Standards handout for Philosophy in Literature

Common Core Standards for 12th Grade English applied to Philosophy in Literature assignments and activities
Reading & Research standards—through wide and deep reading of literature and literary nonfiction, students gain a reservoir
of literary and cultural knowledge, references and images; the ability to evaluate intricate arguments and the capacity to
surmount the challenges posed by complex texts
Key ideas: Determine two or more
themes or central ideas of a text and
analyze their development over the
course of the text; cite strong and
thorough textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text, including determining
where the text leaves matters
uncertain; analyze a complex set of
ideas or the elements of a story or
drama over the course of the text
Craft and Structure: Determine the
meaning of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, including
figurative, connotative and technical
meanings; analyze the impact of
specific word or term choices on
meaning or tone; Analyze and
evaluate the effectiveness of an
author’s choices about structure in
terms of convincing argument or
aesthetic impact; determine an
author’s point of view or purpose in a
text, analyzing how style and content
contribute to the power,
persuasiveness, beauty or tone
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
(non-fiction): Integrate and evaluate
multiple sources of information
presented in different media or
formats in order to address a
question or solve a problem
Research: Conduct short as well as
more sustained research projects to
answer a question (including a selfgenerated question); narrow or
broaden the inquiry when
Research: Gather relevant
information from multiple
authoritative print and digital
sources, using advanced searches
effectively; assess the strengths and
limitations of each source in terms of
the task, purpose and audience
Texts, Assignments & Activities
 Philosophy introductions
 “This I Believe” essays
 Short, informational articles
 Sophie’s World
 The Little Prince
 The Stranger
 Texts used for senior thesis research
 Films
 Siddhartha
Assessed through: Annotation, class
notes, questions, responses, reading
exams, discussion and research logs
 Philosophy introductions
 “This I Believe” essays
 Short, informational articles
 Sophie’s World
 The Little Prince
 The Stranger
 Texts used for senior thesis research
 Films
 Siddhartha
Assessed through: Annotation, class notes,
questions, responses, reading exams,
discussion and research logs
“What is Philosophy” source
materials and lectures
Senior thesis resources
Assessed through: notes, research portfolios
“What is Philosophy?” essay
senior thesis
comparative religions project
Assessed through: notes, research portfolios
“What is Philosophy?” essay
senior thesis
comparative religions project
Assessed through: notes, research portfolios
Common Core Standards for 12th Grade English applied to Philosophy in Literature assignments and activities
Writing & Language—for students, writing is a key means for asserting and defending claims, showing what they know about a
subject and conveying what they have experienced, imagined, thought and felt. To be college and career-ready writers, students
must take task, purpose and audience into careful consideration
Write arguments to support claims in
an analysis of substantive topics or
texts, using valid reasoning with
relevant and sufficient evidence.
Write informative/ explanatory texts
to examine and convey complex ideas,
concepts and information clearly and
accurately through the effective
selection, organization and analysis of
Write narratives to develop
experiences or events using effective
technique, well-chosen details and
well-structured event sequences.
Develop and strengthen writing by
planning, revising, editing, rewriting
or trying a new approach, focusing on
addressing what is most significant
for a specific purpose and audience.
Editing for conventions demonstrates
command of language conventions—
standard English grammar and usage.
Use technology, including the
Internet, to produce, publish and
update individual or shared writing
products in response to ongoing
(connects to research standards)
Synthesize multiple sources,
demonstrating understanding of the
subject .
(connects to research standards)
Integrate information into the text
selectively to maintain the flow of
ideas, avoiding plagiarism and
overreliance on one source and
following a standard format for
Draw evidence from literary or
informational texts to support
analysis, reflection and research
Write routinely over extended time
frames (time for research, reflection
and revision) and shorter time frames
(a single sitting or a day or two) for a
range of tasks, purposes and
Assignments & Activities
“What is Philosophy?” paper
reading tests
Essays: The Little Prince symbol
analysis, morals and ethics, film
existentialism exam
senior thesis
“Isms” research
“What is Philosophy?” paper
existentialism exam
senior thesis
morals and ethics mini essays
film analysis one pagers.
“This I believe” narrative essay
narrative portions of other writing
All process writing projects
“What is Philosophy?” essay
senior thesis
comparative religions project
“What is Philosophy?” essay
senior thesis
comparative religions project
“What is Philosophy?” essay
reading exams
senior thesis
comparative religions project
film analysis
quick writes
timed writing
essay tests
mini essays
short research projects
senior thesis
Common Core Standards for 12th Grade English applied to Philosophy in Literature assignments and activities
Listening & Speaking—students must be able to contribute appropriately in a variety of structured conversations built around
important content. High school graduates will depend heavily on their ability to listen attentively, to build on others’ meritorious
ideas while expressing their own clearly and persuasively
Initiate and participate effectively in
a range of collaborative discussions
with diverse partners on topics, texts
and issues, building on others’ ideas
and expressing ideas clearly and
Come to discussions prepared,
having read material under study;
draw from text during discussion
Assignments & Activities
partner check ins
small group discussion
informal whole class discussions
Socratic seminars
Student-led discussions
small group homework report outs
literature-based discussions
film study
Work with peers to promote civil
discussions; propel conversations by
posing and responding to questions
that probe reasoning and evidence;
ensure a hearing for a full range of
positions; clarify, verify or challenge
ideas and conclusions; promote
divergent and creative perspectives
Respond thoughtfully to diverse
perspectives; synthesize comments,
claims and evidence; determine what
additional information or research is
needed to deepen the investigation
or complete the task
partner check ins
small group discussion
informal whole class discussions
Socratic seminars
Student-led discussions
partner check ins
small group discussion
informal whole class discussions
Socratic seminars
Student-led discussions
Present information, findings and
supporting evidence, conveying a
clear and distinct perspective, such
that listeners can follow the line of
reasoning. Alternative or opposing
perspectives are addressed and the
organization, development,
substance and style are appropriate
to purpose, audience and a range of
formal and informal tasks.
“This I Believe” narrative presentation
Senior thesis presentation
Comparative religions project
Make strategic use of digital media in
presentations to enhance
understanding of findings, reasoning
and evidence and to add interest
Senior thesis presentation
Comparative religions project
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts
and tasks, demonstrating a command
of formal English (including mastery
of grammar and usage) when
indicated or appropriate
“What is Philosophy?” small group
Jigsaw reading reports
Senior thesis presentation
Socratic seminars