Chesapeake Bay Program Indicator Framework Reporting Level Indicators Indicator and Data Survey A. Category/Name/Source/Contact (1) Category of Indicator ___ Factors Impacting Bay and Watershed Health ___ Restoration and Protection Efforts _X__ River Health ___ Bay Health (2) Name of Indicator: Health of Freshwater Streams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (3) Data Set Description: For what purpose(s) were the data collected? (e.g., tracking, research, or longterm monitoring.) All of the above Which parameters were measured directly? Habitat, watershed characteristics, water quality, and benthic biometrics were measured directly. See list below: Habitat metrics: Bank Stability, Channel Alteration, Habitat Heterogeneity, Instream Condition, Riparian Zone condition, Substrate Quality Watershed characteristics (only in North Central Appalachians and Northern Appalachian Plateau and Uplands bioregions): % forested, % impervious, # NPDES permits Water quality metrics: pH , Conductivity Biometrics: Coastal Plain metrics: Taxa Richness, Ephemeroptera-Plecoptera-Trichoptera (EPT) count, % Ephemeroptera, Hilsenhoff Biotic Index, and % Clinger. Non-Coastal Plain metrics (by bioregion): Piedmont: The Family Level Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (FBI), %Collector, % Diptera, % EPT, and the Shannon Weiner Index Ridges: Beck’s Index 100, % Ephemeroptera, % Scraper, % Swimmer, and the Shannon Weiner Index Valleys: Beck’s Index100, % Ephemeroptera, % EPT Taxa Richness, % Scraper, and the Shannon Weiner Index North Central Appalachians: EPT Taxa Count No Tolerants 100, % Ephemeroptera, % Scraper, Shannon Weiner Index, and Taxa Richness 100 Northern Appalachian Plateau and Uplands: Family Level Hilsenhoff Index, % Gatherer, % Plecoptera, %Trichoptera no Hydropsychidae, and Taxa Richness 100 1 Which were obtained by calculation? The overall benthic index of biotic integrity is calculated using all of the above collected data. (4) Source(s) of Data: Anne Arundel County (MD) Department of Public Works, City of Baltimore (MD) Department of Public Works, Baltimore County (MD) Department of Environmental Protection, Delaware Biological Monitoring Program, Fairfax County (VA) Stream Quality Assessment Program, Frederick County (MD), Howard County (MD) Bio-Monitoring and Assessment Program, Loudoun County (VA) Stream Quality Assessment Program, Montgomery County (MD) Stream Protection Program, Maryland Biological Stream Survey, New York Routine Statewide Monitoring Program, Pennsylvania Surface Water Monitoring Programs, Prince Georges County (MD) Biological Assessment and Monitoring Program, Susquehanna River Basin CommissionWatershed Assessment Program, EPA EMAP Wadeable Stream Assessment, EPA MidAtlantic Highlands Assessment, National Forest Service Stream Assessment, USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program, Virginia DEQ Benthic Monitoring Program, Virginia Commonwealth University’s Interactive Stream Assessment Resource Program, and the West Virginia Watershed Monitoring Program. Is the complete data set accessible, including metadata, data-dictionaries and embedded definitions? If yes, please indicate where complete dataset can be obtained. Complete dataset can be obtained from CBPO: tabase (5) Custodian of Source Data (and Indicator, if different): Jackie Johnson, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, CBPO (6) CBPO Contact: Katie Foreman, 1-800-YOUR-BAY ext. 837 B. Communication Questions (complete either part 1, 2, or 3) 1. Restoration and Protection Efforts indicators only (7a) How much has been completed since 1985 (or baseline year)? How much has been completed since 2000? (8a) How much was done last year? (9a) What is the current status in relation to a goal? (10a) What is the key story told by this indicator? 2 (11a) Why is it important to report this information? (12a) What detail and/or diagnostic indicators are related to this reporting level indicator? (Detail and diagnostic indicators can be spatially-specific, parameter-specific, temporally-specific information, etc.) 2. Bay Health or Watershed Health indicators only (7b) What is the long-term trend? (since start of data collection) Since this indicator is relatively new, it has not been in use long enough to characterize a long-term trend, so only the average B-IBI scores from 2000-2010 data are portrayed. Trends are difficult to determine because many programs monitor benthic macroinvertebrates on a rotating cycle, with data from one year representing a two- to 10year period. There are some sites that have been sampled several times, and the potential for identifying trends at these sites will be explored in the coming year. . (8b) What is the short-term trend? (10-year trend) Since this indicator is relatively new, it has not been in use long enough to characterize a short-term trend, so only the average BIBI scores from 2000-2010 data are portrayed. (9b) What is the current status in relation to a goal? Healthy fresh water streams are intrinsically related to a healthy Bay. It can generally be said that a healthy Bay Watershed would have the majority of the sites ranked as fair, good, or excellent. The Chesapeake Bay Executive Order strategy states a goal to improve the health of streams where 70% of sampled stream sites throughout the Chesapeake watershed rate fair, good, or excellent by 2025 (FLC 2010). Currently 43 percent of sampled streams are rated fair, good or excellent over the 2000-2010 timeframe. (10b) What is the key story told by this indicator? The health of streams varies from very poor to excellent throughout the Bay Watershed (see results on the map). Of the 10,492 sites sampled using a random sampling design, the following summarizes the amount of sites that were rated in excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor condition (respectively): 13 % (1,388 sites), 12% (1,305 sites), 18% (1,844 sites), 15% (1,578 sites), and 42% (4,377 sites). When results are averaged across the largest watershed size possible (HUC 8) the percent of watershed area that was rated in excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor condition was (respectively): 0%, 11%,53%, 19%, 7%; 5% had no rating and 5% had no data. 3 These results show a clear link between the watershed-wide B-IBI scores and land-based activities in individual watersheds. The poorest stream indexes occur in highly urbanized watersheds such as those in the Baltimore-Washington D.C. metropolitan region. Stream health is compromised in urban areas by extreme land disturbance and an abundance of paved surfaces. These stressors result in high levels of pollution, altered stream flow, and poor quantity and quality of streamside vegetation. Lower scores in the Chesapeake Bay basin are also present in areas with intense agricultural activity such as the lower Eastern Shore and south central Pennsylvania. Excess nutrients and sediment compromise stream health in these areas. The Upper West Branch of the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania appears to be compromised by mining activity which causes habitat alterations and toxic plumes that negatively impact benthic stream populations. The highest B-IBI scores are typically found in minimally disturbed watersheds with low levels of pollution and stable in-stream and streamside habitats. These watersheds tend to be clustered in forested areas of the upper James and Potomac rivers and the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. (11b) Why is it important to report this information? Healthy freshwater streams and rivers have local and regional importance. Clean waterways are a benefit to residents who use them for drinking water, family activities, business and other purposes. The watershed’s streams, creeks and rivers also eventually flow into the Bay, so their water quality has a direct impact on the health of the estuary. An effective way to measure the health of freshwater streams and rivers is to study the many tiny creatures that live in these waters. The abundance and diversity of snails, mussels, insects and other bottom-dwelling organisms -– known as benthic macroinvertebrates -– are good indicators of the health of streams because these creatures can’t move very far and they respond in certain predictable ways to pollution and environmental stresses. (12b) What detail and/or diagnostic indicators are related to this reporting level indicator? Benthic macroinvertebrate health status map 3. Factors Impacting Bay and Watershed Health indicators only (7c) What is the long-term trend? (since start of data collection) (8c) What is the short-term trend? (5-year trend and 10-year trend) (9c) What is the current status? (10c) What is the key story told by this indicator? 4 (11c) Why is it important to report this information? (12c) What detail and/or diagnostic indicators are related to this reporting level indicator? 4. All indicators (7d) What did the most recent data show compared to the previous year (2011-2012)? N/A (8d) If this was a significant increase/decrease: To what do you attribute it? N/A Is this educated speculation or actual cause? N/A (9d) What is the goal, target, threshold or expected outcome for this indicator? A passing grade of “an index value greater than or equal to a value of 21 on a scale of 7 - 35” (or “3 on a scale of 1 – 5”) was selected. This goal is directly comparable to the estuarine phytoplankton and benthic IBI restoration goals of “index values greater than or equal to 3 on a scale of 1 – 5.” This threshold relates to the qualitative scores of fair, good, and excellent categories in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed B-IBI. (10d) Was a new goal, target, threshold or expected outcome established since last reporting? No Why? N/A (11d) Did the methodology of data collection or analysis change from previous year(s)? Why and how? No If so, how will this improve your/our future work? N/A C. Temporal Considerations (13) Data Collection Date(s): Many programs monitor benthic macroinvertebrates on a rotating cycle, with data from one year representing a two- to 10-year period. Although only the 2010 reporting year is shown, many states monitor benthic macroinvertebrates on a rotating cycle with data included in one reporting year that can reflect a 2 - 10 year period. (14) Planned Update Frequency (e.g. - annual, bi-annual): (a) Source Data: TBD (b) Indicator: TBD (15) For annual reporting, month spatial data is available for reporting: TBD D. Spatial Considerations 5 (16) Type of Geography of Source Data (point, line polygon, other): polygon data – average B-IBI scores averaged by HUC 8 and 10 watersheds (17) Acceptable Level of Spatial Aggregation (e.g. - county, state, major basin, tributary basin, HUC):HUC 8 and 10 (18) Are there geographic areas with missing data? If so, where? Only data from randomly or systematically (grid) sampled sites are used to illustrate B-IBI scores. Thus there are some data holes that do not allow for averaging of score by sub-watershed in parts of New York and Pennsylvania. In the 2000 - 2010 period, Pennsylvania and New York monitoring programs collected data from many sampling sites identified as “targeted” (such as sites below an outfall of a pollutant source) and these data were not included here in order to avoid the presumed bias introduced by targeted site data. Watershed ratings in Pennsylvania and New York are therefore less certain because they are derived from fewer random/systematic sites. (19) The spatial extent of this indicator best described as: (a) Chesapeake Bay (estuary) (b) Chesapeake Bay Watershed (c) Other (please describe): _______________________ Please submit any appropriate examples of how this information has been mapped or otherwise portrayed geographically in the past. Information on state’s 303(d) biological impairment assessments were mapped based on stream segment in the 2007 Bay Barometer. B-IBI data was also presented in the 2008 and 2009 Bay Barometer’s using different methodology and portrayed as a map showing individual scores at each sampling location. In 2010 this information was similarly mapped and summarized by sub-watersheds. (20) Can appropriate diagnostic indicators be represented geographically? Yes. Please see benthic macroinvertebrate health status map. E. Data Analysis and Interpretation: (Please provide appropriate references and location of documentation if hard to find.) (21) Is the conceptual model used to transform these measurements into an indicator widely accepted as a scientifically sound representation of the phenomenon it indicates? (i.e., how well do the data represent the phenomenon?) This indicator has undergone extensive technical and peer review by Chesapeake Bay Partnership members of a specific adhoc workgroup of biologists created to improve previous iterations of this indicator. The indicator was also reviewed by the non-tidal water quality workgroup as well as the Scientific and Technical Analysis and Reporting team. Data collection, data analysis and QA/QC are conducted by the principal investigators/scientists. The data are peer reviewed by scientists on the workgroup. Data selection and interpretation, the presentation of the indicator, along with all supporting information and conclusions, are 6 arrived at via consensus by the scientists. The basis for the methodology used to create this indicator is published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (Astin 2006, 2007). The workgroup presented the indicator to the subcommittee where extensive peer review by Bay Program managers occurs. (22) What is the process by which the raw data is summarized for development and presentation of the indicator? Benthic Macroinvertebrates are collected in the field and their communities are summarized by basic benthic biometrics. The non-tidal workgroup and the adhoc benthic workgroup have developed a Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide B-IBI to score each sampling event’s benthic community in a standardized fashion. (Buchanan et al. 2011, Astin 2006, 2007). Once sampling events were scored, B-IBI scores were averaged for each site over the dataset to create one score for each site. In order to enhance interpretation and usefulness of the results, the index scores were averaged across the smallest feasible watershed size. At this time, the smallest feasible watershed size proves to be the USGS Hydrologic Unit Category (HUC) 8 in sparsely sampled areas of the Chesapeake Bay basin and the smaller HUC 10 in more intensely sampled areas. (23) Are any tools required to generate the indicator data (e.g. - Interpolator, watershed model) Yes. The Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide B-IBI. (Buchanan et al. 2011). (24) Are the computations widely accepted as a scientifically sound? Yes. This index uses multiple metrics to assess species habit, tolerance, richness and composition. The development of a Chesapeake B-IBI was based on methods that are published in a scientific peer-reviewed journal. (Astin 2006, 2007). (25) Have appropriate statistical methods been used to generalize or portray data beyond the time or spatial locations where measurements were made (e.g., statistical survey inference, no generalization is possible)? NA (26) Are there established reference points, thresholds or ranges of values for this indicator that unambiguously reflect the desired state of the environment? (health/stressors only) Yes. The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) has adopted the approach of presenting indicators as a “percent of restoration goal achieved.” A passing grade of “an index value greater than or equal to a value of 21 on a scale of 7 - 35” (or “3 on a scale of 1 – 5”) was selected. This goal is directly comparable to the estuarine phytoplankton and benthic IBI restoration goals of “index values greater than or equal to 3 on a scale of 1 – 5.” This threshold relates to the qualitative scores of fair, good, and excellent categories in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed B-IBI. F. Data Quality: (Please provide appropriate references and location of documentation if hard to find.) (27) Were the data collected according to an EPA-approved Quality Assurance Plan? 7 If no, complete questions 28a – 28d: (28a) Are the sampling design, monitoring plan and/or tracking system used to collect the data over time and space based on sound scientific principles? Yes. (28b) What documentation clearly and completely describes the underlying sampling and analytical procedures used? Please see: (USEPA 1997) %20F-N_appendices.pdf ( f); alityMonitoring.aspx p (28c) Are the sampling and analytical procedures widely accepted as scientifically and technically valid? Yes. Most sampling procedures are modifications of the 8 Environmental Protection Agency’s Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Stream and Wadeable Rivers (Plafkin et al. 1989). Please see: (28d) To what extent are the procedures for quality assurance and quality control of the data documented and accessible? Each organization has documented procedures for quality assurance within their sampling design documents (28b) and in the following links: ityMonitoring/BiologicalMonitoring.aspx p (29) Are the descriptions of the study or survey design clear, complete and sufficient to enable the study or survey to be reproduced? Yes, please see 28b. (30) Were the sampling and analysis methods performed consistently throughout the data record? No. There are differences in sampling analysis and methodology between sampling agencies, please see 28b for references. Please see table 1 with an example of a subset of individual sampling organization’s methodology details at the end of this 9 document. (31) If datasets from two or more agencies are merged, are their sampling designs and methods comparable? Sampling designs are not 100% comparable, however the development of the Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide B-IBI standardizes the data so it can be compared across jurisdictions (Buchanan et al. 2011, Astin 2006, 2007). (32) Are uncertainty measurements or estimates available for the indicator and/or the underlying data set? Yes, each data source has uncertainty measurements in data collection and a jackknife validation of the B-IBI estimates error associated with the BIBI calculations (Buchanan et al. 2011). (33) Do the uncertainty and variability impact the conclusions that can be inferred from the data and the utility of the indicator? Maybe, most issues of uncertainty and variability have been resolved in the indicator development. However, more analysis needs to be done on how to continue to decrease the error that differences in sampling design might have on final results. (34) Are there noteworthy limitations or gaps in the data record? Please explain. Pennsylvania and New York did not used random sampling designs until more recently and therefore the evaluation of watersheds in these states tend to be at a coarser watershed level, and in some cases, there were not enough sites to average across the HUC 8 watershed. In the 2000 - 2010 period, Pennsylvania and New York monitoring programs collected data from many sampling sites identified as “targeted” (such as sites below an outfall of a pollutant source) and these data were not included here in order to avoid the presumed bias introduced by targeted site data. Watershed ratings in Pennsylvania and New York are therefore less certain because they are derived from fewer random/systematic sites. G. Additional Information (optional) (35) Please provide any other information about this indicator you believe is necessary to aid communication and any prevent potential mis-representation. 1. This new map includes additional data for 985 new random sites available for averaging across watersheds as compared to the 2000-2008 dataset. Most of these sites were contributed from the Baltimore metro region. These urban sites tend to have low BIBI scores, therefore when the results are averaged for the 2000-2010 assessment, there are more sites in the very poor category and less in excellent, good, and fair categories than the 2000-2008 assessment. 2. In the 2000 - 2010 period, Pennsylvania and New York monitoring programs collected data from many sampling sites identified as “targeted” (such as sites below an outfall of a pollutant source) and these data were not included in the map averaging scores across the watershed to avoid the presumed bias introduced by targeted site data. Watershed ratings 10 in Pennsylvania and New York are therefore less certain because they are derived from fewer random/systematic sites. 3. This indicator is only one example of stream health assessments. Indicators including water quality and physical in-stream and watershed health parameters are also used by organizations to characterize stream health. See the following links information about other selected stream health assessments produced by CBPO and partners: ityMonitoring/BiologicalMonitoring.aspx 4. The adhoc workgroup that guided the development of this improved indicator deemed it appropriate for regional assessments of benthic macroinvertebrate health. The group also identified the following future work that could be conducted to improve upon the indicator; these tasks include: • determine the influence of blackwater systems on B-IBI scores and potentially having a blackwater-specific scoring approach for affected regions • explore the effects of targeted vs. random sites on B-IBI watershed results • develop a limestone-specific scoring approach for affected regions in the Valleys and possibly the Piedmont (more limestone data would need to be incorporated in order to do this) • test the validity of the Coastal Plain index by identifying Reference and Degraded sites in the coastal plain bioregions • calculate the trends in the B-IBI over time with a subset of the data collected from fixed locations • validate the B-IBI with new data as it is added to the database • improve the B-IBI performance in the North Central Appalachians and the North Appalachian Plateau and Uplands regions by acquiring new habitat and water quality data and better identifying Reference and Degraded sites • further compare the several Coastal Plain indexes that have been developed and evaluate if and how they differ when calculated from the same data set 11 References Astin, L.E. 2006. Data synthesis and bioindicator development for nontidal streams in the interstate Potomac River basin, USA. Ecological Indicators 6: 664-685. Astin, L. E. 2007. Developing biological indicators from diverse data: The Potomac Basin-wide Index of Benthic Integrity (B-IBI). Ecological Indicators 7: 895-908. Buchanan, C., K. Foreman, J. Johnson, and A. Griggs. 2011. Development of a Basinwide Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity for Non-Tidal Streams and Wadeable Rivers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Final Report to the Chesapeake Bay Program NonTidal Water Quality Workgroup. ICPRB Report 11-1. Prepared for the US Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program. Federal Leadership Committee for the Chesapeake Bay. Strategy for Protecting and Restoring the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Executive Order 13508. May 12, 2010. Foreman, K., Buchanan, C., Nagel, A., 2008. Development of ecosystem health indexes for non-tidal wadeable streams and rivers in the Chesapeake Bay basin. Report to the Chesapeake Bay Program Non-Tidal Water Quality Workgroup. December 5, 2008. Karr, J.R. 1981. Assessment of biotic integrity using fish communities. Fisheries 6:21-27. Plafkin, J. L. et al. 1989. Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers: Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish. EPA/440/4-98/001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Regulations and Standards, Washington, D. C. US Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. Field and laboratory methods for macroinvertebrate and habitat assessment of low gradient nontidal streams. Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams Workgroup, Environmental Services Division, Region 3, Wheeling, WV; 23 pages with appendices. 12 Table 1. Benthic Macroinvertebrate sampling details for selected data sources in the Chesapeake Bay B-IBI. Organization Virginia West Virginia Delaware Pennsylvania Methodology Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (EPA RBP II procedures) Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (EPA RBP II procedures) Wadeable riffles and runs Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams Workgroup Protocol, modified version of EPA RBP Rapid Bioasseessment Protocol (EPA RBP III procedures) Sampling Details Reference and target sampling 2 times/year, random once/year Random and targeted sampling on a 5 yr sampling rotation Sampling in the fall, ~50 sites/year, presently targeted sampling driven by TMDL investigations, some targeted sites some random sites Probabalistic is rotating watersheds. Targeted for TMDLs and threatened areas. Random stratified sampling design. Probablistic sampling via 8 digit HUC sampling unit, 250 sites. Targeted sites sampled as well. Listing Criteria Stream Condition Index (SCI) used for biocriteria, SCI<=60 impaired Stream Condition Index (SCI) used for biocriteria, SCI<60.6 impaired Biological Index (BI) used for biocriteria, BCI <=66 impaired Index of Biotic Integreity (IBI) The IBI is scored on a 1-5 scale with 3 or greater passing. Maryland estimates the percentage of degraded stream miles within each 8-digit watershed (equivalent to HUC 10). All stations in each watershed are compared to reference conditions. If degraded stream miles compose significantly greater than 10 percent, the watershed is impaired. Maryland Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) protocol. 1st-4th order streams. SRBC Project-dependent: rotating basin surveys every 6 <53% of reference is considered not supporting. Project-dependent: RBPIII in PA and Md, mostly; years; yearly sampling at selected sites; most sampling SRBC only lists streams as "Category 3 RBPIII and NYS biomonitoring protocol in NY during baseflow conditions (summer/early fall) insufficient data" - not as impaired. Fairfax County Montgomery County Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams Workgroup Protocol, EPA RBP Random stratified sampling design. Probablistic sampling of 40 randomly selected sites per year. Thirteen Reference sites are sampled each year, eleven piedmont sites and 2 coastal plain sites. Several trend sites are sampled on a rotating basis. Sites are scored using an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and rated on a 0-100 scale. Scale broken down into Very Poor, Poor, Fair, Good and Excellent rating categories. Ratings for all sites are combined to create an overall county Stream Quality Index (SQI). Modified version of Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) protocol Both targeted and probability-based sampling, depending on management need. Sites selected in one of three ways using geographic and stream order stratification: 1) Reaches are randomly selected and sites are randomly chosen on the reach. 2) reaches are targeted and sites are randomly chosen on the reach, or 3) both reaches and sites are targeted. Baseline sites are revisited on a 5-year watershed rotational basis. BIBI scored on a 8-40 scale. 36-40 is Excellent in channery silt loam ecoregion (35-40 in silt loam), 26-35 is Good, 17-25 is Fair, 8-16 is Poor. All stations are scored in comparison to reference stream conditions. Random stratified sampling design. Probablistic Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams Workgroup sampling via the County's 41 designated watersheds. 5- Use the MD DNR MBSS IBI. Depending on Prince George's Protocol, modified version of EPA RBP (same as year cycle (1999-2004), approximately 255 sites. Also, date of database the IBI is Stribling et al. 1998 MBSS). some targeted sites each year and special studies. or Southerland et al. 2005. County MAIS (macroinvertebrate aggregated index for Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (EPA RBP II Project-dependent. Reference, inventory and/or target streams) developed by Voshell. Scores range procedures) sampling 1 time a year from 0-18, with 18 being the best. USFS New York* NYS Biomonitoring Rapid Bioassessment Protocol RIBS (Rotating Intensive Basin Studies) network monitoring is conducted in 2-4 watersheds/yr, 5 yr sampling rotation *Need updated information, however data not included in 2008 indicator Biological Assessment Profile (BAP) averages a combo of metrics and categorizes the degree of impaired on a scale of 0 to 10. BAP<=2.5 severely impacted. 13 Table 1 continue Organization Type of sampling What time of year sample Sampling equipment Subsample size Virginia Reference, random, and targeted Spring (April-May) and Fall (September-November) D-Frame Net 500um 110 West Virginia Random and targeted April 15 thru Oct 1 500 um mesh, 0.5 m wide kick net 200 org Delaware mixed: Targeted, random, reference Fall, October - November d-net, 20 1-meter long jabs (≈6 m2) 100 Pennsylvania Random and Targeted Freestone: Separate benchmarks for Nov to May and July to September, generally avoid October and June. Limestone and Pool/Glide: February to May only, try to avoid blackfly hatches in pool/glide D-frame nets 200 organisms except limestone which is 300 due to lower diversity Maryland Random and Targeted March and April D-net, 540 microns 100 SRBC Fairfax County Targeted Reference, Random and Targeted summer/fall March/April project dependent - d-frame or kick net D-frame nets 200 200 Montgomery County Reference, random, and targeted March 15 to April 30 D-net, 540 microns 100 Spring (Mar and Apr). Some early data in Feb. D-net, 500-micron 100 Spring (March-May) Kick Net 500um 200 Prince George's Random and Targeted County USFS New York* Reference, random, and targeted Precision estimates of the methods available? 10% of samples are QA/QC'd/yr Sample area 100 meter reach, 2 sq. meter area From 1996-2001 composited 8 kicks (0.25 sq. m. each, or 2 square meters), from 2002 to present it changed to 4 kicks (or 1 sq. meter). Two approaches tested sideby-side, no sign. difference yes No calculated precision estimates but some replicate ≈6 sq. meter area, 100 data is available. meter reach Freestone: 6 kicks in a 100 meter reach of prime riffle habitat Multi-habitiat: Ten Dframe jabs in five habitat types over a 100 meter reach. Limestone: Two D-frame All precisons (temporal and kicks due to abundance seasonal) are <=to 10 on a 0 of bugs and presence of to 100 scale. material Duplicate samples - 5% of 75 meter reach, 20 sq. sites sampled Feet area 1 km reach with an area of 5 sq. meters for large river projects. Subbasin/interstate projects 2 separate riffles for reach length and 2 sq. meters sampled 10% of sites re-sampled 100 meter reach Some duplicate samples; 10% of sites are replicated 75 meter reach, 20 sq. per year. Feet area 100-meter reach. 20-jab Duplicate samples, 10% of method, each jab aprox. probabilistic sites (each year). 1-m in length. 10% of samples are 100 meter reach, 2 sq. QA/QC'd/yr meter area *Need updated information, however data not included in 2008 indicator 14 15