Chief Minister`s Talkback - Time to Talk

For Follow up from 9 August 2013
Friday 9 August 2013 – calls received on air
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Water way at the back of Gordon Primary is a disgrace Rubbish etc washing down the water way
OUTCOME: The waterway was inspected and there was litter present in shrubbery adjacent to the channel drain. The litter appears to have
washed down from Lanyon Market Place. Litter picking within the shrubbery either side of the channel drain is scheduled to be completed by
22 August 2013. At the time of inspection, the channel drain was clear of litter.
Directorate: JACS
Issue: Never any parking at Lyneham Shops
OUTCOME: Parking Operations will increase patrols of the area to deter vehicles parking in contravention of the Australian Road Rules.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Disposal of globes –fluorescent
OUTCOME: ACT NOWaste contacted the caller Monday 12 August 2013 and advised that he could drop the globes off free of charge to the
Resource Management Centre at Mugga, Mitchell and Parkwood. ACT NOWaste also advised the caller of the “A-Z of Waste and Recycling”
website and Household Hazardous Waste brochure (which was also mailed)
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Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Namatajerra Drive –Streaton Drive Weston.....Gum Trees leaves and bark blocking drains – caller has also contacted ACTEW to complain.
OUTCOME: An officer from TAMS contacted the caller on Tuesday 13 August 2013. The callers issue is with the species of trees (eucalyptus)
and the bark /leaves they drop on street verges. The caller was advised that the leaves falling on the road and in the gutters were usually
swept four times a year. The last sweep was in early June 2013. The streets will be swept again in late August/early September 2013.
The caller suggested the Government should consider doing a sweep in November because that is the worst month for leaf droppings. The
caller was advised this would be considered. The caller also asked if someone from the tree area could inspect and see the damage the trees
do and if the trees could be replaced. The TAMS officer advised this would be passed onto the appropriate section. The caller was thankful
for the call back.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: When will Horse Park Drive be completed ?
OUTCOME: This project is being delivered by the Economic Development Directorate. Please contact Michael McGrath for further details on
6205 9678. Dates recently provided included Stage 1 (Roden Cutler Drive in Jacka) completion date December 2013, Stage 2 (Jacka to
Burramarra Avenue) completion date May 2014.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Canberra Maps - Watson School Oval construction too small to actually see– could it be individual pages as this would make it easier to see Engagement on line OUTCOME: TAMS is currently reviewing their regional maps section of the TAMS website to provide better quality information for the
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Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Gum trees being replanted in his suburb – why haven’t we learnt our lesson with gum trees
OUTCOME: Information to be published on the TAMS website is in progress.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Wooden bridge on Lake Ginninderra was hazardous and has been replaced with a new wooden bridge which is slippery, why did we choose to do
this can it be made safer?
OUTCOME: The bridge mentioned is the Eastern Valley Way Bridge. The bridge was rebuilt using recycled timber from Tharwa Bridge. TAMS
will test the bridged for slipperiness and action appropriately.
Directorate: JACS
Issue: Caller said that he was travelling when the ACT had its election last year and he was not able to vote ....the Electoral Act does not allow this, the
ACT should be a lead in allowing people to vote online while they are away from Canberra.
OUTCOME: The following information can be uploaded to the Time to Talk web-site:
The Electoral Commissioner has advised the following regarding the issue you raised: while it is technically possible to vote over the internet, and it has
been trialled in the some places, including at the most recent NSW state election and in some overseas elections, the ACT Electoral Commission considers
that the susceptibility of the internet to malicious interference is still at a level that would place too great a risk to the validity of a parliamentary election.
This view is generally held across most Australian electoral commissions. The ACT Electoral Commission continues to monitor developments in voting over
the internet.
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Directorate: TAMS and EDD
Issue: Caller said it makes her so sad to see the filthy state of Civic Square, it is never clean and its an embarrassment. Similarly the Canberra Theatre has
not been maintained, it is horribly tired, please cant it be fixed ?
OUTCOME: “The ACT Government is developing a City Plan that will look at the City as a whole to determine a comprehensive approach for the City's
future as an economically vibrant and attractive centre. As part of the City Plan, a number of studies will be undertaken to identify options including the
provision of a new theatre within the Civic Square area or the broader City Hill precinct. The City Plan is currently planned to be exhibited in
September/October 2013. More information on the City Plan can be located at”
Civic Square is litter picked daily. TAMS officer’s inspected the site on Friday 9 August 2013 following the call and the site was found to be in
a clean state.
Directorate: ESDD
Issue: Residential Parking
OUTCOME: ESDD contacted the caller who lives in Reid, where there are parking restrictions on-street, with no parking permitted between 9am to 11am
and 2pm to 3pm. The caller was contacted by ESDD - The caller said she had rung the Chief Minister’s talkback line to raise it on the agenda for
consideration in Canberra.
The caller said that with unit prices running at $0.5m or more in inner areas, with increasing numbers of units being developed, particularly in areas like
Braddon and Turner, and with two or more people living in them all having cars, the need for additional parking on-street is likely to become an issue.
Residential blocks, unit and apartment developments in Canberra’s inner areas generally have reasonable levels of parking provided on-site. ESDD also
noted that on-street parking in residential areas close to the commercial areas in Braddon, City and Turner serves to provide parking for people visiting
businesses in those commercial areas during the day.
ESDD advised the caller her comments and the planning issues of residents’ parking permits would keep the Chief Minister informed of the planning
consideration. The caller expressed satisfaction that her call was returned.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Policy on hedges
OUTCOME: An officer from TAMS contacted the caller. The caller advised the issue is with an overgrown hedge encroaching onto the footpath in Kambah.
The officer has taken the specific site details and has requested City Rangers inspect the site today and discuss the hedge with the resident/occupier
responsible. TAMS will contact the caller with further feedback once the investigation has been undertaken. The caller was thankful for the response.
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Directorate: CMTD
Issue: Was the ‘meeting of leading digital thinkers’ a public or private forum ? is there a summary report available?
OUTCOME: Caller was contacted and provided an overview of the Government’s digital agenda, and advised that further information would soon be
available on the CMTD website.
Directorate: JACS
Issue: Could parking inspectors keep a close eye on the loading zone outside the Uni food co-op. There are always cars parked illegally
OUTCOME: The Office of Regulatory Services has attempted to contact the caller. Parking Operations will continue to patrol the area
including outside of normal operating hours and will also discuss this issue with the ANU.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Weston Park has been fenced for months, when can we enjoy the park ?
OUTCOME: TAMS made contact with the caller on Wednesday 14 August 2013.
Information was provided about the tender process for new contractor, time required for open tender period, preferred contractor has been
identified and is commencing preparatory works prior to being on site in approximately four weeks time. The officer advised updates will be
put on the TAMS website. Caller was pleased with the follow up.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: When TAMS fix pot holes, why don’t they fix other pot holes in the same street ? (often within metres of the hole they fixed) main
example is Pialligo Ave/Yass Road down to Queanbeyan ACT side
OUTCOME: An officer of TAMS contacted the caller on Monday 12 August 2013 and it was explained that potholes are generally filled in the
same areas as the reported potholes subject to work load and severity. The reason for the Pialligo Avenue situation was that the potholes
that were in a location that was safe for repair, without traffic control, were repaired last week. The potholes that were in an area deemed
not to be safe without traffic control were repaired on Friday 9 August 2013, but not all were completed. The balance was to be completed
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by the end of this week. The caller was happy with the response.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Can we have some night time traffic reflectors along Johnson Drive between Drakeford Drive and Ashley Drive ? its an accident
waiting to happen.
OUTCOME: An officer from TAMS contacted the caller and explained that there are reflective raised pavement markers (RRPM) on the
centreline. The caller was advised that TAMS would confirm that the spacing is in accordance with Government standards and look at
possibly increasing frequency.
Directorate: TAMS
Issue: Canberra Ave resurfacing on one side is good, but when will the other side be done ? existing poor surface dangerous for
motorcyclists and cyclists
OUTCOME: An officer from TAMS contacted the caller on Monday 12 August 2013. The callers query regarded Wentworth Avenue. The
officer explained the rehabilitation that had taken place on the city-bound carriageway would be followed by a further follow-on section
towards the city, subject to funding; followed by the Fyshwick-bound carriageway (again subject to funding). The caller was particularly
concerned about a bump on the Fyshwick bound lane just before the right hand turn into Dawes Street. The officer advised the caller that
the bumps would be inspected. The caller was impressed with the quick call back.
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