TITLE: Natural music RA NUMBER: ASSESSED BY: Becky Shenton DATE OF ASSESSMENT: February 2015 LOCATION: Panshanger Park SIGNED (ASSESSOR): DESCRIPTION OF TASK Children will be collecting and using natural materials to create music through tapping, banging and rattling objects. APPROVED BY: DATE SIGNED (APPROVER) NEXT ASSESSMENT DUE DATE: Hazard Risk S L Sharp / prickly scavenged materials Injury from materials scavenged (Cuts / scratches from handling sharp/prickly materials) 2 3 R (SxL) 6 Poisonous berries, fungi, plants etc. Stinging / irritating plants Ingesting poisonous materials – sickness or in rare cases death 5 2 10 Skin irritation from plants 2 4 8 Children accidentally hitting one another whilst striking branches / playing instruments 2 3 6 Sticks February 2016 Controls S L R (SxL) Warning not to pick up any litter or sharp materials. Warning not to pick plants or sharp/prickly objects. Advise to collect natural materials only (not animal faeces). Forest School area checked before visit to remove any obvious, removable, hazardous material. Advise adults to supervise. Advised not to pick any fungi. If applicable, advise which berries are safe to pick. Warn not to put anything in mouth. Close adult supervision. Check area for poisonous plants before activity. Hands washed before snack time and at end of session. If the leader is aware of any plants on site that may cause a severe skin irritation this area will not be used and the activity changed to an alternative location. If it is necessary for children to walk past said plant they will be shown how to identify the plant and advised not to touch, or collect, it. Collecting activities will not take place close by to said plant. Children advised not to collect nettles. Children will be shown how to identify nettles and advised not to touch them. Large areas of nettles will be avoided if possible. When children play their instrument make sure they have an appropriate space away from others, particularly if using sticks to strike objects. Advise children to take care and be aware of other people around them. 2 2 4 5 1 5 2 3 6 2 2 4 LIKELIHOOD 1 2 3 4 5 Improbable 1 1 2 3 4 5 SEVERITY Unlikely 2 2 4 6 8 10 3 3 6 9 12 15 4 5 4 5 8 10 12 15 16 20 Rating Likelihood Severity 1 Improbable Minor injury 2 Unlikely 1st aid required 3 Possible 4 Probable 5 Likely Definitions of likelihood 1 in 100000 1 in 10000 Possible Could occur some time 1 in 1000 Probable Not surprising, will occur several times 1 in 100 Likely Occurs repeatedly, even expected 1 in 10 20 25 So unlikely that probability is close to zero Unlikely to occur, though conceivable Overall risk 1-5 Low Serious, requires hospital or walk-in centre Major, severe and lasting impact Fatal 6-10 Medium 12-25 High