Pocahontas Pocahontas was born in 1595 in Werowocomoco

Pocahontas was born in 1595 in Werowocomoco, which is Eastern Virginia. Her real name was Matoaka.
Pocahontas’ father was Chief Powhatan. Powhatan was the chief of the Algonquian Indians.
Pocahontas watched the first group of settlers who came in April of 1607, struggle to find food, build
shelter and survive. Winter was especially harsh for the settlers. Pocahontas helped the colonists by
bring them food and other supplies.
In Jamestown she met Captain John Smith who she taught the language of the Powhatan’s and their
traditions. It was believed that Pocahontas saved John Smith from being killed by the Powhatan. She
delivered messages from her father to the colonist, which when good until Powhatan demanded that
the colonist give his guns in exchange for food. John Smith did not agree to these demands and the
friendships between the colonist and American Indians was lost. Smith became injured and eventually
set sail for England. Not long after he left, Pocahontas was kidnapped by Captain Samuel Argall. While in
captive she learned of Christianity and was then baptized in 1614. It was during this time she met John
Rolfe who was a colonist and who also developed tobacco. They married in 1615 and later had a son,
In 1616 Pocahontas, her husband and son traveled to London, where she was the center of attention.
While in England she was reunited with her dear friend John Smith who was thought was dead. While in
England she began ill with small pox and later died in March of 1617. Pocahontas was only 21 when she
died. She was buried at Gravesend, England.
1. When and where was Pocahontas born? _________________________________________________
2. What was Pocahontas real name? _______________________________________________________
3. What was the name of the tribe that Powhatan was chief of? ________________________________
4. How did Pocahontas help the settlers? ___________________________________________________
5. Who did Pocahontas meet in Jamestown? ________________________________________________
6. How did she help this person? _________________________________________________________
7. Who kidnapped Pocahontas? __________________________________________________________
8. Who did Pocahontas marry? ___________________________________________________________
9. What was the name of Pocahontas’ son? _________________________________________________
10. What was the cause of Pocahontas’ death? ______________________________________________
11. Where is Pocahontas buried? _________________________________________________________
Pocahontas KEY
Pocahontas was born in 1595 in Werowocomoco, which is Eastern Virginia. Her real name was Matoaka.
Pocahontas’ father was Chief Powhatan. Powhatan was the chief of the Algonquian Indians.
Pocahontas watched the first group of settlers who came in April of 1607, struggle to find food, build
shelter and survive. Winter was especially harsh for the settlers. Pocahontas helped the colonists by
bring them food and other supplies.
In Jamestown she met Captain John Smith who she taught the language of the Powhatan’s and their
traditions. It was believed that Pocahontas saved John Smith from being killed by the Powhatan. She
delivered messages from her father to the colonist, which when good until Powhatan demanded that
the colonist give his guns in exchange for food. John Smith did not agree to these demands and the
friendships between the colonist and American Indians was lost. Smith became injured and eventually
set sail for England. Not long after he left, Pocahontas was kidnapped by Captain Samuel Argall. While in
captive she learned of Christianity and was then baptized in 1614. It was during this time she met John
Rolfe who was a colonist and who also developed tobacco. They married in 1615 and later had a son,
In 1616 Pocahontas, her husband and son traveled to London, where she was the center of attention.
While in England she was reunited with her dear friend John Smith who was thought was dead. While in
England she began ill with small pox and later died in March of 1617. Pocahontas was only 21 when she
died. She was buried at Gravesend, England.
1. When and where was Pocahontas born? She was born in 1595 in Werowocomoco, Eastern Virginia
2. What was Pocahontas real name? Matoaka
3. What was the name of the tribe that Powhatan was chief of? Algonquian
4. How did Pocahontas help the settlers? She brought the settlers food and supplies
5. Who did Pocahontas meet in Jamestown? _She met John Smith
6. How did she help this person? She taught John Smith the language and traditions of the Powhatan
7. Who kidnapped Pocahontas? _Captain Samuel Argall
8. Who did Pocahontas marry? _She married John Rolfe
9. What was the name of Pocahontas’ son? Her son’s name was Thomas
10. What was the cause of Pocahontas’ death? _Pocahontas died of small pox
11. Where is Pocahontas buried? _Gravesend, England.