Plate Tectonics and Topographic Maps Test Review

Plate Tectonics and Topographic Maps Test Review
Station #1
Match the cards. Tectonic Plate Boundaries.
Answer the following questions in your journal under the
heading of Station #1 – Tectonic Plate Boundaries.
1. What type of tectonic boundary created the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? Divergent
2. Describe what the tectonic plates are doing when volcanoes are formed.
The oceanic plate to subducting under the continental plate forcing the
magma upward forming volcanoes
What kind of boundary is creating this crustal feature? convergent
3. What 3 crustal features form when two plates collide? Trenches,
Mountains, Subduction Zones, Volcanoes
4. Where will you find a rift valley? On land
What type of boundary creates rift valleys? Divergent boundaries
5. Describe what the tectonic plates are doing at a transform boundary. Two
side by side plates are moving in opposite directions
6. What crustal feature is formed at a transform boundary? Fault
7. List the crustal features that are formed at a divergent boundary. Midocean ridges, rift valleys
Plate Tectonics and Topographic Maps Test Review
Station #2
Define the following vocabulary words in your journal under
the heading of Station #2 – Vocabulary.
Convergent boundary – two plates colliding into each other
Divergent boundary – two plates moving apart
Transform boundary – two plates moving side by side in opposite
Subduction zone – one plate moves beneath the other
Convection currents – these currents are the main cause of sea floor
spreading, they occur in the Earth’s mantle when hot magma rises and
cooler magma sinks
Weathering – breaking down of rock into smaller pieces - sediment
Erosion – moving of rock, soil, and sand
Deposition – the settling or layering of the eroded rock, soil and sand
Elevation – means height
Topography – The description and mapping of the physical features
of the Earth’s surface
Plate Tectonics and Topographic Maps Test Review
Station #3
Complete tectonic plates puzzle.
Answer the following questions in your journal under the
heading of Station #3 – Tectonic Plate Puzzle.
1. What is sea floor spreading? Occurs where tectonic plates
spread apart at Mid Ocean Ridges
2. Where will you find sea floor spreading and what type of
tectonic plate boundary is occurring? In the Ocean;
divergent boundary
3. What is being created at these ridges? New sea floor
4. Where will you find the youngest land? Closest to the
mid-ocean ridges
Plate Tectonics and Topographic Maps Test Review
Station #4
Match the correct topographic map with the satellite image.
Answer the following questions in your journal under the
heading of Station #4 – Matching Topographic Maps
1. In detail, explain why you matched the topographic map you chose with the
satellite image given. The canyon, indicated by the very close contour lines,
can be observed spanning the center of the card. The smaller canyons
branching off the main canyon have similar contour shapes.
2. What effects will erosion and weathering have on the landscape if the
precipitation increased? The canyon would continue to broaden and
deepen over long periods of time by weathering and erosion. Changes in
precipitation amounts might increase or decrease the force of the river and
therefore have an effect on the rate of weathering and erosion.
3. What do the blue lines in the topographic map represent? Water, rivers
and streams
Plate Tectonics and Topographic Maps Test Review
Station #5
Read the topographic map provided.
Answer the following questions in your journal under the
heading of Station #5 – Reading Topographic Maps.
1. Define contour interval. The distance between two adjacent contour lines.
2. Define contour lines. Lines drawn on a map connecting points of equal
3. What is the contour interval in the map? 50
4. When the contour lines are tightly spaced together on a topographic map,
what does this tell you about the landscape being pictured? Steep in
5. When the contour lines are widely spaced on a map, what does this tell
you about the landscape being pictured? Flatter in elevation
6. How can you determine what the contour interval is if it is not already
provided for you? Subtract the two adjacent contour lines ex) 100 - 50
gives you 50
Plate Tectonics and Topographic Maps Test Review
Station #6
Put the Pangaea puzzle together.
Answer the following questions in your journal under the heading of
Station #6 – Pangaea Puzzle.
1. What is continental drift? Theory that the Earth’s continents
move over time
2. Who proposed the theory of continental drift? Alfred Wegener
3. List 5 pieces of evidence that support continental drift.
Continents fit together
Similar fossils records
Similar rocks and minerals
Similar rock formations and striations
Similar climatic conditions – Glaciations
4. What causes the tectonic plates to move? Convection currents in
the mantle cause sea floor spreading making the tectonic plates
5. What layer of the Earth contains the tectonic plates? Lithosphere