PSD Lesson Plan Template (EATS)

PSD Lesson Plan Template (EATS)
Week Of: 12/08/14
Focused Standard/Element (s)
WIDA Standard
Essential Question
First grade
Course/Level: Reading
Science: S1P2a,b,c,d
Students will
demonstrate effects of magnets on
other magnets and other objects.
Social Studies: SS1H1 The students
will read about and describe the life of
historical figures in American history.
a. Identify the contributions made
by these figures: including Harriet
ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading
How can learning new words help me
become a better reader? How can I identify
the story elements? How can I tell the
difference between a fiction and non-fiction
S1P2 a,b,c,d
SS1H1 a
Wednesday 12/10/14
S1P2 a,b,c,d
SS1H1 a
ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading
How can learning new words help
me become a better reader? How
can I identify the story elements?
How can I tell the difference
between a fiction and non-fiction
ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading
How can learning new words help me
become a better reader? How can I
identify the story elements? How can I
tell the difference between a fiction
and non-fiction story?
Science: What objects will a magnet attract?
Social Studies: What contributions did
Harriet Tubman make to American history?
Activating Strategy
Begin a KWL Chart about Tomas Rivera.
Opening (10-15 min)
Preview “A quiz for Brent”, and discuss
beginning, middle and ending of a story.
Take a Picture walk through “Tomas Rivera”
Work-Time Activities (45-55 min)
Introduce new sight words for the week by
calling out clues and having the students to
glue the words on a piece of paper, then
Science: What objects will a
magnet attract?
Social Studies: What
contributions did Harriet Tubman
make to American history?
Review the K part of KWL Chart
about Tomas Rivera.
Read aloud “Tomas Rivera”,
question and check for
Review fiction and non-fiction
stories, make a list of
characteristics that makes
“Tomas Rivera “a non-fiction
Science: What objects will a magnet
Social Studies: What contributions did
Harriet Tubman make to American
Make a Postcard pretending that you
are met Tomas and tell what you know
about him.
Read “Tomas Rivera”, Focus on
important facts that make this a nonfiction story.
Social Studies Close Reading - "Harriet
Tubman" Read the passage again as a
whole group, complete the
comprehension page by going through
Social Studies: Introduce Harriet Tubman
by using the Brainpop video about her.
Start an anchor chart about her life. List
facts about her on the chart. Introduce
closed reading “Harriet Tubman & the
Underground Railroad” make a list of words
students don’t know the meaning to and use
context clues to figure the words out.
Science: Use any of the MyOn books,
videos, or Smart Exchange lessons that
were not used last week. Students will
make and read a booklet about Magnets.
If time, free exploration with magnets in a
Differentiation Offered
All Lessons Monday are Whole Group for
Social Studies Close Reading –
Use the MyOn reader, Harriet
Tubman to discuss her life.
Review the close passage "Harriet
Tubman". Review the
vocabulary terms from previous
day and complete vocabulary
sheet, students circle words in
the passage and go over it
together. Add any new facts to
the anchor chart.
Science: Students will continue
to make and read their booklet
about magnets, especially pages
8 and 9. If time, free exploration
with magnets in a center.
Story Elements: Character and
Choose a Picture book of your
choice and read aloud
below: draw and label the main
character and setting
On level: Pick a character and
setting and complete story map
Above: Complete story map 2
each question together and answering
them while highlighting the evidence
from the text to support each answer,
high group may be able to discuss and
complete within their group, keep
redirecting toward the text to prove
their answers. Use a MyOn book
about Harriet Tubman to learn facts
about her to add to the anchor chart.
Science: Science: Students will read
their Magnet book from yesterday to a
partner and complete the Partner
Discussion at the end of the booklet.
Later, the class will meet together to
discuss their answers. If time, free
exploration with magnets in a center.
Picture book from day before:
low: draw and label the problem and
solution on construction paper, read
leveled readers, put sight words in
correct sentence
on level: Thinking map level 1 for
problem and solution, put sight words
in correct sentence
above: Thinking map level 2 for
problem and solution, put sight words
in correct sentence
Closure Activity (20-30 min)
Focused Standard/Element (s)
WIDA Standard
Essential Question
Journaling: If I were someone famous, who
would I want to be?
Journaling: Tomas was important
because he ________________.
S1P2 a,b,c,d
SS1H1 a
ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading
How can learning new words help me
become a better reader? How can I identify
the story elements? How can I tell the
difference between a fiction and non-fiction
Friday 12/12/14
S1P2 a,b,c,d
SS1H1 a
ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading
How can learning new words help
me become a better reader? How
can I identify the story elements?
How can I tell the difference
between a fiction and non-fiction
Science: What objects will a magnet attract?
Social Studies: What contributions did
Harriet Tubman make to American history?
Activating Strategy
Opening (10-15 min)
Journaling: What kind of books would you
like in your library?
Listen to “Tomas Rivera” on cd
Social Studies: Review the anchor chart
about Harriet Tubman facts. Students will
complete a graphic organizer: Harriet
Tubman, Is, Had, Was about facts about
Science: What objects will a
magnet attract?
Social Studies: What
contributions did Harriet Tubman
make to American history?
Review words
Listen to “Tomas Rivera” on cd
Social Studies: Use yesterday’s
graphic organizer to answer the
writing prompt: Was Harriet
Tubman brave? Would you have
Journaling: I liked this book because
Additional Notes
There are library books in Mrs.
Robertson’s room about magnets and
Harriet Tubman.
Harriet Tubman. Keep this for tomorrow’s
writing activity.
Science: Students will read and complete a
close passage about magnets. Students will
discuss and answer comprehension questions
about the passage. If time, free exploration
with magnets in a center.
Work-Time Activities (45-55 min)
Differentiation Offered
Beginning, Middle, End Focus of Tomas
Rivera’s Life
Review all words for the week
complete sight word sentences for daily
low - Read "Tomas Rivera" in group,
complete beginning, middle, and end level 1
graphic organizer
done what she did? Students
will write sentences to support
their view. If time allows,
students will make the flip book
about Harriet Tubman.
Science: Students will complete a
fill in the blank (cloze) Magnet
Book. Students will use the
magnet vocabulary words:
attract, repel, poles, north, south
If time, free exploration with
magnets in a center.
Take reading and language arts
on level: Read "Tomas Rivera" with partner,
complete beginning, middle, and end level 2
graphic organizer
Closure Activity (20-30 min)
above: Read "Tomas Rivera" alone, describe
beginning, middle, and end graphic organizer
by writing sentences and using details
Make a card for a student that has been
absent telling him/her what they have
missed. Draw a picture.
Author’s chair-choose a few
students to share their writing
from the week.