Ms. M. Collins
Your final exam will consist of 70 multiple choice questions
#1-6 are questions related to the listening portion of your final exam. The teacher will orally
read a short selection. You will listen to the reading. Once I have completed the reading, the
final exam packet will be distributed. You are not allowed to ask the teacher any questions
pertaining to the reading passage.
Terms throughout the test that you will need to know the meanings of. These terms will be
found throughout the exam and used in questions that pertain to selected reading passages.
o protagonist
o irony
o theme
o narrative
o allegory
o allusion
o theocracy
o democracy
o point of view
o tone
o mood
o flashback
o foreshadowing
o suspense
o anecdote
# 7-12- are questions related to knowing and identifying what the following are:
o Origin myths
o Puritanism
o Explorative narratives
o Slave narratives
o Historical narratives
# 13- 18 are questions related to the play “The Crucible”
#19 -22 are questions related to the short story “The Devil and Tom Walker”
#23 -25 are grammar related questions. For example,
Which of the following sentences used the semicolon correctly?
a. Arthur Miller, a famous playwright, won a Pulitizer prize for his play Death of a Salesman;
however, His next play, The Crucible, was not well received.
b. Arthur Miller; a famous playwright; won a Pultizer Prize for his play Death of a Salesman,
however, His next play, The Crucible, was not well received.
c. Arthur Miller, a famous playwright, won a Pultizer Prize for his play Death of a Salesman,
however; His next play, The Crucible, was not well received.
d. Arthur Miller, a famous playwright, won a Pultizer Prize for his play Death of a Salesman,
however, His next play, The Crucible, was not well received.
Which sentence contains NO errors using the words their, there, or they’re?
a. Puritans lived in a time when they’re religion was their primary concern.
b. The colonists endured harsh conditions and punishing hardships in there lives.
c. Many colonists attributed all of their misfortunes to the devil.
d. They were fearful and their faith stressed that their was real danger found in witches.
Which of the following is a run-on sentence?
a. Thomas Paine was more influential than any other revolutionary writer in his ability to sway
public opinion in favor of independence. His pamphlet “Common Sense” swept the colonies.
b. Thomas Paine was more influential than any other revolutionary writer in his ability to sway
public opinion in favor of independence; his pamphlet “Common Sense” swept the colonies.
c. Thomas Paine was more influential than any other revolutionary writer in his ability to sway
public opinion in favor of independence his pamphlet “Common Sense” swept the colonies.
d. Thomas Paine was more influential than any other revolutionary writer in his ability to sway
public opinion in favor of independence, and his pamphlet “Common Sense” swept the
#26 – you need to know the names of the writers associated with the Revolutionary period.
#27-30 will relate to Benjamin Franklin’s “Autobiography”
#31-39 will address the era known as Transcendentalist, Fireside Poets, and Romanticism
You will need to know the authors that are considered Transcendentalist poets
You will need to know basic information from you literature book on Walt Whitman
#40-42- relate to the understanding of the poem, “I Hear America Singing”
#43-45 -Understanding the excerpt, “Self- Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
#46- Early 19th century writers like Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, John Russell Lowell, and
John Greenleaf Whittier, produced writings that were both read at home by families and in
school by students. Their works included unique American settings and subjects, but their style
was influenced by the English tradition. These writers were called ___ ?_______________
#47-49 – more literary terminology (understanding)
#50 – 55- understanding/analyzing a poem by Emily Dickenson (hint: review packet)
#56-65 – more grammar related questions
#66 -70 – questions related to the writing process and the argumentative essay
All of the following are true of an argumentative essay EXCEPT
a. The primary purpose is to sway the reader to accept your point of view.
b. The writer should seek to use educated sources, such as talk shows.
c. It not only expresses an opinion, but it presents an argument that is backed up by data.
d. Data consists of facts, statistics, personal interviews and questionnaires.
All of the following are true of an argumentative essay EXCEPT
a. The primary purpose is to sway the reader to accept your point of view.
b. The writer should seek to use educated sources, such as talk shows.
c. It not only expresses an opinion, but it presents an argument that is backed up by data.
d. Data consists of facts, statistics, personal interviews and questionnaires.
Good luck and study, study, study!!!!!