ESRC CASE-Style Studentship Application October 2016 Entry Applicants for funding must hold an offer of a place to study at the University of Nottingham and have already provided two academic references, via the university online application system. The offer can be conditional or unconditional. Please ensure you have read the following guidance before completing this form: 1. Guidance Notes for Applicants: 2. ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide: 1: Applicant Details Title Forename Male/Female Middle name(s) Applicant ID Surname Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Email Address 2: The School/Department in which you intend to study and your intended programme of research Please indicate which scheme you are applying for 1+3 2+2 2+3 +3 4-year programme School/ Department (if applicable) Name of supervisors 1. 2. 3. Are you applying for a FULL-TIME award or a PART-TIME award? (please tick the relevant box) Date on which your study will begin or, if already started, date on which it began: Full-time award 01/10/2016 Part-time award End date of study: Title of intended Masters Course (1+3 and 2+2 and 2+3 programme applicants): 1. 2. Title of Cluster and Pathway: Page 1 3. Project Title: 3: Residency Nationality Country of birth Country of permanent residence On what date did you take up residence? If since birth please state. Have you been resident in the UK for the past 3 years? Yes No If No provide details and the exact dates of any non-holiday periods spent away from your country of permanent residence. If for employment, please state if fixed-term contract. Dates Location Reason 4: Qualifications Name of awarding Institution & Country (if not UK) Mode of attendance (please tick the relevant box) Month and year in which your course started and finished (or will finish) Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Start date Mm/yyyy End date Mm/yyyy Start date Mm/yyyy End date Mm/yyyy Start date Mm/yyyy End date Mm/yyyy Qualification Subject Level of study Undergraduate/Masters/PhD Qualification type (for example, BA, MA, PhD). Class of qualification Page 2 5: Masters Course If you are applying for a +3 programme you must hold, or have completed by the time you begin the programme, a Masters qualification with a high grade. Please give details of the composition of your Masters course by listing modules you have (or will have) undertaken against the applicable headings below. Please provide sufficient information to allow the School to which you are applying to assess that the Masters you followed contained required training in research methods and core discipline skills to ensure preparation for a research degree. The School/Cluster must confirm that this Masters is eligible for ESRC funding as part of the approved DTC pathway under which the application is being made. Research Methods and Core Skills Research Design, Practice & Ethics Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods Core Theory & Concepts Research Management Philosophy of Social Science Discipline Specific Skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Module title & short description Grade (if available) Credits Advanced /Specialist Skills, e.g. Interview skills, use of ESRC datasets PhD (if already started) Year awarded or will be awarded mm/yy Qualification type Qualification subject Awarding Institution Mode study part-time/fulltime 6: Professional Experience that is relevant to this application Dates (mm/yy) From To Full or parttime? Employer/Organisation (including location) Status and responsibilities Page 3 7: Case for Support Your case for support should be a maximum of 2 pages of A4 (9,000 characters including spaces and returns), no smaller than Arial font 11(you may include an additional 1 side of A4 for references only) 1+3 and 2+3 programme applicants need address the advice for +3 student below AND indicate how any intended additional research training will build towards the PhD. +3 and 4-year programme Students should give a detailed description of how they intend to address the named project: the questions or hypotheses to be addressed, the methods to be used, the sources to be consulted and a brief timetable covering the period of study details of field work should be included in the timetable. If you have already begun your doctoral study, please remember to refer to the research you have undertaken to date. You should also identify and address here any ethical issues related to your research project. Page 4 8: Overseas fieldwork trip (+3 and 4-year programme applicants only) If you need to carry out an overseas fieldwork trip during the period of your award, please state your planned destination, the expected duration and purpose of your visit, and indicate how it is relevant to your research. Character count (Total of 1000 characters including spaces and returns in Arial font no smaller than size 11) 9. Ethical and Intellectual Property Issues Please identify any ethical and intellectual property issues associated with the project and how these have been / will be addressed. 10: Have you applied for an ESRC award at any other institution for a 2016 start? Yes /No If yes, please give details: 11: How did you find out about this funding opportunity? University of Nottingham Faculty of Social Sciences website University of Nottingham School website University of Nottingham Graduate School website Other If other, please provide details: Please name the file in the following format: scheme-surname-initial-School-application.doc (or.pdf, or .docx) e.g. Plus3-Smith-A-Economics-application.doc Please submit your application form to your agreed School. CHECKLIST: Please tick the boxes to show you have: Completed all the sections of this form as fully as possible Named the file in the following format: scheme-surname-initial-School-application.doc (or.pdf or .docx) eg Plus3-Smith-A-Economics-application.doc Page 5