Earth Science Evolution of Landscapes _______________ Name ______________________________ Period _____ Date Introduction – Many of this nation’s national parks are monuments to the geologic processes that have helped sculpt the Earth’s surface in many beautiful ways. For all of the parks included in this investigation the processes of weathering and erosion were critical to their formation. Task – You and your partner will research the origin and special geologic characteristics of a specific park. Your group will present the findings of your research with an informative booklet that could educate people about the geological processes that formed the national park. Content Knowledge to Demonstrate: 1) Where is your park in the US? (5 points) Provide a map that shows your park relative to a regional or US map. Identify your park on the map (inset maps are very useful.) 2) Why would you want to go there? (5 points) Feature the unique features of the park that draw visitors. 3) Describe the plate tectonic setting that helped to create your park. (Consider the following questions but DO NOT attempt to answer each question.) (15 points) What kinds of rock formations and/or rock/minerals would you find there? Are you near a plate boundary that is active or was active in the past? What kinds of features are present? Did the area experience uplift due to tectonic movement? Do you have mountains attributed to past tectonic activity? Has stability (lack of tectonic activity) played a major role in your park’s history? 4) Describe the geologic history of your park. (15 points) Include a diagram showing stratigraphy What is the evidence for the geologic history? This is geologic history … thousands or millions of years ago … not human history. A good way to approach this is to consider how the rock that underlies your park came to be. Was this a shallow sea? The core of a mountain? An ancient river system? Covered by an ice sheet? 5) What weathering and erosional processes that created the features of this park? (15 points) Differentiate between the chemical and physical weathering processes active in the park. What types of soils are found in the park and how do these affect the ecological diversity? Is mass wasting present? If so, what types of mass wasting is present? If there are rivers in your park, are they incised and forming canyons? Or, are they in wide, flood plains? 6) What do you think your park will look like in the future? (9 points) If the processes that are operating today continue to operate in the same way, how will your park’s features change? Will the features still exist or is there a finite “life” expectancy? Will they change in size, depth, shape, number, and/or position? This is intended to be a prediction of geologic future, not human future. However, you may consider human stresses on your park. National Parks 1. Acadia NP, Maine 24. Isle Royale NP, Michigan 2. Arches NP, Utah 25. Joshua Tree NP, California 3. Badlands National Park, South Dakota 26. Katmai NP and Preserve, Alaska 27. Kings Canyon NP, California 4. Big Bend NP, Texas 28. Mammoth Caves NP, Kentucky 5. Bryce Canyon NP, Utah 29. North Cascades NP, Washington 6. Canyonlands NP, Utah 30. Olympic NP, Washington 7. Capitol Reef NP, Utah 31. Petrified Forest NP, Arizona 8. Carlsbad Caverns NP, New Mexico 32. Redwood NP, California 9. Channel Islands NP, California 33. Rocky Mountain NP, Colorado 10. Congaree NP, South Carolina 34. Saguaro NP, Arizona 11. Crater Lake NP, Oregon 35. Sequoia NP, California 12. Death Valley NP, California 13. Denali NP & Reserve, Alaska 14. Everglades NP, Florida 36. Smoky Mountains NP, North Carolina 37. Theodore Roosevelt NP, North Dakota 15. Gates of the Arctic NP and Preserve, Alaska 38. Virgin Islands NP, US Virgin Islands 16. Glacier NP, Montana 39. Voyageurs NP, Minnesota 17. Glacier Bay NP and Preserve, Alaska 40. White Sands NM, New Mexico 41. Wind Cave NP, South Dakota 18. Grand Canyon NP, Arizona 19. Grand Teton NP, Wyoming 42. Wrangell-St. Elias NP & Preserve, Alaska 20. Great Basin NP, Nevada 43. Yellowstone NP, Wyoming 21. Great Sand Dunes NP & Preserve, Colorado 44. Yosemite NP, California 45. Zion NP, Utah 22. Guadalupe Mountains NP, Texas 23. Hawaii Volcanoes NP, Hawaii