Belmont Hills Elementary School School Council Meeting

Belmont Hills Elementary School
School Council Meeting
September 18, 2013
Members Present: Mrs. Adams, Parent; Mrs. Chodos, Teacher; Mrs. Howard, Counselor; Mrs.
Kirk, Community Member; Mrs. Miller, Community Member; Ms. Nelson, Principal; Mr.
Scoggins, Community Member; Mrs. Snow, Academic Coach; Miss Wade, Student; Mrs.
Weatherford, Teacher; Mrs. Webb, Teacher
1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 7:20 a.m. by Mrs. Weatherford
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Introductions: Council members introduced themselves. Mrs.Kirk, Mrs. Howard, Mrs.
Adams, Mrs. Webb, Miss Wade and Mr. Scoggins were welcomed as new members.
4. Election of Chairperson: Mrs. Adams was elected co-chairperson. She will serve along
with Mrs. Weatherford. A discussion of meeting dates followed the election. Future
meeting dates are: October 23, 2013; November 20, 2013; February 19, 2014 and April
16, 2014.
5. School Council Mission, Roles, and Responsibilities: Mrs. Nelson reviewed a
PowerPoint detailing the mission, roles, and responsibilities of council members. A copy
of the PowerPoint and the School Council Bylaws were distributed to all members.
6. Old Business: Review Title I Schoolwide Plan/SSP: Mrs. Nelson reviewed the Title I
Plan. The following items from the plan were highlighted and discussed: School
demographics; results of needs assessment survey, focus on parent involvement and
professional development for 2013/2014; College and Career Ready Performance Index
(CCRPI) replacing Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP); Criterion Referenced Competency
Test (CRCT) scores for math, reading, language arts, science and social studies; specific
subgroups targeted for additional interventions; utilization of push-in model for students
with disabilities (SWD); writing scores and implementation of writing across the
curriculum strategy to improve scores; STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
initiative, new this year, science, math, and engineering labs; monthly curriculum night to
increase parent involvement; weekly professional development in-services for teachers
by academic coach.
Mr. Scoggins asked about efforts to help students with limited English proficiency. Ms.
Nelson provided information about the English as a Second Language (ESOL) program
and noted that teachers are ESOL certified. Certified ESOL teachers are able to provide
best practices in classroom instruction. Mrs. Chodos reviewed ESOL accommodations
and noted that accommodations are based on ACCESS proficiency scores. Students are
expected to make yearly gains.
7. New Business: The following topics were suggested as agenda items for the next
meeting: Technology, ideas for increasing community involvement and support for
Career Bear Clubs, Volunteer Programs, etc.
8. Adjournment: Mrs. Adams motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 a.m.