these core elements of the partnership relevant to private sector involvement. Specifically: Strengthening Cities Development Initiative Asia (CDIA) expertise in, and systems for, fostering private sector and community participation in climate change and DRR investments – already included in the new CDIA Strategy and Business Plan for the period 2013-17. CDIA has already commenced formulation of PPP projects potentially suitable for funding under the programme designed to leverage in additional private sector finance. Developing community of practices within ADB to help integrate across the disciplines including on climate change with urban development. Adoption of planning processes capable of including private sector and poor people within its city assessment toolkits internally and linking to Rockefeller Foundation/ICLEI planning processes in order to strengthen these aspects externally. The use of the existing Urban Financing Partnership Facility guarantee mechanism funded by Sweden for a provincial investment fund is being discussed with the Vietnamese government and projects funded under this fund could be made climate change and disaster risk reduction projects. Use of the programme to provide targeted incentives to support, and demonstrate the viability of, private sector finance of climate change and DRR investments (eg PPP investment in infrastructure such as water supply infrastructure in drought stricken areas). This may include potentially synergies with the CP3 Fund77. The programme can utilise its grant financing to prepare climate change and DRRlinked adaptation projects which would not get initial attention from the CP3 general partners. Therefore, the two facilities can be complementary, although ADB will ensure that the outcomes from such investments will not be double counted. There are also potential synergies with other DfID-supported agencies such as GuarantCo which is engaged in ongoing discussions with CDIA staff on how CDIA-supported projects can be formulated to take advantage of GuarantCo support. The adaptation of its UrbInfo knowledge networks to help structure knowledge acquisition and dissemination internally and linking peer to peer networks with other knowledge hub. Use of the programme to provide targeted incentives to the private sector to deliver appropriate support at the community level (eg insurance) and 54 potentially linking to other agencies such as GuarantCo. 150. ADB has a range of investment tools which it is developing that can be deployed to test private sector participation models. Through the programme, the ADB could explore a few of these options in selected cities. ADB could provide: targeted grants structured as availability payments, viability gap payments or other risk reduction mechanisms to cover the incremental climate change costs and provide targeted incentives to support, and demonstrate the viability of PPP and/or private sector investment in climate change and DRR infrastructure. targeted grants structured as Output Based Aid or other viability gap or credit enhancement (guarantee) structures as incentives to private sector provision of climate change enhancing services, such as micro-insurance,78 or guarantees which enhance the provision of small scale finance of community infrastructure discussions have commenced with the Rural Banking Association of the Philippines (community-scale banks which actually have much of their business in urban areas). 3.7.4 Why should DFID fund this intervention? 151. We have brought strategic leadership and expertise alongside the Rockefeller Foundation and Asian Development Bank to the development of this partnership. This programme takes a systems approach to building city resilience drawing from evidence on the need for integrated planning, on stakeholder involvement and complementary soft and hard investments. No other city resilience initiative combines efforts in this way. 152. The programme is innovative and potentially very transformative. If we succeed in getting a number of cities where combined efforts lead to measurement in terms of avoided damages, lives saved, and improved resilience of infrastructure – this becomes a model for climate compatible development. 153. We are working with very experienced partners both on city resilience and on infrastructure investments. The ADB themselves are giving this programme a high priority in terms of driving forward their new urban development and public private partnerships strategies. If it influences ADB’s operations as a new business area then it would likely be transformational on future infrastructure projects in priority countries ($2bn p.a.) 154. Private sector and develop loan financing will both be needed to build the capacity of urban areas to withstand climate impacts. But in the short term, public grant funding is needed to demonstrate (1) novel approaches to planning (2) to help develop projects which are bankable, and (3) to help broker public private financing mechanisms. The ADB are already considering how to make stronger linkages between Climate Public Private Partnership and this programme. 155. The programme will help deliver the objectives of the International Climate Fund finance on reducing the vulnerability of poor people, directly leveraging in private finance, improving energy access and demonstrating climate compatible development. This programme would also take forward the Future Fit strategy and the Cities workstream. The programme focuses on scale working with partners who have a long standing reputation in urban work and in a region where the numbers of exposed people to the impacts of climate change in rising alongside population and urbanisation. 55 Donor Contribution Burden share Rockefeller Foundation $5m + $30m through ACCCRN 21% DFID £85m ($130m) 79% ADB Minimum $7m (towards Project preparation TA) -- Other potential (USAID/AusAID) $5m RF share falls to 20.5%, DFID to 76.5%. Including existing and new partner contributions to the UFPF $130m Reduces DFID burden share to 43%, RF to 11.5% 156. This programme has already attracted other potential grant (USAID, AUSAID) and parallel donors (EIB, JICA, KFW). This trust fund is part of a wider initiative on Urban Financing partnerships – getting additional donors to focus on urban climate change resilience in this way will be transformative. But synergies exist with UFPF work and that of CDIA. Our burden share is 79% if one considers Rockefeller Foundation’s ACCCRN contributions which will directly support the programme objectives, this will reduce further if others such as USAID and AusAID join in the coming months and if we consider the existing donor commitments to the ADB’s Urban Financing Partnership Facility (Spanish, Swedish, French and Austrian support). 3.7.5 Links to HMG/DFID and ICF Strategic Priorities 157. The programme will deliver on ICF climate objectives and in particular the Future Fit Cities workstream: Urban sector is a priority in both the low carbon development and adaptation thematic papers79 of the International Climate Fund. Future Fit initiative will help prioritise actions in 4 areas including on cities. 158. The programme will deliver on improving knowledge around private sector delivery models: A key objective of the ICF is catalysing private sector investment and action on climate change (ICF Implementation plan). 159. The programme can be part of the UK’s response to the Humanitarian Emergency Response Review HERR: The HERR and subsequent policy on humanitarian policy, the emerging work on broader climate change and DRR is a key input into both the strategic case and the functions of the partnership. 160. The programme delivers on the emerging urbanisation agenda within DFID: The UK’s recent horizon scan, recent endorsement of the next Foresight report on urbanisation and the rise of the virtual network demonstrates how timely this programme is. 161. DFID’s urban work is currently getting evaluated. Experience is growing within DFID consolidating existing urban experience and designing new infrastructure and future fit initiatives. Learning and evidence from the programme will improve practice in this emerging area. 3.8 What measures can be used to assess Value for Money for the intervention? Value for money through our investments in this programme can be measured on 4 56 levels: in terms of the economic rate of return (ERR) on investments in city-wide planning and infrastructure. Data will be generated as part of the planning or project preparation process in order to enable ERRs or BCRs to be reported; such indicators will be integrated into the decision making process and prioritisation criteria for programme investments. Equivalent data will then be collected during and after implementation as part of the programme M&E framework, so that ex-post estimates will be available for some investments. This analysis will be a key feature of the anticipated contribution of the programme to the global knowledge base, in demonstrating to policymakers and the private sector that investments in climate change and DRR are an economically viable proposition. Reflecting the approach in the economic appraisal above, it will include not only estimates of projected avoided loss and damage due to climate-induced events where these are feasible, but a wider range of socioeconomic benefits. We will also be monitoring the ratio of investment financed per unit of donor grant provided, including both public sources of finance (i.e. from multilateral and bilateral lending agencies) and private sector finance. This will be relatively straightforward to monitor, and will be a key performance indicator for the programme. Tracking this ratio over time will help to reveal the extent to which the programme is creating positive demonstration effects, thus reducing the amount of subsidy required by financing agencies and increasing value for money. Appropriate unit cost indicators will be tracked in order to ensure that results are being delivered in the most efficient manner. Relevant indicators will be agreed and finalised by the programme Council and monitored by the Secretariat, and may include the following: (i) TA cost per city climate change and DRR plan and soft investment supported (early warning systems); (ii) TA cost per investment project from feasibility through to tender or financial close; (iii) training cost per participant for different categories of training. Management fees and overheads, both of the ADB Trust Fund management function and of contracted service providers, will be monitored and discussed during partnership meetings to ensure an on-going focus on economy. The aim will be to ensure that institutional overheads are minimised in the delivery of all three components of the programme. The above indicators will be a key focus of the programme Council, which will ensure they are monitored and discussed to ensure an on-going focus on value-for-money. In particular, ADB will be part sharing the costs of project preparation resulting in close to $6m grant contribution on their part. This would easily offset the 5% charge on TA. Relevant data and evidence will be collected by the Secretariat and by the independent Monitoring and Evaluation function where appropriate. 3.8.1 Summary Value for Money statement for the preferred option 162. Given the innovative nature of the programme and the need to demonstrate practically the concept of urban climate change and DRR planning, the approach to VFM needs to focus on how effectively it will deliver transformational impacts, e.g. by developing strong, replicable PPP models, planning models, decision making tools, practical examples of investments and policies from participating cities, and through directly leveraging of additional official and private sector financing. While the returns to individual investments financed by the programme at city level are important, overall 57 VFM will be greatly multiplied through these wider catalytic effects, without which the programme will not have achieved its higher level strategic objectives. 163. Option 2 offers the best value for money among the alternative options, and is most likely to be justified on VfM grounds under a central and high scenario. The ADB was rated in the strongest category of multilaterals in the 2010 DFID Multilateral Aid Review (MAR), scoring a maximum 4 on a scale of 1-4. The partnership benefits and expected catalytic impacts are a key aspect of the value for money for the programme. The potential for scale across the results spectrum is enormous, even taking into account the risks that go with a complex and innovative programme of this nature. Key points are as follows: The inclusion of a specific investment component, along with the fact that the programme will be managed by ADB and explicitly involve other financing agencies through the partnership model, means that Option 2 will offer far greater VfM in terms of the ratio of financing leveraged, which will translate directly into higher investment and avoided damages; The integration of capacity building, investment, policy influencing and knowledge will allow for synergy between these activities in ways that are mutually reinforcing and will support the replication and scaling up of climate change and DRR interventions. For example, the planning-led approach will ensure higher returns to programme investments as a result of projects being identified and prioritised through a city-wide, participatory climate change and DRR planning process. It will also help to identify and support implementation of “softer” investments, such as regulatory measures and community-based disaster risk reduction, which typically offer higher returns than structural investments and may reduce the need for such “hard” investment; The knowledge component will proactively seek to ensure that the learning from planning and investment work will be shared as widely as possible to spread knowledge and action outside the participating cities and internationally. Even if the programme succeeds in building resilience to climate change impacts in a minority of its direct partner cities, the benefits to poor and vulnerable people, highly exposed to climate events in these cities, and the knowledge benefits from these successes, being grounded in practical experience will provide important gains in understanding of urban climate change and DRR issues. 164. The strong focus within Option 2 on partnership between multiple agencies offers much stronger potential for wider impacts through alignment and harmonisation with other urban climate change and DRR partners. Most directly, the programme will influence the way climate change and DRR is incorporated into ADB’s urban lending operations across its whole portfolio. This spillover effect does not exist with any of the other options. 165. These advantages of Option 2 are reflected in the economic appraisal above. Compared to the other options, this option offers both a higher Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) and Net Present Value overall. At the level of individual investments, literature review indicates a range of BCRs between 3:1 and 40:1. In practice, these will vary depending on the cities that are selected, the likelihood of disasters hitting many of these cities, and the extent to which there are strong cities with good municipal governance to support their planning 58 processes. However, the likelihood of achieving these returns is greatest where the partnership has long sustained dialogue with governments, which is another advantage offered by working through ADB with its range of urban partners and relationships across Asian cities and national governments. Although the benefits are sensitive to the cost drivers such as damage costs, frequency of extreme events, and leveraging ratios, Option 2 remains positive in the central and high case scenarios. 166. Option 2 also offers good VfM in terms of economy at the level of inputs. On a scale of 14, ADB’s strategic and performance management, financial management, and cost/value consciousness were all rated as either 3 or 4 in the 2010 MAR. Administration costs charged by ADB for management of the Trust Fund will be 5% for TA, no cost for the setup of the Trust Fund (unlike recent negotiations on World Bank Trust Fund administration). This is highly competitive compared to other institutional rates. Under new procurement guidelines approved in 2010, ADB has an obligation to ensure that the proceeds of its financing are used with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency. If ADB also cost share to the tune of $6m towards project preparation technical assistance, then much of these will be reimbursed. Further details on the approach to procurement under the different components of the programme are set out below in the Commercial Case. 59 4 Commercial Case 4.1 Indirect procurement A. Why is the proposed funding mechanism/form of arrangement the right one for this intervention, with this development partner? 167. DFID will channel our funds to the ADB through a multi-donor Trust Fund arrangement. The Trust Fund arrangement is well established as a modality under ADB’s Urban Financing Partnership Facility, under which ADB is managing grant resources from a number of bilateral donors. 168. The ADB is a credible development partner to deliver this intervention for a number of reasons. ADB support for sustainable urban development is guided by its long-term strategic framework, Strategy 2020. ADB’s renewed assistance to the urban sector is grounded in a comprehensive assessment of its Development Member Countries’ (DMCs) urban issues and their fiscal and institutional structures. ADB’s New Urban Operational Plan covers clean water, sustainable transport, energy, solid waste management, urban planning and financing. The plan fosters Competitive, Inclusive, and Green Cities to improve the performance of cities on the Economic, Equity, and Environment (3Es) fronts. 169. The Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA), supported by ADB and the governments of Germany, Sweden, the People’s Republic of China, and Austria, help cities shape and prioritise their infrastructure development plans and assess priority projects at a pre-feasibility stage. To June 2011, 31 cities in 13 countries have participated in the initiative and approximately $11.3 million of core resources have generated an investment pipeline of approximately $5 billion. 170. ADB’s Urban Financing Partnership Facility (UFPF) also supports innovative urban environmental, pro-poor projects and provides investment co-financing, technical assistance and guarantee support for urban infrastructure development. With the private sector currently accounting for only about 20% of infrastructure spending in Asia, ADB is scaling up efforts towards private sector development and private sector operations, guided by the new Urban Operations Plan. 171. ADB’s key reform areas include climate change and the private sector agenda, which are at the heart of the programme. These reform areas were also highlighted in the recent Asian Development Fund (ADF), the concessional lending arm of ADB, replenishment submission. 172. The ADB was rated in the strongest category of multilaterals in the 2010 DFID Multilateral Aid Review, scoring a maximum 4 on a scale of 1-4. Within the overall assessment its leadership in promoting private finance for climate change, strategic and performance management, financial management, and cost/value consciousness were all rated as either 3 or 4.The MAR commended the ADB’s leadership on climate change, citing the fact that it has already exceeded its target of $1bn lending for climate change by 2012, and has now increased this target to $2bn. 173. As a key partner in the Climate Investment Funds, the ADB plays an important role in 60 knowledge provision and capacity building on climate change. In terms of development in Asia, no other institution can provide the same depth of knowledge of the region. The ADB has particular strengths in infrastructure financing, but the MAR noted that its provision of technical assistance and expertise to governments has been less successful. As noted above, the procurement and management arrangements under the programme, especially for the planning and knowledge components, have been designed to allow greater flexibility to identify and deploy a range of institutions with capacity and a reputation for innovative and high quality work with cities. These arrangements are set out in more detail in the following sections. 174. The alternative procurement routes are for DFID to contract the planning and knowledge functions directly through a competitive approach, and either offer direct financial assistance to the cities selected or channel investments through another development partner institution. We have considered these options during the appraisal, and our judgement is that these are not feasible. Whilst these options offer some advantages of allowing DFID to directly engage, the down-sides are the significantly increased transaction costs, and the risk of a fragmented agenda / approach with other donors. B. Value for money through procurement 175. The umbrella Urban Financing Partnership Facility has some established procurement modalities in place that offer flexibility for the components within the programme partnership. Each of the three functions (planning, knowledge and investments) have distinct procurement modalities for implementation. To support these activity streams, different procurement modalities will be deployed. Under ADB processes, a Regional Technical Assistance (RETA) is the mechanism by which funds (grants) are allocated to non-investment related activities such as knowledge, capacity building, project preparation, demand studies, pre-feasibility studies, stakeholder assessments. Investments are done through loans and grants. 176. The potential procurement (implementation) modalities under RETA are: sole source procurement of agencies; sole source procurement of individuals; and limited tender of qualified consortia (Indefinite Delivery Contract or IDC). To ensure competition, innovation and learning, and recognising the fact that limited experience exists within individual consultants, we would expect that the knowledge, and planning functions of the programme will be procured through either agencies or as an IDC in order for implementation to maintain pace across all the cities. 177. ADB have also agreed to cost-share the preparation of Project Preparation Technical Assistance (PPTA). The procurement of all PPTAs therefore Under ADB procurement, existing processes enable the funding of Project Preparation Technical Assistance or PPTAs (feasibility studies) and standard Grant Agreements channel investment funds. ADB has agreed to cost-share the preparation costs of the PPTAs (contributing $375k per project) across all the public and private sector PPTAs, amounting to nearly $6m grant contribution into the programme. Planning Activities 178. ADB would manage procurement under the existing Managing Asian Cities (MAC) RETA, both the individual consulting and panel (IDC) modalities are established and the firms on the IDC have the capacity to undertake the activities envisaged. In the 61 case of planning activities, planning interventions may range from ‘validation’ of an existing plan by one or two senior consultants to an engagement of two years seeing through an entire planning and design cycle. The MAC RETA is effectively a framework agreement which would be used to procure the services efficiently. Project Development Activities: 179. In this case, project development interventions may range from prefeasibility or feasibility studies with a small team of consultants to six month engagement to prepare and structure priority projects to a short, but expensive, intervention by project advisors structuring a PPP deal. In the former and latter cases, the procurement of individual consultants would be most efficient. In the other, more common, case a limited tender from a panel of pre-qualified consortia would be more appropriate. 180. In addition, Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) is established as a mechanism for managing the project feasibility processes and linking projects to investments – from ADB, other development financing institutions or private sector, as appropriate for the city context and project. Once investments have been agreed, the process of funding feasibility studies and the actual investment is bifurcated according to whether the procurement is by ADB or another financing entity. 181. ADB charges a 5% fee for management of any technical assistance disbursed from the trust fund and 5% for grant components of investment projects that are up to $5m or 2% with a minimum of US$250,000 (whichever is greater) for grants above US$ 5 million. Again, these charges should be considered in light of ADB cost-sharing for project preparation technical assistance to the tune of $6m. ADB’s procurement guidelines and Value for money 182. New procurement guidelines were approved in 2010. They state that ADB, for its part, has the obligation to ensure that the proceeds of its financing are used with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency. While in practice the specific procurement rules and procedures to be followed in the implementation of a project depend on the circumstances of the particular case. In the recent Update of the ADB MAR, value for money was again highlighted as an area for further work within the ADB. This will be followed closely both at the project level as well at the shareholding level. One of the special annual reports for this programme will include value for money through procurement. 5 Financial Case A. What are the costs, how are they profiled and how will you ensure accurate forecasting? 183. The costs of the programme are split between the costs of the 3 components, planning and capacity building, knowledge and learning and finally grant catalytic funding for project investments. The total contribution to the programme is £88.2mn with Rockefeller Foundation’s £3.2m and DFID’s £85m. Of this, the Trust Fund will receive £86.6m as £1.7m is set aside for DFID programme management costs. Table 5 breaks down the use of funds over the 5 years of the combined contribution using an agreed share of 70% for project 62 investments, a 20% for planning and soft investments and 10% for the knowledge components. The 5% charge on Technical Assistance has been separated and there is no upfront charge for the setup of Trust Fund by ADB unlike for other MDBs. Table 5: Profile of costs across components and across years Project Budget Y1 Total contributions (RF/DFID) Y2 Y3 Downward Split of FCF Funds 5,339,112 21,413,059 30,928,717 Y4 Y5 Total 20,269,836 10,115,230 88,246,875 Programme Funded post (A2 FTE, including travel) DFID M&E & Programme Management 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 850,000 40,000 60,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 850,000 Sub total (DFID managed) Balance less DFID managed funds 210,000 230,000 420,000 420,000 420,000 1,700,000 5,129,112 21,183,059 30,508,717 19,849,836 2,598,684 6,250,000 5,723,684 2,039,474 394,737 17,006,579 394,737 1,638,158 2,542,763 1,503,289 1,601,974 7,861,842 180,921 641,447 1,381,579 592,105 822,368 3,618,421 1,891,447 12,286,184 20,789,474 15,361,842 7,236,842 57,565,789 244,243 1,008,717 1,452,796 945,230 461,678 4,112,664 5,129,112 21,183,059 30,508,717 19,849,836 9,695,230 86,546,875 4,936,770 20,388,694 29,364,640 19,105,467 9,331,659 Planning & Soft investments (RDEL) (20%) Knowledge Learning and M&E (RDEL) (5%) Programme M & E (5%) Public and private Investments (project preparation and investment finance) (CDEL) (70%) Charges (maximum of 5%) Total contributions (RF/DFID) of which DFID 9,695,230 86,546,875 83,301,367 * Note: In addition to the M&E work to be contracted and managed by the ADB, DFID will separately undertake independent evaluation at mid year and at end of year of the programme. Other special reports may also be required on specific risk areas. 184. The following is a breakdown of ADB’s use of the 5% use of TA from the recent paper on Commercial arrangements for MDBs80. The £1.7m set aside will be used for the costs of travel, relocation of the DFID funded programme funded post, for mid year and end year reviews of the programme as well as programme funded travel for DFID project team leader and 1 person. 185. In the first year, DFID’s £5m spend plus other commitments will be spent upon: Setting up 6 integrated planning processes Identifying 5-6 soft investments which can be implemented through cities where planning processes have already begun within the ACCCRN, and ADB Green Cities 63 work. preparing project feasibility for 5 hard investments, project feasibility for a few projects for domestic financing and project preparation for 1 private sector project. These projects would be identified through existing processes, CDIA facility and pipeline. Baseline studies and MIS System upgrade stakeholder and urban poor workshops in prioritised cities. 186. Forecasting for costs will be dependent on 6 monthly reporting provided by the programme Secretariat (usually 3 months in advance of DFID financial reporting to ensure forecasting DFID quarterly targets. Approval of these Breakdown of Administrative Cost reports will also allow for trigger for follow on Category % Share of £ 4 Amount payments. It is envisaged that in the first Maintenance and Running year, there will be significant set up RDEL 5% 200000 costs investments on M&E, on planning, and on Salaries and Benefits 63% 2520000 project feasibility costs for the first round of investments identified. CDEL spend will Professional fees and 6% 240000 ramp up in later years. This budget is Consultation Office Management 4% 160000 based on projected annual action plans, but Travel 6% 240000 will be revisited during annual reviews. We Boards 6% 240000 do not anticipate cost overruns. DFID will Training 1% 40000 closely track disbursement as 5% charges Legal/insurance 5% 200000 are based on disbursements of TA and future Miscellaneous 4% 160000 instalments payments will be made on the Total 100% 4000000 basis of need, spending performance, and progress against results. Table 6: Pipeline of ADB projects relevant for the programme including proportion of leveraged funds, and expected development impacts Good Governance Climate Change ² Environment Energy Efficiency Slum Upgrading Water Supply Solid Waste Wastewater Urban Renewal Counterpart co-financing (US$) Flood and Drainage CDIA Funding (US$) Urban Transport Country/City Poverty Reduction Expected Development Impacts Intervention Sector Leverage Infrastructure Investment Value (US$ million) Bangladesh Khulna 483,000 90,000 31.3 Cambodia Battambang 424,600 90,000 14.0 Chennai 423,000 84,700 259.9 Cochin 370,000 78,000 49.5 Pimpri 577,000 106,000 51.4 Rajkot 360,600 72,000 15.7 Banda Aceh 327,500 44,000 22.6 Palembang 398,000 75,000 175.0 Surakarta 360,000 80,000 49.0 Yogyakarta 420,000 80,000 62.8 530,000 106,000 725.0 Cebu 623,360 104,000 23.1 Iloilo 150,000 37,750 39.0 Naga 415,600 105,830 66.2 Can Tho 200,000 40,000 34.0 Danang (1) 410,000 75,700 29.0 Thanh Hoa 371,000 87,500 6,843,660 1,356,480 India Indonesia Pakistan Faisalabad Philippines Vietnam T OT ALS ¹ 38.9 13 7 8 4 5 4 − 1 14 24 9 3 1,686.5 Medium Term Infrastructure Investment Plan ² Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 64 187. An initial pipeline of projects by the ADB is shown below. It highlights the types of projects within cities that could be supported through the programme to build more resilient investments. So in the case of the Khulna, Bangladesh project ADB is looking to attract CDIA funding of $453,000 grant catalytic funding with $31.5 million project financing with a strong focus on poverty and environment. CDIA is currently partnering with ACCCRN cities to identify early pipeline projects for the programme. These will need to meet eligibility requirements within the Implementation Guidelines. B. How will it be funded: capital/programme/admin? This programme will be funded through International Climate Fund as 70% CDEL funding, 30% RDEL funding and will be fully programme funded. C. How will funds be paid out? 188. DFID and other donors will provide an initial grant contribution for the Fund in the amount of £4m at the inception followed by a £3m contribution 6 months later. Year 1 of the project will be from Sept.2013 to Sept.2014 spanning DFID 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years. According to Table 5, Year 2 and Year 3 costs breakdown will be £20m and £29m. Subsequent instalments therefore will be based on need across the 3 components, projected commitments across 25 cities, annual reviews and progress against results and outputs. 189. DFID will be expected to transfer the Grant to a United States dollar denominated interestbearing account to be specified by ADB (the "ADB Account") in currencies, amounts and indicative instalments as detailed in the following schedule. The proceeds of the Grant will be converted by ADB's depository bank upon receipt into United States Dollars at the exchange rate prevailing on the same day of the transfer. Indicative Installment Schedule (Year 1) Within two weeks from signing of this Memorandum: £ 4 million A further payment in 6 months of: £ 3 million 190. Notwithstanding the above instalment schedule, DFID and ADB may adjust the timing of the disbursements upon mutual agreement between DFID and ADB. The Grant will be held, administered and invested at the discretion of ADB and will be held by ADB separately from ADB’s other resources. 191. The Mid Term Review of the programme in mid-2016 will consider future contributions to the programme based on outputs and results delivered to date. D. What is the assessment of financial risk and fraud? 192. The financial, corruption and fraud risks have been assessed as low as UK funds will be managed by the ADB. The activities funded or supported by the Trust Fund will be subject to ADB's Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended from time to time) and Integrity Principles and Guidelines (2010, as amended from time to time). ADB's Anticorruption Policy requires staff, the recipient(s) of the Grant, beneficiaries, consultants, bidders, suppliers and contractors involved in the Grant or any activity financed by the Grant to observe the highest standards of ethics and personal integrity. Any participant found in breach of ADB's 65 Anticorruption Policy may be subject to sanctions and remedial actions in accordance with ADB's Integrity Principles and Guidelines. Any legal entity or individual debarred or crossdebarred in accordance with the Integrity Principles and Guidelines will be ineligible to participate in activities financed or supported in whole or in part by the Grant. ADB have generally good audit procedures. The 2010 Multilateral Organisation Performance Network (MOPAN) report rated ADB as strong on internal audits, organisation-wide external audits and its anti-corruption policy. It did find that country and project level audits were more of a concern. 193. DFID and the ADB will also discuss and review fiduciary risk at 6 monthly and annual reviews, and take appropriate and timely action as required. E. How will expenditure be monitored, reported, and accounted for? 194. A MOU has been agreed across the donors for the development of this multi-donor trust fund. The MOU is identical across all partners to ensure consistency of reporting and accountability. The MOU is underpinned by more detailed implementation arrangements which highlight the arrangements for the day to day operations of the Trust Fund within the Urban Financing Partnership Facility. 195. As a multi-donor fund, the programme Trust Fund will co-mingle all contributions into a common pool, the ADB Account. ADB will maintain records and accounts, in accordance with its standard procedures, that identify the contributions made, and the commitments to be financed out of the available funds, including eligible activities and administrative expenses. 196. ADB will provide the Donor with six-monthly progress reports and annual financial statements of the Fund, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The programme is audited annually by external auditors, with the cost of these audits to be charged to the Fund. The ADB will also provide details of actual and forecasted expenditure for the Arrangement on a six-monthly basis in June and December of each year to match with DFID tranches in October and April. ADB will submit annual progress reports to DFID and other Donors on the performance of the Fund within 30 days of the period they cover. The reports will be consolidated and prepared in accordance with ADB’s normal reporting standards and annual work programs. ADB will also provide DFID and other Donors such reports and information, as appropriate, concerning the progress of activities under the Fund. 197. In addition, ADB shall provide, within 6 months from the end of the Guarantee Availability Period, a terminal financial statement showing the receipts, income and expenditures under the Grant Account and the remaining balance, if any. DFID reserves the right to appoint its own auditors, if deemed necessary. The activities funded under this Arrangement will be subject to ADB’s Anti-Corruption Policy and Integrity Guidelines and Principles. ADB state that they may, from time to time, adopt additional rules for administering the Fund that are substantially based upon the terms and conditions of the Urban Financing Partnership Facility (where the programme Trust Fund is housed) outlined in their 2008 Board Paper and, if necessary, such additional rules will be incorporated into the Fund’s implementation guidelines accordingly. 66 6 Management Case 6.1.1 Overall governance structure for the programme – The programme Partnership Council 198. The proposal is to establish a multi-donor trust fund which is to be managed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) under the umbrella of the existing ADB’s Urban Financing Partnership Facility (UFPF). DFID is planning to contribute £85 m ($135m) and Rockefeller Foundation $5 m to the programme (and parallel financing of $30m committed under ACCCRN which contributes to programme objectives). ADB will also be contributing $6m for cost-sharing of project preparation activities. A programme secretariat will provide oversight and coordination. 199. The TF will support activities under 3 areas: planning & soft investments, public, private and domestic investments via investment grant funds and technical assistance support and technical assistance for knowledge activities. Activities will be supported in 6 countries (Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Phillipines) identified as having high incidence of disasters, better municipal governance, and institutional capacity81. The program will be demand-responsive in that cities must formally request support but partners would help generate interest and political will for the support based on city selection criteria. The grant financing would directly attract in multilateral and bilateral loan financing, and other private sector financing. Initial contributing donors to the TF will be DFID and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF). Other financing partners are currently supporting ADB’s Urban Financing Partnership Facility (an umbrella facility within ADB). Trust Fund (TF) I Programme Council Donors to TF / ADB Secretariat (ADB) II III IV V Doners aligned with partnership Advisory Board Partners Implementing Partners Collaboration Partners Cofinancing Support Advice Output and Implementation support Support and Extended Influence 200. A Partnership Council will guide the activities of the programme. These meetings will be organised annually to coincide with the Annual Consultation Meetings of the Urban Financing Partnership Facility. The Council will meet once a year to present and discuss on issues of policy direction, reports of the TF, resource mobilisation, and knowledge generation, management and dissemination. The Council will meet once a year and be chaired in yearly 67 rotations by core partners contribution more than 1 million dollars per year to the programme. DFID and the Rockefeller Foundation are expected to be permanent members of the Partnership Council as core financing partners. 201. A Technical advisory board will also be set up which will meet twice yearly to coincide where possible with Council meetings and/or DFID Annual Review meetings. Members of the technical board will be invited based on their global reputation on urban resilience, climate change and urban poverty reduction. They will play a useful part in uptake of knowledge generated within the programme. Experience with other Technical Boards has shown they are most useful when they are involved in decision making around individual policy areas. 202. The linkage between programme Council and the programme governance structure will be through the Umbrella Urban Financing Partnership Facility Annual Consultation Meetings. The Council will not adopt decisions on the approval of funding allocations from the programme. Such functions will be delegated to ADB and subject to the logframe, implementation guidelines, proposals to the Rockefeller Foundation and business case of DFID. The Council will be established in parallel to the existing ADB’s UFPF governance structure as, shown below: Party Responsibilities Financing Partners Members: UFPF contributors (i) Provide strategic direction to UFPF (ii) Meet with ADB for Annual Consultation (iii) Review progress and administration and Annual Work Program Urban Infrastructure Steering Committee (UISC) within ADB Chair: DG, RSDD (i) Provide strategic direction to UFPF Secretariat: RSID (ii) DG, RSDD approves UFPF policy Members: DGs of UDs and procedures (iii) Approves allocation of funds to applications for TAs and grant components of investments Urban Infrastructure Working Group (UIWG) within ADB Chair: DG, RSDD or Designate or (i) Review and endorse proposals for Chair of Urban Community of UFPF support Practice (CoP) (ii) Recommend policy & procedures Secretariat: RSID of UFPF to UISC Members: Urban Development Specialists nominated by Urban Division Directors as members Facility Manager (RSID) Manager: Director RSID or (i) Serve as Secretariat and oversee Designate UFPF day-to-day operations Assistant: A team of consultants (ii) Oversee review process for applications (iii) Review applications for compliance with Implementation Guidelines for use of funds (iv) Prepare Annual Work Program and progress reports (v) Serve as focal point for UFPF partners for technical matters (vi) Manage planning, implementation Partnership UCCRP Council (Financing partners –DFID, RF, and ADB- and other contributors to the TF) Thematic areas: - - Planning Project development and implementation Knowledge and Capacity Building 68 and knowledge leads Contact: Designate by Head, OCO OCO (i) Facilitate partner contributions to UFPF (ii) Communicate on financial issues among the partners (iii) Lead negotiations with partners on financial and procedural agreements for UFPF contributions and framework agreement ADB=Asian Development Bank; DG=Director General (ADB); DFID=Department for International Development; OCO=Office of Cofinancing Operations (ADB); RF=Rockefeller Foundation; RSDD=Regional and Sustainable Development Department (ADB); RSID= Regional and Sustainable Infrastructure Division (ADB); UD=User Departments (ADB); UFPF=Urban Financing Partnership Facility. 203. The Council would be serviced by the programme secretariat – initially requiring one local (Philippine) consultant with administrative support. Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the Council, Technical Boards and Secretariat functions have been developed. To allow for greater scrutiny in in the initial months, the programme donors have requested to meet the Secretariat every 6 months more informally to discuss issues preparation of risk management, special reports for DFID Annual Reviews and key initial policy decisions (city selection, implementation guidelines). Although more informal, this will help provide reassurances for the implementation of this innovative programme. That is: City selection, investment eligibility criteria, initial project feasibility of projects selected through previous planning processes. Providing inputs into and monitoring the Fund’s 6 monthly work plan; M&E set up. ADB plans for staffing and internal governance to support the programme 204. The Urban Infrastructure Steering Committee (UISC), which will comprise the directors general of the operational departments82 and Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD), will provide strategic direction for the programme and approve allocations. An Urban Infrastructure Working Group (UIWG) made up of representatives from the operational departments and sectoral units within RSDD and chaired by the director general of RSDD (or designate) will be constituted to oversee, review, and make recommendations on project proposals for programme assistance. It will also make policy and procedural recommendations to the UISC regarding Fund operations. 205. The Office of Cofinancing Operations will facilitate contributions to the programme, and act as the official channel of communication for financial issues between ADB and Financing Partners. The Controller's Department will provide accounting functions for the programme and prepare financial statements. 206. ADB will put in place a Program Management Unit comprising a full time Fund Manager, a national staff member, 3 consultants for each of the workstreams, and an M&E expert. The 69 Fund Manager will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the programme. S/He will prepare an Annual Work Program in consultation with the operational departments and the UIWG. The Annual Work Program will consider the prevailing and predicted conditions that can affect the demand side (need for additional resources) and the supply side (contributions) of the Fund and its component funds and framework agreements and set realistic objectives and targets (on contributions as well as on additional resource requirements) with specific time frames. The UISC will meet once a year to discuss and approve the Annual Work Program, and from time to time if needed. Workplan for first 3 months 207. On confirmation of commitment and during processing of Board Paper, ADB, through the Urban Community of Practice will: a Fund Manager and national officer will be appointed by ADB staff leads for project (1.5 on total FTE) to oversee the Fund Secretariat. The manager along with ADB staff leads would have oversight of the procurement for the 3 components. DFID will ensure that the DFID programme funded post will be advertised and in place within 3 months of approval. In total, at least 2 consultants should be in place and the DFID programme funded expert identified. The team will be responsible for the procurement arrangements for each of the components(i.e., knowledge, planning, and project development/investment) Begin MOUs with different partners to ensure that there is a strong partnership buy in. Hire an M&E expert and country coordination/knowledge managers Setup the advisory board Develop the monitoring evaluation framework Organise the first partnership council meeting Setup of RETA for planning and hire IDCs to get early spend moving Conduct city mapping exercise using vulnerability criteria, overlaps with other initiatives, with ACCCRN cities, Green Cities and DFID Regional work for early selection of first 10 cities. How will cities get involved and projects identified? 208. Planning processes in each country will be primary channel for project identification. The Urban Community of Practice consists of representatives of all ADB’s regional department (RDs) and its Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD). It also serves as the focal coordination platform for urban sector directors of the RDs which control the resident missions (RMs). While ADB’s Country Strategy and Partnership (CPS) agreements are multiyear, there is usually considerable flexibility in pipeline preparation, particularly in regard of technical assistance (TA) projects. Urban sector directors are in constant touch with RM heads. After discussion at the CoP and agreement on priorities, directors liaise with RM heads to include new projects in the CPS. In addition, the CDIA organisation and network of cities can be mobilised to provide projects and CDIA mobilisation can be done even more quickly (1 month, if funds are in the facilitating regional technical assistance project – which is already established). 209. Selection of project proposals will be undertaken using criteria provided in the programme implementation guidelines including how investment is incorporating resilience principles, 70 proactive targeting of poor and vulnerable people, demonstration value in the sector, drawing from inclusive integrated planning processes, and having high potential for replication. Resilient principles and investment selection might be one of the first areas for the technical advisory board to discuss. 6.1.2 Our approach to managing the programme within DFID 210. The management of the programme within DFID will be led by the designated Lead Adviser in Asia Regional Team (30% FTE at A2 and 10% of A1 grade time) for the first year of implementation and then gradually reducing to 20% by Year 3. This will be complemented by a similar input by the Rockefeller Foundation who are aligned with us on management issues. Although ADB will require flexibility in managing the programme, the complexity of the programme, the fact that it is a medium risk programme, aimed at demonstration, learning and testing means that active DFID engagement will be important. We will also be having internal advisory support provided on the programme through the Asia Regional Board and a Climate change regional advisory board tasked with steering programmes across the regional portfolio. 211. The programme will also benefit from a full time programme funded post based in Manila within the ADB who will be responsible for embedding in elements of the theory of change complementary to the other team members. The draft TORs for this post currently propose individuals with strong city resilience experience. The Monitoring and Evaluation of this programme will form a key oversight role for this individual and DFID have retained funds for independent evaluation of the programme. In addition, Climate and Environment Department (CED) has maintained a keen interest in the knowledge and learning for this programme so 10% of a climate adviser in CED will also be involved in the knowledge aspects of the programme both in terms of disseminating within DFID. 6.1.3 Special reports and Deep dives 212. Special annual reports will be prepared by the Secretariat (funded by the knowledge component) to feed into DFID annual review process covering in Year 1 Monitoring and evaluation framework and city selection, Year 2 project selection decisions for value added resilience investments, Year 3 will involve the mid year review of the programme, Year 3/ Year 4 use of TA and VfM in procurement, and Year 5 transformational impact from the programme. Whilst not part of the formal management and governance of the programme, this will allow DFID to manage the risks of the programme. 213. In addition, for learning purposes, the Secretariat will organise deep dives into cities will take place to understand how the 3 components are working together. These will be organised alongside other learning workshops in selected cities. Reporting 214. Progress against the strategic objectives of the overall programme will be subject to joint oversight by the ADB and donor partners (DFID, Rockefeller) on a six-monthly basis aligned with DFID results and financial reporting through the Secretariat. ADB will provide DFID with annual workplans that map against the logframe, and with six-monthly progress updates against these. The annual reviews will take stock of overall progress, agree forward strategic priorities and workplans, and identify key lessons and risks. 71 B. What are the risks and how these will be managed? Probability of risk occurring 215. A Risk Assessment conducted through an independent assessment of the programme and subsequently validated by the partners identified 16 risks of which 3 are seen as high probability of occurrence and high impact and a Impact on programme's ability further 3 as high impact, medium probability. Most of to deliver against its objectives the risks identified here in respect of the programme RISK can be categorised as relating to either, capacity MATRIX L M H issues, operational constraints, the economics of UCCR, the governance and politics of climate L ,11 4,1 12 financing and responses to climate change, political leadership or drivers for uptake of UCCR and scaling M 2, 5 8,10,13 5, 15 processes. H 9 3, 8, 7, 15 216. The mitigation strategies and actions are mainly to be undertaken by the programme donors and the programme itself, once established. Many of the actions relate to design parameters for the programme, and some have been addressed in the development of the formal DFID Business Case. Others however, are operational, and are areas which will need to be addressed by programme managers to reduce residual risk. A number of measures have been put in place to manage this risk, enhanced governance, DFID programme funded expert, increased DFID involvement and ADB senior management involvement. The 6 monthly meetings with the Secretariat will consider these risks. It is judged that DFID’s investment in the programme will be at least a medium risk investment. Risk 1 The national enabling environment does not support city-level planning, regulation and investments 2 Lead-in times to get submission of investable project concepts is long 3 Programme becomes too complex for ADB to manage well. 4 Programme success does not catalyse alignment and harmonisation within countries 5 Catalysed portfolio remains pilots-scale and does not generate new models of UCCR practice and financing, Probability Impact H/M/L H/M/L L M M L H H M L M L Mitigation Strategy The programme selects cities on the basis of vulnerability, strong national enabling environments and good city municipal governance. The programme engages in policy- dialogue, as do donors at the national and international levels. Risk Owner: ADB, DFID Timeframes for the programme need to be realistic and based on experience of other funds (CDIA). Support/facilitation is provided through the programme to develop suitable funding proposals. Risk Owner: ADB DFID programme funded post, special reports and deep dives. More strategic engagement with ADB. Risk Owner: ADB and DFID ADB and partners promote programme partnership benefits heavily within the offer. Ensure incentives to do so are included in MEF Risk Owner: ADB The programme manages its knowledge component well. Monitoring framework pushes for peer to peer learning and global, national uptake of practices. Risk Owner: ADB 72 6 Sovereign lending requirements prevents funds reaching cities effectively 7 Programme remains focused on city governments, and do not bring in the private sector or vulnerable groups. 8 Lack of consistent Mayoral leadership in supporting UCCR planning processes (ie municipal governance is so poor that process cannot be sustained) Returns to Investment in emerging UCCR markets, products and services do not provide sufficient incentive to attract private sector investment 9 10 Extreme climate events occur during implementation, before cities are able to respond, denting confidence in the approach 11 Programme is undercapitalised and does not reach a critical mass 12 Investments are not balanced between soft and hard investments to support a resilient planning framework 13 Cities focus climate funds on climate proofing infrastructure investment without adopting a climate change and DRR planning approach 14 UCCR projects fail to address the concern of, and risks specific to, poor urban communities M H M H M M H M M M L L L H M M H H Funds guidelines and regulations established based on lessons from other funds. ADB already have established practices of working and lending sub nationally. Funding structures to be accessible to non-government entities. Risk Owner: ADB Stakeholder participation in planning and regulation ensures involvement of other actors. MEF includes indicators to measure this. Risk Owner: ADB Programme to work closely within network of partners to select cities where there is strong municipal governance and leadership. Ensure there are partners within the planning processes which can carry activities forward. Risk Owner: ADB Programme is designed so that it can work on and offer incentives to invest in markets created by climate change impacts. CDIA and other support/facilitation are provided through the programme to develop suitable project funding proposals. Risk Owner: ADB Planning processes need to take into account this probability in planning phases, especially in terms of increasing awareness of decision making in uncertainty. Risk Owner: ADB Programme partners lever-in additional donors through good marketing (more likely if programme has a clear value proposition and starts to show success). Potential for significant leveraging in amongst partners already exists. Risk Owner: ADB, donor partners Implementation guidelines for the programme specify the nature of the investments, the notional share of investments between planning, softer capacity building investments, knowledge and large scale investments. Risk Owner: ADB Knowledge component focuses cities to make journey from UCCR has climate smart to climate resilient investments. Learning from CDKN, Rockefeller, IIED and RED programmes to be shared. Risk Owner: ADB, Donor partners Monitoring framework has clear indicators and targets on poorest and vulnerable, and on stakeholder participation. In inception, strong urging to include partners with a special focus on working with urban poor and urban slums. Risk Owner: ADB, Donor partners 73 15 Integrated UCCR and Climate change is not mainstreamed across AsDB M H Use ADB replenishments to further this objective. ADB senior management continue to stay engaged in the programme. Involve shareholding team on changes to operational guidelines. Risk Owner: ADB, Donor partners C. What conditions apply (for financial aid only)? Not Applicable D. How will progress and results be monitored, measured and evaluated? 217. Monitoring and evaluation of the programme will take place at 3 levels: (1) within the programme every 6 months through a rigorous monitoring and evaluation framework focused on results tracking and learning through evaluations 2) at the level of the partnership through the annual UFPF umbrella partnership meetings and Partnership Board meetings will review the performance of the Trust Fund and the progress against spending expectations (3) at the level of the ICF in which independent evaluations of the programme will be conducted. Rockefeller Foundation is also likely to have an independent evaluation of the programme. Programme level monitoring 218. As the programme is primarily about learning, demonstration and transformational impacts, the monitoring requirements are greater than those required within ADB’s own corporate M&E framework. During its inception period, the programme will engage a consortium of partners to manage the knowledge management component under which M&E will be spearheaded. It is envisaged that knowledge, M&E experts will be embedded throughout each component to ensure cross fertilisation. It is envisaged that up to 5% of the total value of the trust fund will be set aside for M&E activities (including for independent evaluations by DFID at mid-term and of programme). This is separate funding from any independent evaluation that will be conducted by DFID as part of the evaluation of its climate programmes under the International Climate Fund. 219. The results framework and logframe of the programme will be tracked, monitored and reported on a 6 monthly basis to ensure that the entire donor reporting requirements in particular those of Rockefellers’ and DFID’s corporate and International Climate Fund requirements are met. DFID Annual reviews will include a special report prepared by the Secretariat. Monitoring of progress and impact will be done with reference to the log frame and the theory of change. The current results framework with 17 indicators monitors the direct results from investments and each of the components. This information will be aggregated across the components (knowledge, planning, investments) and across the potential 25 cities. 220. A first task of the M&E experts hired under the knowledge component of the programme will be to finalise the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (MEF) which will provide the basis for implementation of the M&E system. The working members of the Partnership Council (DFID, ADB, RF staff leads) will also set the framework in place shortly after the setup of the fund. The MEF will set out the core activities, methodologies, and baseline data sources through which the programme will monitor the results and evaluate the implementation of the partnership programme from the level of the target cities to the programme as whole. The M&E framework will serve the three objectives of accountability to programme partners, 74 quality assurance to component managers, and knowledge management on programme experiences. For DFID, this will also include reporting for the Annual Reviews, Mid Term Review and end of project reviews. 221. Part of the MEF will include the tools that will be deployed at different levels. The M&E framework will include what is effectively an M&E matrix which will identify for the whole results chain the data sources, data collection methods, frequency of collection, responsibilities and likely use of information. The M&E matrix is essentially an annotated excerpt of the logframe. This will be underpinned by a Management information system which records and documents the different programme components held by the different managing agents. Much of the data on progress and results will be held at city-level. The programme will establish a Management Information System or portal through which data and information can be compiled. This will also be linked to a knowledge management system. Following this, early baseline studies for all the indicators will begin for reporting within 6 months of start of the programme. Partnership level and trust fund level management of the TF 222. Programme performance of the trust fund will be tracked at semi-annual Council meetings and at the annual UFPF meetings. The key portfolio trust fund metrics that will be monitored will be: a) Progress against programme deliverables, against 6 monthly workplan milestones and deliverables. b) Disbursements: by component in the trust funds against financial profile of donors. c) Matching of funding tranches linked to results milestones and activity milestones. d) Dashboards set up across components including cities to include spend, investments, activity follow up and risks. This could be a communications tool for monitoring at the programme Partnership Council. Mid-term review and end of project evaluation 223. DFID will also separately commission and manage an independent mid-term (Year 2.5 years) and end of project evaluation (and Project Completion Report) in the final year to assess outcomes and impact, and generate lessons. The approach and methodology will be developed leading up to the mid-term review and will be discussed with the ADB and donor partners. Evaluation of the programme 224. Medium term and long term objectives for evaluations identified through the partnership discussions will test the outcome and impact indicators included in the logframe: To what extent has the programme helped build the climate change and DRR of the poorest people in medium-sized cities and what factors contribute or deterred that from happening? Testing the extent to which the programme has delivered transformational change through the partnership i.e has partnership yielded alignment, harmonisation, collaboration and scale up of UCCR. 75 Testing some key assumptions of the theory of change including (a) whether integrated planning combined with capacity building and a project preparation facility brings about greater integration of climate change into urban investments leading to greater urban climate change and DRR of the poorest (b) to what extent has the planning processes been the catalyst for investments, for the partnership benefits? Ability of the partnership to influence an MDB to mainstream climate change into its operations. 225. The following tools are being considered to help monitor and evaluate the impacts of the programme. These include: (a) For the Planning component: Quality assessments of city-wide UCCR plans –a key tool in monitoring quality of planning processes will be annual assessments of the coverage and quality of city-wide UCCR plans and regulations. Annual joint capacity assessments – to understand how, why and with what likely effects, capacity for urban planning has been strengthened in a select number of cities. These will be carried out by stakeholders from each city, programme reps and will involve cross-city peer review. Participatory evaluations – Target cities (including the voices of the poor and vulnerable) will be supported to carry out regular participatory evaluations of the process and results of multistakeholder engagement in city-level planning and regulatory design. The findings will feed directly back into regular monitoring, baselines, joint capacity assessments of the programme. (b) For the Investments component A proactive knowledge management plan which will demonstrate how monitoring and evaluation activities will contribute to knowledge obtained through projects implemented through the programme. Project monitoring and reporting templates – A package of templates will be developed that follows each project through the project cycle, from application through approval through progress reporting to completion. Partnership survey – To assess the programme’s success in promoting and leveraging partnership working and investment, the programme will design and conduct a six-monthly survey of partners contacted. (c) For the Knowledge component Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) surveys – the programme’s support to networking and knowledge exchange will be aimed at a wide range of stakeholders in target cities and at wider audiences at national and international levels. The Partnership will develop a KAP tool for assessing the extent to which these audiences access, understand and use programme knowledge products and UCCR knowledge more generally. Bi-annual tracer study of knowledge network – In addition to the KAP survey, a sample of ‘key’ messages will be traced through institutional systems and knowledge networks with which the programme interacts. These case studies will be synthesised to provide an overall analysis of knowledge transfer. Endnotes 76 1 World Bank based on EM-DAT/CRED data. 2 3 United Nations (2004) World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision: United Nations. 4 Climate change, disaster risk and the urban poor, May 2011 World Bank 5 Cities Transformed: Demographic Change and Its Implications in the Developing World, U.S. National Research Council issued, Mark R. Montgomery, Richard Stren, Barney Cohen, and Holly E. Reed (eds.), Panel on Urban Population Dynamics, National Research Council, Washington DC: National Academies Press. 2003 6 UN-Habitat, State of Asian Cities 2010/11, UN-HABITAT Foundation, UN-ESCAP 2010, p 60. 7 World Urbanisation Prospects, Revised 2011. 8 World Bank, From Growth to Inclusive Green growth: the economics of sustainable development. 2012 9 World Bank based on EM-DAT/CRED data. 10 Asian Disaster Reduction Center. 2007. Natural Disasters Data Book-2007. Kobe (p. 5). 11 With the exception of statistical information about ADB’s disaster and emergency assistance, all other figures have been distilled from the global disaster database (EM-DAT) maintained by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), Universite Catholique de Louvain – Brussels, Belgium. 12 Investing in Climate change and DRR, ADB report, January 2013 13 Swiss Re (2008, 2009, 2010) “Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2007 (2008) and (2009).” Sigma. Zurich, Switzerland. 14 Swiss Re. 15 Kamal-Chaoui, Lamia and Alexis Robert (eds.) (2009), “Competitive Cities and Climate Change”, OECD Regional Development Working Papers N° 2, 2009, OECD publishing, © OECD. 16 Centre for Global Development, Twenty cities most vulnerable to storm surges, and sea level rises, 2009. 17 Climate Risks and Adaptation in Asian Coastal Megacities, World Bank, SEPT 2010, pg. 13 18 The Economics of climate change in Southeast Asia, ADB April 2009 19 World Bank Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change, Global report 2009 Summary. 20 India infrastructure summit 2012, Ernst and Young. 21 Decoupling report, UNEP 2011 22 Moser, C. & Satterthwaite, D. 2008. Towards pro-poor adaptation to climate change in the urban centres of low- and middle-income countries. Climate Change and Cities Discussion Paper 3, IIED. October 23 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). ‘Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC’ in Parry, M.L. et al. (eds.) Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 24 Bartlett et al, Social aspects of climate change in urban areas in low and middle income nations, Contribution to the World Bank Fifth Urban Research Symposium 25 World Bank 2011 (ibid) 77 26 Satterthwaite D., Huq S., Pelling M., Reid H., Romero Lankao P., Adapting to Climate Change in Urban Areas, Working paper produced by IIED. 2007. 27 Gender, cities and climate, UNHabitat 2012. 28 World Bank 2011 (Ibid) 29 Friend, R. & Moench, M. 2012, Perspectives on Poverty, Vulnerability and Climate change and DRR, February, 2012 p. 15 30 World Disasters Report – Urban Risk, 2010, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2011 31 3232 McKinsey Global Institute. 2010. India’s Urban Awakening: Building Inclusive cities, Sustaining economic growth. Ravallion M, Chen S, Sangraula P, ‘The Urbanisation of Global Poverty’, Feb 2007, Development Research Group, The World Bank. 33 34 Courtenay Cabot Venton, Catherine Fitzgibbon, Tenna Shitarek, Lorraine Coulter, Olivia Dooley, Economics of early response and disaster resilience – lessons from Kenya and Ethiopia, June 2012 35 WRI, 36 In 2010, the Climate Policy Initiative report suggested that assessed the sources of climate finance globally, and found that of the $97 billion of observable flows, $55 billion came directly from the private sector in form of market-based loans, mezzanine financing and common equity. 37 ADB Private sector note prepared for the business case. ADB 38 Future proofing cities, Joint report by Atkins Consulting, UCL – Draft report out November 2012 39 Atkins and UCL joint study, Ibid, 2012 40 Climate Change Disaster Risk and urban Poor, World Bank, 2011 (ibid) 41 Dodman & Satterthwaite, 2008, p69 42 Ibid, p70 Satterwaithwaite D. and Mitlin D, “A future that low-income urban dwellers want, and can help secure”, March 2013 IIED. 43 44 Gender and climate change, WHIO report 45 46 Visions of a resilient city, Arup International 2012 47 Existing budgeting systems often discriminate against even highly effective less costly ‘soft’ investments such as early warning systems 48 Intellecap, Rockefeller Foundation, Opportunities for Private Sector Engagement in Urban Climate Change Climate change and DRR Building, 2011 48 50 ISET 2012 UCCRTF Investments document 78 51 OECD (2009) Policy guidance on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Cooperation. Energy Policy, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.05.049 52 Hedger M, Moench M, Dixit A, Kaur N, and Anderson S, Approaches to Planning for Climate Change, Bridging Paper 2011 Learning Hub, Brighton IDS. 53 Satterwaithe and Mitlin, A future that low-income urban dwellers want, and can help secture, March 2013 54 Brown A, Dayal A, Ruimbaitis C, From Practice to Theory: Emerging Lessons from Asia for Building Urban Climate Change Climate change and DRR, Environment and Urbanization Vol 24 No 2 October 2012 55 Urban Climate Change Climate change and DRR Partnership – Validation and Design Consultancy Report, November 2011, Commissioned by the Livelihoods Resource Centre (DFID), Verulam Consultants. 56 Starting with 26 members in 1987, CITYNET has grown to become an international organisation of more than 100 members in more than 20 countries, most of which are cities and local governments in the Asia-Pacific region. 57 Planned investments in 24 countries valued at $65 million US in developing early warning systems as “the most pressing” capacity needed in order to protect vulnerable communities from the effects of climate change. 58 Validation report for UCCRP, Verulam Consultants December 2011. 59 Dodman D, Brown D, Francis K, Hardoy J, Johnson C, Satterthwaite D, Understanding the nature and scale of urban risk in low and middle income countries and its implications for humanitarian preparedness, planning and response, March 2013 60 Coulter, L., The Economics of Climate change and DRR: Lessons from Kenya and Ethiopia, Food Economy Group, May 2012. 61 New Economics Foundation, Counting on Uncertainty, 2012. 62 Dodman, D. & Satterthwaite, D. 2008. Institutional Capacity, Climate Change Adaptation and the Urban Poor. IDS Bulletin. Volume 39, Issue 4, pages 67–74, September. 63 Bartlett, S., Dodman, D., Hardoy J., Satterthwaite, D., & Tacoli, C. 2009. Social Aspects of Climate Change in Urban Areas in Low- and Middle-Income Nations. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and Instituto Internacional de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (IIED-América Latina). 64 Friend, R. & Moench, M. 2012. Perspectives on Poverty, Vulnerability, and Climate change and DRR. February 65 Moser and Sattherwaite, p 19 This is discussed in the document ‘Overview of Social Issues Relating to Urban Climate Change Climate change and DRR’ and the guide can be found at: 66 Again, this is further discussed in the document ‘Overview of Social Issues Relating to Urban Climate Change Climate change and DRR’. Please also refer to the ACCCRN City Projects Catalogue for details of how the poor and vulnerable are participating in specific projects: 67 68 Conducted by Veralum Associates, July 2011. 69 2008 NGO Forum on ADB 79 Pelling, M. ‘Urban Governance and Disaster Risk reduction in the Caribbean: the experiences of Oxfam GB’ Environment & Urbanization, 2011. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Vol 23(2): 383–400. 70 71 World Bank, JICA, ADB (2010), Climate Risks and Adaptation in Asian Coastal Megacities 72 Martín-Ortega J. and Markandya A., (2009). The costs of drought: The exceptional 2007-2008. BC3 Working Paper Series, Bilbao (Spain). 73 Based on OECD Data Nicholls, R. J. et al. (2008), “Ranking Port Cities with High Exposure and Vulnerability to Climate Extremes: Exposure Estimates”, OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 1, OECD Publishing. 75 Country classification based on World Bank, List of Economies, July 2012. 74 76 A disaster micro-insurance program utilizing the Cooperative Life Insurance and Mutual Benefit Services (CLIMBS) as an aggregating insurer of other member cooperatives whose microloan portfolios are at risk of major natural hazards. Based on a parametric trigger, a portion of member coops loan portfolios are compensated with benefits shared with individual borrowers to rebuild homes or replace livestock. CLIMBS reinsures the risk back to Munich Re. 77 Description of the types of climate change and DRR investments (as defined under the UCCRP ie including mitigation-linked) that might be eligible under CP3 would include e.g., water supply and wastewater projects, flood protection investments for green industrial parks, etc. 78 ADB is already supporting such a community based insurance scheme in the Philippines….. 79 Adaptation thematic paper, ICF, March 2010 80 Internal paper on Commercial Arrangements with the MDBs, 2012 81 Six Asian countries have been selected for initial focus under UCCRP: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, The Philippines, Vietnam Operational departments include ADB’s Regional Departments as well as other departments with operational capacity such as the Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD), and the Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI). 82 80