Form - the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Teen Summit— The Details
Get ready for an exciting conference on teen dating and sexual violence and how it affects youth and those
who work with youth. All teens and adults working with teens are welcome on April 4-6, 2016 at the Kalahari
Resort and Waterpark in Wisconsin Dells.
Workshops and Teen Performances: The Info
Workshop presenters will be youth, adults, or both. Workshops are 60 minutes in length. There will be
approximately 30 workshop proposals accepted for the Summit. Anything related to healthy relationships or
teen dating or sexual violence and how it affects youth and those who work with youth is fair game. The
theme for the 2016 Summit is “Together We Will.”
We are also looking for proposals from teen performance groups (dance, drama, singing, music, spoken word,
or other creative activity) to perform in 30 – 45 minute slots for the entire Summit audience. You may have a
number of smaller creative pieces put together to form one larger performance (for example, four dances or
two skits or three songs). The performance should be related to teen dating violence, teen sexual violence,
how someone heals from abuse or how to be a helper for someone who has been abused. If you are chosen to
perform, you might be performing in front of up to 400 people!
Workshop Topic Possibilities
Art/Music/Technology/Media and how they play a role in violence
Conversations about violence and our world
Fear: the role it plays in leaving, staying, or speaking up
Healthy relationships
How specific races, cultures, identity groups, communities, and their allies respond to ending violence
How the intersections of race, gender, culture, socioeconomic status contribute to unique experiences
of violence
Masculinity and how it plays a role in DV/SA
Organizing in schools and communities to promote healthy, violence‐free relationships
Positive use of technology and social media
Prevention efforts: sexual assault and/or dating violence
Responding to violence in communities of color
Responding to violence in the LGBT community
Sex: consent, peer pressure, and coercion
Sexual assault, sex trafficking of teens, sexual exploitation
Speaking up when you witness sexual assault or dating violence
Stereotypes and how they play a role in dating violence
Supporting friends who are in difficult relationships
Adult ally focus
All related workshop topics are welcome too!
We want to hear from YOU about what YOU want to talk about!
Organized and Sponsored by:
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin * WI Department of Children & Families * WI Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Workshops Tips
• The theme for this year’s Summit is Together We Will!
• Be interactive! Get participants involved though exercises and opportunities to share.
• Be fun and creative! Incorporate media, music, dance, drumming, art and more!
• Be inclusive! Teens are coming from very different backgrounds and experiences. Some teens don’t
live at home; some have been victims or are survivors. Many teens are from different cultural
backgrounds or identity groups. Think of ways to welcome everyone and respect our differences.
• Be true to yourself! Present what you know best. Workshops that focus on specific identity groups and
survivor stories are welcome.
How to submit your idea and what happens
• Fill out the “Teen Summit Idea and Info Form” by October 27, 2015.
• The primary audience is teens. Propose something that teens will want to attend. Describe it in a way
that will appeal to teens.
• Email this completed document (fillable form below) to:
• If you are unable to fill out this form electronically, please print, fill out and mail your proposal form to:
Cody Warner, End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, 1245 E. Washington Ave, Ste 150, Madison, WI 53703.
• Workshops and teen performances will be chosen by a team of youth and adults.
• If you’re chosen to present or perform, you’ll be notified by December 1, 2015.
Chosen to Present or Perform? — Benefits and Responsibilities
• If your workshop or performance is selected, up to 4 people involved with the presentation or
performance are eligible to have their conference registration fee paid. Hotel accommodations will
also be paid for up to four presenters/performers and the adult who accompanies them (maximum 2-3
rooms per workshop or performance).
• Teen Presenter/Performer Supervision: All youth under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an
adult who assumes full responsibility for supervision of youth.
• Cancelation Policy: We need written notification by February 10, 2016 if you can no longer present.
Presenters canceling workshops after this date may need to find a replacement and/or reimburse cost
of hotel room.
Questions? Contact Cody Warner at (608) 255-0539 x 307 or email
Organized and Sponsored by:
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin * WI Department of Children & Families * WI Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Workshop Idea and Info Form
Due: October 27, 2015
Please pick ONE person in your group to be the primary contact person. This will be the person to whom all of
the workshop questions and communications are directed.
Presenter Name/Primary Contact:
Organization Name:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Co-Presenter Name (if known):
E Email:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Co-Presenter Name (if known):
E Email:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Co-Presenter Name (if known):
E Email:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Co-Presenter Name (if known):
E Email:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Organized and Sponsored by:
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin * WI Department of Children & Families * WI Coalition Against Sexual Assault
YOUR Workshop Idea
Fill out ONE form for each workshop idea you wish to propose.
Please use this fillable form to submit your answers regarding your WORKSHOP idea. Space is not limited in
the text fields, so you may keep typing until your answer is complete. You may press the “tab” key to navigate
to the next field. Upon completion of the form, please save your document with your workshop title and
submit via email to
Workshop Title:
Target Audience: (select one):
Teens & Adults
What is your workshop about? (75 words or less to be used in the Summit brochure, so let the reader know
what they will learn or gain from attending!)
What topic area does it fit into? choose all that apply
how it plays a role in violence
Conversations about violence
and our world
Fear: the role it plays in
leaving, staying, or speaking up
Healthy relationships
How specific races, cultures,
identity groups, communities, and
their allies respond to ending
Supporting friends who are in
difficult relationships
How the intersections of race,
gender, socioeconomic status
contribute to unique experiences
of violence
Masculinity; the role it plays
Organizing in schools and
communities to promote healthy,
violence‐free relationships
Positive use of technology
Prevention efforts: sexual
assault or dating violence
Responding to violence in
communities of color
Responding to violence in the
LGBT community
Sex: consent, peer pressure,
and coercion
Sexual assault, sex trafficking
of teens, sexual exploitation
Speaking up when you witness
sexual assault or dating violence
Stereotypes and how they play
a role in dating violence
Adult ally focus
What will people learn or be able to do differently after attending your workshop?
Who are the presenters? What’s your story? (50 words or less about you to be used in the Summit brochure)
Organized and Sponsored by:
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin * WI Department of Children & Families * WI Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Teen Performance Idea and Info Form
Due: October 27, 2015
Please pick ONE person in your group to be the primary contact person. Should your performance idea be
selected, this is the person to whom all Teen Summit communications will be emailed.
Performance Group Name/Primary Contact:
Organization Name:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Co-Presenter Name (if known):
E Email:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Co-Presenter Name (if known):
E Email:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Co-Presenter Name (if known):
E Email:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Co-Presenter Name (if known):
E Email:
Address (with City/State/Zip):
Organized and Sponsored by:
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin * WI Department of Children & Families * WI Coalition Against Sexual Assault
YOUR Performance Idea
Fill out ONE form for each performance idea you propose.
Please use this fillable form to submit your answers regarding your PERFORMANCE idea. Space is not limited in
the text fields, so you may keep typing until your answer is complete. You may press the “tab” key to navigate
to the next field. Upon completion of the form, please save your document with your performance title and
submit via email to
Performance Title:
What does your performance creatively show the audience? (75 words or less to be used in the Summit
Who are the performers?
What’s your story? (50 words or less about you to be used in the Summit brochure)
What will the audience learn or experience after viewing your performance?
Organized and Sponsored by:
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin * WI Department of Children & Families * WI Coalition Against Sexual Assault