Midlands3Cities Nottingham Masters Studentship Application Form Applicants for funding must have applied for a place to study at the University of Nottingham and have already provided two academic references, via the university online application system. The offer can be conditional or unconditional. Before completing this form please read the Guidance notes for Masters applicants. Deadline: Tuesday 26th April 2016 (noon) 1: Name of applicant Title Forename Middle name(s) Male/Female Surname Applicant ID 2: Your proposed course of study: School/Department Full-time award Intended Qualification Part-time award Course Director name: 3: Your career in higher education to date Undergraduate degree Masters degree Awarding Institution If you are applying for funding for a second Masters please give the reason below: Country (if not UK) Mode of attendance (please tick the relevant box) Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Month and year in which your course started and finished (or will finish) Start date Mm/yyyy End date Mm/yyyy Start date Mm/yyyy End date Mm/yyyy Qualification type (for example, BA, MA). Qualification Subject Level of study Undergraduate/Masters Class of qualification 4: Professional Experience that is relevant to this application Dates (mm/yyyy) From To Full or parttime ? Employer/Organisation (including location) Status and responsibilities 5: Description of proposed course Please give the title of your intended course Please make your case for support in the boxes below. All applicants to complete box A. Masters by Research applicants to complete box B, Taught Masters applicants to complete box C. The length of A plus B or A plus C must not exceed one side of A4 in Arial font no smaller than size 11. Please leave blank the box which is not applicable to your application, either B or C. A (All applicants) In presenting your case, detail your preparation for study and your previous experience, and explain why Nottingham is the best environment for your developing research. B (Masters by Research) – Give details of the research that will be undertaken. Please give an indication of how this will build towards a PhD. C (Taught Masters) – Provide details of the taught programme and of the pathway to be taken through the programme including the dissertation topic. Include credits for each module and method of assessment. Indicate how this will prepare you for future doctoral study. The length of A plus B or A plus C must not exceed one side of A4 in Arial font no smaller than size 11. Please delete the box which is not applicable to your application, either B or C. This Year Have you applied for a Masters award at any other institution for a 2016 start? Yes If yes, please give details. No 6: CHECKLIST Please tick the boxes to show you have: Completed all the sections of this form as fully as possible Named the files in the following format: surname-initial-School/dept-application.doc (or.pdf) e.g. Smith-A-Classics-application.doc The deadline for applications is Tuesday 26th April 2016 (noon) Please submit your application form to m3c@nottingham.ac.uk Files should be named in the following format: surname-initial-School/dept-application.doc e.g. Smith-A-Classics-application.doc