11 sickness policy

Policy 11
Sickness Policy
Appletree Corner aims to promote a healthy environment for all children and staff;
everyone’s co-operation is required in order to achieve this.
If a child becomes unwell at Appletree Corner, the parents/guardians will be
contacted immediately. The best course of action for the welfare of the child will
be discussed and implemented. It is essential that Appletree Corner holds up
to date contact telephone numbers to enable staff to contact the parents during
hours of operation.
Paracetamol or anti-histamine (held at Appletree Corner from physician) can be
administered with parent’s permission to relieve symptoms in an emergency
until parents arrive.
If a child is collected early due to sickness/illness fees are still due.
If you think your child needs paracetamol or equivalent, for whatever reason
(except teething), before coming to Appletree Corner, please do not send your
child in. You may unknowingly be masking symptoms and spreading infection
amongst other children and staff as well as potentially causing unnecessary
distress to your child.
Parents must inform staff of any medication given to their child at home before
attending Appletree Corner. Failure to do so could potentially result in an
Appletree Corner reserves the right to allow the child to receive medical
treatment in the event of an emergency, should the parents/guardians be
Staff sicknesses will be recorded in the sickness register and a ‘return to work’
form completed on return.
Exclusion Procedure for Illness/Communicable Disease applicable to staff and
If a child is absent as a result of unusual circumstances or hospitalisation, requests for
whole or part refunds will be considered upon written application to the Management
Anyone suffering from the following should remain at home either until the exclusion
period has elapsed or the Doctor has certified that the symptoms are clear:
Policy 11
Disease/ Illness
Minimal Exclusion Period
Fever, temperature above 101F or
38 C
May return after 24 hours if
temperature is normal and there are
no other symptoms
No exclusion period but eye drops
must be prescribed by a doctor.
Alternatively, a letter from the Doctor
confirming that the symptoms are not
At least 48 hours from last episode
At least 48 hours from last episode
Gastro-enteritis, food poisoning and
Until authorised by G.P. or hospital.
At least 48 hours form last episode
Until lesions crusted over and healed,
24 hours after commencing treatment
Pediculosis (Lice)
No exclusion but treatment
Ringworm of scalp or body
Seldom necessary to exclude
providing treatment is given
Need not exclude once appropriate
treatment is given
5 days from appearance of rash or
until rash disappears
Infective Hepatitis
7 days from the onset of jaundice
Rubella (German Measles)
6 days from appearance of rash
Scarlet Fever
Child can return 24 hours after
commencing treatment.
Streptococcal infection of the throat
As above
Tuberculosis and Typhoid Fever
Other infectious diseases
Until declared fit by GP
Advice will be sought from the Senior
Medical Officer or the Communicable
Diseases Nurse for the area.
Until completely recovered from
Meningococcal infection
For 5 days from onset.
Policy 11
This policy has been adopted by Appletree Corner
Signed on behalf of the Provision
Emma Cothill
Review Date: Feb 2016
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